All My Skills Are Picked Up

C494 Everyone's Target

C494 Everyone's Target

0After saying that, Hong Gang inserted a jade token into the ground and jumped into the dimensional crack.    


Everyone immediately looked at the token on the ground. After waiting for a while, the green light on the token didn't change at all. It seemed to be full of life.    


Everyone immediately heaved a sigh of relief and nodded at each other. Then, they all walked into the spatial crack.    


As they all entered, the people watching from the outside were somewhat dumbfounded.    


"What's going on? Why can't I see anything?"    


"Where did they go? Don't tell me we won't be able to see the final battle? "    


"That's impossible! There is a shady plot behind this!"    


The chattering crowd discussed endlessly. Her Majesty, Prince Yong and the others were calm. This was because it was obvious that they had planned this on purpose. It was impossible for such a big mistake to occur in Martial Tower.    


Sure enough, in the next moment, the battle area of the Imperial Combat Arena began to change. A pitch black space began to appear above the originally empty thunderclouds. Specks of stars started to appear, and brilliant galaxies appeared in the space.    


Immediately, a familiar figure appeared in the river of stars. It was the group of people who had stepped into the spatial rift. The martial artists who were watching all began to cheer. Everyone instantly understood that this was the final battle zone.    


"The center of Original World has more than ten people. The portal is open!"    


Suddenly, a voice came from the Original World. The voice sounded like an old man's voice. Manager Yanshan was the first to recognize who it was.    


"Master Mei, he even recorded his words!"    


"He sure knows how to play!"    


"The so-called opening of the door should be the opening of the passageway to leave the Original World!"    


Following Lee Quan and the other two's voices, everyone saw the situation in the central region. When Lo Tian's figure appeared in front of everyone's eyes again, many of them raised their hands and shouted.    


"He really didn't die!"    


"Lo Tian is too strong. He is waiting for everyone here."    


"My god, what kind of confidence is this? Isn't he afraid that the others will attack him first?"    


"The powerful Deacon Lo, he's here, he's here again!"    


Cries of shock resounded throughout the capital. However, some of the spectators felt their hearts tighten when they saw the unharmed Lo Tian sitting there.    


"Lo Tian!"    


"You're still here!"    


Zhou Yuming and Zhang Yi saw the complete Lo Tian. They gritted their teeth in anger. Chumo and the others didn't look too good either. They had just fought with Lo Tian's giant rock body, and they were still worried about him. They didn't expect to see Lo Tian sitting here in perfect condition again.    


"Everyone, you are here!"    


Lo Tian smiled as well.    


Seeing Zhang Yi and the others arrive, he was sure that his guess was that this was the so-called central region. The exit to the Original World was on the Chaos Beast on top of his head.    


"Lo Tian, you still dare to appear in front of us? You really aren't afraid of death!"    


Zhou Yuming had already started to clench his fists.    


Zhang Yi also did not hold back and said, "If I were you, Lo Tian would have left Original World a long time ago. Do you know that you are the target of everyone?"    


Zhang Yi's face was full of smiles, and her words seemed to be amiable. However, Lo Tian could see her true thoughts from her eyes that were filled with fighting spirit.    


Lo Tian frowned and said, "It's not that exaggerated, right? Let's have a fair competition."    


Spreading his hands, Lo Tian also had a smile on his face. But Chumo interrupted him and said, "Who wants to have a fair competition with you? Everyone, let's not talk about anything else first. Let's get rid of this Lo Tian first. What do you think? "    


"No problem!"    


"[It should be like this.]"    


"If he doesn't find himself eliminated, how can we possibly win?"    


"That must be the case!"    


" No problem, it's a good deal. "    


Everyone responded. No one said no. Even those lone warriors nodded in agreement.    


Lo Tian suddenly felt a little awkward. Why did the situation become like this? Why did he become the common enemy of the entire nation? That shouldn't be the case!    


The skull had already returned to his White Bone Ring a long time ago. At this time, it also whispered to Lo Tian, "My unlucky master, it seems that you have offended everyone. In my opinion, let's retreat!"    


Lo Tian raised his head and looked at the Chaos Beast. He wanted to withdraw. However, it would not be so easy to retreat. Judging from the reaction of the Chaos Beast just now, this guy was clearly alive as well.    


He turned his head and swept his gaze across Zhou Yuming and the others. Since that was the case, he shouldn't be blamed for being impolite.    


Lo Tian spread his hands and said, "You want to eliminate me first? That depends on whether you have the ability or not."    


"A pig with its nose in green onion, what are you pretending for!"    


The first one who could not take it anymore was Zhang Yi. She could not wait to teach Lo Tian a lesson.    


But someone was faster than her. She pulled out an afterimage and rushed over.    


"Lo Tian, return my sword!"    


The person who rushed out was Zhou Xuan. The moment he saw Lo Tian, Zhou Xuan's eyes turned red. His heart of revenge was ignited, and the raging flames of fury couldn't be contained.    


Raising his fist, Zhou Xuan rushed towards Lo Tian's face. Martial Qi rushed out of his body like it was free, and he did not care whether he was a match for Lo Tian or not.    


When people were angry, they were brainless. Zhou Xuan automatically ignored the fact that there was a huge monster by Lo Tian's side.    



He didn't see it, but it didn't mean that the others didn't see it either. At least the moment Zhou Xuan rushed out, Zhou Yuming seemed to have noticed something and shouted, "Don't go!"    


But it was obvious that he shouted too late!    


Zhou Xuan threw a punch at Lo Tian's face in shock, but Lo Tian slightly turned his body and followed with an ordinary trip spell!    


The trip spell at the peak of the Mastery Realm made Zhou Xuan lose his balance immediately. He threw a punch at the Chaos Beast that was five meters behind Lo Tian.    




Zhou Xuan's warrior qi smashed onto the Chaos Beast's body. The circulating chaotic qi instantly canceled out Zhou Xuan's warrior qi. Then, the Chaos Beast slowly opened its eyes and looked at Zhou Xuan.    


The divine beast opened its eyes, but it had no pupils.    


The world was torn apart, and the space shook!    


There was no roar or movement. When the Chaos Beast saw Zhou Xuan, it was as if Zhou Xuan's entire body had been petrified, and he stood there motionless. Then, blood began to flow out from his seven apertures, and his four limbs began to tremble like convulsions.    


It was as if he had seen something extremely terrifying. After a series of violent convulsions and spasms, he fell to the ground, coughing up blood continuously.    


When Zhou Yuming saw this, he shouted in terror, "Retreat! Quickly retreat!"    


He turned his head and saw that there was no one around.    


"They run pretty fast!"    


Zhou Yuming himself also retreated in panic. In the next moment, the Chaos Beast opened its huge mouth!    


Within the huge pitch-black mouth, the black gas spun. In the next moment, terrifying ripples spread out, causing different layers of wrinkles to appear in the surrounding space.    


Chaotic consciousness attack!    


Lo Tian, who was the closest to him, did not hesitate. He laid down on the ground and activated his spiritual shield. At the same time, he unleashed the Incarnation Spell and transformed into his spiritual body.    


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