All My Skills Are Picked Up

C120 Arrogant Man

C120 Arrogant Man

0Lo Tian grinned and sat back down with his arms crossed. The battle had already begun. The three of them began their fight.    


It seemed like nothing unexpected had happened in this battle. First was Senior Sister Qiuling and another student joining hands. The strength of these two people was clearly not comparable to Bai Ru.    


From the start of the battle, they were directly suppressed by Bai Ru. From Lo Tian's perspective, Bai Ru's attributes might be more than these two combined.    


Whether it was the strength essence or the sensitivity essence, they were both far superior to her opponent. Especially this student who had joined forces with Senior Sister Qiuling. Facing Bai Ru, he was simply restrained. At a time like this, he actually could not be ruthless. Such a disposition made many of the people in charge of the forces in the stands shake their heads.    


Martial Master He and Martial Master Lin, who had been very interested in Lo Tian a moment ago, were all holding a book in their hands. They seemed to have drawn a line on a certain name. This brother probably didn't know about it because he was afraid of the consequences. It seemed like he wanted to fight but didn't dare to. Many major powers had already closed their doors on him.    


On the contrary, Senior Sister Qiuling, who was at a disadvantage but was still fighting fiercely, attracted even more people's interest.    


"This lady is not bad! Her movement technique cultivation is still passable."    


"It is not easy to find female martial artists nowadays. Although her cultivation is slightly lower, it's still worth nurturing "    


"Surnamed Qiu, is she from the Qiu family? I remember that their family produced a few deacons. Yes, you can accept it. "    


Many of the leaders looked at Senior Sister Qiuling and discussed. On the contrary, Bai Ru did not seem to be invited at all.    


This kind of situation made Lo Tian understand. It should be that the disciples of big families could choose more. If they really couldn't do it, they could still go back to their families and take care of their business. Therefore, these forces had no intention of inviting them. They were just waiting for the disciples of the big families to choose.    


Perhaps these disciples of the major families had nothing, even if their cultivations were ordinary. Some forces were also willing to accept it. After all, just the strength of the clan behind them was enough for the other factions to fork out money to befriend them.    


This was the benefit of being in a large family. It was a benefit that a pauper like Lo Tian couldn't understand.    


The battle went on very quickly. After ten moves. The martial artist who had been unwilling to use a killing move was the first to be defeated by Bai Ru. As expected, he licked his dog until he had nothing in the end!    


Senior Sister Qiuling relied on the movement technique that she had just learned to hold on for two more moves. But that was all. The two of them were defeated. Senior Sister Qiuling gritted her teeth and looked at the sword in front of her. Her face was full of unwillingness but there was nothing she could do.    


At this moment, Bai Ru displayed the bearing of a big family and did not make any ruthless moves. After knocking down the two of them, she said in a clear voice, "Admit defeat. I do not want to kill you!"    


Licking Dog was the first to admit defeat. Senior Sister Qiuling also helplessly followed suit and admitted defeat. The deacon by the side quickly stepped forward and announced Bai Ru's victory. Many people in the stands also applauded.    


After all, no matter when it was, watching a beauty compete was something pleasing to the eye. Especially a beauty like Bai Ru who only watched her fight. That graceful figure, that twisting waist, and all kinds of trembling. It was worth the price.    


Bai Ru kept her sword and walked back. Just when everyone thought that Bai Ru was going to return to her seat to rest. Everyone was shocked to see Bai Ru walking towards Lo Tian.    


Lo Tian was also slightly stunned. He instinctively touched his muck-fork.    


Bai Ru came in front of Lo Tian and did not say anything. She gently waved her hand. Even one of the deacons consciously moved Bai Ru's chair over. Bai Ru sat quietly beside Lo Tian, making him feel a little uncomfortable.    


He turned his head to look around and found that everyone was also staring at him. Lo Tian coughed lightly. He felt that if he was a man, he would be the first one to be scared. Wouldn't that be a great loss of face? He sat back down. He sat down on the chair with his back straight, ready to attack at any moment.    


When the others saw the two of them so close, they immediately started discussing.    


"Do the two of them know each other?"    


"Who knows? They might have an affair."    


"Wow, a girl from the Bai family dares to flirt with me? You must be tired of living!"    


"It doesn't look like it. Maybe this kid owes someone money."    


"Come on, you bunch of idiots. She didn't know. A while ago, she was in the Martial Tower, and Miss Bai even played a few rounds with this kid. I heard that Miss Bai even lost a round. She's not convinced. "    


Discussions continued without end, and even Martial Master He and the others started to inquire about it. This was not a small matter. After all, if Lo Tian really had an affair with Bai Ru... If he recruited Lo Tian, wouldn't that be the same as establishing a connection with the Bai family? This was a beautiful thing that could kill two birds with one stone.    


Of course, if Lo Tian really had a conflict with the Bai family, recruiting Lo Tian would be the same as offending the Bai family. A slightly smaller power wouldn't dare to say a single word to Lo Tian.    


The atmosphere was somewhat awkward, but the competition continued. The third match was Senior Xingbei's turn. The person in his group was the famous Yang Zhen!    


With a faint smile on his face, Yang Zhen took the lead and walked into the arena.    


As soon as he stepped onto the stage, all the people in the audience suddenly pulled out rotten eggs and stinky cabbages from underneath their bodies. If they really couldn't handle it, they took off their shoes and threw them directly at Yang Zhen.    


"Bastard Yang Zhen, go to hell!"    


"How can a hoodlum still be alive? The heavens are unfair!"    


"Despicable scum of the Yang family. You have disgraced our ancestors. Get the hell out of here!"    


All of a sudden, the sound of cursing resounded through the clouds. Senior Xingbei and the other student were stunned by this scene. And the most important thing was, these big brothers, you guys throw it more accurately. Senior Xingbei had just walked onto the stage when he was almost drowned by the rotten cabbage. He could only quickly climb forward.    


From afar, it looked like the cabbage had turned into a spirit!    


Yang Zhen did not care at all, as if the more people scolded him, the happier they were.    


Suddenly, Yang Zhen spread his hands open and said, "Cheer, your king has returned. Hahaha, governor, I heard that your captain has retired, right? Can you let me take over? "    


Yang Zhen suddenly pointed his finger at the governor. Whether it was his words or actions, they were all disrespectful. However, the governor seemed to have long gotten used to this fellow. He replied with a clear voice, "That will depend on whether you have the ability or not."    


Yang Zhen laughed three times and said, "Ability? Of course there is. All of you who are participating in the third round of the Trial, just admit defeat now. Otherwise, if you fall into my hands, you will lose some parts."    


Yang Zhen extended his finger and pointed at Lo Tian and Bai Ru one by one. The arrogance in his expression made Lo Tian frown and say, "If this kind of person was in my hometown, he would be beaten up eight times a day."    


Bai Ru coldly snorted and said, "The arrogant Yang Zhen, it's good that you came back. It just so happens that I can take revenge for my sister!"    


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