All My Skills Are Picked Up

C458 The Conspiracy of the Imperial Prison

C458 The Conspiracy of the Imperial Prison



Lo Tian recalled the terrifying things he had heard of when he was young.    


His withered body, his old clothes, and his lack of energy when he was alive. A zombie who could jump five floors in one breath after death without much effort. The chief elect was also called Hanba. In ancient times, legends said that he was a zombie that was resurrected from death with Yin Qi. There were hairy zombies, purple zombies, copper zombies, and even flying zombies. The most powerful of them all was called the chief elect.    


Lo Tian swallowed his saliva and put down the crystal. Cold sweat dripped down his forehead.    


No way, he was serious.    


If the token was stolen, it would turn into a zombie. Was this still a competition? It sounded more like a cruel test of some kind of Devil Cultivator.    


No, it shouldn't be that terrifying.    


Everyone in the capital was watching. How dare the Martial Tower do such a terrible thing? Wasn't they afraid of being completely sealed by the empress? Furthermore, there was still the young prince, Zhou Yuming, in the battle competition this time. No matter how they thought about it, they couldn't afford to cause any more deaths.    


There was only one possibility. After a person became a chief elect, he could still be changed back. In other words, if the token of the battle competition was snatched by someone else in the Original World this time. One could even use the body of a chief elect to snatch it back.    


In an instant, Lo Tian felt that he had grasped the key point.    


He would snatch it back and forth, and he would fight for the command medallion. Sure enough, Martial Tower knew how to play! Lo Tian's death-seeking heart was somewhat attracted. Should he try becoming a chief elect?    


Forget it, let's talk about it after the token was stolen!    




Lo Tian had already found out the inside story, the other warriors were not as quick-witted as him. It was not that they were not smart enough. It was just that these people were basically not deacons, and did not have the habit of going to places to investigate first. In the last round of the battle competition, only three deacons were participating.    


Zhang Yi had never used the internal deacon. Up until now, she did not even have her own exclusive internal deacon. If she did not have this habit, she would naturally not think of coming here.    


As for the other deacon, after the Thousand Illusion was completely confined. This deacon immediately withdrew from the battle competition. This was also the reason why there were only 32 people in the battle competition's third round. All the managers were well aware of this. No one said anything.    


Although this seemed like evidence that could identify Deacon Qianhuan. However, the real Level 3 deacon whose identity had been stolen had never appeared. If he didn't appear, he naturally wouldn't be able to pose any threat to Myriad Illusions. Deacon Qianhuan naturally had a thousand reasons to explain.    


At this moment, in the Martial Tower's imperial prison, Deacon Qianhuan was also looking at the light screen in front of him with a smile on his face. His current appearance was naturally not his real body, but another person. This person's name was Wu Qian.    


Two hours ago.    


Deacon Qianhuan arrived at the underground prison of Martial Tower located at the bottom of Southeastern Martial Tower. This place was usually used to imprison deacons who committed crimes.    


The prison wasn't big, it only had three or four cells. There were very few deacons who dared to cause trouble in the capital city. Those who used the Heavenly Prison were even rarer. Usually, they would cause some small trouble, such as flirting with women and being reported for accepting bribes. Street brawls and so on. They were all directly fined and demoted. Those who went a little overboard were removed from their status as deacons. They were sent to the border to kill vicious beasts, so they basically did not need the Imperial Prison.    


Only deacons who were extremely dangerous and difficult to deal with in a short period of time would enter the Heavenly Prison. Wu Qian naturally took it as one of them. He was directly locked up in the Iron Prison, which had the most stringent defense. His entire body was wrapped in chains that sealed off his martial energy.    


When Deacon Qianhuan arrived, Wu Qian was resting with his eyes closed. He didn't need to open his eyes. He only smelled the scent lightly, grinned, and then stood up.    


Deacon Qianhuan walked to the front of the iron cage and said calmly, "Deacon Wu Qian, I am Myriad Illusions. You do not need to get up, just sit. It is not convenient for you to speak now. Just listen to me."    


Wu Qian nodded slightly. His palm faced upwards and he moved sideways slightly, making an inviting gesture.    


Myriad Illusions continued, "I'm here to help you complete the mission."    


After he finished speaking, Wu Qian slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were fixed on Thousand Illusions. Qian Huan was dressed in black, and no one could tell what she looked like. He took another step forward and said in a low voice through the cage, "Since I have received the money, I will definitely do my best. Although there seems to be some mistakes now, it doesn't matter. It's not like there's no chance at all. On the contrary, in my opinion, this might be the best opportunity for you to personally take revenge."    


Wu Qian lowered his head and lightly knocked on the iron cage with his finger, indicating for Qian Huan to continue.    


Deacon Qianhuan slowly said, "I was grounded, and the Southeastern Martial Tower was sealed by Lord Nine. As long as I go out during this period of time, Lord Nine will know. That's why I can't leave. But just because I can't leave doesn't mean that you can't. Manager Wu, you understand what I mean."    


Wu Qian lightly nodded his head, indicating that he understood. He was not a stupid person, so he naturally knew what Thousand Illusions was thinking when he heard this.    


This was the method of transplanting flowers and trees, Thousand Illusions intended to transform into his appearance. He would go to jail for him here. However, he wasn't locked up by Lord Nine. After all, no one would have thought that a person who went to jail in the imperial prison... He would swagger out of Martial Tower, and someone would go to jail for him.    


Qian Huanyi took out a thin piece of skin from his sleeve and handed it to Wu Qian, saying, "It can't be too long. He hoped that Manager Wu would come back as soon as he finished his work. This is the identity I have prepared. I also spent a lot of money to buy this identity. This is the last round that will allow you to enter the battle competition. He will kill Lo Tian with his own hands. After killing him, that Fatty Zhang was nothing to worry about. I will find a chance to get rid of him in the future. Don't worry, I will handle this matter!"    


Myriad Illusions laughed in a low voice.    


He raised his hand and pressed down on the door of the imperial prison. However, the door was gently opened. It could be seen that Myriad Illusions had already completed all of his plans before coming here. It was just as he had said.    


You can rest assured that I will handle this matter!    


Wu Qian nodded his head heavily, then watched Qian Qian walk into the cell. With an incredible speed, he quickly untied all the chains on his body. At the same time, Qian Huan gave him another sword. He said: "Deacon Wu, after killing him, remember to dismember his body. I will watch you take revenge here."    


Wu Qian took the sword and weighed it a few times. The sword was indeed a good sword, but it was still far from his original sword. But at this time, Wu Qian had no choice. His eyes were filled with killing intent.    


Once upon a time, he really did not want to have a life and death struggle with Lo Tian. He felt that Lo Tian was not worthy of him paying any price.    


But without a doubt, reality told him. If he wanted to kill Lo Tian, he had to pay the price. Now that he had paid the price, it was time for him to take back everything.    


With the mask on, the cold power seeped through the mask and soaked his entire body.    


The sound of exploding beans began to ring out from his body. His bones changed, his muscles changed, and even his hair became much denser.    


In an instant, Wu Qian became another person. A person who could participate in the battle competition and kill Lo Tian with his own hands!    


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