My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C693 Eerie

C693 Eerie

0Mo Lin laughed strangely, "After reading the news online this morning, we already guessed that we might need to investigate the information, so we have already prepared some tools. However, Mr. Pluto, I'm very sorry, I'm not good at field investigations myself, so I can only send our team's expert, Fenny, over. "    


"No matter who comes, bring along what needs to be brought along." Yang Chen muttered to himself for a moment, and then said, "Also, go and check for me. Vice Chairman Lee Minghee from Yulei International, I need to know his background. If it's difficult, report it to ZERO and let them be responsible. Within a day, I need to know the results! "    


"Yes sir!"    


Yang Chen didn't have to wait long before he saw Fenny, the team member, from the entrance of Yu Lei Building. It was the petite white girl from the Sea Hawk Team of the twelve people.    


Wearing a pair of light-colored pink framed sunglasses, Fenny carried a large leather bag, inside which were tools used to survey the scene. Seeing Yang Chen, after nodding in respect, she seemed a little nervous and lowered her head, asking, "Sir Pluto, can you tell me the detailed monitoring situation of the company before exploring the scene?"    


As Yang Chen led Fenny upstairs in the elevator, he said, "The Minister's office doesn't have any surveillance equipment. The security room was on duty twenty-four hours a day. If someone were to sneak into the office and steal the information, they would be able to see the person entering the office. But because the safe was not opened every day, it was only today that the information about the theft had been made public on the Internet. Therefore, anyone who enters the office in the recent days is a suspect. "    


Fenny listened obediently, nodding from time to time.    


He walked all the way out of the elevator and entered the PR Department. Yang Chen couldn't help but smile and said, "Fenny, why do you look so timid? Am I very scary?"    


Fenny shook her head and smiled awkwardly, "No, Mr. Pluto. It's just that this is the first time I'm with you alone. I'm a little nervous, afraid that I won't do well …"    


Yang Chen patted the female member of the team on the shoulder, "You only need to help me confirm one thing, and that is whether it is possible for someone to crack the password in the safe, or whether it has been tampered with. As for the rest, I'll take care of it. "    


"Yes, I understand. I know what to do."    


While they were talking, the two of them had arrived at Liu Mingyu's office. The PR Department was also quite chaotic, and the deputy minister that was temporarily in charge of Liu Mingyu was a relatively older female PR Department. Seeing that Yang Chen had brought someone to check, they didn't dare to say anything, so they hurriedly helped Yang Chen unlock Liu Mingyu's room.    


The group of PR ladies looked curiously at Yang Chen and Fenny, their faces full of questions. They couldn't imagine that this petite foreign woman could be an expert in gathering evidence and breaking codes.    


Because the whole company was busy, no one cared about what Yang Chen and his partner were doing. After Yang Chen closed the door, he let Fenny start working.    


Fenny took out a very thin, silver laptop from her large bag. After taking out a bunch of connections and equipment, she sat down beside the large safe in her office and began to analyze it.    


Although Yang Chen had a huge amount of knowledge stored in his brain, it didn't mean that he could truly understand everything. He memorized most of it in a filling manner.    


Therefore, when a bunch of complicated numbers and English code appeared on Fenny's computer screen, Yang Chen could only stare blankly.    


Seeing that Fenny's analysis required a certain amount of time, Yang Chen didn't want to wait any longer. He told Fenny to stay by herself while he ran downstairs to the security department and had the security guards call up the surveillance footage for the past two weeks.    


What Yang Chen needed to confirm was who had entered Liu Mingyu's office in recent days.    


After more than an hour, Yang Chen watched the video recording for two weeks at a rapid pace. As expected, Lee Minghee had entered the office four times for big clients and internal staff!    


What made Yang Chen feel weird was that when Lee Minghee entered Liu Mingyu's office in the afternoon of the day before yesterday, she was obviously not in the office. Liu Mingyu returned to the office about five minutes later!    


Then, after ten minutes, Lee Minghee left the office.    


However, Yang Chen found something weird — with so much information, Lee Minghee didn't even take out a bag, and his clothes weren't bulky at all, how could he take them out even if he got them!?    


Yang Chen thought for a while, then looked at the time and got up to return to Liu Mingyu's office.    


When she entered the office, Fenny seemed to have finished her work. She wiped off the sweat on her forehead, turned around and smiled at Yang Chen, "Sir Pluto, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. The complexity of this lock is not inferior to some of the safes in some big international banks. I can't believe it's actually a safe used in a company."    


Yang Chen raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean?"    


Fenny talked about her field of expertise with a smile on her face, and said excitedly, "This kind of lock is a multi-dial free-form lock produced by the famous European company Casa. It was to set the password according to the user's preference. Each dial constitutes a combination of numbers. And this safe, the dial on the lock had a scale of zero to ninety-nine, meaning that each ring had a hundred possibilities.    


And this is a standard safe, so the combination of numbers is usually four, or a hundred to four, equivalent to a hundred million possible combination locks...    


"If you want to crack this lock, the fastest way is to use a computer to connect to the unlock device. Under the condition that you can freely change the password lock, turn the dial counterclockwise, mark and record the numbers that are not easy to turn, and create a table to deduce the combination of passwords …"    


"Stop, stop, stop!" Yang Chen quickly interrupted Fenny's explanation. He was a little embarrassed as he said, "I know you are very professional, but I just want to know, if you are an expert at breaking codes, how long would it take you to unlock it?"    


Fenny thought for a while and said, "If it's the world's most advanced unlocking expert, it could take about an hour, but I think there's no more than five people like that in the world. In fact, I think even if it's just for a whole day, ordinary unlocking people wouldn't be able to unlock this lock."    


Yang Chen narrowed his eyes, "That is to say, if you unlock it without knowing the password, you can almost eliminate the possibility of that."    


"Yes, that's right, Sir Pluto," Fenny stood up and said.    


After Yang Chen confirmed this, he started to look around the office carefully. He did not miss any of the details, from top to bottom, and his gaze swept across every corner.    


Seeing Yang Chen do this, Fenny asked, "Sir Pluto, are you searching for traces of the pocket monitor?"    


"That's right. If the password must be opened, then we can only install surveillance equipment here and secretly watch the process." Yang Chen said.    


Fenny smiled bitterly. "I'm sorry, but I've actually already seen this office before when the computer was analyzing the password. If I'm not wrong, there aren't any signs of surveillance equipment being installed here …"    


"What!?" Yang Chen was shocked. This really made him stunned. Actually, he was confident earlier that there would be some surveillance equipment installed here, just like when Elder Tang was surrounded by surveillance cameras. But he didn't expect that this wasn't the case!    


Yang Chen did not think that Fenny had said that out of the blue. Since the members of Hai Ying were sent here, they must be top professionals. If Fenny said no, then there must not be any left.    


Yang Chen frowned. Things were not looking good. As a result, there were no clues at all, not to mention evidence to help Liu Mingyu.    


"I'm sorry, sir, but I don't seem to be able to help." Fenny lowered her head in shame.    


Yang Chen smiled with relief, "It's alright, you have already done your best. I will go investigate something else now. You go back and tell Mo Lin to do it faster."    


Fenny immediately agreed and left with her tools.    


Yang Chen was thinking about what he should do next. Unexpectedly, his phone started to vibrate. He took a look and saw that it was Liu Qingshan!    


Yang Chen's face turned long. At this moment, he knew that his precious daughter had been caught and he was really embarrassed. He had to bite the bullet and said, "I know you are angry, but I …"    


"Don't talk nonsense, I don't want to listen to your explanation. I entrusted my daughter to you, not to be bullied by Lin Ruoxi. Yang Chen, if you're a man, then immediately bring Yu out of the police station. If you don't have that kind of ability, then don't be so thick-skinned to find so many women!" Liu Qingshan cursed out loud. The underworld boss was mad that his daughter was captured.    


Yang Chen felt a burst of unhappiness in his heart. He was depressed, but there was nothing he could do. He was not the same person from back then who was unhappy and directly killed people. He could only say to Liu Qingshan, "Brat, you brought Mingyu out from the police station. Could he make her pay for the grievances she had suffered? The more chaotic the situation, the more he fell for the prisoner's trick. "Uncle, if you want Mingyu to continue to be wronged, I'll blow up the police station and bring your daughter out. Is that useful?"    


Liu Qingshan was also angry. Listening to Yang Chen's peaceful tone, he forcefully suppressed his anger and said, "Then I will give you one day at most. If you can't give Yuqing, then you don't need to go. I will personally lead people there!"    


Yang Chen was also a bit annoyed and said, "Don't worry, I won't let Mingyu stay inside for long. If anything happens, I will tear down the police station even without you saying anything."    


"I hope your words count …"    


Without waiting for Liu Qingshan to finish speaking, Yang Chen directly hung up the phone. How could he have the time to grind his teeth and scratch his scalp? Yang Chen began to ponder. Just what kind of details did he miss? Why did everything seem so weird!? All the evidence clearly showed that there was something wrong with Lee Minghee, but how did he do it? What evidence could he possibly have to capture?    



Suddenly, a spark flashed in Yang Chen's mind. He quickly picked up the phone and dialed Lin Ruoxi's number.    


Even though the two of them had just finished quarreling, Lin Ruoxi still picked up the phone. With a cold tone, she asked, "Have you found out what's going on?"    


Yang Chen didn't waste any time, and asked, "I want to know, what was the initial and final completion times for the stolen data, and how many backups for all the data?"    


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