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C70 I Want to Smash the Airport

C70 I Want to Smash the Airport

0It was Tang Jiayi's first time taking a plane, so she was extremely excited when she saw the plane outside the window. Ye Ling asked them to sit in chairs and wait while he went to check in.    


"Hello, Miss. Help me with the first-class cabin procedures. Also, help me with the transfer luggage." Ye Ling walked to the counter and said.    


"Okay, sir, please wait a moment." The receptionist smiled and took the certificate from Ye Ling.    


After a while, the lady at the counter said apologetically.    


"I'm sorry, sir. Your flight to Hong Kong can't take off due to malfunction. You might need to wait until tomorrow."    


After hearing her words, Ye Ling frowned. He felt that something was wrong and questioned her.    


"Since it was a plane malfunction, why didn't you inform us beforehand?"    


Ye Ling's question immediately attracted the attention of many passengers.    


"I don't know either." The young lady at the counter was frightened by Ye Ling's imposing manner. She did not dare to look into Ye Ling's eyes and said anxiously.    


There was indeed something wrong with this. Although he did not know what she was trying to cover up, it made him very angry. It was not easy for him to go to Hong Kong with a good mood, and he even encountered such a troublesome matter. Ye Ling said angrily on the spot.    


"You don't know? Is this the explanation of Zhonghai Airlines Corporation? Go and find your company's boss for me."    


The receptionist panicked and quickly called her superior. After a while, a manager ran over. He looked Ye Ling up and down and then said calmly.    


"sir, there is really a problem with the plane. We will give you a refund, okay?"    


Ye Ling became angry again when he heard the manager's disapproving tone. This was the manager's attitude toward service. Ye Ling looked at him coldly and scolded.    


"Do you think I am a person who is short of money? What I want is an explanation. " If you don't give me an explanation, don't blame me for smashing your airport. "    




Ye Ling's words made the manager laugh. Want to smash the airport? Putting aside whether Ye Ling dared to do so or not, even if it was compensation, Ye Ling could not afford it. The manager had already thought that Ye Ling was abnormal.    


"Is there something wrong with his brain? Does he want to smash the airport? He thought the airport was a hotel. Did he think he could smash the airport just because he said so? "It's too funny."    


"He must be mentally ill. The construction of the airport is at least tens of billions, and it does not include the purchase of aircraft and the salary of the staff. Isn't he afraid that we will laugh at him if he says it out loud? "    


The passengers who were watching on the side also shook their heads and smiled at Ye Ling. They regarded Ye Ling as an ignorant person.    


"sir, don't you just need money? How about we pay you twice as much?" The manager snorted. He had thought that Ye Ling was crazy about money. That was why he said that. Ye Ling's goal was to stir up trouble and make the company pay more. He had seen this kind of people many times.    


"You don't believe me, do you?" Ye Ling looked at him coldly.    


The manager looked at Ye Ling with disdain. Ye Ling still dared to threaten him? Ye Ling was really stubborn, the manager said with a cold smile.    


"Haha! sir, this isn't a funny joke. If you continue to act like this, don't blame us for blasting you out. "    




Ye Ling said, then took out his phone and said coldly to the other end of the phone.    


"Buy Zhonghai Airlines immediately, at any cost."    


After saying that, Ye Ling hung up the phone. When he hung up, everyone suddenly burst into laughter. The manager looked at Ye Ling coldly. Ye Ling had even used such a despicable trick. The manager was even more certain that Ye Ling was a liar.    


"He is so funny. He even used the method of making a phone call and bragging. He is so funny."    


"He made a phone call and said that he could buy the airport? "I've never seen anyone dare to say that. " His flaws are too big. "    


"Is he here to make a joke? But his performance was really good, as if there really was such a thing. Haha."    


Ye Ling's action of making a phone call made everyone feel that Ye Ling was bragging. He acted like a fool and directed himself.    


However, no one knew that the stock market in Zhonghai had gone crazy. A minute ago, the shares of Zhonghai Airlines Corporation had been bought by a mysterious person in large amounts. He would buy as many shares as he had. This caused the stock prices of Zhonghai Airlines Corporation to keep rising.    


Due to the mysterious man's crazy spending, he bought the shares of Zhonghai Airlines Corporation. The shareholders also went crazy. They kept selling their shares and the mysterious man kept buying them. No one knew how many shares he had bought.    


At the moment, the headquarters of Zhonghai Airlines Corporation was having an emergency meeting. An old man in his 70s was sitting on the main seat. He was chairman of Zhonghai Airlines Corporation. He was a very capable person, and the person sitting below him was a shareholder. However, at this moment, everyone had a worried look on their faces, because they were all discussing something. Zhonghai Airlines Corporation was about to be acquired.    


That's right, the Zhonghai Airlines Corporation was about to be purchased. Because the total shares of everyone present were less than 40%. The other 60% shares were placed in the stock market, but they did not expect someone to dare to do such a crazy thing. Buying shares at twice the market price. If it was a small company, it would be normal, but Zhonghai Airlines Corporation was a big company worth hundreds of billions! To these businessmen, Those who dared to spend twice the price to buy shares were crazy. It was unbelievable.    


However, this really happened. Everyone present was wondering what caused this. Seeing that no one was able to discuss anything, chairman spoke. His sharp eyes swept across the shareholders and said lightly.    


"Silence! We don't know if this mysterious person who purchased the Zhonghai Airlines Corporation is malicious. Don't make wild guesses. Right now, the most important thing is to ensure that the shares in your hands won't be bought away by the mysterious person."    


The small shareholders were swept away by chairman's gaze. They immediately gave up on the idea of selling their shares. However, the conditions offered by the mysterious man were too tempting. If they sold their shares, they would make at least two times the profit. This profit was too tempting!    


"But chairman, if the mysterious man buys more shares than us, will he be in control of the company in the future?" A small shareholder stood up and asked worriedly.    


At this moment, the beautiful secretary rushed in on high heels and reported to chairman nervously.    


"chairman, the mysterious man has bought 30% of the shares. He is still increasing the funds."    


The female secretary was scared when she finished talking. The mysterious man was buying the shares like crazy. It was as if he had a grudge with Zhonghai Aerospace Group. She had to be scared.    


As soon as the secretary finished speaking, the small shareholders started to panic. He bought 30% of the shares, which meant that the mysterious man had spent hundreds of billions and was still increasing. They could not remain calm.    


chairman frowned and asked.    


"Did you find out who it was?"    


The secretary shook her head and said helplessly.    


"We couldn't find anything. We hired more than ten hacker experts, but we were defeated by the mysterious person in less than thirty seconds. We were even hacked by the mysterious person."    


At this moment, chairman's phone rang. He looked at the call and picked it up.    


"chairman, the mysterious person said that the source of the matter is in Zhonghai Airport. If you want to solve it, talk to chairman and Ye Ling from Lingtian Group."    


The phone was switched on. The voice was loud. All the shareholders present could hear it. They started to guess who Ye Ling was.    



"Who is Ye Ling?" chairman frowned and looked at the shareholders.    


Everyone looked at each other. It was normal that they didn't know Ye Ling. Because Ye Ling's group had just been established not long ago. What he did was only related to financial center. Zhonghai was so big, it was normal for some big companies not to know about Ye Ling.    


"Ye Ling is the chairman of Lingtian Group. He bought a three-story office building in financial center when the group was established. He also wanted to send the general manager a plane to hire him. In front of other companies, he encourages their employees to quit their jobs." The female secretary said in a low voice.    


As an elite female secretary, she naturally heard people talk about Lingtian Group when she was free, especially when it came to employee benefits. She almost wanted to quit her job and go to Lingtian Group, so she knew Ye Ling was very normal, but she didn't expect the stock market storm to be caused by Ye Ling.    


After hearing the female secretary's introduction, chairman roughly understood Ye Ling. He quickly dialed the number of the general manager of Zhonghai Airport.    


"Hello! chairman?" The general manager picked up the phone and asked.    


chairman went straight to the main topic and said coldly.    


"Let me ask you, is there a sir called Ye Ling at the airport and has a conflict with the airport staff?"    


"chairman, how do you know? How can I get you to call me for such a small thing? " We'll settle it ourselves. " The general manager was puzzled. Could it be that the people at the airport reported to chairman?    


"Don't worry about how I found out. Just tell me what happened." chairman said fiercely again.    


The general manager heard chairman was angry. He quickly explained what had happened to chairman on the other end of the phone.    


After chairman heard the general manager's words. he said angrily, rising from his chair.    


"Mo Zikun!"    


"I order you to go down and apologize to Ye Ling immediately. Do everything you can to satisfy him. If he still won't forgive you, I will fire you!"    


chairman's angry voice scared Mo Zikun silly. He fell off the boss chair on the spot. He knew that the matter was very serious. He hung up the phone and did not even have time to tidy up his clothes. With a panicked expression, he hurried to the airport lobby.    


At this time, in the airport lobby, the manager was asking security personnel to drive Ye Ling away.    


"Are you sure you want to drive me away?" Ye Ling asked calmly.    


"I've seen many people like you. I chase them out every day." The manager looked at Ye Ling with disdain.    


When everyone saw Ye Ling still being stubborn, they felt that he was still boasting. They were really speechless.    


At this moment, a loud and clear sound echoed in the airport lobby.    




Mo Zikun slapped the manager hard on the face and scolded the manager.    


"Apologize to Mr. Ye immediately! Otherwise, you won't have to come to work tomorrow. I will fire you!"    


Mo Zikun returned chairman's scolding to the manager, then turned his head and said to Ye Ling apologetically.    


"Mr. Ye, I'm really sorry. It was my fault."    


Ye Ling looked at them with interest and smiled.    


"It seems you already know about the acquisition of Zhonghai Airlines Corporation?"    


"I know. Mr. Ye is too powerful." Mo Zikun heard Ye Ling's words and his forehead was sweating. On the way here, he used his phone to search. Only then did he know why chairman was so angry. It turned out that he had offended the God of Wealth.    


Everyone only saw the general manager of the airport slap the manager first, then apologize to Ye Ling. The reason for all this was that Ye Ling was buying Zhonghai Airlines Corporation.    


Immediately, many people doubted the authenticity of the news. They searched with their phones and soon found out that the mysterious man had spent hundreds of billions to buy the Zhonghai Airlines Corporation. The news was released not long after Ye Ling made the call.    


Immediately, everyone was dumbfounded. Ye Ling wasn't joking. He was serious.    


The manager saw it too. Hundreds of billions? He felt dizzy and almost fell down.    


"I want to take back what I said just now. I don't know if it's possible." A passenger who had just mocked Ye Ling said nervously.    


"What should I do? "I actually scolded rich people who spent hundreds of billions as fools. Will he spend money to buy assassins to kill me at night?" The person who scolded Ye Ling the most almost knelt down. His legs were trembling.    


"I really want to find a hole to hide in." A fashionable man said in shame.    


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