Unparalleled Divine Power

C3494 The Night Messenger Is Dead!

C3494 The Night Messenger Is Dead!

0What a terrible power!    


This power was enough to destroy him, enough to kill his Night Envoy.    


How could there be such a terrifying power?    


He, the Night Emissary, was after all a dignified Myriad Thing Envoy who had transcended the reincarnation of the world.    


Even if his Yuan Qi was severely damaged, he shouldn't be killed so easily.    


Even after walking in the absolute darkness for such a long time, he still managed to keep his life. How could he die here?    


But at this moment, this terrifying power was slowly destroying him. It was devouring his body, his life, and his Yuan Qi.    


It caused him to once again slowly approach death.    


He wanted to resist, but the power of the entire Great Thousand World had firmly locked him down. He could not resist at all and could not break free.    


Such a situation had brought him the true meaning of the Night Emissary. He had somewhat underestimated Qin Xiao.    


To be honest, if Qin Xiao didn't rely on the power of the Boundless World, the Night Emissary and the Dark Emissary wouldn't need to be afraid in that one versus two battle. They would still have the ability to fight.    


However, the problem was that they were now in the Boundless World, and the one they were facing was Myriad Thing Envoy, who could borrow the power of the Boundless World.    


Myriad Thing Envoy, who was at his peak, had suffered a great loss to the Night Emissary and the Dark Emissary. Therefore, there was naturally no way for them to fight Qin Xiao.    


They had never thought of such a problem.    


Therefore, the Night Envoy had fallen into such an awkward situation.    


The terrifying Death aura quickly spread over, causing the Night Envoy to be shocked and furious.    


"Darkness Envoy, hurry up and save me."    


The Night Emissary anxiously shouted at the Dark Emissary.    


The dark emissary also wanted to save the night emissary. They were already grasshoppers tied to a rope, a community of fate to begin with.    


If the Night Messenger died, then he wouldn't see a trace of hope. He could only wait for death. There was no other choice.    


Therefore, he naturally did not wish to see the Night Emissary fall. He naturally wanted to save him.    


However, the Dark Emissary was also helpless. He originally wanted to compete with Qin Xiao for the control of the Boundless World, but he didn't expect that he would be restrained by the power of the Boundless World instead.    


At this time, the power of the five fundamental laws and the nine fundamental laws seemed to have transformed into countless ropes, tightly binding the Dark Envoy and locking him down, making it impossible for the Dark Envoy to escape.    


He could only struggle with all his might, the more he resisted, the more he would be bound.    


Under such circumstances, the two of them could only each take their own camps and pray for their own good. There was no way for them to fight together.    


Looking at the current situation, Qin Xiao became more confident and confident.    


He had also thought that today's battle would be very difficult. He had also made all the preparations.    


However, the result gave him a huge surprise. It was indeed something that surprised him.    


He did not expect that things would become so easy after he borrowed the power of the Sector. He could actually control the Night Emissary and the Dark Emissary so easily, which made the two of them unable to resist at all.    


Indeed, he was worthy of being called Myriad Thing Envoy.    


Moreover, the current boundless world had evolved into the most perfect state.    


So, how powerful was the Boundless World right now?    


It was naturally a piece of cake for him to mobilize the power of the Great Thousand World to deal with the two Myriad Thing Envoy. What about the two severely injured Myriad Thing Envoy?    


"Aaaaah! Bastard! How could this be?!"    


The Night Emissary roared endlessly in his heart. This was something he had never thought of, something like this had actually happened.    


What should he do now?    


What should he do now?    


Could it be that they have worked hard for an era, endured for an era, and set up a great plan for an era, and are about to fail on the verge of success?    


They were unwilling, they were too unwilling.    


It wasn't easy for them to find a path that could lead them to the Eternal Land, but they failed at the last moment?    


How could this be?    


No, no, no - -    


He couldn't die, he definitely couldn't die.    


However, at this moment, with his strength alone, there was no way for him to resist.    


Therefore, an idea came to the Night Emissary's mind. He immediately said to Qin Xiao, "Emissary Qin Xiao, please show mercy. Don't kill us."    


"We can share the fruits of our labor and search for the Land of Never."    


"With the strength of the three of us, if we get the reward of reincarnation, we will have a great chance to find the Eternal Land."    


"Emissary Qin Xiao, you are now Myriad Thing Envoy. There is no value in staying in this world anymore."    


"As Myriad Thing Envoy, Eternal Land is the ultimate goal."    


"All the plans and efforts of the Dark Envoy and I are all for the sake of finding the Eternal Land."    


"Below Myriad Thing Envoy, the other living beings are merely ants. They are merely passers-by in the cycle of reincarnation."    


"The Heavenly Tao has the cycle of reincarnation, and all living things have the cycle of reincarnation. Life and death are just that."    


"There is no meaning in transcending the cycle of reincarnation."    


"Envoy Qin Xiao, why do you have to miss all of this?"    


"You may still be alive for a very short period of time. You won't be able to realize this problem."    


"When you live longer, you will know that everything is just a floating cloud. Only the Land of Eternal is our only pursuit."    


The Night Emissary showed weakness. He begged for mercy, but the Dark Emissary did not hesitate and immediately followed.    


"That's right, Qin Xiao emissary. We are both Myriad Thing Envoy now, there is no need for us to fight like this. Let's fight to the death."    


"Why don't we cooperate wholeheartedly and search for Eternal Land together? Wouldn't it be better if we can achieve our ultimate goal?"    


"We admit defeat in this battle. The power of darkness, we will destroy it all by ourselves. Your righteous side has won the battle. The ninth era of the boundless universe can continue."    


Admit defeat?    


Hmph hmph!    


Qin Xiao sneered and said, "Do I need you all to admit defeat now?"    


"Do you all think that admitting defeat now has any meaning to me?"    


"I have full confidence in winning. I don't need you to admit defeat."    


"Your Dark Force has already declared your defeat. As for the people of the Dark Force, I will naturally deal with them myself. So, I won't have to trouble you all."    


"At this point, you still want to bewitch me and make me work with you? You want me to disregard the world? Do you think that's possible? "    


"Your ultimate goal is the Eternal Land, but this is not my ultimate goal."    


"My ultimate goal is to restore the prosperity and peace of the world. Let this era continue to be prosperous and stable."    


" As for me, I will always protect this era, protect the world, and allow our Great Thousand World Office to forever shine in the myriad dimensions. "    


"As for the Eternal Land, I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in it at all."    




He rejected it so directly?    


He had no interest in the Eternal Land?    


This, this, this -    


The Night Emissary and the Dark Emissary were dumbfounded. This was simply an iron plate. What should they do?    


The Night Envoy said once again: "Qin Xiao, do you have to kill us?"    


"We don't have any grudges. We only fought on different sides. There was no right or wrong."    


"Now that we've admitted defeat, do you still want to kill us?"    


"Emissary Qin Xiao, can you really not give us a chance? We can leave this world immediately and never step into it again."    


"Or rather, if you have any requests, we will try our best to fulfill them."    


"But in fact, I think you should follow us to find the Eternal Land."    


"You, Myriad Thing Envoy, will be incomparably lonely and lonely in this boundless world."    


"If you reject us now and even kill us, you won't be able to find the Eternal Land in the future. You won't have any helpers and direction to go."    


"After all, the dark emissary and I have been walking in the absolute darkness for many eras and countless years."    


"As for the absolute darkness world, it is still relatively familiar. Knowing a lot of things, I can give you a guide"    


"With the three of us working together, our chances of survival will be higher, and the chance of finding the Eternal Land will be greater."    


"So, you, Qin Xiao, really don't need to think about it carefully, do you?"    


"If we miss this opportunity, we might really never have it again."    


No matter what the Night Emissary said, Qin Xiao obviously wouldn't waver in the slightest.    


Qin Xiao still firmly refused, "Humph, you all slaughtered the endless lives of my world. You have destroyed my home, killed my family and friends, killed my master, and killed my beloved daughter."    


"And now, you still dare to say that there are no grudges or grudges between us? And you're telling me not to kill you?"    


"Different standpoints are not all explanations. In the end, it still lies in your hearts."    


"Let you leave the Sectors? Hehe, I'm afraid that you will also bring disaster to other worlds, right?"    


"Your crimes cannot be forgiven. Only death can atone for your crimes."    


"No matter how well you say it, I will not budge in the slightest."    


"Eternal Land is not attractive to me at all."    


"Even if I change my mind in the future, it will still be a matter of the future. Will I regret that I won't think about anything in the future? I only know what I have to do now, and I won't regret it. "    


"Right now, killing all of you is something that I must do. No one can make me change my mind."    


"You don't have to waste your breath. It won't work on me."    


What - -    



Kill them?    


How ruthless was this envoy Qin Xiao?    


It seemed like he really couldn't escape death today.    


The emissary's heart had not reached the bottom of the valley. Why did such a great situation become like this?    


Why did it become like this step by step?    


He really couldn't understand. He really didn't understand. Why?    


But now, he was so powerless. He couldn't resist at all, let alone change anything.    


At this moment, he could only watch helplessly as his life force was rapidly being drained away.    


He could only watch helplessly as he was getting closer and closer to death.    


Step by step, it was impossible to reverse the situation. There was no possibility at all.    


Was he going to die?    


Hmph hmph, my Night Emissary has lived for more than a dozen eras, countless years, I have long seen through everything.    


The only thing I can't let go of is the deepest obsession in my heart.    


Eternal Land, where are you?    


Is this ultimate goal destined to be an impossible dream?    


I can't accept this! Unwilling to die just like that, unwilling to die without accomplishing the ultimate goal in his heart, the ultimate dream.    


"Hahaha, my Night Emissary is truly lamentable."    


"Hahaha, i, the Night Envoy, am wise and wise. I have lived for more than a dozen eras in my life, but in the end, I actually fell at the most critical moment! I fell into the hands of a young brat! "    


"Pitiful, regrettable."    


"Goodbye, ultimate goal."    


"[Goodbye, this world - - -]"    


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