Heaven-defying Summoning System

C8 Proposal Of Divorce

C8 Proposal Of Divorce

0Faang Qingxue thought the genuine hero was Lu Yu, but it just happened that Lin Xiao was born into a well-off family. How could he even liken himself to Lu Yu, who was more attractive and skilled compared to him?    


She assumed that her words would definitely make Lin Xiao feel ashamed of himself. But what she didn't expect was that he would just shrug off her theory. Instead, he looked grateful and replied, "I'm so indebted to you! I was worried earlier about how to approach you with talks of our divorce, but since you've brought it up first, then let's go for it and separate now!"    


"What? You want to divorce me?"    


Although Faang Qingxue had been dissatisfied with her espousal to Lin Xiao from the day he turned into a fool, and she had initially intended to end their marriage, she was still a little bitter that Lin Xiao informed her this in public. "Who are you to do this to me?"    


"Didn't you just said that you'd rather choose Lu Yu over me? I'm merely granting your request. Why aren't you pleased with it at all? Miss Faang, did you deliberately said that to get on my nerves and draw my attention?"    


Lin Xiao curled his lips and added reluctantly, "Regardless, I already have Da Ji. She's miles better than you in terms of cultivation and appearance."    


"How dare you insult me!"    


Faang Qingxue felt the heat mount in her cheeks when she heard his words. She swung the horsewhip in her hand toward Lin Xiao without hesitation.    


"Look over there, Young Master! Isn't that Miss Faang?"    


Lu Yu's follower remarked as they passed by the two who were bickering. Lu Yu's eyes automatically flicked in their direction.    


His mouth rippled in what might have been an attempt at a smile. He felt reassured by hearing Faang Qingxue's words just now. He thought that all his efforts in pursuing this naive woman weren't in vain after all.    


Seeing Faang Qingxue's attempt to pounce on Lin Xiao gave Lu Yu even more motivation.    


Although Faang Qingxue's wasn't highly talented, she was still a City Lord's daughter. It meant she had access to all kinds of rare medicinal herbs and cultivation techniques.    


She had already reached Foundation Establishment Level Seven at such a tender age of sixteen. Lin Xiao was definitely out of her league when it came to attacking, and her whip could also cripple him.    


But he never predicted that Lin Xiao would easily snatch Faang Qingxue's whip in a matter of seconds.    


Lin Xiao pulled the whip with all his might, throwing Faang Qingxue off the horse's back.    


"How is this possible?"    


Faang Qingxue landed with a loud thud. She couldn't hide the shock in her eyes and felt a dull pain on her backside because of the impact.    


Although she couldn't be considered an expert even after reaching Foundation Establishment Level Seven, she was still one of the proficient warriors among the younger generation. She supposed that Lin Xiao didn't have any cultivation experience, so it came to her as a surprise when he stopped her whip.    


Lu Yu's eyes widened at this sight.    


He already plotted against Lin Xiao, so he was appalled to see him with such power. The way he just counterattacked showed that his cultivation level was probably even higher than Faang Qingxue's!    


'Could he be...'    


Lu Yu thought fretfully, his mind full of startling theories. He suspected that Lin Xiao might have been playing dumb all this time.    


If that was true, then Lin Xiao was a terrifying person he didn't want to mess with. He didn't know what kind of secret weapons he had been holding up to restrain a subordinate like Da Ji.    


He didn't seem to have any reasons left to let Lin Xiao live.    


When he thought of the letter he sent out a few days ago, Lu Yu was somewhat reassured.    


He had it delivered onto the bandit mountain beyond the outskirts of Jiangxia City.    


Although they were treated as outlaws, they weren't typical criminals, particularly their big boss. His strength had reached the Nascent Infant Level One.    


If his calculations were right, Da Ji was at most at the Golden Core Level Nine. She was definitely not a match for the big boss.    


However, as long as the bandits would voluntarily make a move, then Lin Xiao would definitely die in the big boss' hands.    


After much thought, Lu Yu snapped out of his reverie and walked toward Faang Qingxue. He helped her get up and asked with a distressed expression, "Qingxue, are you okay?"    


"Brother Lu Yu, thank goodness you're here. This fool was harassing me!"    


Faang Qingxue sputtered when she saw him. As she cried openly, her face twisted with anguish, and she asked Lu Yu to avenge her.    


Meanwhile, Lin Xiao felt a tingling sensation in his head. It was apparent that she had hit him first, and he was only defending himself. Since when did he turn into a vindictive person?    


When Lu Yu heard Faang Qingxue's desperate plea, he mulled over for a moment.    


He was having second thoughts about attacking Lin Xiao because he was in the city now. If he charged at him, he felt Lin Yuntian might be disenchanted and vexed by his actions. It could also be detrimental to his future plans.    


Also, judging from Lin Xiao's strike just now, his strength might be above his level. Lu Yu wouldn't have any reservations if he was certain of his victory, but if he failed, then it would instantly increase Lin Xiao's power.    


After much consideration, Lu Yu reached out and wiped Faang Qingxue's tears. He said comfortingly in a soft tone, "Qingxue, don't cry. Lin Xiao had just recuperated from his serious illness and was undoubtedly acting a little awkward around others. I don't think he did it on purpose."    


"Brother Lu Yu..."    


Faang Qingxue's voice trailed off with another strangled sob.    


Lu Yu was upset to see her crying, so he pulled her closer and whispered, "Don't cry, Qingxue. I've already found someone who will deal with him later, so don't worry about a thing."    




Faang Qingxue asked, looking faintly surprised. She immediately stopped crying and focused her gaze on him.    


Lu Yu nodded. He took advantage of the bystanders not paying attention and pinched Faang Qingxue's butt. With a smile, he asked, "When have I ever lied to you?"    


"Brother Lu Yu!"    


An unwelcome blush crept into Faang Qingxue's cheeks as she grinned at him, trying to hide her embarrassment.    


Meantime, Lin Xiao was at a loss for words as he stood nearby and watched Faang Qingxue flirting with Lu Yu.    


Fortunately, he and Faang Qingxue had no emotional commitment to each other. As long as he could effectively end their marriage, he couldn't care less if this woman was dead or alive, or entered another relationship.    


Lin Xiao didn't bother to stand there any longer. He directly turned around and left.    


When he got back to the City Lord's Mansion that night, Lin Xiao's energy value had already amounted to two thousand. He couldn't wait to summon another character.    


"Ding! Congratulations to the host. You have summoned Zhao Yun!"    



The system's mechanical voice soon sounded in his ears, bringing Lin Xiao so much delight.    


Last time, he summoned a beauty. This time, he had invoked the presence of a general.    


'Not bad for a second time!'    


Lin Xiao thought inwardly. Then he asked, "System, where is Zhao Yun now? And please update me on his strength."    


"The host can check the abilities of the summoned characters through the interface. As for where Zhao Yun's location, the host needs to go out and find it,"    


replied the system instantly    


'Damn it!    


I have to search on my own again?    


Is this a game of hide-and-seek?'    


Lin Xiao brooded in his heart and pursed his lips disapprovingly as he clicked on Zhao Yun's attribute panel.    


Character: Zhao Yun    


Strength: Nascent Infant Level Nine    


Loyalty: 1    




"Nascent Infant Level Nine!    


Woah! His strength is simply bursting at the seams!    


He's one major realm above Da Ji, so does this mean he will be fearless in the future?    


But his loyalty is only one point! What the hell? Can it be any lower?" Lin Xiao cursed as he studied Zhao Yun's attributes.    


Seemingly sensing Lin Xiao's thoughts, the system's voice buzzed in his ears. "Once the host finds the character, his loyalty will increase to sixty or more. The rise or drop of the character's loyalty will depend on how he will like or dislike the host. When his loyalty falls below ten, the character may betray the main protagonist!"    


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