Heavenly War God Returns To City

C213 Shameless Family

C213 Shameless Family

0"Hello, second aunt."    


Yang Xuan responded with a faint smile. He did not take the other party's sarcasm to heart.    


Like the Su Family Member, the relatives of their mother-in-law also looked down on Yang Xuan, the son-in-law who came to their house to work for them.    


"Don't stand here. The car is parked over there. Let's get in the car first."    


After saying that, Yang Xuan led the group towards the parking area.    


"Nan, your family bought a car?"    


Hearing that Yang Xuan drove over, Zhang Chunju's face instantly revealed a greedy look. "What car? How much?"    


As she spoke, she had already walked to the side of the car.    


"D * mn, isn't this a small Polo?"    


Zhang Chunhua's son, Wang Bing, laughed and said, "I thought it was a good car. This car should be second-hand, right? I bought it for a few thousand dollars."    


After hearing the price of this car, Zhang Chunju's face instantly darkened. She pouted and said, "This is a broken car. It's too embarrassing to sit in it."    


Yang Xuan laughed and said, "How about you guys take a taxi?"    


Yang Xuan did not have a good expression on his face when it came to Zhang Chunju's family. He was selfish, mean, greedy, and cheap. The characteristics of the people in the city were vividly portrayed by this family.    


If it were not for Lee Yun today, he would not have bothered to come and pick her up.    


Moreover, looking at the way they were behaving, it was fake to bring Lee Yun to the city to check on her health. He was afraid that it was the real reason for them to take the opportunity to travel. Otherwise, why would all three of them be here?    


"You, give me the key. I will open it!"    


Wang Bing asked Yang Xuan for the car keys. Yang Xuan smiled faintly and said, "I will drive. I am more familiar with the road here."    


"Take it if I tell you to. Don't talk so much nonsense!"    


Wang Bing was very impatient. Zhang Chunju also helped him by saying, "That's right. It's not a good car. My son is not ashamed to drive it!"    


Yang Xuan smiled bitterly and shook his head. He could only throw the key to Wang Bing and sit in the passenger seat.    


Su Nan, Lee Yun, and Zhang Chunju sat in the back.    


Wang Bing's technique was terrible. He stopped the engine several times with just one step. He even stumbled and staggered along the way.    


"Drive slowly. The red light is in front!"    


Yang Xuan couldn't help but remind him.    


"You know nothing!"    


Not only did Wang Bing not slow down, he even stepped on the accelerator, "Driving is only exciting if you drive fast. I'll show you how to drift later."    


Zhang Huafaang was also at the back row. "What's wrong? Do you think my son is not good at driving? If you don't like it, you can go down. Don't take my son's car! "    


Yang Xuan was speechless. He didn't know how to respond to such a weird comment. He sighed and said," It's better to drive slowly. Safety first. "    


If it were not for the fact that Su Nan and Lee Yun were also in the car, he would not have bothered even if Wang Bing drove the car and was about to take off.    


"Hehe, you do not understand my technique. This technique of mine is not only famous..."    


Creak -    


Before Wang Bing could finish his sentence, an electric car suddenly came from the side. Due to the speed of the car being too fast, it was too late for Wang Bing to step on the emergency brake. He directly knocked the electric car onto the ground.    


"It hit someone. What should we do?" Lee Yun said in a panic.    


Wang Bing also seemed to be in a panic. He hit the steering wheel hard and complained, "What kind of broken car is this? Even the brakes are not working!"    


"Yes, it's all because of this broken car. It has nothing to do with my son!"    


Zhang Chunju, who was in the back, shouted at Yang Xuan, "I'm warning you. If you want to blame something, blame this broken car of yours for not giving it to you. It has nothing to do with my son!"    


Yang Xuan was too lazy to talk to such a shameless person. He quickly opened the car door and walked out.    


It was a middle-aged man dressed like a migrant worker who fell to the ground. He did not look like a big problem. Only a piece of skin on his knee was broken, and some blood seeped out.    


"Big Brother, are you alright? I'm sorry."    


Yang Xuan hurriedly helped him up, and the migrant worker brother limped and stood up. He turned his head. Through the windshield, he glared at Wang Bing, who was sitting in the driver's seat. He said, "Why are you driving so fast? Don't you see that this is the sidewalk?"    


"Why are you shouting at my son?"    


Zhang Chunju stuck her head out of the window. When she saw the other party dressed like a migrant worker, she instantly felt emboldened. "It's your department head's fault. Didn't you see the car coming? You even deliberately walked this way. I think you want to blackmail me! "    


"You... This is the sidewalk. What's wrong with me walking this way!"    


The farmer's elder brother was so angry that he was trembling. Yang Xuan quickly said, "Elder brother, don't be angry. It's our fault. Why don't I send you to the hospital for a check-up?"    


The farmer's elder brother looked at Yang Xuan and said, "This young man's words are quite pleasant to hear. Actually, I'm fine. I just need to go back and wipe some medicine. However, the way he speaks when he drives is really too unpleasant."    


"Elder brother, please calm down. This is our fault. How about this? I'll pay you some medical expenses first and give you a contact number. If there are any problems later, you can call me at any time."    


Yang Xuan said as he returned to the car. He took out a small stack of cash from his bag and handed it to the farmer. "Brother, take this money and go to the hospital for a check-up. You can call me if you need anything."    


"Look at what you said."    


The farmer waved his hand and said, "I'll just crack some skin and apply some medicine later. Why bother with these troublesome things? I'm not blackmailing people..."    


"Big brother, just keep it. Buy some nutritional products or something. Call me if you need anything later."    


Yang Xuan stuffed the money into the farmer's pocket and returned to the car with a smile.    



Wang Bing was afraid of taking responsibility, so he had already sneaked onto the passenger seat. Yang Xuan continued to drive.    


"I say, you are just a migrant worker. Why do you care about him?"    


The car had just driven not far when Zhang Chunju started to mutter from behind. "The money you gave him just now should be less than 3000 yuan. Tell me about you. What else can I do in my life? Isn't it good to use this money to buy a new set of clothes for my son? "    


"Second Aunt, this is our responsibility." Lee Yun could not help but say.    


"What responsibility?"    


Zhang Chunju cursed, "Isn't he just a migrant worker? Even if we don't give him a single cent, what can he do to us? This kind of person deserves to be hit! "    


"He is a migrant worker, then what are you? Aren't you also a farmer!? "    


Yang Xuan could not take it anymore. He had a special feeling about migrant workers. When he first came to Nanjiang, it was these migrant workers who saved his life. His good brothers were also migrant workers.    


"Besides, if you report this to the government, do you think you can get away with it?"    




Zhang Chunju finally calmed down, but she continued to blabber behind her, feeling pity for the few thousand yuan that she had just paid the migrant worker.    


"Little Yun, you can squeeze with me tonight. It has been a long time since the two of us have met, we must have a good chat."    


Su Nan usually doted on her cousin the most. She was sensible, obedient, and especially motivated.    


Lee Yun's grades had always been very good. Originally, it was absolutely not a problem for her to enter a key university. But during the college entrance exam, she fainted in the examination venue and missed the opportunity to enter the university.    


Because of the family's difficulties and the thought of favoring boys over girls, the family did not allow Lee Yun to continue her studies and let her find a random person in the village to marry.    


However, Lee Yun's character was stubborn. Although she stayed in the countryside, she never stopped studying. On one hand, she was a teacher in the village primary school and on the other, she was preparing to self-study for the exam. She was a very motivated girl.    


"Go to your house?"    


Before Lee Yun could speak, Zhang Chunju smiled and said, "I didn't hear wrongly, right? How can that run-down place in your house accommodate so many of us? I think it is better to stay in a hotel. Oh right, son. What was the name of the four-star hotel that you just checked out?"    


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