All My Skills Are Picked Up

C441 Young Prince

C441 Young Prince

0Outside the capital city, Jinwei City.    


The moon and stars were sparse, and a cool breeze blew.    


Lo Tian got off the carriage and looked into the distance at the night.    


The Eye of the Torch Dragon opened, and the night was as bright as day. Everything was within his sight.    


This was a famous hunting ground in Jinwei City. It was a place specifically for young warriors to familiarize themselves with fierce beasts or hold beast fighting competitions.    


There were some pavilions in the distance, and they were the famous wild game restaurants in the area. Lo Tian was looking around, and there were already people walking towards him with glowing crystals in their hands.    


"Is that Deacon Lo? I have been waiting for you for a long time."    


Lo Tian turned his head and saw a fat man walking towards him. He was dressed extravagantly and was walking in a rich manner. He had a big head and a thick neck. He was not a big spender.    


When he walked in front of him, the man said, "I'm Jiang Ming, the manager of the hunting ground restaurant. Greetings, Deacon Lo! "    


Lo Tian nodded and said, "Hello, Manager Jiang. Are you waiting for me?"    


Jiang Ming smiled and said, "I am not waiting for you, but another deacon is waiting for you. She asked me to wait here for a few days. As soon as he saw Deacon Lo, he would inform him immediately. The private room is ready. Deacon Lo, please. I will inform the deacon to come right away."    


Lo Tian said," Alright, please lead the way. "    


The two of them walked towards the hunting ground restaurant. On the way, Lo Tian heard the roar of a beast from far away from the hunting ground. He vaguely felt that something was not right and said, "From the sound, it doesn't seem to be a low level vicious beast. There are ferocious beasts at the Grade 3 and above?"    


Jiang Ming smiled and said, "Deacon Lo is indeed worthy of being called a genius deacon. You can tell that our hunting ground is not ordinary. That's right, not only do we have Grade 3 ferocious beasts in our hunting ground, we also have Level 4 ferocious beast. Of course, all of them were bought from the Martial Tower and were obtained from the training ground. We have to transport them through proper means, and no smugglers are allowed to smuggle them."    


Oh, "Lo Tian said, then said, For people to see? "    


Jiang Ming smiled even more happily. He waved his hand and said," Of course not for visitors. It's for martial artists to kill. Those who come to our hunting ground restaurant are all martial artists. Perhaps Deacon Lo will be able to see many familiar faces."    


Lo Tian laughed lightly and said," Familiar faces? I'm afraid the familiar faces I know don't really like me."    


Jiang Ming laughed and said, "No need, Deacon Lo is being modest. Don't you know how many people admire you now? I'm telling you, all the warriors who have seen your battle are your supporters. You'll see it later!"    


Lo Tian frowned slightly. Witness? Witness what? They were just here to ask for an autograph.    


As the two spoke, they walked to the front door of the restaurant.    


When they pushed the door open and entered, there was indeed a hubbub of voices inside. Lo Tian walked in and looked around. Sure enough, they were all martial artists. A group of people were eating meat and drinking wine. It was noisy and lively.    


"Deacon Lo, please come in!"    


Jiang Ming waved his right hand and said in a clear voice.    


He seemed to have deliberately raised his voice a little. Immediately, all the surrounding warriors heard him.    


"Deacon Lo? Which Deacon Lo?"    


"Is that Lo Tian? Is it really Lo Tian? "    


"Oh my god, is Deacon Lo you?"    


The group of people suddenly stood up. Lo Tian was startled.    


When he saw a group of muscular men stand up, he immediately had the feeling that he was going to be locked up by a strong man.    


Then he saw Jiang Ming quietly step aside and take a few steps away. This action seemed to be very particular, as if it was foreshadowing what might happen next.    


Lo Tian frowned and said, "What are you doing?"    


Jiang Ming laughed and said, "Deacon Lo, as I said, you have a lot of supporters now."    


As soon as he said that, the group of martial artists instantly boiled up. Upstairs and downstairs, a group of people started shouting.    


"It really is Deacon Lo!"    


"Deacon Lo, you are so handsome. Sign for me."    


"Mom, I see Deacon Lo!"    


... "Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Deacon Lo's first kiss is going to be mine!"    


The group of people charged forward. This time, it was not like the second round of the competition. There was a special capital guard army to maintain order. Like a hungry tiger pouncing on its prey, dozens of people began to charge towards Lo Tian's side. Lo Tian was instantly frightened, and then he was directly drowned by the crowd.    


"F * ck! All of you, get out of the way! Squeezing me to death!"    


"Big brother, I'll sign, I'll sign all of them."    


"Don't snatch it, that's my deacon robe, don't tear it to shreds."    


"Pants, pants are no good. I am a proper person."    


Lo Tian shouted and almost got stripped off on the spot. In the nick of time, he used his Martial Qi to forcefully push away some of the martial artists. Then, without his shoes, he began to rush forward.    


"Deacon Lo, third floor, first room on the left!"    


Jiang Ming was still shouting behind him, trying to guide Lo Tian. Lo Tian ran wildly, and in an instant, he rushed up to the third floor. At this point, a guard finally stopped the "enthusiastic crowd" behind him. Lo Tian rushed into the private room and immediately locked the door.    


"As expected, humans are afraid of fame, pigs are afraid of strength, it's too deadly."    


Lo Tian was speechless. In such a short period of time, he felt like his hair was about to be ripped off. These people were even more ruthless than fierce beasts!    


While Lo Tian was running, in the private room on the second and third floor, there were also some martial artists who had ugly expressions as they coldly snorted.    


"Sweeping the floor! Look at these people, they have completely lost the face of martial artists."    


"They are just deacons with decent cultivation. Look at how they are charmed by them, they might not be that handsome."    


"Wait until the third round, and I will knock Lo Tian down to the ground. Let's see if they will still be like today."    





Some were jealous, some disdained, and some were extremely angry.    


These martial artists all secretly regarded Lo Tian as their next opponent. And Lo Tian did not know that his appearance today had offended many people.    


But even if he knew, he probably would not care. Soon, Jiang Ming's voice came from outside.    


"Deacon Lo, wait a moment. The dishes would be served soon, and the deacon would be here soon. By the way, the dishes here are the best. You will like them. "    


Lo Tian smiled bitterly. This meal was very difficult. When he returned later, he would still be like this. He would probably have to think about jumping out of the window and leaving.    


At this moment, there was suddenly a sound outside.    


"Lo Tian, right? Deacon Lo, I am Zhou Yuming. I would like to buy Deacon Lo a drink. I wonder if Deacon Lo would like to give me some face?"    


Lo Tian opened a crack in the door. Jiang Ming had not left yet. After making sure that no one else was blocking the door, Lo Tian walked out of the room. He looked up and saw a man on the fourth floor looking at him with a smile.    


"Who is it? Do I know you?"    


Lo Tian asked in a low voice. Jiang Ming, who was standing next to him, pulled Lo Tian's clothes and said in a low voice, "Deacon Lo, I dare not say that. This is Prince Yong's son, Little Wang and Lord Ming."    


Lo Tian said, "Oh, Little Prince. Very high? "    


Jiang Ming nodded and said, "That's not an ordinary high."    


"Deacon Lo, do you agree?"    


The young prince, Zhou Yuming, smiled slightly. Lo Tian rubbed his chin and said in a clear voice, "Does it taste good? If it's good, I'll do it."    


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