All My Skills Are Picked Up

C630 Egg Man

C630 Egg Man

0"Sigh. When I was in the capital city, I really thought that all the spectral cultivators and Devil Cultivator in this world were like rats, hiding and not daring to show their faces. Who would have thought that in this Northwest Land, they would run amok like this! "    


Fatty Zhang grinned and said.    


His words reminded Lo Tian a little.    


Frowning, Lo Tian said, "There are so many times in Martial Tower when it comes to exterminating evil. Don't tell me you haven't come to Northwest Land yet? "    


"It's impossible that they didn't come. I'm afraid they haven't been able to achieve anything."    


Fatty Zhang was puzzled as well.    


Lo Tian touched his chin and said, "Something is not right. Something is very wrong. Wait a minute, I will contact Heavenly Master. "    


After saying that, Lo Tian took out his communication spar and contacted Heavenly Master.    


A moment later, Heavenly Master's voice came from within the communication spar.    


"Brat Luo, are you still alive? How's the Northwest Land?"    


Heavenly Master's Holy Deacon's tone clearly carried a hint of ridicule.    


Lo Tian immediately began to cry like the heavens and the earth, "Aiya, my god. It was too unfair, there was nothing in the Northwest Land. There was nothing in the Martial Tower, neither were there any deacons. All of them were Demonic Cultivator. Ghost cultivators, Devil Cultivator. The Demonic Cultivator here was almost a country of its own. The Devil Cultivator and the ghost cultivators were in a mess with the messy Forsaken Clan. This is too much of a scam..."    




Heavenly Master let out a faint 'oh' as if he was not surprised.    


Lo Tian heard it and felt something was wrong. He said, "Old Heavenly Master, I feel like you are not important."    


Heavenly Master's Holy Deacon said calmly, "I know all the things you have said. There was no problem. If it was not a serious problem, why would he send a mighty figure like you to the northwest to serve as chief inspector? The Martial Tower is very optimistic about you reviving the prestige of the Martial Tower in the northwest. "    


"Wait, just Fatty and I, what kind of prestige is reviving? You're talking nonsense! No, no. I'll report this. The northwest side is about to be thrown into chaos. Hurry up and send a few thousand experts to clean up this side. Kill, kill, kill!"    


Heavenly Master's Holy Deacon slowly said," A few thousand deacons? You are talking nonsense. Let me tell you, there is not a single one. In the northwest, before you did, General Zhou had full authority to handle it. If you have any questions, you can look for General Zhou!"    


" General Zhou, which General Zhou? "    


Heavenly Master said, "Of course it is the commander of the Northwest border defense army, Zhou Jie! With him around, the Northwest will not be thrown into chaos. Do you need me to give you his contact details? "    


"Yes, of course!"    


Lo Tian nodded his head repeatedly.    


Heavenly Master said, "Alright, I will go to Martial Tower tomorrow to help you with the communication. In the future, you can contact General Zhou Jie through Martial Tower. You guys work together and deal with the northwest. It's been more than ten years. Why haven't you dealt with all these terrible things in the Northwest?"    


Heavenly Master seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with General Zhou. Lo Tian only asked repeatedly, "Why didn't you tell me this before you came?"    


Heavenly Master quickly replied, "I forgot. That's it!"    


After the communication spar was hung up, Lo Tian angrily raised his eyebrows and said, "Old bastard, you screwed me over."    


Fatty Zhang smiled and said, "Mr Lo, don't be angry. He is deliberately messing with us. But now it was good. What the old man said was right. Then it's not like we don't have any allies in Northwest Land. The commanders of the northwest border army are all our men. Then, to deal with the Devil Cultivator and Demonic Cultivator... Still no problem. "    


"Tsk, we haven't seen them yet. Whether he's reliable or not, it's hard to say."    


Lo Tian silently muttered the name of Zhou Jie, thinking in his heart. In the future, he really had to find a chance to meet this north-western border defense army commander.    


According to the division of powers, there were hundreds of thousands of troops in their hands, and there were many huge Martial Qi Cannons. The Zhou Jie of the Divine Arms Crossbow and Siege Chariot should be the boss of the Northwest Border. But now, the Devil Cultivator, the spectral cultivators, and the Demonic Cultivator were all moving in an undercurrent. The frontal battle and the covert sneak attacks were endless. However, the Northwest border guards did not seem to care.    


In the end, they did not care. They did not want to care.    


It was hard to tell if there were any problems. In any case, it depended on what Heavenly Master meant. In fact, having a periodic boundary in the northwest was more than enough.    


For someone like him, it was purely because he was sent to the northwest to suffer.    


Kacha, kacha!    


All of a sudden, cracking sounds could be heard.    


Fatty Zhang immediately cried out in shock, "It broke, it broke! Mr Lo, it's done! "    


The two of them immediately looked over and saw that the egg suddenly broke, and then a black thing fell out.    


With just one look, they could tell that it wasn't something edible.    


Lo Tian and Fatty Zhang immediately took out their weapons.    


"What the hell?"    


"Bishui, don't think I'm afraid of you!"    


As Lo Tian spoke, he was about to activate the Incarnation Spell.    


Then he saw the little black thing walk out of the fire. It showed a smile and opened its arms to Lo Tian.    




As it said that, the little guy staggered forward and hugged Lo Tian's calf.    


At this moment, Fatty Zhang and Lo Tian clearly saw that this little thing was simply a small Bishui. He had horns on his head and scales on his body. He spoke in a childish voice.    


Lo Tian was stunned. Fatty Zhang said in a low voice, "Mr Lo, this little thing sounds very unique."    


Lo Tian tried to reach out his hand and grabbed the small Bishui.    


Lo Tian looked left and right. He used his mind power to check again. Lo Tian said with a strange look, "His mind is in chaos. It seems that he was shocked by me."    


Fatty Zhang said, "Is it really Bishui? No wonder people said that the four great Demonic Cultivators had an immortal body. It seems like they can be resurrected after they die! "    


" En, but this time around, I guess I screwed up. Reviving is reviving, but people become stupid."    



Lo Tian looked at Little Bishui and tried to take out something to let Bishui eat it.    


No matter what he took out, Little Bishui would take it and eat it all.    


After eating it, Little Bishui could be seen with the naked eye that he had become bigger.    


Lo Tian carefully examined it again and said, "It can really be restored to its original state. This ability is amazing!"    


As he said, Lo Tian patted his White Bone Ring and said, "Skull, come out and take a look. Investigate what's going on with this guy. "    




The skull immediately appeared and started to circle around Little Bishui. It took out a pile of things and probed Little Bishui. However, Bishui did not seem to like the skull. He still extended his arms to Lo Tian.    




Fatty Zhang looked at him from the side and said, "Mr Lo, it seems like he treats you as his father."    


Lo Tian held his forehead and said, "Another kid. Who should I give this to?"    


Fatty Zhang frowned and said, "Why not return the Demonic Cultivator?"    


Lo Tian glanced at him, making Fatty Zhang's hair stand on end.    


Suddenly, Fatty Zhang said repeatedly, "I was just joking. Mr Lo, you have the final say. "    


Lo Tian seemed to have thought of something. After thinking for a while, he said, "Maybe you are right. Forget it, let me think about it. Fatty, if he changes back to his original form, those Demonic Cultivators will still recognize him as the boss."    


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