All My Skills Are Picked Up

C412 Crazy Medicine

C412 Crazy Medicine

0Lo Tian's Qi was as strong as the Dijiang-beast's. Without hesitation, he turned around and fled.    


In the water, it was not a good place for him to fight. Plus, he had just used up a lot of his warrior Qi. Fighting a Grade 7 fierce beast was no different from courting death.    


Lo Tian fled very quickly, but the terrifying Grade 7 water rock beast was even faster. The same angry roar was heard, and the rippling waves were like huge waves crashing onto Lo Tian's body.    


In an instant, the spiritual shield around Lo Tian's body shattered on the spot. At the critical moment, Lo Tian's Incarnation Spell turned again, turning from a water body into a spiritual body.    


This transformation was a huge burden to both his body and his qi. If it was only the original Incarnation Spell, it was obviously impossible to do it.    


Lo Tian forcefully changed his mind and spat out a mouthful of blood. Then, his mental energy erupted, and like a flying fish, he flew straight to the surface of the lake.    


The water of the lake churned, as if it was boiling water. Qiu Yun, who was waiting for everyone on the surface of the lake, saw this scene and hurriedly drove the flying ship back.    


Immediately, he saw a blue figure fly out from the lake water. It was Lo Tian, who had transformed into a Mental Energy body.    


"I have the gold coin, retreat!"    


Lo Tian shouted loudly. Even the deacons who were searching at the bottom of the lake heard him. But right after that, underneath Lo Tian, the huge rock beast also jumped up like a dragon out of the water.    


"Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast!"    


Qiu Yun screamed out the name of the beast in a panic. Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast, the combat strength of a peak Grade 6 beast in water. It could reach the Grade 7 level. Even a ferocious beast like the Dijiang-Beast might not be able to defeat it in water.    


The huge rock's body was like a dragon without horns. The rocks that came out of the water had scales and patterns, but they were all petrified. Legend has it that the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast was formed from the spirit rock that was soaked in dragon blood and beast blood. It belonged to a pseudo-dragon vicious beast!    


However, because of its unique spiritual rock body, it was even stronger than those fierce beasts that truly possessed dragon bloodlines!    




A dragon roar was even stronger than Lo Tian's Golden Tiger Roar Spell. The huge waves almost knocked over Qiu Yun's flying ship. At the same time, it also blew up the other deacons who entered the sea.    


"Oh my god, what a big rock!"    


"Where did you provoke the fierce beasts?"    


"I can't beat it, run!"    


Fatty Zhang and the others exclaimed. Lo Tian was completely caught by the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast's roar. His entire body was trembling like a wave, as if he could collapse at any time from the roar.    


He immediately took out a Dragon Blood Crystal Stone from his ring and threw it on the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast's body. Lo Tian hoped that his blood could create another miracle. But this time, he saw the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast open its mouth and swallow his crystal.    


Fatty Zhang and the others were floating on the surface of the water, watching this scene. Each and every one of them was waiting for the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast's next reaction.    


Lo Tian looked at the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast's body and shook slightly, as if a crystal had exploded in its mouth. But following that, the originally blood-red eyes of the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast... Then, its expression became somewhat "strange."    


"What? Don't tell me that you still like eating!"    


Lo Tian looked at the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast's "happy" expression and unconsciously shouted. The Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast's following performance confirmed Lo Tian's guess.    


It really liked eating!    


Immediately, the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast swung its tail towards Lo Tian. The tail that was full of rocks wrapped around Lo Tian's body in an instant. Lo Tian, who was imprisoned, could feel the cold force coming from the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast's body. It was as if it wanted to freeze him. Lo Tian's spiritual energy body was unable to break free and was tied up.    


"Deacon Lo!"    


"Oh no, Deacon Lo is in danger, save him!"    


"Mr Lo, I'm coming!"    


Seeing Lo Tian tied up, the first one to rush forward was Fatty Zhang. Wang Zhi and Zhou Yi also followed closely behind. They unleashed their Martial Qi and unleashed their killing moves.    


The swords and sabers were unsheathed at the same time. Sword Qi rushed into the clouds, and the saber cut through the wind and moon. The killing moves of the three people landed on the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast's body one after another. However, it was like an itch, and they were unable to break through the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast's body at all. They could only leave behind a shallow mark on the white-grey rock.    


The Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast could not be bothered with the three of them. It dragged Lo Tian and sank into the water. At this critical moment, Qiu Yun activated all the crystal attacks on her flying ship. In an instant, all the crystal screens on the flying ship expanded and turned into a beam of light that hit the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast's head.    


The power of this attack was definitely not weaker than the full force attack of an ordinary Martial Qi Cannon. The Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast finally shattered the rocks, and at the same time, it slightly loosened the restraints on Lo Tian.    


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lo Tian forcefully broke free from the restraints. After that, he took out the Pig Slaughtering Knife. The Incarnation Spell changed again, and his entire body turned into a blade, filled with a sharp aura.    


The most basic use of the Incarnation Spell was to kill the Pig Slaughtering Knife as one!    


Although his appearance was a little comical and his appearance wasn't too good, it had increased Lo Tian's Qi by more than three times.    


"Xun Xiangquan, what are you standing there for? Let's fight together!"    


Qiu Yun had already come out of her flying ship. The flying ship, which had lost most of its crystal energy, no longer had the ability to protect itself. Its attack and defense were not good enough.    


In order to protect her spaceship, Qiu Yun could only come out. After he came out, he immediately called Xun Xiangquan. He could tell that Xun Xiangquan had no intention to fight and was slowly retreating.    


When he heard Qiu Yun's shout, Xun Xiangquan smiled contemptuously. At this moment, the appearance of the Mountain Sea Dragon Rock Beast made Xun Xiangquan feel like he had a god helping him.    


Such a situation could not be any better. Xun Xiangquan secretly placed his left hand behind his back and quietly threw some red powder into the sea.    


This was a crazy medicine produced by Martial Tower, and it was enough to make all the beasts that had retreated go crazy. In no time, Lo Tian and the others would all die here. He didn't need to do anything, he didn't even need to reveal his true strength.    




Xun Xiangquan said in a clear voice, "Everyone, I am not good at water battles, so I won't cause any trouble. You all continue, I will take my leave first!"    


After he finished speaking, Xun Xiangquan stepped on the floating water and used his movement technique to leave quickly. His action shocked Wang Chong and the others.    


"Damn it, it turns out that he is a coward!"    


"I thought he was a good person, but there are indeed scum among deacons!"    


"Get lost, you boneless idiot."    


Fatty Zhang and the others started to scold without any hesitation. To them, running away at this moment was no doubt a traitor. They might as well have left long ago.    


Lo Tian looked at Xun Xiangquan's back with a profound look in his eyes. He felt that Xun Xiangquan must have done something. This guy must have some ulterior motive.    



"Wait, what is that?"    


Lo Tian's Turbid Dragon Eye keenly saw the crazy dissolving medicine on the surface of the lake. Immediately, killing intent rose in Lo Tian's eyes.    


"Xun Xiangquan, stop right there!"    


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