Heavenly War God Returns To City

C1317 All Generals Listen Up!

C1317 All Generals Listen Up!

0Yang Xuan gestured to one of the guards beside him. The guard immediately took out a map and hung it up.    


Yang Xuan pointed to the map and said, "I just drew this map. Can any of you tell where it is?"    


Black Eagle quickly said, "I know. This place is called Eagle Beak Cliff. It is about 100 miles north of here."    


"Although this Eagle Beak Cliff is not high, it is very steep. There is only one very steep and dangerous path to go up."    


"Although there are many expensive herbs up there, even herbalists wouldn't dare to go up unless it's absolutely necessary because it's too dangerous there!"    


Yang Xuan nodded and said, "The word 'danger' is not necessarily an adjective. From a certain point of view, danger is also a very good barrier."    


Little Santo pondered for a while and said, "What the commander means is that he wants us to hide on Eagle Beak Cliff and use the terrain advantage of Eagle Beak Cliff to deal with the red armored soldiers?"    


Seeing Yang Xuan nod slightly, Little Santo frowned and said, "But I don't think it will work. Although Eagle Beak Cliff is dangerous, we are facing the red armored soldiers this time."    


"Even if we rely on the terrain of Eagle Beak Cliff to defend, we can only last for five days at most."    


Although the rest of them did not speak, they all nodded in agreement.    


Little Santo was right. Although Eagle Beak Cliff was dangerous, it was only a matter of time before it was breached by the elite red-armored soldiers of the red-clothed church.    


"I didn't ask you to stay there forever. And even if you can, you can't stay there forever."    


"The reason I asked you to go to Eagle Beak Cliff is because I need you to rely on the terrain there and hold on for a week. As long as you can hold on for a week, I promise you that all the Red Armored Soldiers will be wiped out!"    


Everyone was stunned when they heard that. Black Hawk asked in puzzlement, "What does that mean? Commander, please enlighten us. "    


Yang Xuan said, "If you want to defeat the Red Armored Soldiers and the Red Robed Cult, we definitely can't use our usual methods."    


"That's why we need to find another way. Red Sparrow and I need to do something, and this will take at least a week."    


"In order to keep it a secret, I can't tell you what I want to do for the time being, but you have to trust me."    


"What you need to do is to hold on for a week. As long as you can hold on for a week, believe me, we will win!"    


Everyone's blood boiled when they heard this. They didn't doubt Yang Xuan's decision because he didn't tell them what he was going to do.    


Because at this time, they all had a kind of trust in Yang Xuan that did not need a reason.    


If Yang Xuan wanted to leave them, or even harm them, with his ability, there was no need to beat around the bush.    


They would risk their lives to take care of these people who did not work for them. They would remember this kindness in their hearts, so there was no way they would have any doubts about Yang Xuan.    


"Reporting to the commander."    


At this time, Little Santo spoke again, "We all trust you 100%. However, even if we go up Eagle Beak Cliff and face the Red Armored Soldiers for a week, the probability of this happening is very small."    


The rest of the people also had solemn expressions. They had the same concerns as Little Santo.    


This time, they were not facing the Leopard Battle Cavalry and the two Heavy Infantry Legion. Although the Leopard Battle Cavalry were also very strong, they were still within a controllable range.    


However, this time, they were facing the core elites of the Church of the Red Shirt. Their combat strength was so formidable that it was difficult for them to even imagine how powerful the Red Shieldbearers were.    


Although Eagle Beak Cliff was dangerous, it was only aimed at the majority of ordinary people. Facing a powerful enemy like the Red Shieldbearers, it was only a matter of time before they attacked. Moreover, it would not last for long.    


Moreover, this was only a simple calculation of the time of the battle. With so many of them, as well as the elderly, women, and children of the various tribes, it was extremely difficult to transfer all of them to Eagle Beak Cliff.    


Therefore, it did not seem feasible for them to transfer all of them to Eagle Beak Cliff within a week.    


"Next, remember every word I say in your heart. Now, I will give the order!"    


Yang Xuan's expression immediately became serious. He knew that this matter was very harsh to the Tribal Alliance.    


"Little Santo!"    


"Your subordinate is here!"    


"I order you to lead the elites of the headquarters. There must not be more than five hundred of them. You don't need to be strong, but your stamina, loyalty, and agility must be top class."    


"Bring this group of elites and head towards the headquarters of the Church of the Red Shirt at the fastest speed possible."    


"Remember, your goal is not to truly attack the headquarters of the Church of the Red Shirt, but to act as if you want to launch a sneak attack. If there is any movement from the Church of the Red Shirt, retreat as quickly as possible."    


"However, do not go back the way you came. Instead, run in the direction of the dense forest and complex terrain."    


"Do not engage in any direct conflict with them. Your goal is to use this method to stall them. Within sixteen hours, wait for an opportunity to quickly close in on Eagle Beak Cliff."    


Yang Xuan ordered.    


Little Santo took a step forward and cupped his fists, "This subordinate accepts the order!"    


Yang Xuan looked at Black Eagle again and said, "Black Eagle!"    


Black Eagle took a step forward and said loudly, "This subordinate is here!"    


Yang Xuan said, "I order you to lead 2000 people and ambush in the woods beside Eagle Beak Cliff. Your mission is first, to meet little Santo!"    


"Secondly, after covering Little Santo's division and retreating, you will lead 2,000 men and make a detour to the east of Eagle Beak Cliff."    


"Remember, you must be fast. Do not fight with them. When everyone in the Tribal Alliance safely reach Eagle Beak Cliff, you will lead your tribe and follow them. You will destroy all the roads along the way!"    


" Yes, Your subordinate! "    


"Little Ghost Zap!"    


... "This subordinate is here!"    


"You will be in charge of commanding the remaining people of the Tribal Alliance, including the old, young, and old. We will climb the Eagle Beak Cliff in an orderly and safe manner. Apart from food and weapons, we will try our best to give up on the extra things!"    


"After we take them up the Eagle Beak Cliff, we will help the old, the weak, the women, and children of the Tribal Alliance settle down as soon as possible."    



" Yes, sir! "    


After arranging all of this, Yang Xuan said to the leaders, "Leaders, after all the remaining members of the Tribal Alliance climb Eagle Beak Cliff, they will officially face the attack of the red armored soldiers."    


"Remember, your goal is not to kill many people, but to continuously harass them and stop them from going up the mountain."    


"I have asked around. There are plenty of huge rocks on Eagle Beak Cliff, and there are also many oil trees. You can use oil from the oil trees to attack the red armored soldiers."    


"The vines and trees on Eagle Beak Cliff can also be made into various mechanisms. In short, do everything you can to delay the Red Armored Soldiers for a week!"    




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