All My Skills Are Picked Up

C624 Hiding

C624 Hiding

0A day later, martial law began in Green Mountain City, recruiting soldiers. The warehouse was opened, and the city walls were reinforced. It looked like a great war was about to break out.    


Two days later, the experts of Zhan family and the Forsaken Clan arrived and moved into Green Mountain City. The walls outside the city were clear, and the city was filled with killing intent.    


Five days later, news of scouts came from the outside world. The Demonic Cultivator army had already gathered, and they were now heading towards the Green Mountain City. There were more than five thousand of them, and the one leading them was one of the four great Demonic Cultivators. Bishui! Zhan Yuan and the others were especially nervous when they heard the news. The four great Demonic Cultivators had arrived. This proved that the Holy Lord was truly furious. They immediately sent out one of the strongest combat strength under their command. Judging from their formation, they were planning to wipe out the entire Green Mountain City. If Zhan Yuan and the others had known about this earlier, they probably would not have chosen to guard the Green Mountain City. But it was too late to say anything now! A great war was unavoidable.    


Seven days later, outside the Green Mountain City, they could see groups of Demonic Cultivators. Bishui, who was as huge as a mountain, also appeared in front of everyone.    


The Demonic Cultivator began to surround the city. The wind and rain were coming!    


Somewhere in the Green Mountain City, Lo Tian was hiding in a dark alley. An old woman sneakily walked into the alley. When she saw Lo Tian, she threw out a small bag, and the old woman quickly left.    


Lo Tian took the bag and grabbed it. A record spar fell into his hand.    


In a flash, Lo Tian left the place and moved through the streets like a ghost. Not long after, Lo Tian returned to the dungeon.    


This place was where Lo Tian had settled down recently!    


"Mr Lo!"    


Fatty Zhang called out to Lo Tian in a low voice.    


Lo Tian strode into the depths of the prison. When the guards inside saw Lo Tian return, they all bowed respectfully.    


"Mr Lo is back!"    


"Hello, Mr Lo!"    


"Mr Lo, I have prepared dinner for you. Have some."    


The prison guards were all very respectful. The reason was very simple. Lo Tian had displayed his strength to the guards on the first day he came in.    


And the fact that this broken prison couldn't trap him. If these guards wanted to be loyal to their duty, they would have to die in Lo Tian's hands. If they turned a blind eye, then everyone would be safe. Lo Tian did not really plan to escape. On the contrary, he knew very well that in this prison... To him and Fatty Zhang, this was a 'safe house'.    


Inside the prison, there were tables, chairs, bed covers and food. There was no lack of fruits. The floor was clean and tidy, and crystal stones were shining on it. No matter how you looked at it, it looked like a nice hotel room, not some stinky dungeon.    


Lo Tian waved his hand at the prison guards, and these people tactfully walked to the side.    


Lo Tian took out the record spar and injected it into the warrior qi. Instantly, the sound from inside rang out.    


"Latest information. Fulong is very dissatisfied with Green Mountain City's plan to fight face to face. He had already sent someone to question the Zhan family. The Demonic Cultivator gathered outside the city was divided into five factions. They were the people brought by the five branch leaders. The five Demonic Cultivators leaders were unconvinced. They only obeyed Bishui's orders. If they could think of a way to kill Bishui, the Demonic Cultivator army would immediately fall into chaos."    


Lo Tian listened carefully and nodded his head.    


Fatty Zhang, who was beside him, said softly, "This is Sister Qiuling's voice, right? Sister Qiuling has found quite a lot of things."    


"Shut up! Listen, speak less. "    


Lo Tian interrupted Fatty Zhang and continued listening to the voice inside the record spar.    


"We haven't found the location of the Holy Lord yet. All the information showed that in order to find the Holy Lord, they had to pass through an unknown town. Whatever the Demonic Cultivator wants to report, it will enter the town. There were some Devil Cultivators and ghost cultivators who wanted to seek refuge with the Holy Lord. It was only after entering the nameless town that they were able to transform. However, what was inside the nameless town was still a mystery to this day. A while ago, a Level 2 deacon, Zhao Yixian, had disappeared in Nameless Town. In the past few days, Lei Jian also disappeared from Nameless Town."    


Lo Tian rolled his eyes when he heard this. In his opinion, what Lei Jian did was just one word, stupid!    


No matter how he looked at it, the nameless town looked like the lair of the Holy Lord. He had barged in alone, he was simply stupid to the extreme.    


Fatty Zhang said in a low voice, "I don't want to hear about something silly like Lei. I just want to know about the situation in Green Mountain City. Mr Lo, do you think this war will completely destroy Green Mountain City?"    


" It's hard to say! Listen, Qiuling must have news as well. "    


Lo Tian told Fatty Zhang to speak less.    


Sure enough, Senior Sister Qiuling's voice continued to ring out.    


"The choice you two made in Green Mountain City cannot be wrong. But it is also very stupid because you took the initiative to hand over your power. Currently, the disciples of Forsaken Clan have already planted all kinds of spies in Green Mountain City. From top to bottom, they were either disciples of the Forsaken Clan or Devil Cultivator spectral cultivators. No matter who won this war, it had nothing to do with us. Do you have sh * t in your brain? Do you still want to take back the ten provinces in the northwest?!"    


Senior Sister Qiuling got angry as she spoke.    


Fatty Zhang was scolded until he shrunk his neck. He said, "Yes, yes, yes. Sister Qiuling is right!"    


"Hmph, a bunch of idiots. They still have to rely on me! "    


"Yes, yes, yes!"    


After saying a few yes, Fatty Zhang finally reacted. This was not a communication spar. This was a record spar, why was he supporting it?    


In any case, Lo Tian rolled his eyes and pretended not to hear anything. This was all he could do. Could there be a better way?    


Senior Sister Qiuling suddenly lowered her voice and said, "Now I have gathered the intelligence forces of the five north-western continents. In Green Mountain City, the human martial practitioners who were ostracized were also connected to more than ten people. There were also five people above the captain. Calm down, don't be reckless. We still have a chance."    


" Save your strength! "    


Lo Tian nodded and said. He understood what Senior Sister Qiuling was thinking. A Devil Cultivator ghost cultivator was unreliable. In the end, he still had to have his own men and forces. Furthermore, he could only be a human martial artist!    


Fatty Zhang said in a low voice, "There aren't enough people. Mr Lo, we need to pull up a team. I think we need to continue hiding. "    


Lo Tian frowned and said," Unfortunately, if only we could completely control the Demonic Cultivator and Devil Cultivator. Fatty, you really need to practice that talent of yours."    


Fatty Zhang scratched his head and said, "With my talent in controlling, I can at most control one or two of them. It's hard to do!"    


Lo Tian shook his head and said, "Yes, so now we can only take one step at a time. Right now, the most important thing is to let the Demonic Cultivator and the Devil Cultivator fight to the death first. Both sides suffered heavy losses. Fatty, send a message to Luo Ling, and ask him to secretly inquire about it. How do Zhan Yuan and the others plan to deal with Bishui?"    


Fatty Zhang nodded his head and left quickly.    


Lo Tian was about to put away the record spar. But after a while, Senior Sister Qiuling unexpectedly still had a voice.    


"Lo Tian, there is another piece of news about that baby. I don't know if I should tell you. But the situation might be completely different from what you think..."    


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