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C90 Ice Wheel Balls

C90 Ice Wheel Balls

0"system, take out the time tool I got last time." Ye Ling looked at Bao Xiong with a wicked smile and then ordered the system in his mind.    


"time tool Ice Wheel Pills. During use, the user will learn the skill of the Ice Wheel Pill by force. When the item disappears in ten minutes, the skill will also be forgotten." The system explained in Ye Ling's mind.    


This was the strongest medicinal Ye Lings that Ye Ling had drawn so far. Originally, he did not want to use it so quickly, but this medicinal reform people was not to be trifled with. His entire body was protected by steel, so Ye Ling could not hit him at all. Also, there was the iron ball just now. If it wasn't for Ye Ling avoiding it quickly, he might have lost his life.    


"Kid, how dare you close your eyes at this time? You're courting death." Bao Xiong saw that Ye Ling dared to close his eyes during the fight. He was furious. Without saying another word, he activated the magnetic device and gathered the surrounding iron again, forming a huge iron ball.    


At this moment, Ye Ling slowly opened his eyes and raised his right hand in the air. The Ice Wheel Pill that looked like it was made of ice and snow suddenly appeared in Ye Ling's hand. He pointed the tip of the sword at the sky and blurted out a sentence that shook the sky.    


"Sit in the Frost Sky, medicinal Ice Wheel Pill!"    


Following Ye Ling's shout, the Ice Wheel Pill quickly underwent a strange transformation. The blade of the sword stretched out a chain and wrapped around Ye Ling's arm. The blade of the sword became even colder and more oppressive.    


An explosive shout instantly attracted everyone's attention. When they saw the blade in Ye Ling's hand, they were so shocked that they could not speak. How could such a strange blade in the world actually change?    


Bao Xiong also noticed the blade in Ye Ling's hand, but he wasn't worried at all. The iron ball had already been formed, and it could take his life at any time.    


"Big iron ball." Bao Xiong threw the big iron ball at Ye Ling.    


Ye Ling naturally saw the iron ball rushing towards him. His eyes became serious. He waved the Ice Wheel Pill in his hand and attacked the iron ball.    




Following Ye Ling's command, the Ice Wheel Pill let out waves of cold air and charged towards the iron ball. The cold air slowed down the iron ball's movement speed. In a short while, the iron ball was frozen into a large ice block. It fell from the sky and landed on the deck.    


Seeing the iron ball that had turned into ice, Ye Ling smiled.    


"It's time for me to make my move."    


"Hundred Blossoms."    


Snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky, covering the sky and the surroundings where Bao Xiong was.    


Bao Xiong felt a sense of danger and quickly covered his entire body with steel, making the snowflakes unable to freeze.    


"Wipe! Transformer, but this Transformer is ugly enough."    


Ye Ling could not help cursing when he saw Bao Xiong using steel to protect himself.    


With Bao Xiong as the center, the Iron Blocks continued to gather. They grew bigger and bigger, five meters, ten meters, and only stopped when they reached ten meters. With every step it took, the ground would shake. It was so huge that it was terrifying.    


The battle also stopped because of the tremors. All of them looked at the enormous Steel Man at the same time. When the assassins saw Bao Xiong's appearance, they cheered and became excited.    


"You forced me to do this."    


If it wasn't because of the humiliation this time, Bao Xiong might never have summoned the Steel Man.    


After all, Bao Xiong needed to consume some medicine to support the gathering of such a large Steel Man. Consuming the medicine would consume his life force, so normally, he wouldn't use this technique unless he had no other choice.    


Even his subordinates had never seen Bao Xiong like this. At this moment, Bao Xiong had already fallen into madness. He only had one thought in his heart: Kill him, kill him, and kill him!    


The huge steel foot stepped on Ye Ling. Every time Ye Ling dodged, he would leave a huge footprint on the deck. Ye Ling dodged while bombarding the Steel Man with the rocket launcher, but every time, he would only hit a pile of parts of the Steel Man. Compared to the Steel Man, it was like a drop in the ocean. The parts were quickly absorbed and repaired.    


Ye Ling had no choice but to pull out the Ice Wheel Pill again and cut at the Steel Man's legs. The ice quickly froze his legs, but not long after it was frozen, the ice broke.    


"Can't my ice block it? It's a bit tricky." Bao Xiong easily broke free from the ice. Seeing this, Ye Ling hurriedly waved his three blades, freezing his head, hands, and legs.    


The freezing failed again.    


"Kid, try this! Impact punch. The huge iron fist separated from Bao Xiong and rushed over. Ye Ling saw the iron fist rushing over. He tapped the ground with the tip of his foot and quickly jumped into the air. He held the Ice Wheel Pill and struck the iron fist. One punch and one saber exchange fire. A strong shockwave spread out in all directions.    


The impact from both sides bounced Ye Ling back, and he only stopped after taking five steps back. On the contrary, the iron fist flew back into Bao Xiong's hand as if nothing had happened. In terms of strength, Ye Ling was slightly weaker.    


"Hahaha, you can't beat me. Poor Mouse, I will torture all of you to death." Bao Xiong's wild laughter came from the Steel Man, carrying a cold killing intent. He swore that he would not give up until he killed Ye Ling.    


"Don't blame me if you want to die." Ye Ling stared at the Steel Man with a cold killing intent.    


"Ice Wheel Pill, release."    


"Big Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pill."    


Following Ye Ling's explosive shout.    


A giant ice dragon formed behind Ye Ling, and a giant ice dragon appeared above him. The ice dragon forced Bao Xiong's hand back, and three lotus flowers appeared behind him. There were twelve lotus flowers in total, and a pair of giant ice Frost Wingss hung on Ye Ling's body, as if he was a god of ice.    


"That's an ice dragon."    


"Oh my god! It's actually a dragon? Is this a human?"    


So terrifying. "    


Bao Xiong's men were terrified. They couldn't treat Ye Ling as a human anymore. He was a god. Otherwise, how could he create such a miraculous ice dragon? It would be a huge sensation if it was announced to the public.    


Of course, they were also afraid that Bao Xiong would be defeated by Ye Ling, because if it was like this, they could imagine what would happen to them.    


From the deepest part of the Steel Man, Bao Xiong saw Ye Ling floating in the air like an ice god, with an ice dragon circling behind him. This shocking miracle had indeed frightened him, but it was still a reform people after all. He had seen all kinds of scenes, so he quickly calmed himself down.    


"Dragon's Sailor!"    


Ye Ling stabbed his sword straight into the Steel Man. Bao Xiong controlled the Steel Man to wave his right hand to block it. When the tip of the sword touched the Steel Man's right hand, it was immediately wrapped in ice by the cross. After that, the ice shattered into powder.    


"This is too terrifying. He shattered the steel arm just like that." One of the men grabbed his hair and said in fear, "That's too scary. He shattered the steel arm just like that.    


Bao Xiong, who was inside the Steel Man, was also shocked. That was no ordinary ice. After being frozen, it would be crushed. Even steel would not be able to withstand it, let alone a human. The Steel Man, which was missing a hand, began to shake.    


Because there was no extra iron for it to recover, Ye Ling directly sealed the crushed iron that was in the shape of powder, and the magnetic force was unable to absorb it.    


Big Red Lotus Ice Wheel Pills consumed too much energy. Although Ice Wheel Pills didn't require spiritual energy to be materialized, it still required mental energy. Right now, he couldn't use Big Red Lotuss for long, and ten minutes was almost up. He had to finish this quickly. If he dragged this on, he would be the one to die.    


"I won't lose, even if I lose one hand." A disdainful laugh came from the Steel Man, carrying a hint of sarcasm towards Ye Ling.    



The Steel Man moved again, and the huge steel foot stomped heavily on the place where Ye Ling was standing. The place where he stood had become a depression. The hole on the deck was three meters deep, but he did not see Ye Ling inside.    


"Hey! Iron lump, I'm here."    


Ye Ling had already stood behind the Steel Man at some point. He was floating in the air with the Frost Wings in his hand. He held the Ice Wheel Pill in his hand, as if he could give the Steel Man a fatal blow at any time and force Bao Xiong out.    


"Thousand Year Ice Prison!"    


Dozens of ice pillars emerged from the ground and surrounded the Steel Man. The ice pillars that were dozens of meters tall shot into the sky. They were taller than the Steel Man, and the ice pillars were extremely huge, freezing him into ice.    




Ye Ling shouted. The ice pillars quickly closed up and shrunk the area of the ice pillars that surrounded the Steel Man.    




He shouted again and instantly froze the surrounding Steel Mans into a huge ice block that was 15 meters tall. The ice block of the frozen Steel Man was not ordinary ice, but thousand-year-old ice. It was even harder than steel, and the probability of breaking through was pitifully low. Even if he used a cannonball to blast it, it would still take half a month. If he wanted the ice block to melt, he would have to wait for another year!    


But Bao Xiong could only survive in there for three days at most, and there was no way to save him. Unless he used a missile at the very least, it would be very difficult.    


After freezing Bao Xiong, Ye Ling looked at the others again and shouted at T-850, " T-850, return to the boat."    


Ye Ling also returned to the boat and drove the boat slowly away from the big boat.    


"The devil has finally left. Hahaha. When we return, we will report this to headquarters. This is definitely a huge contribution."    


Many people heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Ye Ling leave. They were worried that Ye Ling would take care of them as well. However, when they thought about the knife in Ye Ling's hand, greed appeared in their eyes.    


They didn't care about the frozen Bao Xiong. It was as if they had forgotten about him. Everyone's eyes were filled with important information. They couldn't care less about Bao Xiong.    


Just as Bao Xiong's subordinates were about to reveal Ye Ling's information, an explosive shout came from the horizon.    


"Nine Dragons Ice Coffin! Seal!"    


A huge wave of cold air rushed over from the sea level. Wherever the cold air passed, it was frozen. It went all the way to the big ship. Finally, the huge cold air smashed onto the big ship. In just a second, the big ship was frozen into an ice coffin. Then, the ice coffin slowly sank into the depths of the sea.    


At this time, Ye Ling was so tired that he lay on the small boat after finishing all of this. He had no choice but to do this. If they exposed the matter of the Ice Wheel Pill, Then he's finished. Actually, when they took out the medicinal Ice Wheel Pill, their deaths were already destined.    


After returning to the port, Tang Jiayi and the others had already woken up and were waiting for Ye Ling on the luxurious yacht.    


"Brother Yezi, what did you do just now?" Tang Jiayi saw Ye Ling get on the yacht and quickly ran up to hug his arm and said coquettishly.    


Tang Jiayi's words almost stopped Ye Ling. He made up an excuse to cover it up.    


"Nothing much. I just drove the boat around."    


"Humph! Brother Yezi is stingy." Tang Jiayi could naturally tell that Ye Ling was perfunctory with her. She could not help but pinch his waist and say.    


Just as Ye Ling was being tortured, the phone suddenly rang. Tang Jiayi knew that Ye Ling was going to do something serious. She waved her small fist at him and left.    


Luckily, there was a phone to help, so Ye Ling picked it up.    




"Hello, is it Ye Ling? Come to the Shangri-La Hotel, Room 3620. I'll wait for you there! "Remember to hurry up." Qin Zimei's sweet voice came from the phone. Ye Ling's hormones were immediately at their highest.    


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