Supreme Divine Book

C122 Lin Ming Ruo

C122 Lin Ming Ruo

0Several days passed in a row, and Han Chen suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight, as if he had vanished from the face of the earth. But the people of the Azure Blue Prince's residence didn't stop their pursuit.    


Not only that, even the Hidden Court City's Liu Family and the City Lord's Mansion had secretly sent people to search for him. This time, with all the forces chasing after and killing one person, Han Chen would definitely not have much luck.    


As for the Grand Seal Empire's imperial capital, the king himself had issued an imperial edict, "We will definitely destroy Han Chen, and shake the entire empire with his might!"    


However, no one knew where he had escaped to.    


Blue River City, Lin Wei's escort office.    


This was a small low level power, equivalent to an ordinary large family.    


It was an exquisite and elegant room. A faint fragrance wafted in the air. With a glance, one could tell that this was a place where a girl lived. Clean and elegant. Lying on a soft and comfortable bed was an unconscious young man. Who else could it be other than Han Chen?    


The current Han Chen had fallen into a deep slumber and his clothes were clean, but his lips and face were exceptionally pale. It was as if he was in a terrifying nightmare.    


In Han Chen's dream, he once again returned to the Azure Blue Prince's manor from a few days ago. There were bloodstains all over the place, and broken limbs. Cang Yaner, Liu Xin, Meng Huo who was already dead stood in front of him, his eyes filled with a malicious killing intent.    


So many people wished for him to die, and then Bai Xiaotian, Bai He, and Bai Hao appeared again. However, on the faces of these so-called family members, they were all cold and detached. He was alone. Alone.    


The memory of the previous dynasty crossed the red dust, and it was not the blade that hurt.    


Suddenly, the scene changed, everyone disappeared, and what appeared in front of Han Chen was an endless darkness. Endless darkness, as if it wanted to swallow him whole.    




In the darkness, a magnetic male voice entered his ears. Han Chen's body and mind violently shook. This was a voice that he would never forget.    


"Father." Han Chen called out softly, he looked around blankly, but there was only darkness.    


"Chen'er." This was a voice as gentle as water, like the gentle caress of a spring breeze, yet also like a thin veil sweeping across one's face.    


"Mom, Mom." Han Chen's tears couldn't stop flowing down. In his countless dreams before, he had always dreamed of his mother, Bai Muxuan. But this time, his heart was aching.    


Han Chen hysterically roared at the darkness as he separated himself by several times. Who could understand why the youth would leave him alone and suffer such grievances?    


When he was thirteen years old, his father had abandoned him for no reason and left him alone. Until now, he still didn't know where his father had gone to.    


"Chen'er, we'll meet again." Han Langyu's and Bai Muxuan's voice overlapped each other as they walked further and further away.    


"I do, I do." Han Chen was in a daze as he muttered to himself in a low voice. The surroundings returned to silence. The endless darkness seemed to hide a terrifying giant beast of prehistoric times. Darkness spread out recklessly, devouring all living things in the world.    


Han Chen's mind trembled, he could clearly feel that the martial force in his body had reached a certain degree of saturation. He seemed to have reached the peak of the seventh level of Qi Refining, and with one more step, he would be able to step into the eighth level.    


In the real world, in a room that was emitting a faint fragrance.    


A girl that was around fifteen years old looked at the unconscious Han Chen with some worry. The girl had a tall and slender figure with delicate facial features. Her pair of bright eyes, in particular, was extremely alluring. It was obvious that she was a beauty.    


"Young miss, the mistress wants you," A young lady dressed as a servant pushed open the door and suddenly saw Han Chen lying on the bed. The girl quickly covered his mouth and whispered, "Little Peach, don't shout. If dad and mom knew about this, I'd definitely be scolded."    


"Yes, yes, yes!" Little Peach quickly nodded, indicating that she understood. Only then did the girl let go of him.    


Xiaotao panted heavily as she muttered in dissatisfaction. Then, she walked to the bedside and asked, "Miss, who is this person?"    


The girl shook her head, her beautiful eyes filled with confusion, "I don't know either. A few days ago, I saw him faint in the backyard, and his body was covered in blood. "I will …"    


"Miss, aren't you being too bold? Save everyone? What if he's a bad guy? " Although the two of them had a master-servant relationship, they were close sisters. Thus, on some matters, Little Peach only expressed her dissatisfaction.    


"This, I, I don't know either." The girl lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong. "I don't think he's a bad person."    


"Aiya!" Peach shook her head and sighed, "Miss, you're just too kind." "No, I'm going to tell Madame about it."    


"Don't!" The girl quickly pulled at him, "Little Peach, don't tell Mom. If she knew, I'd be in trouble. Please, Peaches. The girl opened her eyes wide and clasped her hands together like a buddha worshipping a buddha, displaying her cuteness.    


"Alright, alright! "Hmph, in any case, the one who gets punished is me every time."    


"Hehe, Little Peach, I knew you were being nice to me."    


Xiaotao could only snort depressingly as she glanced at Han Chen who was on the bed and said, "Miss, the Madam is asking you to go over!"    


"Hmm? "What is it?"    


"I don't know either, but looking at the expressions of the lady and the lord, something doesn't seem right." Xiaotao asked with doubt.    


"Oh, then I'll go take a look."    


The two of them gently closed the door and walked towards the front yard.    


There seemed to be a sense of desolation and desolation in the huge courtyard. No one cleaned the fallen leaves. Could it be that something really happened to the escort company?    


"Father, mother!"    


A middle-aged man and a beautiful woman in the lobby heard the call and quickly turned their gazes over. The woman went forward and grabbed the girl's hand. Her delicate eyebrows were filled with deep concern.    


"Ming Ruo, you're here."    


The girl's name was Lin Ming Ruo, she was the daughter of the escort company's owner Lin Wei. Lin Wei Sheng's stately appearance revealed a bit of majesty between his brows. However, he could still see a few traces of sadness on his face.    


"Dad, mom, why do you guys look so bad?" Ming Ruo first looked at Little Peach behind him, then said to the two of them.    


Lin Wei sighed, he also walked over and caressed Ming Ruo's head, "Ruo'er, recently, you haven't been running away right?"    


"Nope." Ming Ruo shook her head, she had indeed not gone out these past few days. Otherwise, she would have heard of the matter regarding Han Chen. Then, he would be able to guess that the person whom she would save would be him. In addition, she didn't usually like liveliness and rarely went out.    


"En!" Lin Wei nodded and continued, "Ruo'er, don't go out for the next few days. When your mother and I have dismissed all the servants in the escort company and sold them off, we will leave Blue River City. "    


"Leave Blue Ocean City? "Why?" Ming Ruo was shocked, while Little Peach was also stunned. No wonder the escort office had been shrouded in a depressing atmosphere lately. Something big had really happened.    


"Ruo'er, father has no other choice." Lin Wei held both his daughter's and his wife's hands in his palms, his eyes revealed a great sense of guilt, "I was incompetent, and the escort company ran into a force that we couldn't afford to offend. We have to leave as soon as possible. "    


Ming Ruo lowered her head, pursed her lips and said softly, "Father, I don't want to leave this place."    



Looking at their depressed daughter, Lin Wei and his wife sighed inwardly. Who would want to leave this home that they had lived in for more than ten years! Being in the martial arts world, one was helpless. Natural selection, survival of the fittest.    


For the next few days, Lin Wei's escort office was in a tense atmosphere. Indeed, Lin Wei was dismissing his servants and was beginning to sell off his possessions. It was as though he was preparing to run for his life in the face of a great enemy.    


In the simple yet neat and tidy room, Ming Ruo held onto her cheeks, her eyes filled with worry as she looked at Han Chen who was still unconscious. Her red lips moved slightly as she muttered softly, "If you don't wake up soon, I'm leaving. I still don't know your name! "    


In the morning, his parents had said that they would leave the Azure Blue City at noon.    


"Miss!" Xiaotao lightly pushed the door open and entered. Seeing her sitting at the side of the table in a daze, she said, "You haven't cleaned up yet? We are about to set off. "    


"Hmm?" Ming Ruo was startled, she opened her eyes wide and asked, "Xiaotao, are you coming with me?"    


"Of course." Xiaotao lightly smiled, she held a bag in her hand and said, "Miss, if you didn't have me by your side, how could you? "Wherever you go, I'll stay with you."    


"You're great, hee hee." Hearing Little Peach's words, the unhappiness in Ming Ruo's heart suddenly disappeared by more than half. He opened his arms and hugged his opponent.    


"All right, miss." Xiaotao pushed her away with a chuckle. "Then hurry up and pack up. I'll go and see if there's anything else I need to take."    


"Mm. Alright."    


Xiao Tao put down his backpack and subconsciously glanced at Han Chen who was on the bed. He muttered to himself, "He hasn't woken up for a long time, he's not going to die soon is he?"    


After Xiaotao left, Ming Ruo began to pack up. What his daughter needed to take with her were only a few pieces of jewelry and some clothes. When she was almost done, Ming Ruo walked over to the side of the bed. Looking at Han Chen's delicate and pretty face which was pale white, he was equally worried.    


"You've already been in a coma for a few days, looks like you really won't be able to see me from now on." My name is Ming Ruo, Lin Ming Ruo, I don't know if you can still remember. "    


Just then, killing intent and screams suddenly came from the outside, and through the room's window, Ming Ruo heard their furious roars.    


"Hehe, Lin Wei, do you still want to escape? If you do not hand over your things today, your Lin Wei Escort Office will be removed from Blue City! " Her hoarse voice was as unpleasant as a duck's.    


Then came Lin Wei's furious and panicked reply, "Ding fierce, aren't you going too far? Even if I give you the thing, you won't let us go. "    


"Haha, you're right. Kill them all for me, not leaving even chickens or dogs alive, haha! "    


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