The Strongest Skill System

C189 I Have a Dream

C189 I Have a Dream

0They took a shower, washed off the smell of alcohol, and went to class together.    


At this time, in the "Dragon's Palace", the version of the web novel and the martial arts world was once again slaughtered by the city demon and the《 Heaven Breaking Battle》.    


Everyone started guessing about the subscription to Heaven Breaker.    


However, no matter how much they guessed, it didn't exceed a hundred thousand.    


This was because a one hundred thousand subscription, to them, was an astronomical number.    


In the past, no one had been able to do it, but now, no one could.    


"Where's the big devil? 9 hours have already passed. It's time for him to drop the subscription."    


"I feel like if 'Battling the Skies' can be subscribed to the top of the world with 50,000 points."    


Most people held a jealous attitude towards Heaven Breaker.    


Ye Mo took advantage of the gap between classes to take a look at the stickers and comments on his phone and felt that a lot of people's words were hilarious.    


There was actually someone who dropped the subscription details for his book, and even a screenshot.    


When Ye Mo looked down, he actually wanted to use the popularity of his book to promote his own book.    


There were even some authors of other websites who imitated their own titles, calling it "Fighting with the Sky".    


These people were truly shameless to the extreme.    


However, Ye Mo didn't care about these lackeys, as long as it wasn't plagiarism.    


He took a screenshot of the subscription in the background and posted it on "The web novel and the martial arts world" on his phone.    


"Let me report to everyone on the 11 hours' subscription."    


Other than the picture, Ye Mo didn't say anything else.    


As soon as the post was posted, people began clicking on it and the first comment appeared.    


"5... 530 thousand orders? May I ask who else is there? "    


"The big boss has appeared! Everyone, quickly catch him! Don't let him escape!"    


"666, it's so scary, my one year subscription is less than zero."    


In less than half an hour, Ye Mo's post had quickly become popular. The comments later reached 10 pages and were still increasing.    


From this, it could be seen how much attention everyone paid to the《 Heaven Breaker》.    


After that, Ye Mo did not pay any more attention to these posts and comments.    


"System, I've already completed the mission of 500 thousand, how many points can I get?"    


"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission perfectly and obtaining 10 points.    


Congratulations to the host for successfully advancing to the Grandmaster Realm. You can receive all of the famous and unfamous works of literature on that Parallel World.    


Ding! The next task is to publish literary works which will attract the attention of 100 million people worldwide.    


"Will the host accept it?"    


to publish a literary work, and to get a hundred million people's attention...    




He had to believe that he was already a grandmaster level author.    




Ye Mo chose to accept it because he had already decided where to start.    


At this moment, Hou Lei stretched out his hand and handed it over to Ye Mo, "Look, this guy really isn't letting you go!"    


Ye Mo took the phone and found that it was an article called "Huamin Daily" written by Guo Ming.    


The main idea is that web writers can only transmit negative energy, and have a strong tendency to burst.    


Most do not lead the reader's ideas on the right track.    


A group like this should be banned.    


Especially the author of "Breaking the Sky", cousins can actually fall in love, and also describe a minor kissing.    


Should be listed as a forbidden book, should never let the author publish any article with crooked thoughts and comments!    


He scolded with vigor.    


Ye Mo had always laughed off these kinds of things. What Guo Ming said was the weakness of online literature, so there was nothing wrong with it.    


"He has become a rep for the traditional writers. He is just a puppet."    


Even if Ye Mo didn't want to care about it, Hou Lei still wanted to fight for him: "I think you should protest now. It's too unfair for these conceited people to scold others just because they think that their works are profound."    


Both Chang Bowen and Shi Feiyang expressed support for Liu's words.    


Ye Mo just smiled and said: "Since he said that what I wrote had no idea and was just dregs, then I will prove him wrong."    


"How do you want to prove it?" The three brothers looked over curiously.    


Ye Mo didn't tell them right away, but smiled: "You guys will know soon enough."    


After finishing today's lesson, Ye Mo asked the system: "Help me find Parallel World s, expose the infamous books that reveal the human nature and influence the whole world."    



'Searching … ' "100 years of loneliness, I have a dream, and so on!"    


"Send it to me for a look."    


Then, the system will search for these famous books or articles that are very profound, and they will all be displayed in Ye Mo's mind.    


After Ye Mo read all of these, he felt that they were completely unthinkable.    


"So it turns out that there were actually so many profound works in the Parallel World. On the other hand, in the world I live in, even though great ideas and works have been produced before, there are very few works that have penetrated deep into human nature.    


People now live in peaceful times, but there is a lot of human nature that is twisted and outwardly unrecognizable, and when it comes to one's own situation, regardless of how small it is, the first thing people think of is to push the blame onto someone else and pull themselves out of the event.    


His ugly humanity was exposed without a doubt.    


If we want to change these things, we can only make people think about how to unite and how to dare to do so! "    


After analyzing the current situation, Ye Mo decided to publish "I Have a Dream" first, in which he talked about the original wishes of those who were subjected to racial discrimination.    


In an era where everyone seems to advocate equality, people prefer to wrap themselves in the splendor of their appearance rather than pay attention to the real issue of discrimination.    


For example, America.    


They discriminated against blacks as much as they did in the presidential election to "distinguish between black and white" for more votes.    


Small to some so-called white actually in the heart of the dark people in front of their own door wrote "black people and dogs are not allowed to enter."    


Although the 21st century had passed and legislation had erased the idea of such an overt blackmail, the perception of the people had not changed.    


The America was known as the world's most democratic and free country. Black people made up almost a fifth of the population, but until now, not a single black person had ever become president.    


Clearly, in the minds of the voting authorities, they could not accept a black-skinned man as their white man's president.    


The discrimination of these people was nothing. The most important thing was that the people who were discriminated against would not care about it. The weaker people would risk their lives to eliminate the discrimination, but the effect would be minimal.    


As for those who were powerful, for the sake of their so-called selfishness, they would not fight for the freedom of their fellow countrymen who lived in suffering.    


This increased their degree of oppression.    


Until today, everyone felt that this was a very normal phenomenon, and it was very natural.    


This kind of silence and compromise was in itself a major distortion of human nature.    


The numbness of thought is awakened only by reading.    


Sitting in front of the computer, Ye Mo copied "I Have a Dream" onto the document. This was a speech, so Ye Mo wouldn't copy it completely.    


However, he could edit it into an article along the lines described above.    


The thoughts of a writer at the Grandmaster level could help him to make this article even more profound.    


About an hour later, Ye Mo finally finished his essay. He named it "My Dream of Freedom".    


He found the submit mailbox of Huamin Daily on the internet and sent the document over under the pseudonym "Mo Ye".    


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