Supreme Martial God





The half collapsed Netherworld Great Temple suddenly came crashing down. With a rumbling sound, dust and debris filled the air.    


Among the disciples that were working hard, there were some that were injured. The situation instantly became chaotic.    


"Senior Brother, go take a look." Lin Yue frowned slightly and said to Gao Xuan in a low voice.    


Gao Xuan nodded, he walked over and shouted from afar: "Don't panic, the injured disciples come over, let me take a look."    


This kind of scene was quite common in other places as well. Most of the pavilions and pavilions were decomposed by the corpse Qi, and they were abnormally loose. Any slight vibration would cause them to collapse.    


Lin Yue thought for a while, then ordered the few experts of the inner sect behind him to spread out and prepare for an emergency.    


After making all the arrangements, Lin Yue followed a small path to the east.    


The path was desolate, and in the frost of early winter, it was even more dilapidated. At the end of the path, a thatched cottage appeared.    


This was the place where he and Ning Taiheng lived together. About a hundred meters away, the Dragon Suppressing Pagoda was ancient and solemn, and it brimmed with an ancient aura.    


He walked into the thatched cottage. It was completely empty inside, and Ning Taiheng's figure of playing chess was no longer there. The chess board was placed on top of the bed, and the chess pieces were scattered on it.    


His own bed was on the other side, next to the window pane. However, he rarely slept here, and usually spent his time cultivating in the bamboo forest.    


After standing in the room for a while, Lin Yue walked out of the house again.    


Jin Chan followed beside Lin Yue, looking all around, she was very curious about her surroundings. Suddenly, her eyes flickered, and a small gap appeared between her brows, releasing a red light. Jin Chan turned her head, and looked at the black tower, her fingers scratching her chin, she wondered.    


Seeing that her brother was in a daze, seemingly immersed in the past, she didn't disturb him, and directly walked toward Dragon Suppressing Pagoda.    


The closer she got to the Dragon Suppressing Pagoda, the brighter the eye between her brows became. The red light became faintly discernible as it shot out thin red lines.    


Soon enough, Jin Chan arrived in front of the tower. She circled around it before stopping. Her small face was filled with hesitation.    


She blinked and continuously swallowed her saliva, staring at the Dragon Suppressing Pagoda with sparkling eyes, and muttered softly: "The aura inside is really enticing …"    


However, this seductive atmosphere made her feel an indescribable resistance. She was naturally sensitive to danger and had a sense of potential.    


"Gu gu!"    


Jin Chan had not eaten for two days, her stomach had already started growling. She rubbed her stomach with her eyes shining, looked at her Dragon Suppressing Pagoda, then turned back to look at her brother who was still standing there. She licked her lips, gritted her teeth, and finally had the upper hand over her appetite.    


She went around to the back of the Dragon Suppressing Pagoda and raised her little fist, smashing down with a bang.    


The Dragon Suppressing Pagoda was crafted from Darkness Profound Stones, and its hardness had reached the level of a third grade Dharma treasure. With the support of a powerful spirit formation, even after more than a thousand years, it was still incomparably strong.    


This caused Jin Chan to become extremely angry, her demonic qi surged, and a dense black light gathered on her fist as she angrily smashed down once again.    


From within the Dragon Suppressing Pagoda, a low growl suddenly sounded out. This growl was exceptionally weak, but that sound was extremely real.    


"Heilisoo …"    


Jin Chan raised her little head, and suddenly discovered that halfway up the Dragon Suppressing Pagoda, there was a golden colored snake head peeking out.    


The snake-like object was drenched all over. Its eyes were half-opened and half-closed, making it look very ugly.    


Jin Chan's nose twitched, and her eyes revealed joy. She cheered and jumped high into the air, extending her small hand and grabbing onto the snake like object in her hands.    


It was a five or six inch long creature, with a snake-like head, but it wasn't a snake. It had a thin, short beard under its chin, and a tiny horn on its head. Behind it, there were mottled patterns on its back, as if it were a scale that hadn't grown yet.    


It was held in Jin Chan's hands, and perhaps because it sensed danger, it raised its head forcefully, opened its mouth and let out a sound.    


"Yin ~"    


It roared at the top of its lungs. This sound was not loud, but it carried within it an ancient and unadorned power, as if a mountain had been toppled over!    


Her heavy voice struck straight at Jin Chan's soul. As she was caught off guard, she instantly fainted and her eyes quickly turned a deep red, as the Devil Qi around her violently surged, forming an intense shield of energy. Her entire body was protected by the Devil Qi, which was why she was not knocked unconscious.    


"Yin ~"    


This snake like thing once again let out a sound filled with immense pressure, Jin Chan was so scared that she threw it on the ground, her hands covered her ears, and fearfully retreated backwards.    


In front of the thatched cottage, when Lin Yue heard the commotion, his entire body instantly shook violently, and a wave of alarm rose up as he exclaimed, "Chan!"    


When Jin Chan saw that his brother had arrived, he immediately hid behind him and pointed at the terrifying little creature on the ground.    


Lin Yue looked in the direction where Jin Chan's finger pointed. Looking at the crawling golden organism on the ground, he asked with a puzzled expression, "Chan, where did you get it from?"    


Jin Chan pointed to the black tower and said, "It came out from here."    


Lin Yue was shocked, he looked carefully at the five inch long creature that was not even six inches long, its expression slowly changed, its expression became solemn, and its Qi also started boiling!    


Under the Dragon Suppressing Pagoda, the devil dragon was suppressed!    


This was a mysterious legend that only the previous Master knew about after the establishment of the Netherworld Sect. However, this secret had been passed down for thousands of years and had gradually been forgotten.    


Ning Taiheng was tricked by Ling Yunzi into guarding this place for three hundred years. During these three hundred years, he had not seen any signs of the dragon race.    


This was an illusory legend, Ling Yunzi didn't even want Ning Taiheng to catch a Demon Dragon.    


However, the snake-like creature that appeared in front of Lin Yue right now was the Dragon Clan from the Ancient Desolation Era!    


It was obvious that this was a newly born dragon. It was still in its infancy and lacked the ability to attack.    


Lin Yue took a deep breath. He had never thought that he would actually be able to see the real Dragon clan!    


The powerful existences of the ancient times, during the era of Devil Clan, could call the wind and summon the rain.    


After struggling free from Jin Chan's grasp, the little dragon that fell to the ground felt no threat and attempted to crawl on the ground.    


Lin Yue slowly squatted down and watched its actions. His eyes flickered as an uncontrollable joy surged up his spine!    



This was indeed the dragon race!    


Beneath its body, were tiny feet, and its claws emitted a pale green light. When the dragon claw moved, it could easily scratch hard rocks on the ground, and even sharp scratches, were enough to shock Lin Yue!    


Looking back at the Dragon Suppressing Pagoda, even he, might not be able to break through the darkness profound stone that was as sturdy as King Kong, but this little dragon could come out from inside. Although it was young, the toughness of its claws and the tyrannical strength of its body were evident.    


Jin Chan frowned, looking at the little guy crawling about, she kept licking her little tongue, greedily asking, "Brother, is it delicious?"    


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