Supreme Divine Book

C313 Starlight

C313 Starlight

0After spending an entire night's time, Han Chen finally melted this two meter long iron tree into liquid form.    


Slowly weakening the fire, Han Chen began to solidify it into the shape of a human body. Compared to yesterday when he had forged a small dagger, the difficulty of today was countless times higher.    


Head, torso, limbs. The human-made appearance formed a rough outline in Han Chen's mind. Four hours later, as Han Chen withdrew his martial spirit energy, this "great" project was finally completed.    


Whoosh! Han Chen gasped for breath heavily, only then did he realise that his clothes were already drenched in sweat. He raised his head to look at the android in front of him. A knowing smile appeared on his handsome face.    


The android was about 1.5 meters and 6 meters tall. His stature was also quite small and small. The metal on his body had a dark golden lustre, and under the illumination of the sunlight, it looked crystal clear.    


But after looking again, Han Chen felt depressed. The manmade man's facial features were truly not pleasing. His eyes were big and small, and his mouth was even smaller than his nose. Even the arms were long and short.    


"This?" Han Chen rubbed his nose, grudgingly muttered to himself, "He should be able to get sixty points!"    


The humanoid shape was indeed not good, but Han Chen himself was very satisfied with it. He heaved a sigh of relief. The next thing he wanted to do was to carve runes on its body.    


The inscriptions and runes were the most complicated and complicated step to forge an artificial human. The rune's structure could not produce the slightest error, otherwise, it would cause the humanoid to be unable to activate normally. This was also one of the steps that Han Chen valued the most.    


After sitting on the ground to rest, using his energy to recover, Han Chen began to prepare to inscribe runes.    


The scroll that He Tian left behind had runes engraved on it. Han Chen held the scroll in one hand, and then held the dagger that he had crafted yesterday in his right hand as he lowered his head to draw the runes on the back of the man-made body.    


The edge of the dagger left shallow marks on the android's body. Han Chen was very serious, very careful and afraid that he was wrong. This was because the scroll had repeatedly emphasized that even the slightest deviation in the runes was unable to create a qualified human-made human. Therefore, Han Chen was especially attentive.    


Time passed minute by minute, Han Chen was bent like a lobster. His pretty face was full of attention.    


One hour, four hours, six hours. Gradually, the sky began to darken again, and the fiery red rain of sunset began to climb the entire mountain. However, Han Chen was completely unaware of this.    


Whoosh! At this moment, Han Chen heaved a sigh of relief, the inscriptions had finally ended.    


"I'm so tired." Only then did Han Chen realize that his waist and legs were sore. Ye Zichen rubbed his sore eyes, then looked at the complicated pattern on the back of the human-made man, and felt unusually gratified.    


"Han Chen."    


A gentle female voice came out. Han Chen's heart was startled, he turned to look, only to see the beautiful Qiao Feiyan looking towards him with a smile.    


"Feiyan?" When did you get here? "    


"He came this morning." Qiao Feiyan smiled as he walked over, and in her hands she was holding an exquisite bamboo basket. I brought you some food, but it may be cold by now. "    


Han Chen looked at the sky and saw that it was already evening. He could not help but apologetically greet them. Didn't you wait a whole day? "Why didn't you call me?"    


"Since you're so serious, it's not good for me to disturb you." Qiao Feiyan was not angry, her limpid eyes seemed to be forever gentle. Her beautiful eyes moved as she looked at the android, who was not far away, and asked doubtfully, "Are you a mannequin?"    


"No!" Previously, when I went to the Earth King Valley with Ferlin and I, we obtained the humanoid division scroll left behind by Earth King He Tian. Since I had nothing better to do, I tried refining it. "It's kind of weird. You must be joking."    


"I won't laugh at you! I didn't expect you to be able to make manmade. "As you know, the number of human form masters is extremely low, and among the many talents in the Five Palaces, not a single one was a human form master." Qiao Feiyan's tone was filled with faint surprise.    


When she first came here, she was indeed shocked by Han Chen. If he had not observed the other party for an entire day, Qiao Feiyan would not be so calm.    


Han Chen laughed, "Hmm, this manmade human still lacks the last step, and it just so happens that you can watch from the side and witness the first manmade human I made."    


"Alright." Qiao Feiyan laughed.    


The last step was to take a person's blood essence and activate the symbols.    


Han Chen obviously planned to take his own blood essence and use the dagger to lightly cut his fingertip. With a thought, a drop of fresh red blood flew towards the human-made person.    


A human's blood essence was different from ordinary blood, it contained the essence of Profound Qi. Once the blood essence came out, Han Chen immediately felt dizzy. His body had already consumed a lot of energy, so he couldn't hold on much longer.    


"Han Chen." Qiao Feiyan frowned, and immediately went forward to support him.    


"I'm fine." Han Chen replied with a slight lack of confidence.    


Dark red blood dripped onto the runes on the back of the humanoid body, and a slight wave of energy undulated in the air. Then, something unbelievable happened.    


The rune was emitting a bright silvery white light. The white light was flowing, as if electric arcs were moving up and down. A flash of red light appeared in the man's empty eye sockets.    


After a few blinks of an eye, the android returned to its calm state, and the bright and beautiful runes also dimmed.    


"What's going on? Why does it not move? " Qiao Feiyan asked gently.    


"Hur hur." Han Chen smiled indifferently, "I just activated its Runes, now it is an artificial human without an owner. "I still need someone else to bind it with blood."    


With that, Han Chen squeezed out another drop of his normal blood onto the human-made man. As the blood entered the man's dark golden body, an even more intense energy fluctuation exploded from the man's body.    


Buzz! Buzz! Red light gushed out of the eyes of the android. A vigorous aura that was the equivalent of the eighth level of morphogenesis surged out from his body. The rune on his back flickered with a bright light, and Han Chen realized that he had established a direct connection with the other party.    


"Success." Han Chen's eyes lit up, and he pointed to a large rock not far away, "Go and smash it to pieces."    


The scene of dust flying everywhere and dust flying around did not appear in his imagination. Something that made Han Chen dumbstruck happened. The human-made man moved his body with difficulty, as though he was an old man walking while trembling.    


What was going on? Han Chen opened his eyes wide, his face full of suspicions.    


Qiao Feiyan, who was beside her, suddenly realized something, opened her red lips and probingly asked: "Han Chen, you didn't immediately refine a whole set of its limbs right?"    




"Look at its four limbs. They don't even have curved joints. Do you think it can move around as it pleases?"    


These words startled the person in his dreams, causing Han Chen to almost puke out a mouthful of blood, "Why do I feel like something's wrong?    


Han Chen slapped his forehead and immediately took out the scroll left behind by He Tian. Just as expected, on the last page, there was a clear mark.    


The artificial body's limbs, head, and torso had to be refined separately. Joint components are also available for bending.    


Seeing that, Han Chen's teeth really hated them, and looking back at the recently completed manmade man, who seemed to be made out of an iron tree, no matter how he looked at it, he felt uncomfortable. Even a snail can walk faster than it.    


Han Chen's heart immediately dropped to the freezing point, and all of the excitement from before vanished.    


"Alright, don't be sad." Qiao Feiyan encouraged her gently. "This is just a small mistake, you're still really good at it."    



"Sigh." Han Chen massaged his temple which was starting to get a bit dizzy. He suddenly felt like his life had lied to him.    


Qiao Feiyan helped Han Chen to sit on the ground, then opened up a bamboo basket at the side, "The food is already cold, but the pastries are still edible."    


It was said that Han Chen didn't have the mood to eat right now, but he didn't want to reject Qiao Feiyan's good intentions. He could only nod gratefully.    


"Open your mouth, I'll feed you." Qiao Feiyan took out a piece of green bean cake and brought it to Han Chen's mouth.    


Han Chen could not help but be taken aback for a moment, then obediently opened his mouth. As soon as the pastry entered his mouth, a salty and sweet taste came to his tongue. After chewing it a little more, Han Chen's eyes stared wide, and he almost puked.    


"How is it?" Qiao Feiyan looked at her with anticipation, her watery eyes filled with gentleness. "Is it delicious?"    


"Wh-who made these pastries?" Han Chen softly said a few words.    


"Me! Do you like it? "    


"Yes, I like it." "It's delicious."    


"Really." Qiao Feiyan's beautiful eyes lit up, and then, she took out the entire plate, "Then eat some more."    


Han Chen's intestines turned green immediately, and his eyes twitched. But thinking about it, as the princess of the Yue Lan Empire, Qiao Feiyan's status was extremely noble. To be able to cook for him personally, his heart was filled with gratitude.    


Qiao Feiyan continued to feed Han Chen while chatting happily.    


The sky had long since darkened, and the surroundings of the Sunset Walls once again became dark and quiet. However, compared to yesterday, today was not lonely at all.    


On the other side of the Sunset Wall, Yan Wu was watching the laughing Han Chen and Qiao Feiyan from a distance. Her ruby eyes flashed with a sense of indifference.    


"I wanted to see how embarrassed you were after getting punished, but I didn't expect you to be so happy."    


In the end, Yan Wu did not walk over to greet the two of them. She slowly turned around and disappeared into the dense night.    


Sunset Wall, the sky full of stars. In this world, everyone was a star. Some were destined to be bright, while others were destined to be dim. Some were like shooting stars. Although they were bright, they were short.    


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