Heavenly War God

C3 Once Your Fame Explodes, the World Will be Amazed

C3 Once Your Fame Explodes, the World Will be Amazed

0After having said that, Shen Yih took out a shining pearl from out of his pocket. He held up the bead for everyone in the Shen family to see. No one in the Shen family could believe their eyes, including Shen Liufeng.    


“Master of the Family, is this really true? This Shen Yih really is holding the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead in the palm of his hand?”    


As the people asked this amongst themselves, a middle-aged man with a haggard and heroic look sat cross-legged on a chair in the Shen family. He seemed unperturbed by their questions, never once opening his eyes.    


He was the most powerful person in all the Shen family as well as the one in charge of the four prefectures.    


Once he heard the Shen Yih had gained possession of the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead, the Master of the Shen family finally opened his eyes to reveal his shock upon hearing the news.    


When everyone saw that Shen Yih was holding up the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead in his hands, they were all flustered and awe-struck.    


Shen Chang’s performance fell short of Shen Yih’s, so it was very hard for him to contain the anger in his heart. With gritted teeth, he said in a deep voice, “Shen Yih, we all know what you’re capable of. With your strength and abilities, how could it be possible for you to obtain the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead? Give me the details of the sequence of events of what led you to obtain the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead. If I find out that you stole it from another family, then that would be unacceptable. You will have to return it to them, kneel down, and apologize for your actions. If you did not come by the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead honestly, then you are a disgrace to the Shen family!”    


Shen Chang pointed his finger at Shen Yih’s nose and cursed out loud. There was no holding back his vicious words.    


“Since you questioned my ability to obtain the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead, you can come and see for yourself if I have the strength to defend myself,” Shen Yih turned around and said with a cold voice.    


Shen Chang was overjoyed when he heard that he was given an opportunity to test Shen Yih’s strength.    


These were Shen Yih’s words exactly.    


“That’s really great! Shen Yih, you really have the guts! In no time at all, I will let you know just how powerful I am!” Shen Chang charged at Shen Yih with a fierce expression while throwing a palm at his opponent!    


At that very moment, Shen Yih raised his hand and stood up like a bolt of lightning. In a blur of speed, he blocked Shen Chang’s attack and pushed him face down to the ground.    




Shen Chang could only cry out miserably. Everyone at the scene felt their hearts tighten out of anticipation and they could not hide their shock.    


“Opening Spirit Stage Sixth Layer!”    


“Shen Yih’s Martial Arts Realm is actually at the Opening Spirit Stage Sixth Layer! Has he been hiding his true strength all this time?!”    


“I thought Shen Yih couldn’t initiate the Call of the Spirit. What’s going on here? At sixteen years old, he has already reached the level of the Opening Spirit Stage Sixth Layer. Does this mean he is a genius?”    


Shen Meng and Ye Baimei watched this scene with slightly opened mouths. They were unable to contain their shock.    


“What’s happening right now? What’s going on with my brother?” When Shen Meng’s shock finally wore off, she reacted by turning her beautiful eyes to the guard to the side and asking him.    


A few guards from the East Mansion were so moved by what happened just now, tears couldn't help but spring forth from their eyes. They wiped the tears from the corner of their eyes and said, “Miss, it’s true that Master can cultivate. Not only that, his talent is one-of-a-kind. And he has been keeping this from us all this time. There is hope after all for our East Mansion!”    


Shen Meng’s body trembled from emotion. Her brother was not a complete waste of a person. He was actually a genius.    


She and Ye Baimei were feeling so moved, tears began to well up in their eyes.    


For so long they had gone on without hope. They had to suppress their dreams and desires for so long. The news was like a sudden clap of thunder on a sunny day, announcing the arrival of rain. This felt too good to be true, like they were in a dream.    


“Shen Yih, release my son at once!” Shen Liufeng saw that his son had been beaten and couldn’t sit around any longer. He patted the chair he was sitting on and stood up.    


Shen Yih was not someone who could be pushed around so easily. He said, his voice cold through and through, “Shen Liufeng, it was your son who provoked me. He was the one who started this fight. And who do you think you are? Do you need my permission to let him go? It’s all very simple, really. You must beg me first!”    


“Beg you?” At his words, Shen Liufeng flew into a murderous rage.    


This scene had left Shen Liufeng very confused. Shen Yih was usually very weak, and after a few words, Shen Yih would usually bend under pressure. But today he was different. What was going on with Shen Yih today? How could he be so calm in the face of Shen Liufeng’s threatening words?    


“Is that really so? Then I have to remind you that my fists and feet don’t discriminate!” Shen Yih retorted calmly.    


Shen Liufeng felt split with indecision. He had thought through his options carefully. It was indeed his son who had started off on the wrong foot with Shen Yih. In front of the family head, he had no right to force Shen Yih to release Shen Chang. But if he were to beg Shen Yih for mercy, how would he be able to show his face in any of the Shen family functions after this?!    


Shen Yih saw Shen Liufeng’s hesitant eyes. In order to extract pressure on the old man, he pulled hard on Shen Chang’s right arm, making Shen Chang holler out in pain.    


The original owner of this body had a good and vivid memory. He could recall how Shen Liufeng and Shen Chang from the West Mansion did everything they could to divide the East Mansion. They wanted to eliminate East Mansion as a competitor and used a variety of methods, nothing being too beneath them.    


The decline of the East Mansion was owed a lot to this father-son duo.    


Shen Yih’s sister, his mother, and his guards had all been under their thumb. It’s been a while since they had anything good to eat or wear!    


“Dad, you must save me!” Shen Chang howls could be heard far and wide.    


There was no way around it, Shen Liufeng must admit defeat. He trembled slightly from excitement. “Shen Yih, count this as me begging you!”    


“Louder! I can’t hear you!” Shen Yih’s eyes were two frosty pinpoints. His hand on Shen Chang did not decrease in pressure.    


Since the family grudge between them was long and deep, they had to sort it out and settle it before things got out of hand.    


Shen Liufeng turned to look at his son’s pitiful condition and did not hold back as he shouted, “I, Shen Liufeng, beg you!”    


His words caused shock to ripple over the faces of the people of the Shen family. The once dignified Master of West Mansion, Shen Liufeng, a man who bowed to no one, actually begged for forgiveness from Shen Yih?    


The corner of Shen Yih’s mouth bent into a smile. With one slap of his hand, Shen Chang flew from his position and collided into a big tree close by. He threw up blood and collapsed to the ground, fainting right then and there.    


Just at a glance, people could see that Shen Chang was seriously injured. Unless a doctor came right away and used the most precious medications to treat him, he would probably be bedridden for a year and a half at least!    


“Shen Yih, how could you?!” Shen Liufeng turned to Shen Yih, both flustered and exasperated at once. As he checked his son’s injuries, it was hard for him to contain his rage.    


Half of his son’s body had been crippled by Shen Yih. Even after recovering, his path of Cultivation would not be the same!    


“You must die for this!” Shen Liufeng roared out furiously! He was livid!    


“Shen Liufeng!”    


At this time, a voice sounded out slowly. The Master of the Shen family, Shen Tiannan, who had remained quiet with his eyes closed all this time, had spoken. He finally stood up.    


With a flick of his sleeve, Shen Tiannan stood up. “Since it was Shen Chang who challenged Shen Yih, no matter what, this is not Shen Yih’s fault. Shen Yih, you too, can try to be more open-minded. But let’s not get off-topic. Since you have the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead in your possession and have the strength of an Opening Spirit Stage Sixth Layer, your East Mansion will still have a place within the four prefectures. I will also open up the Adulthood Ceremony for the people of the East Mansion."    


Shen Yih wasn’t impressed by Shen Tiannan either. In the past, when the West Mansion and South Mansion pushed the East Mansion around, Shen Tiannan would not lift a finger to help them, pretending such things did not happen.    


Shen Yih spoke up coldly, “I understand.”    


He didn’t bother showing any respect to Shen Tiannan. Such a small figure like Shen Tiannan was not worthy of his attention.    



“Alright, let’s head back.” Shen Tiannan’s expression remained unmoved. He replied this faintly.    


The people of the Shen family all got up and prepared to head back.    


Shen Meng stared at Shen Yih’s back, her eyes dancing with admiration for her brother. She stepped forward and grabbed ahold of Shen Yih’s sleeve, planning to ask him the details behind his newfound abilities. Shen Yih had always spoiled her. No matter what it was, Shen Yih would always tell her the truth.    


However, just as the Shen family were making their way back home, a convoy blocked their path.    


“It’s the Muyun Sect!”    


“Muyun Sect…”    


Seeing that it was the renowned Muyun Sect, the people of the Shen family quickly put aside their journey and immediately bowed down their heads to show their respect.    


This was the most important sect to the former owner of this body. As a disciple of the Muyun Sect, his fiancee, Xue Xiaochai, grew up in a reputed family in the Hundred Thousand Demonic Beast Mountain.    


As the number one power in the Hundred Thousand Demonic Beast Mountain, all the families bent a knee to the Muyun Sect and even fought for the coveted spots as the disciples of the Inner sect that were sent to the Muyun Sect. Every year, the families would fight amongst themselves to stand side by side with the Muyun Sect.    


“It’s Miss Xu from the Muyun Sect!”    


A veil covered Miss Xu’s face. Behind her veil, she snorted disdainfully at the people of the Shen family and didn’t even bother looking at them.    


Standing on the tip of her toes on the horse carriage, her eyes were trained on Shen Yih, who was standing not far away. Her red lips were parted slightly and as she looked down from where she was standing, it was as if she was a fairy from heaven looking down at an ant.    


“Shen Yih, since you have the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead in your possession, the engagement is now underway. Please hand over the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead to Senior Xue, and Senior Xue will give you the chance to marry her,” Miss Xu said this word by word with no expression on her face.    


Everyone turned to look at Shen Yih with envy, jealousy, and hatred in their hearts.    


Since this trash, Shen Yih, had the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead in his clutches, then the engagement is good to go. Could it be that the heavenly immortal Xue Xiaochai was really giving this Shen Yih the chance to marry her?    


And just like that as all eyes were on him, Shen Yih stood there with his hands behind his back and without further delay actually casually said three words.    


“Get lost now!”    


Not only did the people of the Shen family not expect those words to come out of his mouth, but the other families watching from the side also could not hide the shock on their faces.    


“Shen Yih, explain yourself!” Miss Xu’s expression was cold and stern as she shouted this out loud.    


“It’s what I said. If I want to marry your Senior Xue, the engagement will be effectively immediately. Who is your Senior Xue to decide whether this engagement is effective or not?”    


At this, Shen Yih snorted coldly. “If that’s so, then tell your young lady that I don’t want to marry her. The Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead will be mine to keep.”    


Xue Xiaochai had no intention of marrying him at all.    


She made a deal for the previous owner of this body to go to the Hundred Thousand Demonic Beast Mountain to retrieve the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead. She never thought that he would come back with the Demonic Bead alive.    


Also, it’s he who decides whether or not he wants to marry a woman.    


If he wanted to marry her, then he would study Cultivation together with her. If marriage was out of the question, she would feel the full brunt of his Cultivation. This woman deserved to die!    


To his thinking, there was only one woman who was worthy of his love. That was Junior Martial Sister, who gave up the Path of Bodhisattva for him. She did this knowing that there was no clear outcome for her to have fallen for him!    


Everyone there at the scene was rendered speechless.    


He actually refused Xue Xiaochai, the daughter of the Sect Master of Muyun, the daughter of heaven.    


Countless young geniuses courted her, hoping to marry her one day. Having her as a wife would be a great fortune, however, Shen Yih outrightly said he would not marry her!    


“Shen Yih, Xue Xiaochai would be a good wife.” Ye Baimei could not wrap her mind around Shen Yih’s decision. In her eyes, Xue Xiaochai had many good qualities.    


“Mother, I know what to do!” Shen Yih told her firmly.    


At that, he looked in Miss Xu’s direction and said in a light tone, “Alright, you can get going now!”    


When Miss Xu heard what Shen Yih said, she was so angry that her face turned a purple-red. She was here in Xue Xiaochai’s name and had such a noble standing! Yet Shen Yih actually dared to treat her this way?!    


“That’s very good then, Shen Yih. I will report every word you have spoken here today to Miss Xue. Just wait for her wrath!” Miss Xu glared daggers at Shen Yih. Her eyes were like two fiery pits. She led the group of people away and left without looking back.    


Shen Yih had no reaction. He slowly made his way back with the group of Shen family back to the prefecture.    


The day had yet to be over, but the events so far had shocked everyone.    


At the center of the commotion was none other than… Shen Yih.    


The name Shen Yih instantly became a sensation in all of the Yangguan Town!    


In the past, Shen Yih was known because he was the subject of so much scorn. Everyone who knew what was what had full knowledge that Shen Yih, the master of the East Mansion of the Shen family, was a no-good trash who was unable to reach the Call of the Spirit. He was a coward who made no moves to improve.    


The East Mansion, led by Shen Yih, were forced to bear countless humiliations and shame by others. They were known as the biggest joke in all of Yangguan Town.    


However, today, much to everyone’s shock, Shen Yih had obtained both the Demon Core and the Demon Spiritual Treasure Bead. Not only that, he had asked the woman from the Xu family to leave and broken his engagement with Xue Xiaochai. All of this happened all at once and he had enjoyed the drama of the day’s events to his heart’s content. Actually, at this point, he had gone on and really made a name for himself!    


Rumors about him began to circulate far and wide.    


Some people whispered that Shen Yih was possessed. He only made such a foolish move because a demonic entity had taken control of his body.    


However, even more people were saying that perhaps Shen Yih had hidden his talents well in the past and only now was ready to let the whole world know about his abilities.    


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