All My Skills Are Picked Up

C628 Revive

C628 Revive

0The last strike, if it doesn't succeed, then die!    


If this strike still couldn't kill Bishui, Lo Tian would have decided to run away.    


The sword qi whistled out and rushed into Bishui's body. The violent sword qi swept through Bishui's internal organs. At the same time, his mental energy exploded continuously and rushed into Bishui's body.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


After a series of explosions, Bishui seemed to have lost all his strength to struggle.    


Zhan Yuan and the others who were charging turned their heads and looked over, even though they did not know who this guy covered in flames was.    


But without a doubt, they all hoped that Lo Tian could really kill Bishui!    




Sword Qi exploded from Bishui's body.    


The spreading sword energy scraped away a few meters of the surrounding soil, and the flying dust turned into a rain of mud.    


The light in Bishui's eyes finally dimmed. His life force could be seen with the naked eye, and it quickly faded away.    


"Finally... I killed him!"    


Lo Tian was also tired, and he was gasping for breath. Although this was an unfair battle, Lo Tian could still feel Bishui's strong body. It was much stronger than ordinary Level 1 deacon, and even special grade deacons.    


In comparison, the Demonic Cultivator he had seen before was his younger brother!    


Bishui finally stopped moving. When Zhan Yuan saw this, he immediately started shouting.    


"Bishui is dead, the four great Demonic Cultivators are dead!"    


"Kill! Kill all the Demonic Cultivator!"    


"Bishui is dead, the Demonic Cultivator must die!"    


As the shouts rang out, the morale of the Forsaken Clan's warriors immediately soared. The ones who were completely opposite of them were the Demonic Cultivator. Seeing that Bishui had stopped moving, the leaders of the Demonic Cultivator, who were originally not united, began to shout in panic.    


"Retreat, retreat!"    


"Children, retreat!"    


"[I'm not fighting anymore, I'm not fighting anymore!]"    


As they shouted, the Demonic Cultivator commanders led their subordinates and retreated. Not long after, the battlefield was filled with corpses.    


"We won!"    


"We really won!"    


" The Demonic Cultivator are scared, hahahaha! "    


Zhan Yuan laughed wildly, then strode towards Lo Tian. He naturally wanted to get to know this "fiery man" who had turned the tide.    


However, how could Lo Tian give him the chance to see his real body? First, he swept away all the huge light spheres around him. Then, Lo Tian leapt up and flew away.    




Before Zhan Yuan could finish his words, he saw Lo Tian disappear into the distance. He really wanted to chase after ___, but he did not have much strength.    


"Who is it?"    


Zhan Yuan furrowed his brows. Before this, he had never thought that there would be such an expert in Green Mountain City. For a moment, Zhan Yuan felt a trace of fear. There was such a person who had been hiding in Green Mountain City and staring at him. If this person had ulterior motives, ___ was afraid that he wouldn't be able to escape death. It seemed like he had to be more careful.    


Lo Tian rushed to a place where no one was around. After making sure that Zhan Yuan and the others did not catch up, he immediately changed his posture. He once again became the "Boss Luo."    


As he slowly walked back, Lo Tian's expression did not look too good. He could not help but increase his pace.    


Everyone thought that Bishui should have died, including the Demonic Cultivator.    


However, when Lo Tian glanced at the things he had picked up, he immediately realized that the most important thing was missing.    


Treasure chest!    


No matter if it was a martial artist or a Demonic Beast, they would always leave behind a treasure chest!    


Without this treasure chest, it proved that Bishui was most likely still alive. If he was still alive after fighting to this extent, wouldn't that be a bit too strong?    


Lo Tian quickly returned, but it was still a little late.    


Zhan Yuan and the others could be seen laughing loudly as they started to transport Bishui's corpse into the city. Obviously, Zhan Yuan and the others had already regarded Bishui's corpse as the best spoils of war. They even planned to bring ___'s corpse back to the city and show off.    


Lo Tian looked at the scene from afar, and his brows were almost knitted together.    


At this time, the communication spar lit up again. Fatty Zhang's voice sounded, "Mr Lo, it's settled. I saw that big guy fall. Hahaha, what should I do on my side? What should I do with this Dragon Slaying Crossbow? Should we take it away now?"    


Lo Tian said slowly," Don't worry. I'm afraid the matter isn't over yet. Aim at Bishui's corpse for me. This guy might still be alive."    


"He's still alive?"    


Fatty Zhang's fat trembled when he heard that. He looked at Bishui, who was being dragged into the city, and couldn't help but swallow his saliva.    




Four hours later, the situation didn't seem to have changed much.    


Bishui's corpse was dragged into the city, and it immediately caused countless people to cheer. No one had ever seen such a large Demonic Cultivator!    


This was the second time Bishui's body shrunk after the transformation, and it was enough to make the people praise him.    


"It's huge! It's really big!"    



"Yeah, I saw it. It's so big down there!"    


"Aiyo, what are you guys looking at? Aren't you ashamed? I'm also looking. Wow, it's too big!"    


"His second aunt, you think so too, right?"    


After a circle, Bishui's corpse was finally thrown to the place where Martial Tower was originally located. He directly leaned against the ruins of the Martial Tower.    


Zhan Yuan and the others enjoyed the cheers of the crowd and did not forget the proper business. They quickly went to find someone to repair the city wall and check the casualties at the same time.    


Actually, there was no need to count at all. There were really not many martial artists who could survive this battle. Most of the soldiers of Green Mountain City were buried under the city walls. Including the captains that the Devil Cultivator had trained and the commanders of the soldiers. Almost all of them were killed. The only ones who were still alive were these experts from the Forsaken Clan.    


This battle could be said to be a huge blow to their vitality. There was no need for another four great Demonic Cultivator. In fact, those retreating Demonic Cultivators outside would once again cooperate and charge forward. It was estimated that Zhan Yuan and the others would not be able to withstand it.    


Under such circumstances, Lo Tian once again received news from Senior Sister Qiuling.    


A child passed by him and stuffed the note into his hand.    


There were only four words on the note.    


"The time has come!"    


Lo Tian took a look at the paper and wrote, "Do it!"    


Lo Tian returned the note to the child, and his eyes lit up. He could roughly guess what Senior Sister Qiuling was going to do. But now, he did not think it was the time to lay the cards on the table.    


Standing on the roof, Lo Tian stared straight at Bishui's corpse.    


He wanted to see what was going on with this Bishui who hadn't died yet. His body had clearly started to stiffen, and his life force was completely gone. No matter how he looked at it, he was dead. However, he didn't want to lose the treasure chest!    


Lo Tian didn't believe that there was a problem with the system. He was more willing to believe that Bishui was playing tricks on him.    


He just stood there and watched how Bishui would perform the "resurrection."    


Fatty Zhang was also not far away. He was squatting on a tall building, controlling the Dragon Slaying Crossbow and aiming it at Bishui's head.    


The two of them waited for a few more hours.    


The next day, when the sky was slightly bright, Lo Tian finally saw some movement from Bishui's corpse.    


He opened his mouth slightly, and then a living creature seemed to slowly flow from his abdomen to his mouth.    


"It's coming!"    


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