Heaven-defying Summoning System

C6 Unable To Withstand Even A Single Blow

C6 Unable To Withstand Even A Single Blow

0"This stupid Young City Lord is so bold to say anything!"    


"I think Master Su is pretty upset right now. I'm worried this Young City Lord won't be so lucky today!"    


"Didn't you say that the beauty standing next to him is really strong?"    


"But regardless of how powerful she is, can't she be as forceful as the Su family's Captain of the Guard. After all, he's a Golden Core stage Level Five warrior!"    


The onlookers felt Su Zhenxuan's wrath, and they couldn't help but discuss it among themselves.    


However, Lin Xiao wasn't the least worried about it. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders airily and asked, "So what do you think, Master Su? Don't you have anything to say? Perhaps admit that I was right?"    


"Sure. You were right."    


Su Zhenxuan's face was marked with loathing as he looked at Lin Xiao grudgingly. He went on, "Even if I admit it, what can you do? The Su family's taxes are in arrears, and it's even more than the amount you've mentioned. So what? What if I don't pay you?"    


"There's nothing I can do about it."    


Lin Xiao's homely face rearranged itself into a grin as he stared back at the overbearing Su Zhenxuan. He continued, "However, according to Beiwu Empire's tax law, if someone declines to settle his taxes, the offender will be imprisoned as a penalty. But once caught guilty of tax evasion, the grave punishment would be confiscation of property. Those who are stubborn can even be sentenced to death. Are you sure you don't want to pay your long-overdued tax?"    


"Will this Young City Lord enforce the law forcibly? There are many expert warriors in the Su family. Can he and that woman take them on if things turn ugly?"    


"We'll never know unless it arrives at that point! I think these two are trying to get themselves killed!"    


"Don't say such nonsense. Don't you know that what this Young City Lord is doing benefits the good people of Jiangxia City? If these filthy rich families refuse to pay taxes, we're the ones who'll suffer!"    


"I get your point! I think the Young City Lord is very daring and brave. He's more fitting to lead the people of Jiangxia City over that current City Lord, Deputy Lu!"    


When the onlookers overheard Lin Xiao's retort, they started debating again.    


Besides a few moneyed men who wanted to watch a good show, there were also a few people who backed Lin Xiao. However, they were all commoners, and all they could offer him was their moral support.    


"What can a Young City Lord do if I refuse to pay? Will he kill me now?"    


Su Zhenxuan's face flashed with outrage as he addressed the people when he heard them chattering. He said unceremoniously, "I can't wait to see if you have the nerve to do it!"    


"I see that you're so headstrong, Master Su. Since you are such a stubborn person, don't blame me if I'm going to be rude to you!"    


Lin Xiao's face paled with anger. He turned to Da Ji and directed, "Seize him!"    


"Yes, master."    


Da Ji gave him a gentle nod. When she looked in Su Zhenxuan's direction, her face seemed to wobble evilly. Every step she took was filled with sinister intention.    


When the Su family's Captain of the Guard saw the black aura that Da Ji's body radiated, his face clouded with uneasiness.    


Her imposing aura made him fearful, but because of his position, he still led his men to defend Su Zhenxuan and stop Da Ji's onslaught.    


Su Zhenxuan positioned himself behind the guards. Since he didn't know what kind of opponent he was facing, he raised his chin slightly and stared at them with repugnance.    


"Wow! He's actually attacking! But the Captain of the Guard is at Level Five of the Golden Core stage. Is that woman capable of defeating him?"    


"She doesn't stand a chance. Lin Xiao is so stupid to think about attacking the Su family. He's got some nerve to go up against them."    


"I hope nothing bad will happen to the Young City Lord!"    


"I agree. The Su family can be so dominating at times. They should be taught a lesson."    


There seemed to be some disagreement between the two sides of society. The rich strongly supported the Su family, whereas the ordinary people stood up for Lin Xiao. But no matter which faction it was, they all felt that Lin Xiao's odds of winning were very low.    


Soon after, there was a loud noise.    




A series of thuds sounded. Da Ji stepped forward and did an expansive gesture with her hands, sending out waves of energy toward the Su family guards.    


The guards in front spurted blood, and their bodies flew back, knocking down those standing along their path.    


As a result, the sound of bones breaking due to the impact was continually heard.    


In a flash, the other guards, except for their leader, dropped to the ground in one fell swoop.    




The onlookers were astounded to see most of them on the ground.    


The wealthy individuals in particular couldn't believe their eyes. Some of these guards were skilled, but compared to Da Ji, the difference in their abilities was like heaven and earth. Even their leader couldn't do something to stop her.    


"Hahaha! It seems that the Su family guards are incompetent. They're no match for my delicate female servant. What a shame!"    


Lin Xiao shook his head lightly and sighed as he looked at the dozen or so figures piled on top of each other.    


Su Zhenxuan darted out dangerous looks from his eyes when he saw Lin Xiao's expression. He gritted his teeth and spat, "Go to hell, you brat!"    


Su Zhenxuan let out a low growl. He leaped quickly to his feet and lunged at Lin Xiao.    


While on air, a terrifying aura radiated from his body, and the surrounding air fluctuated significantly.    




Lin Xiao never thought that Su Zhenxuan had been hiding his real strength after realizing that he was also a Golden Core stage warrior. Perhaps he was even more powerful than the Captain of the Guard!    


No wonder he was acting so cocky the entire time!    


Lin Xiao turned to Da Ji and asked worriedly, "What do you think, Da Ji? Can you defeat him?"    


"Master, you don't have to worry about anything."    


Da Ji grinned delightfully when she heard Lin Xiao's concerned tone.    


As a Golden Core Level Nine warrior, she could easily detect those who had weaker strength than her. Su Zhenxuan was only at Level Seven, and he was no match for her power.    



Da Ji dodged and deflected Su Zhenxuan's attack.    


Seeing how fast Da Ji moved, Su Zhenxuan frowned in discontent. He could now see what she was capable of doing. But he was a warrior at the Golden Core Stage Level Seven and a prominent figure in Jiangxia City, so he couldn't show his distress.    


Even Lin Xiao's father might not be able to beat him!    


Taking this into consideration, Su Zhenxuan's face turned red and blotchy with anger as he said grimly, "Little girl, you're really courting death. Don't condemn me if you end up dead!"    


Afterward, Su Zhenxuan's hands transformed into large claws, and he tore toward Daji.    


His elemental energy moved blazingly with incomparable speed and force. It was like a lightning bolt striking the ground.    


"Stop overestimating yourself!"    


Faced with Su Zhenxuan's attack, Da Ji gave him a sidelong glance of utter disbelief. Her originally charming gaze also grew intense.    


Anybody who wanted to hurt her master would have to go through her first!    


A dazzling bright light condensed on Da Ji's slender hand, and she sneered as she hurled this ball of light toward Su Zhenxuan.    


Even though her movements appeared to be very gentle, it was full of power.    


"How is that ball of light going to arrest Su Zhenxuan?"    


"It was totally unexpected for Su Zhenxuan to have that much strength. Unfortunately, this woman's attack looks weak and harmless. Is that enough to stop Su Zhenxuan's attack?"    


"I'm not sure, but I don't suppose it's sufficient."    


"I feel sorry for the Young City Lord. He's only trying to do something good, yet he ended up in this mess!"    


When they saw Da Ji's gesture, many people closed their eyes out of dread.    


However, Su Zhenxuan, being the man caught in the crossfire, knew that this wasn't the case at all. Da Ji's flimsy ball of light seemed to contain a power that made him cower in fear!    


'What was this woman's cultivation base, and from what origin?'    


Su Zhenxuan thought, but he didn't have time to dwell on it right now. He couldn't even get his body to stop trembling.    


When they clashed with each other, Su Zhenxuan directly spat out a big mouthful of blood. His body flew out like a cannonball until he crashed into the mansion's wall.    


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