My Wife is a Beautiful CEO

C275 Old Enemy

C275 Old Enemy

0In the depths of an unknown forest, a few figures shrouded in cloaks that were shaped like black capes were moving eastward with extreme speed, like ghosts that didn't even touch the ground.    


"If we continue forward another 13 miles, we will reach China's coastline. The submarine will be there, and when we arrive, Anxin will be there."    


A leader shrouded in a black robe said in low English.    


"Ackamon D, this plan is much easier to carry out than expected. I feel a little uneasy." Another man said with a deep voice.    


"No matter what, we have the 'Holy Grail'. What we need to do now is to send him back to the Elders Guild." The man called Ackamon D said.    


The other leading man said with a strange laugh, "Mobius, your old habit of worrying about something is back. Don't you think that it's more exciting to see some people blocking our way? I heard Lilith came this time, I really miss that little girl who can smell her sweet blood from a mile away. "    


"Charlie, don't let your guard down, if Lilith still wants to cut off your other hand." Ackamon D grunted.    


Charlie, who was under the black cloak, snorted coldly and did not say anything else.    


The three of them led a total of nine men in black cloaks behind them, maintaining a terrifying speed, like a black tornado that swept through the forest.    


However, after walking forward for more than a mile, Ackamon D, who was leading them, suddenly stopped.    


"Be careful!"    


After the reminder, about a hundred meters in front of him, three high brightness incandescent lights suddenly lit up in the dense and dark forest.    


The three lights were covered by a cross shaped lampshade. The outer shell of the lampshade was shining with a metallic silver color.    


The intense light directly illuminated the dark forest as though it was daytime. The 12 men in black cloaks seemed to be exposed under the spotlight, with nowhere to hide!    


At this time, the twelve men's cloaks began to display a complex pattern of gold and gold that originally couldn't be seen. It was similar to some totems, but irregular and hard to find.    


"Damnit, it's Silver Radiant of the cross, a lackey of the Church!" Mobius growled angrily.    


"Don't act blindly without thinking, we are taking the initiative now, the key is to find a chance to send out the Holy Grail," Ackamon D said solemnly.    


Dozens of silhouettes gradually emerged from behind the three lights. Due to the backlighting, the faces of these people were a bit gloomy, but these twelve men in black cloaks could not be hidden by the light. They immediately recognized a few familiar faces.    


Charlie chuckled, "Ackamon D, is that old fellow from the Vatican going all out this time? I'm not seeing things, am I? The powerful Red Crusader Army's Captain Gabriel, how come he's still far from us?"    


A tall and sturdy man wearing the heavy armor of a medieval European Royal Knight walked to the front with heavy steps. His beard was unshaven, his face was square, and his curly chestnut hair fluttered lightly in the night wind. There were no emotions in his grey eyes. Instead, an ancient aura was emanating from his every move.    


The man reached behind him and took out a gigantic one-handed sword. The sword seemed to be an ancient item with a red gemstone branded on its hilt.    


A white cloth fell from the sword, revealing a huge rusted sword blade. The entire thing gave off a decaying yet unyielding aura.    


Gabriel looked at the 12 black shadows in front of him calmly and spoke in Italian with a little ambiguity: "Ackamon D, hand over our Holy Grail."    


"Gabriel, you are still as arrogant and conceited as before. Do you think that we will easily hand over the thing in our hands?" Ackamon D sneered under his cloak.    


"You filthy monsters, do you really think that you can get the protection of the Lord just because you stole the Holy Grail?"    


A slightly younger voice sounded out, and a tall Western man with a pale face stepped forward. He wore a set of chainmail and held a thin, single-handed sword in his hand.    


"Little guy, it seems like you don't have the right to speak here." Ackamon D said in disdain.    


The young man scoffed, "Big Bat, open your eyes and look carefully. I am Arthur Downs, the youngest genius Templar Warrior of the Church. After tonight, you will tremble at the sound of my name."    


"Hahahaha, Gabriel, your Church's fresh blood seems to be getting worse and worse." Ackamon D laughed.    


Gabriel was silent, but Arthur seemed to have received a great humiliation. Just as he was about to move forward, he was blocked by another middle-aged man who walked forward.    


That man's face was thin and thin, his figure was slightly tall and his hair was jet-black. He shook his head at Arthur and said, "Don't be provoked by Ackamon D, he's provoking you."    


"I know, but I'm not afraid of him at all!" Arthur snorted and did not venture any further.    


Ackamon D said, "Sir Thomas, long time no see. Is this young guy your disciple? When did your Temple Knight Regiment set the threshold? "    


Thomas said indifferently, "Marquis Ackamon D, hand over the Holy Grail. You have no chance of winning tonight. Captain Gabriel, I, along with Arthur and the twenty Holy Knights of the Holy Guard behind us. Relying on you three elders and the nine servants, you are simply no match for us. "    


Ackamon D sneered, "Of course I know you guys. We've been fighting for more than ten centuries. However, I would like to know where the other ten or so people behind you are from? They don't seem to be people of the Holy Church. "    


Mobius unhappily said: "Ackamon D, do you even need to guess? To make the Church declare war on us in such a grand manner, only the people from the Chinese Iron Brigade can do it!"    


"We are not your friends." A young man walked forward as he spoke in English, "I am the leader of Chinese Iron Brigade's second group, Yong Ye. According to the orders from above, I will cooperate with the Holy See to snipe at you heretic invaders and take back your Holy Grail."    


Yong Ye looked quite pleased with himself. Behind him, the members of Dragon 2 Group also followed.    


At the same time, Cai Ning walked up from behind. Behind her was a line of fully armed Flood Dragon Special Forces.    


"Mind your own business, Chinese Iron Brigade, don't you know that interfering with the matters of the Church and Dark Council, has exceeded your limits of authority!?" Charlie said.    


Yong Ye disdainfully said, "Our Chinese Iron Brigade only recognizes the existence of the Church. You heretics should have been sent to the gallows long ago. You filthy monsters that ingest human blood. If you weren't in Europe, you would have been killed by us a long time ago."    


Cai Ning frowned and said to Yong Ye, "Don't say too much. We are just here to help."    


Yong Ye smiled warmly at Cai Ning and immediately shut his mouth.    


At this moment, Gabriel didn't seem to have any more patience. That two-foot long, three-centimeter thick, one-handed sword suddenly stabbed into the ground, "Ackamon D, fight, flee, hurry up and make a decision. If you continue hesitating, I'll make the first move."    


"Gabriel, don't you think that outsiders shouldn't interfere in our matters? You guys actually made an alliance with the Chinese Iron Brigade. Ackamon D said with a hint of regret.    


"These matters have nothing to do with me. I am the commander of the Red Crusaders. We, the Crusaders, only obey the orders of the Pope. I am only responsible for fighting."    


"Since you think so, then there's nothing more to say. Old friend, we haven't fought for many years, I hope your body isn't rusted like your greatsword." After Ackamon D said that, the figure wrapped in a cloak suddenly flew out!    


A man with a face as lifeless as white paper, tall and thin, wearing an ancient cut suit penetrated the tranquility of the night like a black bolt of lightning!    


Ackamon D's right fingernail instantly spread five dark rainbows. His fingernails quickly extended one centimeter longer. The path that he swung in the dark night tore through the air, producing a sharp piercing sound!    




Gabriel grunted. He pulled the sword out of the ground and used the back of the sword to hit it!    



It seemed like a simple slap, but it sealed all sorts of angles. In a situation where speed wasn't allowed, it trickily forced Ackamon D to forcibly endure it!    




Ackamon D extended his crimson claws fearlessly. A red flame flashed across his eyes as he clashed with the rusted greatsword!    


"Holy Cross Light!"    


Ackamon D roared. A ball of milky white light appeared on the back of his sword. A cross star symbol suddenly enlarged and turned into a ball of light that enveloped Ackamon D!    




A drop of blood oozed out from Ackamon D's fingertip and formed a ball of green flame in the air. It clashed with the cross halo and issued a "twice" sound of corrosion.    


After the exchange between Ackamon D and Gabriel, he retreated more than ten meters back. With an inaudible voice, he said to Mobius and the others who were behind him, "Leave quickly and in a roundabout way. Let's take advantage of the fact that the enemy hasn't surrounded us yet!"    


Mobius and Charlie also knew that they could not break out of this fight. They did not care whether Ackamon D was in danger or not. They moved quickly, trying to escape to the shore from the other side of the forest.    


"Don't even think about escaping. Do you think we're just there for show?"    


The Templar Knight Arthur wielded his sword with one hand and with two smooth steps, he moved in front of Mobius and the others. A holy blade of light appeared on the blade of the sword, bringing with it a myriad of complicated sword shadows, which headed straight for Mobius!    


"Little guy, don't look down on others!"    


Mobius was annoyed. Apparently, the young Arthur made him very uncomfortable. Raising his hand that was hidden under the cloak, a longsword condensed from the unique blood magic of Blood Clan appeared out of nowhere. The longsword that carried the blood light smashed into the blob of sword image, completely shattering Arthur's attack!    


The blood sword gave a strange burst in the air, the strong air current forced Arthur to retreat a few steps!    


"You want to stop me, Mobius, now? You think too little of the Great Clan Elder!"    


However, just as Mobius thought that they were blocking the way and was leading the crowd away, dozens of cold stars suddenly appeared in front of them!    


"Get out of the way!"    


The powerful speed of the Blood Clan had saved them, but one of the blood servants did not manage to dodge in time and was struck by a few cold stars that were shooting towards them!    


"Aooo …"    


With a desperate shout, that Blood Clan was immediately burned under the cape, and it painfully fell to the ground and rolled around.    


"Is it a silver needle, a Chinese concealed weapon!?" Charlie speculated indignantly at the sight of the irrevocable servant.    


Cai Ning, who had changed into a skin-tight combat suit, stood up from the darkness ahead. There was no trace of joy or worry on her cold face. She was also holding a delicate needle weapon in one hand.    


"Twenty-seven round after round of Pear Blossom Rain Needles. Although they were not activated purely by machinery, against all of you, this might be enough." The woman who had once again returned to the state of Hua Yu, one of the Eight Parts, answered Charlie's question.    


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