The Strongest Tycoon

C276 Reverse

C276 Reverse

0Lin Fan didn't need to explain it in detail to know who was doing this. It had to be those blackmailer who did this today.    


He looked at the video that Qiao Chen clicked on. Sure enough, it was about Wang Hui beating someone up this morning.    


Following that, there was an article that discredited the Dream Angel duo. What was with all the big shots? Intentionally ordering security guards to beat up fans? After beating people up, they were still rude and unreasonable, not giving compensation and so on.    


When the netizens who didn't know the truth saw the video as proof, they felt that this was a real hammer.    


One by one, they left criticisms, and the words they used were also very unfriendly. Even those who restrained themselves were very impolite.    


"What? I thought that the four girls from the Dream Angel were very simple and were different from her celebrities. Who would have thought that they would actually do such a thing to their fans!"    


"Heh, you think you can be so arrogant just because you became famous? I don't even want to think who raised them up."    


"That's right, without the support of our fans, what are they!"    


The world on the Internet was huge. Although many of the onlookers had also posted videos to prove that the Dream Angel was innocent, her influence was limited after all. The scope of her influence could not be spread to the point where everyone knew about her.    


And this video of Black Ye Jia and the others was obviously intentionally hyped up by someone behind the scenes, causing the matter to become sensational. First, it was hyped up, and then it was hyped up by netizens who did not know the truth. Very quickly, it became the headlines.    


Lin Fan quickly browsed and saw that Qiao Chen was waiting for his opinion to be dealt with.    


He said, "Let Gai go and investigate first. Who is behind this? I still have the complete video of that time. You can post it on the Internet later to clarify. "    


" Alright, I'll go look for Gai right now. " Qiao Chen nodded and walked out of the office.    


The reason why they said there was a dark hand behind the scenes was that Lin Fan did not believe that those few b * tches had the power to make the matter known to the entire Internet. It must be someone who had the ability to create hype in the media.    


If he did not find out who the mastermind was, even if he uploaded the complete video to the Internet, the effect would be limited.    


Gai quickly came to Lin Fan's office and handed his investigation report to him.    


"After I checked the IP address of the person who sent the report and the communication records that I later retrieved, it proved that this was a small company called Tongguang Media that was causing trouble behind the scenes. It was those troublemakers who sold the video to them for twenty thousand dollars. That's why these things happened online. "    


Qiao Chen said in surprise, "It's just a small company? How dare they provoke us? And where did they get the power to cause so many waves on the Internet? "    


" It's very normal. In order to create clicks for themselves, some small media outlets often buy celebrities' private affairs and scandal exposure. In addition, celebrities have their own attractiveness to begin with. With just a little bit of control, they can make the headlines. " Lin Fan patted the investigation report in his hand and said.    


"Then what should we do now?" Qiao Chen asked.    


Although she was the current CEO of the company, she had no experience in many things and could not pay attention to them. However, Qiao Chen had her own ability. She also did very well in internal management. It was just that she did not have much experience.    


Furthermore, Lin Fan was not much better than her. He also did not have much experience, but Lin Fan dared to make a move.    


Because he had a lot of money, he could do whatever he wanted.    


"Of course, I will kill this Tongguang Media first, and then clarify the truth. Without this dark hand behind the scenes, the matter will soon be settled."    


"Do you want me to do it? I'm best at dealing with people like him who stir up trouble on the internet." Gai said with a smile.    


"Of course. You have to do it. You can do whatever you want. I don't care about the process. I only care about the result." Lin Fan replied.    




After Gai received the order, he turned around and left the office excitedly. Recently, he had been a little bored and panicked. Lin Fan had not arranged anything for him for a long time.    


With a few million yuan annual salary, he had been idling all day long, making Gai feel uncomfortable all over. Just as he was feeling uncomfortable, in the end, the result was... Someone had delivered himself to his doorstep.    


It didn't take long before Tongguang Media's Weibo, public account, and all the accounts on the major websites were hacked.    


Not only was it out of control, but it also released some of the Tongguang Media's own black material.    


The records of private transactions with paparazzi, deliberately spreading rumors in order to attract people's attention, fabricating evidence against innocent people, and even hiring water troops to suppress their competitors and so on.    


The explosive news kept coming one after another, making the netizens' heads full of question marks.    


What kind of operation was this? Was he blackmailing himself? It was as good as stewing himself in an iron pot!    


Those who saw this news were all furious. Especially the celebrities who had been slandered by the Tongguang Media, and those who had been maliciously attacked by their peers. They all posted a statement on the internet, denouncing the Tongguang Media.    


At this moment, in the Tongguang Media company, the boss was sweating profusely as he directed his subordinates to quickly restore their accounts.    


"Boss, this won't do. This hacker's skills are too strong. I can't take back control of our account at all." The technician was also sweating profusely.    


He couldn't understand why such a powerful hacker would deal with an insignificant company like himself.    


The boss of Tongguang Media was panicking. Wasn't it just some gossip about some small celebrities? It wasn't against the law. Was there a need to be so ruthless? Are you trying to kill me?    


He had been in this industry for so many years, and he knew how to behave appropriately. Those big celebrities who had the ability would never dare to provoke them. The ones who offended them were those who had just made their debut, or those who didn't have a high reputation.    


These people's abilities were ordinary. Even if he were to expose them, they would at most admit that they were unlucky. They would spend money to settle this privately. It was impossible for them to use such a vicious method to take revenge.    


"Boss, we haven't offended anyone important recently, have we?" The subordinate asked in puzzlement.    


"No. It's not that you guys don't know what I'm doing. Even if I had ten guts from backstage, I wouldn't dare to do it! "    


"But I just received a notification from the property management saying that they want to take back our office..."    




Tongguang Media rented an office room in a commercial building. The rent was paid once a year. Why did they take it back so quickly after paying it for less than a year?    


"Boss, we received dozens of lawyer letters in our email. What do you think we should do with them?"    




"[Boss, there's a call from the court saying that a lot of people are complaining about us. The subpoena will be here soon.]"    




The continuous messages stunned the boss of Tongguang Media. He could only say whatever he wanted to say, and nothing else.    



However, there was an even more fatal strike. Another employee ran over. "Boss, there are a few messengers outside saying that you are suspected of slander, malicious competition, and infringement of other people's privacy. They want to bring you back for interrogation!"    


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