Heavenly War God Returns To City

C1304 Give the Order

C1304 Give the Order

0Little Santo rubbed his chin and began to think carefully. He knew this was Yang Xuan's advice to him. He would never let go of such an opportunity.    


However, no matter how hard he racked his brain, he couldn't come up with a comprehensive plan.    


Send a small team to harass and force the other party to pass through the canyon?    


As soon as this idea popped up, it was quickly rejected by Little Santo.    


First of all, a small team was simply unable to effectively harass a heavy-armored infantry legion. Secondly, even if they could achieve some sort of harassment effect, they would have a feeling that there was no silver in this place.    


On the contrary, it reminded the enemy commander of his own strategic plan.    


Then, little Santo thought of a few more strategies, but he rejected them one by one every time.    


That long and narrow canyon was the restricted area of the militarists. Unless it was absolutely necessary, the commander would never lead his subordinates to such a dangerous path.    


However, since Commander Yang had come up with this strategy, it meant that there was definitely a way, but what could it be?    


"The changes in everything in this world can be classified into two categories. One is the internal cause, and the other is the external cause."    


At this time, Yang Xuan suddenly said something that seemed a little off topic.    


However, it was precisely this sentence that suddenly made little Santo fall into deep thought. Something seemed to flash in his mind.    


Internal cause? External cause?    


"I understand!"    


Little Santo suddenly understood and patted his head, "The way to make the Black Dragon Guards have to pass through that canyon is that they don't need to do anything!"    




When Little Santo said this, the other tribal leaders were all confused.    


There was no need to do anything?    


What kind of method was this?    


Yang Xuan looked at Little Santo with praise and nodded, "Continue."    


Little Santo said, "This time, the leader of the black hawk and the others are going to attack the Wild Wolf Guards with the mentality of fighting to the death."    


"So the battle will be very intense. When it starts, they will try their best. So the situation on the battlefield will be very clear in a period of time."    


"Sanzhu Zarro has already lost the Leopard Battle Cavalry yesterday. This battle will definitely be won by him. He must destroy us in one fell swoop. Only then can he continue to maintain his prestige in the Church of the Red Shirt."    


"Therefore, this battle must not be lost. Once the leader of the black hawks attacks, the situation of the battle will quickly reach Sanzhu Zarro's ears."    


"Sanzhu Zarro has already been defeated for a while yesterday. Today, he will not allow another defeat no matter what."    


"Therefore, he must give the most severe order to the Black Dragon Guards. He must make them arrive at the battlefield in the shortest time, regardless of the cost!"    


"After receiving such an order, the commander of the Black Dragon Guards will definitely not neglect it. He must move forward as fast as possible."    


"Thus, even if it's a canyon in the Forbidden Land of Soldiers, he will still take the risk of leading his troops through the canyon!"    


Bang, bang, bang!    


After Yang Xuan heard this, he clapped his hands a few times in praise.    


With little Santo's reaction speed and analytical ability, his intelligence was needless to say. His talent and ability in battle was probably even above Black Hawk and Little Ghost Zap.    


With such a talent assisting them to their heart's content in the future, Red Sparrow's side would definitely have twice the result with half the effort!    


"Now that all the problems have been resolved, what do you think we should do next?"    


Yang Xuan looked at Little Santo and asked again.    


Little Santo took a step forward with a fierce look in his eyes and said loudly, "This subordinate requests to fight. Commander, please appoint me as the commander in charge of stopping the Black Dragon Guards. I am willing to make a military order. If we cannot win this battle, I will bring my head up to see you!"    




Yang Xuan took a deep breath and said loudly, "Little Santo!"    


"We have arrived!"    


"The current commander of the Black Dragon Guards is in charge of all tactics and deployment arrangements for this battle! "    




"Kiddo Zha!"    


"Your subordinate is here!"    


"First, I order you to block the Black Dragon Guards' deputy commander. You are in charge of assisting little Santo in commanding this block battle! "    


"Your subordinate receives the order!"    


"The rest of the tribe leaders!"    


"Your subordinate is here!"    


"The Black Dragon Guards had no choice but to follow Little Santo's orders from now on until the end of the battle. What he says represents what I say. Anyone who dares to go against my orders will be killed on the spot! "    


"Your subordinate obeys!"    


"Alright, make the best use of your time. Let's set off. I'll wait here for everyone's triumphant return!"    




After Little Santo and the others left, only Red Sparrow and Yang Xuan were left in the entire Tribal Alliance, with the exception of some old women and children.    



"Yang Xuan, do you think they can complete the mission? Should we follow them and take a look?"    


The red sparrow seemed a little worried.    


Yang Xuan shook his head lightly and said with a faint smile, "The battlefield is full of variables and uncertainty. No one dares to predict the outcome of a battle with 100% certainty."    


"However, if there is no major change, Black Hawk and Little Santo will most likely win this battle."    


Red Sparrow took a deep breath after hearing this. "It seems like Sanzhu Zarro is going to be in pain again this time. First, it's the Leopard Battle Cavalry, then it's the two Heavy Infantry Battle Groups, but..."    


As he spoke, Red Sparrow's expression started to turn gloomy. "However, after this battle is over, we will have to engage in a true decisive battle with Sanzhu Zarro!"    


Yang Xuan could understand Red Sparrow's feelings at this moment.    


Whether it was the Leopard Battle Cavalry or the two major infantry legions, to Sang-Zhu Zarro, they were indeed very powerful in his hands.    


However, it was not the core combat strength of Sang Zhu Zarro.    


Sang Zhuzalo also had an extremely terrifying red armored soldier in his hands.    


This red armored soldier was definitely one of the best in terms of individual combat ability and group battle.    


Although Yang Xuan had only fought with a small group of red armored soldiers in La Sang City, he could see their terrifying combat strength.    


Each of these red armored soldiers had a very high level of attainment, and their coordination could be said to be flawless. Their level of cooperation was clearly defined, and their tension and relaxation were proportionate. They were definitely not comparable to the Leopard Battle Cavalry and the two heavily armored infantry legions.    


After this battle, Sang Zhuzalo would lead the red armored soldiers to attack without any suspense.    


With the small combat strength of these tribes, when they were facing a force that was dozens or even hundreds of times stronger than theirs, any tactic would be useless.    


"Red Sparrow, you told me about your revenge plan before. Why have you forgotten about it now?"    


Yang Xuan asked with a faint smile.    


Red Sparrow was stunned. "Revenge plan? Isn't it in progress now..."    


The Vermilion Bird was stunned. "You mean, the Elder Pavilion?"    


Yang Xuan nodded," That's right. In your revenge plan, the Pavilion of Elders is the true core. "    


"The real purpose of Black Hawk and Imp Zap is not to use them to win a few battles."    


"It is to force them to the opposite side of Sanzhu Zaro through battle, as well as their loyalty to you."    


"Besides, we will use these battles to distract Sanjuzalo's attention, and we can use this gap to find a way to break the array eye and remove the seal of the Pavilion of Elders!"    


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