All My Skills Are Picked Up

C523 The Royal Family's Gossip

C523 The Royal Family's Gossip

0"Both sides?"    


Lu Xiaomei's eyes widened in disbelief.    


Lo Tian smiled and replied, "Of course it's both sides. Just buying it off me doesn't count. I still have to bribe Zhan Guang again."    


"Is that possible? Zhan Guang will also be bribed?"    


Lu Xiaomei was even more in disbelief. Lo Tian spread his hands and said, "What is impossible? Otherwise, how many martial artists would say that they were secretly filming these scenes that were being played in the sky? At least half of them were recorded by me with the record spar. It was very obvious that Zhan Guang had passed these images to martial artists to report. He also made a deal with the martial artist registration office."    


Lu Xiaomei took a cold breath and said, "I will never enter the casino again. They are all cheating people! They are planning to kill everyone, no matter who wins the first ten moves. They would lose money. In any case, the first ten moves would definitely be a draw. Wait, then I'll buy the first ten moves to be tied. Doesn't that mean we'll have to fight?"    


Lu Xiaomei's eyes immediately lit up. Lo Tian smiled and said, "Then you can go and buy it."    


Lu Xiaomei did as she said and turned around to leave. Lo Tian shook his head and was speechless.    


Just as Lu Xiaomei opened the door of Lo Tian's lounge, she suddenly saw Senior Sister Qiuling knocking on the door.    


The two girls looked at each other and then put away their smiles. Lu Xiaomei did not say a word and quickly left. Senior Sister Qiuling grinned and walked into the room. She looked left and right and said, "I did not disturb you with anything good, right?"    


Lo Tian asked in confusion, "What good things? I have been unlucky recently. Where did this good thing come from?"    


Senior Sister Qiuling lightly snorted and said," Is that so? I saw that the female deacon just now was quite good. I heard that she was from the Lu family. Uncle is an official and the family does big business. Whether it is the direct line of descent or the collateral line, they are all very open. Even if it was a relative like her uncle who was slightly related, he would still be able to obtain a lot of benefits. He would often be able to return to the Lu family for a banquet. Big powers are old and rich. Why don't you consider marrying into your family?"    


Lo Tian waved his hand and said, "Forget it. What are you talking about? It's good for me to be alone. Marriage and the like are too far away from me. Not interested, not interested at all."    


" Really? "    


Senior Sister Qiuling raised her eyebrows and asked.    


Lo Tian said seriously, "Of course it's true."    


Senior Sister Qiuling seemed to be slightly relieved, but there was also a hint of loneliness on her face. But she quickly adjusted herself. She took out a pile of sheepskin rolls from her sleeve and placed them on Lo Tian's table with a bang.    


The stack of sheepskin rolls added together were as thick as bricks. Senior Sister Qiuling patted the scrolls and said, "The information about the death notice is all here."    


Lo Tian frowned and said, "Did I say to investigate this?"    


Senior Sister Qiuling stared and said, "You didn't say what I would investigate. Don't tell me you forgot about it!"    


"Did I say that?"    


Lo Tian scratched his head. He really did not remember when he said that. But it was good that he had investigated it. He really needed to know more about the death warrant. After all, he might run into the Ghost Sect on the night of the full moon in a few days. There was no harm in knowing more about it.    


"The words on it are too vague. Why is it incomplete?!"    


Lo Tian flipped through a few pages and found that something was wrong.    


Senior Sister Qiuling spread out her hands and said, "It was like this when I found it. It was said that there was an accident in a certain year and many records were burned down. This was all that could be found in Martial Tower. What comes after is not personal experience, but the records of the Executors who have heard of this matter."    


Lo Tian flipped through the information and asked," There is no such thing in Martial Tower. Go somewhere else to gather information. Is there a sealed file in Capital Guard Division? What about the treasury management of the royal family? "    


Senior Sister Qiuling waved her hand and said," Don't mention it. It is said that there was once a deacon who used this information. Then they piled it together and burned it all down. I have already asked. I am afraid that this is the only information left in the world. Oh right, so there's still a map. Recently, someone transferred it away as well. I haven't gotten it back yet."    


Lo Tian frowned when he heard that. He flipped through a few pages and found that the words were blurry. What could he see? Lo Tian sighed and said, "Forget it. I'll find someone to ask when the time comes. It was only twenty years ago. At that time, many of his family members were probably still alive. Isn't the Divine Observer still alive? "    


Senior Sister Qiuling smiled and said, "That's right. You are just as I thought. So I also went to find someone to ask. I was very lucky to find an old deacon. After living for a lifetime, I was only at level 3. Now, I'm going to be transferred to the inner duty and become an information staff in the Northern Martial Tower. He told me that the so-called Ghost Sect would have died long ago. His corpse was actually secretly taken away by the royal family back then."    


"Oh, it's good that he's dead. Then I'm relieved. At least this mission isn't too dangerous anymore. "    


Lo Tian smiled and nodded.    


Senior Sister Qiuling patted Lo Tian's head and said, "It is not that simple. The old deacon also told me that the entanglement between the Ghost Sect and the Imperial Family was not simple. I drank some wine for her and he told me the rumors from back then. Legend has it that Empress Rong had an affair with the Ghost Sect back then."    


" What's that? "    


Lo Tian was stunned. This melon was a bit too big.    


"Also, this isn't the end. According to the legends, the current empress isn't actually the child of the Old Emperor. She is the child of the Ghost Sect. Back then, the Ghost Sect had killed the Old Emperor, and he could have killed the current Queen as well. However, he had only taken away the crown of the empress, and did nothing else. Tsk tsk!"    


Senior Sister Qiuling had a gossipy expression on her face.    


Lo Tian frowned and said, "That old deacon must have drunk too much. What kind of rumor is this? He dares to say anything. He was also not afraid of being caught and skinned alive by the Royal Guards. Do you have any evidence for what he said? Do you have any records? "    


Senior Sister Qiuling shook her head and said, "No. He said that he had also heard about it. At that time, it was rumored that he had a nose and eyes."    


" Nonsense! "    


Lo Tian had a look of disbelief on his face. This kind of royal rumor was bullshit. If it was really such an explosive truth, those who knew about it would all be captured and killed. How could this old man still live until now?    


"I also feel that it is not very reliable, so I did not chat with him. The old man drank too much, so he really didn't have a proper line. No wonder he hasn't even gotten a Level 2 deacon in his entire life. "    


Lo Tian sighed and said," That's enough. Looks like I won't be able to find anything for now. I'll do as I see fit. Oh right, help me find someone to keep an eye on the news from the martial artists tomorrow. Once you find out what they are up to, immediately report it to Martial Tower. At the same time, think of a way to inform Zhang Yi. Deacon Zhang."    


"What? A martial artist reporting also has something to do with the death warrant?"    


Senior Sister Qiuling's eyes lit up. The soul of the Eight Trigrams began to burn again.    


Lo Tian shook his head and said, "No, it has something to do with Fatty Zhang. It is not so easy for a martial artist to trust me."    


"Tsk, I am too lazy to care about that damn fatty's matter!"    


Senior Sister Qiuling rolled her eyes and continued, "Let him be kidnapped for a few more days. He can also lose weight."    


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