My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C666 Headline News

C666 Headline News

0The next morning, in the Cai Family's backyard.    


Yang Chen yawned and walked out of Cai Yan's room while doing breast enlargement exercises.    


After sending Hui Lin home last night, he had originally planned to come here and have a good time with Cai Yan. After all, he hadn't seen her for quite some time, and he couldn't help but think about her supple and plump body. Unexpectedly, Cai Yan went to sleep with Cai Ning.    


Since it was too embarrassing to share the same room with the two sisters the first time he came to Cai Family, he decided that he might as well spend the night alone.    


When he came to the living room, the servants had already prepared breakfast, and Cai Yuncheng and Jiang Shan were already eating.    


Seeing that Yang Chen had come out, Jiang Shan smiled happily and said, "Yang Chen, hurry up and eat. Why are you up so early? Why don't you take some rest?"    


Yang Chen was not used to this mother-in-law's change in attitude, so he awkwardly smiled, "Auntie, I should have accompanied you more, but I still have some urgent matters to take care of at Zhong Hai's side, in two days I'll be going back. After dinner, I'll have to go."    


"So impatient?" Jiang Shan said rather regretfully, and then said, "That's right. A young man like you must have a lot of work to do. I understand."    


Cai Yuncheng mumbled to himself, "A career... Other than a woman, there's no other career..."    


Jiang Shan slapped her husband on the shoulder and snickered, "What are you talking about!?" "Is there anyone who would talk about their own son-in-law like that?"    


Cai Yuncheng blew his beard and glared, but he didn't have the slightest temper.    


Jiang Shan was not in the mood to continue eating breakfast. She pondered for a while and said, "Yang Chen, you and your mother are both staying in Zhong Hai, then wouldn't that Mr. Elder Yang be very lonely in Yanjing? As far as I know, General Yang Pojun and your brother Yang Lieh don't usually go home. Why don't I visit him more often? Maybe I can get Ning to visit them often? Yanyan will also be returning to Zhong Hai in a few days, but it's fine for Ning to stay in Yanjing. "    


"Alright, why are you thinking about all these things?" Cai Yuncheng felt embarrassed.    


Yang Chen smiled without denying anything and didn't want to explain anything to Jiang Shan.    


Right at that moment, Cai Ning and Cai Yan walked out together. Cai Ning was slightly better, but Cai Yan's gaze towards Yang Chen was filled with the crafty pleasure of revenge.    


"Did you sleep last night?" Cai Yan hugged Yang Chen's neck from behind and asked with a bright smile.    


Yang Chen knew that Cai Yan purposely let him get away empty-handed. He smiled bitterly, "Is there really a need for that? I left abruptly because I had something important to do last night. Furthermore, you can escape for a while, but can you escape for all eternity? "    


"Who told you to leave so early in the night? Don't you know there are people who are worried? Bad people," Cai Yan pinched Yang Chen's face from behind and pouted.    


Jiang Shan quickly stopped her, "Yanyan, what are you doing? Why are you pinching Yang Chen's face so early in the morning?"    


"Mom, why are you helping him?" Cai Yan asked in dissatisfaction.    


"Is there a girl like you? You should be more gentle and learn more from your sister. It's all thanks to Yang Chen wanting you to, otherwise I really wouldn't know which family you should marry." Jiang Shan lectured, vexed.    


Gentle? Hearing Jiang Shan's words, Yang Chen couldn't help but look towards Cai Ning, who was sitting beside him …    


After sitting down, Cai Ning ate her porridge gracefully without saying a word. However, under the table, one of Cai Ning's shoes stepped on Yang Chen's toes …    


His breakfast was filled with bitterness and tears. These two sisters were like ice and fire in a double world. In short, they were not on good terms with each other.    


After bidding farewell with a dejected look on his face, Yang Chen immediately rushed over to Yu Lei Entertainment Branch. Yesterday, he had an appointment to meet with the team sent from Europe this morning.    


Although these people were people that he had asked Ron to search for and serve Hui Lin and didn't have any direct contact with him, it would still be unhumane if he just left them alone.    


However, the moment he arrived at the main building of the entertainment company, Yang Chen found out that entering was not an easy task …    


There were numerous reporters and cameras surrounding the area. There were even quite a number of television stations' vans at the scene as if they wanted to broadcast some important headlines.    


Yang Chen's heart was pounding. Could it be that the news of him killing someone here a while ago was spread out by someone? That's not right, the media shouldn't dare to go head to head with the country over this. That means the security agency was suppressing the news, so there must be other problems.    


Still confused, Yang Chen got out of the car, pulled out his phone and dialed Zhuang Feng's number.    


Once the call connected, without waiting for Yang Chen to ask about the situation, Zhuang Feng immediately replied: "Chief Director Yang! I was just about to call you, it's crazy! "    


"You're panicking again, why are you panicking? Tell me more carefully," Yang Chen said depressingly.    


Zhuang Feng suppressed his emotions and said, "Chief Director Yang, a bus just arrived from the outside and a group of foreign friends came to our company. They said that they were invited by you to wait for you, but they did not expect that the moment they arrived, all the radio reporters would come! I had just realized that it was the work of a master like Daniella, Marcus, and Rodriguez! "Chief Director Yang, you're too amazing. Why did you invite them all here?"    


Master? What master? Yang Chen thought for a moment, then slapped his forehead and came to a realization. It seemed that Ron understood his order too well, helping Hui Lin to invite a group of world-class work teams!    


Suddenly, a reporter brought the photographer to a spot not far behind Yang Chen. Facing the camera, he started to broadcast the news.    


"..." Attention all, late last night, a seemingly ordinary international flight landed at Yanjing International Airport. What was unbelievable was that among this group of foreign friends who had arrived in Yanjing, more than a dozen famous international figures of the master level had appeared at the same time!    


The German makeup master Daniela, the French costume master Benjamin, the famous stage lighting designer Sean Steve, and the popular music and television director Marcus Kevin in Europe and the United States in recent years, and more than a dozen other masters, had all reached Yanjing in the same class!    


Just this morning, these irresistible masters entered the Yanjing Entertainment Branch of our country's famous multinational group Yulei International. "According to the reporter's investigation of the recent situation, it is very possible that the arrival of these Masters is related to Yu Lei Entertainment's upcoming super rookie, Lin Hui …"    


Yang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He didn't know if this sudden development was good or bad, but it was obvious that Hui Lin's reputation was going to go up in smoke.    


Although the outside of the building was full of reporters, it was still very easy for Yang Chen to get in. The security guard told him that he recognized Yang Chen, so he didn't stop him.    


When Yang Chen entered the company in the elevator, Zhuang Feng and the others were already waiting at the elevator door. When they saw Yang Chen, they immediately went up and said excitedly: "Director, the masters are waiting for you in the conference room. Go quickly."    


A group of branch managers were brimming with starlight, as if they had already seen the bright future. They were extremely excited.    


For artists, fame was an absolute advantage. Hui Lin had already accumulated a lot of popularity before she had even truly become an artist. First, it was because she was sought after by Christine and Liu Yanxi when they were judges, and now, with the help of so many international masters combined with Hui Lin's own talent and singing, it would be difficult for her not to become famous throughout the world!    


Yang Chen didn't think too much and walked leisurely into the meeting room. He saw a bunch of foreigners with different hair and different colors sitting and waiting, and Laura, whom he met last night, was also sitting there. However, her identity was already considered low among this group of people and she seemed to be afraid.    


Everyone saw Yang Chen and stood up at the same time. They bowed to Yang Chen excitedly. A few of them were already old and looked at the age of Yang Chen's grandpa as if they saw an idol. They were so excited that their eyes were a little red.    


Hui Lin had also sat down at the conference table, but she did not know any foreign languages. This was the first time she had seen so many foreigners. Before Yang Chen came, she was a bit awkward.    


Zhuang Feng and the rest stood outside the meeting room, not daring to even breathe.    


A staff member asked quietly, "Vice President Zhuang, are we dreaming? I've only seen these masters in magazines before. Basically, I've never seen them in China before."    


"It's just like the characters in the legends... Master Daniella is said to be dressing for the Royal Princess, while Director Marcus is filming for the Heavenly Queen Christine. If one of these people appears, it would probably be worth tens of millions in invitation fees. "    


"Don't talk! "Listen!" After Zhuang Feng stopped these people, the crowd listened attentively.    


At this time, Yang Chen had already indicated for everyone to sit down. He smiled and said in English, "Although I know that you are all from different countries, but for convenience, I will speak in English. But after today, I hope that everyone will have time to learn Chinese. After all, in the next few years, everyone will probably have to work in China. "    



Seeing that there were no objections from the crowd, Yang Chen smiled evilly and asked, "Ron and Catherine misunderstood my original intentions. My idea is to send an elite team to China to help my sister Miss Lin Hui become a qualified star in the show. However, they did not expect them to invite everyone here. But since everyone is here, you should be mentally prepared, right? "    


Everyone immediately nodded and rushed to express their sincerity.    


"Sir, it is an honor to serve you in my lifetime." Daniella smiled and said, "Your image is much more amiable and gentle than we imagined. Thank you for giving us this opportunity."    


Yang Chen laughed, "What? Do you think that my image is a cruel demon that needs to be slapped before your eyes?"    


"No, sir, you must not misunderstand. All of us present here have been able to achieve this much thanks to your protection. Our family, our company, they were all under your great protection, and we are willing to spend the rest of our lives to thank you for your selfless help. "    


Yang Chen waved his hand. "No need to be so serious. To be honest, even I don't know what I've helped you with." I think, you owe me a favor, but that old man Ron took my money to make some investments for you, or Soren and the rest of them brought my soldiers to settle some trouble for you. I don't care about these things. "    


"Although you won't remember us in your broad chest, we will always remember your kindness," the lanky faced director Marcus said humbly.    


Yang Chen reached out his hand to pull Hui Lin up from the chair, making the girl stand beside him, and said to the crowd: "I don't need everyone's ability personally, but my wife's sister and I are planning to enter the entertainment industry now. She is about to release her record and will also hold a concert.    


"You people here, there are musicians, producers, dance editors, music TV directors, lawyers, brokers, and so on. I hope that from today onwards, you will do your best to help this Miss Lin. Consider this as your gratitude."    


Although Hui Lin didn't really understand what Yang Chen said, she still smiled bashfully and waved at everyone.    


Everyone immediately greeted him in a friendly manner, expressing their enthusiasm for the job.    


Yang Chen continued, "I don't like to owe others. I know that many of you are influential figures in this world. Making you come to China for the sake of a girl and paving the way for her is a bit of a waste.    


"Therefore, I promise you all, as long as you all work for Miss Lin, I will protect you all for the rest of your lives, your families, businesses, and so on."    


When everyone heard this, they excitedly thanked him again and again. They were like children who had eaten honey. They didn't look like people who should have been successful.    


Zhuang Feng and the rest who were outside the door were confused. They didn't understand what Yang Chen was talking about.    


However, Daniella and the others were very clear that as long as this lord offered the word "protection", he would be able to obtain a black and white pass in Europe and the United States! Anyone who wanted to touch the security forces of the country would have to think twice about it, much less underworld organizations like the Mafia.    


Yang Chen and the rest quieted down. He sneered and said, "Everyone seems to be very happy. Although I don't want to disturb your good mood, I have to say in advance. If I were to know that some of you have not done your duty and because of your own identity, some of you look down on my sister and are proud and domineering at work … I'm sure you don't want to know what the consequences will be. "    


As soon as these words were spoken, a chill went down everyone's spine. Their previous happiness was gone, replaced by a sense of fear and trepidation.    


Seeing the situation, Yang Chen felt that it was about time, so he gently smiled and said: "Okay, let's not talk about other things. The last thing I want to say is, everyone's living and clothing, I will contract all the funds. Although I know you don't lack money, but we are a formal company, hiring you won't be any less than the salary allowance."    


"Rest assured, sir, that we will do everything in our power," Daniella and the others agreed.    


Yang Chen wanted to let Hui Lin get more familiar with them, but his phone suddenly vibrated.    


Yang Chen wondered if Tang Wan had not seen him for more than a day and wanted to look for him, but when he picked up the phone, he found that it was an unfamiliar number.    


Almost every time he called someone he didn't know, it was always a bad thing, but Yang Chen could only pick up the phone.    


"To whom?" Yang Chen asked.    


The voice on the other end of the phone sounded a bit familiar. It was the voice of a middle-aged man. "Yang Chen, do you remember me?"    


Yang Chen thought back and vaguely remembered the voice. He asked hesitantly, "Prime Minister Ning?"    


"That's right, it's me. I heard that you're in Yanjing. I want to meet you sometime. I was going to ask my secretary to call me, but I think it was good faith to do it myself. "Well, can we meet?" Ning Guangyao chuckled and suddenly asked.    


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