All My Skills Are Picked Up

C107 Spiritual Movement Technique

C107 Spiritual Movement Technique

0Restraining his emotions, the burly man was too lazy to talk to Lo Tian anymore. He directly brought him to the fifth floor and arrived in front of a huge door. Lo Tian looked left and right, he really didn't notice it. There was still a room on the fifth floor of Martial Tower. He thought that it would be empty if he went any higher.    


He knocked lightly on the door and said, "Sir, there are students causing trouble in the training room. They even injured the eldest daughter of Bai family, Bai Ru. I have brought him here. I will listen to your punishment."    


The door suddenly opened, revealing a white wall and an old man sitting with his back facing Lo Tian.    


The old man didn't speak or move. He just sat there calmly, as if he was dead. The brawny man pushed Lo Tian in. Then, he closed the door.    


In the huge room, only the old man and Lo Tian were left. Clearing his throat, Lo Tian bowed to the old man and said, "Greetings, senior. Miss Bai Ru and I were just misunderstanding. They exchanged two moves. It was not as exaggerated as you think. Please don't cancel my qualification for the trial!"    


After Lo Tian finished speaking, the old man remained silent.    


Lo Tian had no choice but to sit down beside the old man. It didn't matter if he sat down. Lo Tian's eyes immediately widened.    


What did he see?    




Bone structure, in front of this old man and beside him, were all bone structures that had fallen off.    


Lo Tian secretly touched a piece, and in an instant, the voice of the system rang in his mind, "Ding... Pick up bone structure 5! "    


Bone structure 5 points!    


Oh my god!    


A total of five points of root bone!    


This was the most time Lo Tian had seen it, and it was also the most exciting time he had ever seen it. Until now, his bone structure was only around forty points. This was something he had spent a lot of effort to pick up.    


Now, so many bone structures were in front of him, waiting for him to pick them up. At this moment, the old man in front of Lo Tian was in his eyes. He wasn't a senior worthy of respect. He was just an old man who was farming bones!    


Sir, you continue to comprehend and slowly comprehend. There was no rush, no rush at all.    


Lo Tian suppressed his excitement and secretly picked up the bone structure.    


Hearing that pleasant ringing sound, Lo Tian felt like he was going to be satisfied to the heavens.    


The way he looked at the old man became gentler and softer, and his movements became softer and softer. He was afraid that he would disturb this old man. If that was the case, he wouldn't be able to pick up so many bone structures.    


He picked them up for a full four hours.    


If it was anyone else, they would sit here for four hours and do nothing. That would be really dry and boring. This was especially true for young people at Lo Tian's age. Most of them would not be able to sit still. However, Lo Tian was an accident. No one knew how much he wished to continue sitting like this for another two days.    


He picked up another five bone structures. This time, the system notification suddenly changed.    


"'Ding... ' Pick up 5 bones. Host's root bone has reached 100. You will receive an additional reward. Host, please choose one out of the three rewards below!"    


When Lo Tian heard this, he could not help but feel energized.    


He did not expect that the reward would come when his bone structure had only reached 100. He was very clear about the reward from the system. Although the name might be a scam, the item might also be a scam. However, it was absolutely practical, and its quality had increased tremendously.    


In his mind, the System's voice rang out once again.    


"[First: Body Enhancement (Steel like arm, Steel like thigh, and Steel like egg.] [First: Body Enhancement (Steel like arm, Steel like thigh, and Steel like egg.] You deserve it!)]"    


"Two: Proficient in swords and sabers (Do you hate cultivation? Do you hate wasting time? Come on, fulfill your dream with both hands!) "    


" Three: Spiritual Movement Technique (You can run as fast as a thousand miles per day. I'll be back in no time!) "    


Just like that, the three rewards appeared in Lo Tian's mind. They floated in front of Lo Tian like living creatures, waiting for his choice.    


These three rewards seemed to be very practical, strengthening his body, strengthening his sword and sword, and strengthening his movement technique. Every single one of them was a compulsory path for a martial artist. In addition to the system's products, there were at least eight or nine effects that were outstanding.    


Lo Tian thought about it carefully for a while. The first thing he eliminated was sword and saber mastery.    


The reason was also very simple. He used the muck-fork quite conveniently. It was as if he was born to dig out manure. No, it was more accurate to say that it was a forked person's material.    


If he could not use his sword and saber mastery, then he would definitely not be able to choose. Then, he would choose between body strengthening and agile movement techniques. Un, body strengthening, if he chose it, he would only be beaten up. Standing in place and being beaten up by someone, this type of feeling was actually not good either. In the end, Lo Tian still decided to choose the spirit movement technique.    


His thoughts were also very realistic. From the description, it seemed like he could travel thousands of miles in a day. He came faster than many flying ships. In the future, when he went out to do business, he would be able to save a lot of money!    


That's right, Lo Tian's poor thinking severely affected his choice. That was why he later let others choose these three choices in a different way. Almost all men chose to have an iron body.    


Everyone's reasons were surprisingly the same. What a joke. Bruiser, the dream of men! Are you stupid if you didn't choose this?    


It wasn't until many years later that Lo Tian finally shed tears of regret. As expected, he had to be more careful when making a choice. A single wrong choice would affect his happiness for the rest of his life!    


Putting aside what would happen in the future, Lo Tian still felt that he had made the right choice.    


When he had made up his mind, his choice had come to an end. Almost immediately, Lo Tian felt the changes in his lower limbs. The muscles on his legs seemed to have started to wriggle.    


At the same time, the little bit of warrior qi in his body was out of his control and started to flow into his legs. Furthermore, using a rapid and complicated method, he began to modify the meridians in his legs.    


In an instant, all of these modifications were completed. Lo Tian immediately felt that his legs were exceptionally strong. A trace of warmth could be felt from the soles of his feet. It was as if as long as he wanted to, he could run out at an extremely fast speed.    


Lo Tian opened his attribute table again and looked at the attributes of his sensitivity essence. There were no changes.    


In other words, this transformation only strengthened his thigh. This transformation was somewhat similar to the fusion spirit medicine of skeletons.    


Just as he was in deep thought, the old man in front of him finally slowly opened his eyes.    


When this old man closed his eyes, he gave Lo Tian a very peaceful feeling. However, when he opened his eyes, he gave off a fierce feeling. It was like a sharp sword that could be unsheathed at any time.    


His eyes were shining with a cold light like a sword, which made Lo Tian somewhat afraid. Some people could tell how strong he was with just a glance. The old man in front of him was obviously this kind of person.    


"Kid, how long have you been waiting?"    


The old man slightly narrowed his eyes, and the cold light in his eyes also slightly receded.    


Lo Tian swallowed his saliva and replied, "Not long, just three or four hours."    



The old man sized Lo Tian up and down, and said with a smile, "Very few young people are so patient. You are not bad! "    


Lo Tian chuckled and felt a little weak in his heart. He was so patient because of his root bone. If it wasn't for that, he wouldn't have been so patient.    


"Tell me, what did you do? You even asked someone to send it to me. If you violate the law, just send it to the State City's Punishment Department. Only by doing something that doesn't violate the law but affects the matters of the Martial Tower. Only then will you come."    


Lo Tian thought to himself. It seemed like this old man hadn't heard what the brawny man had said just now.    


Lo Tian coughed lightly and said, "It's nothing much. I just fought with Miss Bai Ru just now. Then they sent me here."    


"Bai Ru? The crazy girl from the Bai family? You have provoked her? Hmm? You actually still have the spare parts on you... Hehe, it's not simple!"    


The old man was laughing. The laughter made Lo Tian feel even more guilty. What did he mean by all the parts on his body were still there? According to common sense. He should be missing some parts on his body, right?    


The old man continued, "Bai family, one of the big families in the state city. It's also one of the few major families whose disciples don't need to go to Martial Palace to cultivate. They can also cultivate very well. Kid, you've offended Bai family. In the future, you might be in the state city. You have to be a man with a tail between your legs. Do you understand? "    


Lo Tian blinked his eyes and showed an indifferent expression.    


He was a person who had no relatives, no parents, and was born in suffering. He was the type of person who would not be stingy. Unless a knife was placed on his neck, there was no such thing as fear.    


When the old man saw him like this, the smile on his face became even wider as he said, "Young man, the heavens are not afraid, the earth is not afraid. Mm, I still have to remind you. Don't run outside these few days. Once you leave Martial Tower, the people outside will punish you. That's easy."    


Lo Tian smiled when he heard that." Are you not going to punish me? You won't make me lose the qualification to participate in the third trial? "    


The old man smiled and said, "The Martial Tower is not opened by the Bai family. This is the trial of the Empire, and it has its own rules. Why should I revoke your qualification for the third trial? It's not like you've violated the rules of the Martial Tower."    


" Thank you, senior! "    


Lo Tian slowly got up, bowed, and prepared to leave.    


The old man seemed to have thought of something and suddenly said to Lo Tian, "That's right. If you don't want to be angered by the Bai family in the future. I suggest you become a deacon in the future. With the Empire's token, at least they won't dare to kill you!"    


Lo Tian slightly frowned, but he still took these words in and slowly left. Lo Tian conveniently closed the door for the old man.    


The old man retracted his gaze and muttered, "Less than twenty years old, able to exchange blows with Bai Ru. This talent was not much inferior to the elites that those large families had trained with all their might. If he can really become a deacon in the future. I can accept him and slowly train him. Hmm, counting the time, those few young men from the Su family, Yang family, and other families will be coming back as well. The city is going to be lively again."    


Nodding his head, the old man closed his eyes and continued his cultivation.    


From his side, his root bone still fell. However, Lo Tian couldn't pick it up.    


After returning to his room, Lo Tian also decided not to go out for the next few days to avoid getting into trouble again.    


Just as he sat down, the skeleton at his waist shouted loudly.    


"It's him, it's actually him!"    


Lo Tian placed the skeleton on the table and said, "Who is it? He was shocked. Who did you recognize?"    


The skeleton said loudly: "That old guy. He is the legend of the Empire's deacon, don't you know? Martial Profound Qian Ji!"    


" Martial Profound? You said the old man just now was a Martial Profound? "    


Lo Tian was also surprised. A Martial Profound warrior was considered a Divine Immortal on land to ordinary people. The saying 'high, high, high, and flying without a trace' was referring to a Martial Profound warrior. Even to a warrior, a Martial Profound warrior was an existence that they could only look up to. In the entire Great Zhou, there weren't many Martial Profound warriors. Not to mention a legendary Martial Profound.    


"Is he famous?"    


Lo Tian asked.    


Skeleton replied, "Of course he is. The most famous Martial Tower instructor in the Great Zhou of the New Year. How many experts are under his tutelage? Shouldn't he be in Great Zhou Capital City? Why was he here? Oh, it should be that disciple of his. No wonder, no wonder!"    


Lo Tian was not interested in listening to these gossips. To him, things like Martial Profound and Martial Tower instructors were still too far away. Until now, he had yet to confirm that he wanted to join Martial Tower and become a deacon.    


After all, what Senior Xingbei said was too scary. He knew that he was going to die. Who else would be willing to do it?    


Lo Tian shook his head and went into the dark room to cultivate.    


A few days of effort was not enough to increase his attributes. However, it should not be a problem to master this so-called agility technique.    


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