All My Skills Are Picked Up

C497 Technique Formation

C497 Technique Formation

0With only ten meters between them, Hong Gang moved first.    


Tiger pounce!    


The Five Forms Tiger descended from the mountain and arrived in front of Lo Tian in an instant.    


The warrior qi on his body instantly transformed into the shape of a tiger, and he grabbed Lo Tian's shoulder with one hand. Elemental Will, Tiger Devour!    


The Third Layer of Martial Qi bombarded Lo Tian like a fierce tiger tearing at its prey, forcefully breaking through Lo Tian's Martial Qi defense. Sensing the overlapping force coming from his opponent's hand, Lo Tian did not hesitate to activate his own skin thickening technique.    


Stacked scales!    


His skin turned into scales, blocking Hong Gang's overlapping force attack. At the same time, Lo Tian also threw out a punch.    


Light Flame Fist, Dark Light!    


A high level cultivation technique, Fiery Fist, attacked. At the same time, Lo Tian also used his Dragon Transformation Arm to strengthen his strength. When the original Fiery Fist was launched, light shot out in all directions, incomparably dazzling. But now, when Lo Tian punched out, there was only a thin layer of transparent circle of light.    


But this did not mean that the power of Lo Tian's attack was reduced. On the contrary, it was precisely because Lo Tian's control of the Light Flame Fist had reached the limit that he was able to use the Dark Light Strike.    


The punch landed on Hong Gang's body. Under the force of the punch, the circle of transparent light actually drilled into Hong Gang's body. After that, a strong light burst out from Hong Gang's body through all the pores on his body.    


The power of this move was definitely far beyond any ordinary high rank technique. Although it was still an attack that doubled the power of the strength essence, its power had been compressed by absolute techniques, and it had become an irresistible force.    


Hong Gang felt pain from this move, but he could not even maintain the Tiger Form Martial Qi on his body. He took a step back with his feet, and then circled to Lo Tian's left like a snake.    


Yuan Yi, Snake Binding Palm!    


His arm seemed boneless as it swam up to Lo Tian's body. He actually wanted to use the Snake Binding Technique to bind Lo Tian.    


This was undoubtedly a pipe dream. Lo Tian unceremoniously activated the Incarnation Spell on the spot.    


Life Transformation, Yang Flame!    


The moment the flame rushed out, Hong Gang let out another cry of pain. He quickly released his grip and bent his body. He used the Leopard Steps and the Combo Punch.    


The flame shot and shot. Although the fight was intense, no one could see how much damage Lo Tian had sustained. Lo Tian also felt that Hong Gang was a little too weak.    


His opponent's fist seemed to be quite strong, but to his Incarnation Spell, it really wasn't enough.    


If it was time to end it, then it was time to end it. There was no need to delay the next match!    


Lo Tian didn't want to continue fighting with Hong Gang anymore. He turned his hand and used the Mixed Yuan Pig Slaughtering Knife.    


He used the sword to cut down all the pigs in front of him!    


The black blade shone brightly. Giant God Saber Spell, Three Gods Increase Strength!    


When he attacked, the damage would be tripled. Lo Tian felt that the opponent might not even be able to block this attack. Therefore, he slightly withdrew his strength. After all, his strength essence had already surpassed Hong Gang's, and with the enhancement of the super cultivation method Giant God Saber Spell, Hong Gang shouldn't be able to fight back.    


The blade landed on Hong Gang's chest, and Lo Tian purposely moved his heart away. In such a close combat, there was no way he could dodge the blade.    


Hong Gang's qi was shattered by the blade, and then his body instantly split in half. This scene surprised Lo Tian slightly. Was it so fragile?    


No, it was an illusion!    


The Five Elemental Fists, the paper crane illusion!    


Hong Gang's body disappeared, but Lo Tian immediately activated the Torch Dragon in his left eye and swung his blade horizontally again.    


Giant God Saber Spell, Mountain Crossing Slash!    




Lo Tian struck something in the air, and Hong Gang's body appeared once again. But at this moment, Hong Gang seemed completely different from before.    


His clothes fluttered in the air, and a shining dragon talisman appeared on Hong Gang's forehead.    


The dragon spread its wings and the runes sparkled. The martial aura on his body also transformed into the shape of a white dragon leaping into the water!    


Elemental Five Forms Fist, Dragon Qi!    


Suddenly, Hong Gang roared furiously, "Five forms are present, Elemental Will Killing Formation!"    


Immediately, everyone could see the light of a formation ten meters wide appearing under Lo Tian's feet!    


Dragon, tiger, leopard, crane and snake phantoms appeared and instantly enveloped Lo Tian.    


"Cultivation technique formation?"    


"A single person cultivation technique formation? How is that possible?"    


In the main sky, Lee Quan couldn't help but cry out in shock. Even when Lo Tian transformed into a stone giant, he wasn't this excited.    


Shoutao's reaction was similar. The two of them were quite familiar with the cultivation techniques in this world. Therefore, they understood what kind of creativity a single person's cultivation method was.    


If Hong Gang's original Elemental Five Elemental Fist was only a slightly stronger advanced cultivation method, then this single person's cultivation method formation came out. The Five Elemental Fist Technique could directly break through to the super cultivation method, and even touch the edge of a Perfect Level cultivation technique.    


What kind of unique ability was this? No other skills could do such a killing move. Hong Gang had already made all the preparations he could for this attack. Moreover, because he had taken the secret medicine given by Zhou Yuming, his Martial Qi did not seem to have dried up at all. Instantly, the power of his cultivation technique formation increased by another level.    


Everyone in the world laughs at me for being weak, but they do not know why I am doing this.    


Killing a miracle with a single move, I laugh at the trash of the world!    


Origin Intent Five Forms Formation, annihilated!    


Hong Gang had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. What he wanted was for Lo Tian to be careless, and for this moment.    


With a single move, the surrounding space shattered, and the void caved in.    


Zhou Yuming was shocked, and Zhang Yi was shocked.    



The two of them had never thought that Hong Gang would have such an ability. The power of this move was probably not inferior to the killing move of a spiritual weapon. No, within a small range, it might be stronger than the killing move of a spirit weapon.    




Feng Hou shouted, then quickly covered his mouth and looked at the chaotic beast beside him in fear.    


However, the chaotic beast didn't seem to be interested in the sound. It didn't open its eyes. Feng Hou looked at Hong Gang again and waved his hand excitedly.    


He didn't expect Hong Gang to be so strong. Perhaps Lo Tian would really fail miserably this time. As long as Lo Tian didn't react in time, this attack might severely injure him, or even take him down directly!    


Everyone's eyes were fixed on the depression in the spatial zone. Lo Tian was nowhere to be seen. It was as if he had been crushed by the space.    


A smile appeared on Hong Gang's face. He wanted all of you to look down on me. This time, I would like to see how you, Lo Tian, are going to lie down in front of me.    




With another shout, Hong Gang caused the spatial depression to explode twice. Even the deacons in Southeastern Martial Tower shook their heads when they saw this move.    


It was over, it was over!    


Deacon Lo was careless, he had lost!    


Lu Xiaomei's expression was ugly. Xun Xiangquan and Lin Bai had already started cheering loudly.    


The empress, Prince Yong, had a calm expression on his face. The two of them, on the other hand, were able to see a little more than the others.    


Just a little bit more!    


Prince Yong shook his head slightly. He was talking about Hong Gang's skill level, which was still a little bit lower.    


"No, that's not right."    


Zhou Yuming and Zhang Yi frowned slightly when they saw the dimensional indentation explode again. They also noticed that something was not right.    


Immediately, a black blade was slashed out from the spatial crack. The sharp blade glow cut open all the spatial depressions. The five-shape formation under their feet also crumbled.    


Lo Tian's indifferent voice sounded.    


"A little strong, but not strong enough."    


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