Heavenly War God Returns To City

C1183 Another Thought

C1183 Another Thought

0Through this period of time, Yang Xuan felt a very complicated and conflicting feeling from the red sparrow. At the same time, he felt a little sad.    


In a way, the red sparrow was evil.    


According to what she said, if her Burning Flame Mantra did not advance to a realm, the red-clothed sect master would find some living people to practice on for her to increase her actual combat strength.    


She would even use ordinary people who did not even have the strength to truss a chicken to test the power of the Burning Flame Mantra.    


Facing these people that she had brutally slaughtered, the Red Sparrow did not feel anything at all. It was as if this was a matter that was perfectly justified.    


Perhaps in her eyes, those people were not even considered humans, but were no different from livestock that were slaughtered for food.    


This seemingly harmless looking young lady's hands were stained with the blood of countless innocent lives.    


Even until now, her concept hadn't changed much.    


The indoctrination she had received since she was a child had formed a unique set of values. It was as if the people of their Red Shirt Sect should be high and mighty in this world, while others were just tools they used.    


However, from another perspective, the red sparrow had the purest and cleanest heart and soul in this world.    


She would treat a puppet without any intelligence as her best friend. When she heard that there were still many people in this world who could not eat, her first thought was to give everything she had to those poor people.    


In her eyes, there was no such thing as fame and fortune.    


The environment she grew up in made her a demon.    


But in her heart, she was a pure angel.    


This also made Yang Xuan feel a bit sad.    


"Red Sparrow, have you ever thought that many of the things that the Church of the Red Shirt has done are wrong?"    


As the two of them walked forward, Yang Xuan asked.    


"I don't think so."    


Red Sparrow didn't hesitate and said, "Our Red Robed Cult has always taken the responsibility of bringing the people of the world under our control. We are doing a great deed."    


After Yang Xuan heard this, he asked again, "Then how do you deal with those who don't agree with you or oppose you?"    


The red sparrow blurted out, "Of course we will execute them. My godfather said that these people who oppose us will be a disaster if they are kept alive. We must execute them."    


Yang Xuan looked at Red Sparrow's matter-of-fact expression and sighed, "But have you ever thought that the prerequisite for salvation is respect?"    


"Everyone is unique and their lives are precious. In your opinion, other than the people of your Red Robed Cult, everyone else should obey you. This is an unfair act."    


"Everyone has their own views and thoughts. How can you guarantee that your thoughts are definitely correct?"    


"When facing different opinions and thoughts, the first thing you should do is respect and understand them. Even if the other party is wrong, you must correct the other party's thoughts and not directly execute him."    


"Your actions are actually not to appease all living things, but to do something to satisfy your own selfish desires under the banner of salvation"    


"Think about it carefully. A person who views himself as high and mighty and disrespects the lives of others, is this to appease all living things? This in itself is very contradictory"    


After hearing this, the Red Sparrow was suddenly stunned. Then, it started to frown slightly, as if it had fallen into deep thought.    


" Listening to what you said makes sense, but... But... but these principles were set by our Red Cloaked Church's founder?"    


Although the Red Sparrow had a pure mind, it didn't mean that her brain wasn't working. On the contrary, she was actually an extremely intelligent and intelligent lady.    


Because of the environment she grew up in, she had always received the same kind of indoctrination from her childhood. It allowed her to form a type of natural values.    


But after hearing what Yang Xuan said, she carefully thought about it and suddenly felt that her previously deep-rooted concept seemed to have received a violent impact.    


But even so, it was not realistic to completely change it in a short period of time.    


"Then who can guarantee that what your Red Cloaked Cult's founder said must be correct?"    


Yang Xuan sighed lightly and said, "I'll explain it to you like this. There are many organizations in this world that are similar to your Red Shirt Sect."    


"There are some organizations that are highly intelligent and beneficial to the people. For example, Buddhism. I am talking about the most orthodox kind of Buddhism, not those fake Buddhism that use the guise of Buddhism to distort the ideology of Buddhism."    


"Buddhism's doctrines include benevolence, kindness, and consideration for others. They control their emotions, are not selfish or greedy, and are also tolerant and many other very good things."    


"The existence of Buddhism wants to spread these good things to benefit the people of the world. The existence of Buddhism wants to spread these good things to the public and benefit the people of the world."    


" Therefore, the Buddhist Lord himself is not a god, but a person who has profound wisdom. He has comprehended many ultimate profundities of the human world. Everything he has done is to let the people of the world understand. He has reached a realm beyond imagination. "    


"This is the true transcendence of all living things, but there are so many messy things that are produced. Using the Buddha's disguise, it is actually a false Buddhist religion that satisfies one's own selfish desires."    


"Buddhism emphasizes that one's hands are not stained with yellow and white objects. In other words, monks are not allowed to touch money with their hands."    


"However, nowadays, false Buddhas often charge various types of incense money. The more money they pay, the greater the merit."    


"Think about it. If Buddhas use the amount of money they donate to define their merit, will they still be Buddhas?"    


"Those false Buddhas even privately tampered with a lot of Buddhist teachings. For example, they say that any suspicion they have towards monks and Buddhas is a heinous crime, and that slandering is retribution. After death, they will fall into the Vajra Hell."    


"Therefore, many people were very careful in the monks and temples, afraid that there would be even the slightest bit of disrespect."    


"Actually, this doctrine is even more ridiculous. Didn't Buddhists say that they were tolerant and benevolent?"    


"Now, they can't allow others to slander them. They can't even doubt it. If they are not careful, they will be sent to hell to suffer. They are so petty and vicious. Is this still Buddha?"    


"The purpose of those fake Buddhas is actually very simple. They are to confine people's thoughts so that they won't be seen through by others."    


"When they confine the thoughts of those believers, they will start to directly or indirectly ask for money."    


"For example, they all express various kinds of direct or indirect expressions, if they use their wealth to support them, it would be a great blessing."    


"Actually, this logic is quite unreasonable. Why would the money that other people painstakingly earn be used to support them for no reason?"    



"Buddha has never said that he is a god, and Buddha is also a human. He is just a person with great wisdom, so he uses the money he earned through hard work. Giving it unconditionally to another person is a great fortune. This is nonsense. "    


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