Top Campus Beauty System

C55 Sky Riding Group

C55 Sky Riding Group

0Ten meters?    


Ye Ling was shocked. Wasn't it at the window? Before he could turn around, a flying dagger flew over from the window at an extremely fast speed and struck his chest.    


Unfortunately, Ye Ling had already determined its position with the see-through Qi technique. He did not even look at it. His body moved slightly and the flying dagger brushed past him.    


It was as if he had an eye on his back. He avoided the flying knife. Red Wipe, who was standing at the window, could not believe her eyes when she saw this scene. She was extremely shocked. She did not expect to avoid such a situation. Could it be an expert?    


Red Wipe did not have time to think. A figure rushed over and appeared in front of her in an instant.    


"flying kick Heavy Strike." Ye Ling flashed his shave and arrived beside the woman in black in an instant. He strengthened his Iron Block with his feet and rushed towards Red Wipe who was standing at the window.    


His swift and fierce kick immediately shocked Red Wipe. She immediately dodged Ye Ling's Whip Leg with disbelief. She did, but the window was not that lucky. Under the heavy kick, the window frame directly collapsed and smashed onto the grass below, making a dull sound.    


"Ten million is too little. He is actually a master." Red Wipe saw the window frame that was kicked out and could not help but regret taking this order. He clearly had a reward of at least 50 million but the reward was 10 million. Was the employer retarded?    


Forget it, 10 million was not a small sum. Red Wipe secretly thought. She took out three small knives from her waist and prepared to attack Ye Ling again.    


Ye Ling saw her dodge the attack and coldly snorted.    


"If you dare to kill me, then prepare to be killed. Do you know what happened to the last killer who came to kill me?"    


"I don't know, and I don't care. As an assassin, failure in the mission means death. There's nothing to say." Red Wipe said coldly. Her voice was clear and bright.    


Ye Ling frowned when he heard her voice. She was actually a woman? "I don't like hitting women. What should I do?    


Just as Ye Ling was in a dilemma, the three throwing knives in Red Wipe's hands had already taken off her hands. They attacked Ye Ling from three different directions. Initially, she thought that at least one throwing knife was inserted into his body. She did not expect Ye Ling to easily dodge it.    


Red Wipe's eyes widened, as if she did not believe it. Because very few people could dodge her three knives, basically all of them died under the three knives. Ye Ling, on the other hand, seemed to have expected it. He could always dodge ahead of time.    


She bit her lips. This time, she pulled out ten throwing knives. Her hands were full of them. She did not believe that she could not kill Ye Ling this time.    


Ye Ling saw that Red Wipe still did not give up. Instead, he took out ten throwing knives. His head was already big. He waved at her in disdain.    


"Niu, I won't hit a woman. I'll spare your life. You go!"    


Red Wipe did not seem to listen to him after he finished speaking. The flying knife in her hand rotated. She stood still and stared at Ye Ling, looking for an opening.    


"Hey! Your flying knife can't hit me because I can read minds. If you don't want to die, get out of here!" Ye Ling reminded her again with a cold snort.    


"Humph! Do you really know how to read minds? Take my ten throwing knives and talk." Red Wipe said disdainfully through the black mask. After she finished speaking, she was like a dark ghost. She moved quickly, and in the next second, In a very short period of time, all ten throwing knives were thrown out. They went straight to Ye Ling's body, leaving him nowhere to hide. The throwing knives were so fast that ordinary people's eyes couldn't catch them. They flashed past.    


Others could not see them, but Ye Ling's see-through color sensed them. In five different directions, a knife was aimed at his head, a knife was aimed at his neck, five knives were aimed at his chest, one was aimed at his thigh, and the last two knives made Ye Ling furious.    


This b * tch, why are you aiming your knives at my balls? Even if you're a woman, I can't bear it!    


Ye Ling immediately used the see-through color to easily dodge the attacks. With the tip of his foot, he moved closer to Red Wipe.    


"Sixty-four Eight Trigrams Palm." With an explosive shout, Red Wipe's body was instantly covered by the palm shadow. Her palm print was still covered by the armor color qi technique, and her attack power had increased by three times.    


In the next second, Red Wipe was sent flying by Ye Ling, and she crashed onto the bed.    


Red Wipe's lower abdomen was heavily hit by Ye Ling, and she spat out blood on the spot. She looked at Ye Ling angrily and fainted.    


Oh my god! My hands were heavy. Ye Ling covered his head and blamed himself. He did not expect his angry attack to be so powerful. He had knocked out an assassin who was ranked thirty-third on the list of killers. Perhaps it was because of the armor color qi technique that the attack was even more powerful.    


He walked up to her and felt her breath. She was still alive. Seeing that she was unconscious, Ye Ling took off her mask. He really didn't expect that there was a small palm-sized face inside the mask. She was quite pretty. Seeing that she had taken over the bed, Ye Ling comforted himself.    


"I don't care. I can't let her take over my bed. Then I'll lay on the floor. This is my bed."    


After he finished speaking, he tied Red Wipe's hands and feet up and hugged her to sleep.    


Early the next morning, Ye Ling woke up and found that the rope on the bed had been cut, but she had disappeared.    


Ye Ling was shocked. He quickly called the system in his mind.    


"System, where is Red Wipe?"    


"She left an hour ago." The System replied.    


"Why didn't you remind me?" Ye Ling said angrily. If Red Wipe had stabbed him, he would have died this morning.    


"She has no ill intentions towards you, so I don't need to remind you." The system replied mechanically.    


She doesn't have any ill intentions? Could it be that after being hugged by him for the whole night, her heart had grown tender? This was what Ye Ling thought the most directly.    


"Thinking about it makes sense. It's really hard to find someone as handsome as me. My female connections are too good." Looking at himself in the mirror, Ye Ling couldn't help but narcissize himself.    


"According to the comparison between handsome men in the world, the host is ranked 58,471,342." The System suddenly said.    


"Get lost!!!"    


After breakfast, Xu Jing used the car in the garage to send Tang Jiayi to school. After Xu Jing left, Ye Ling called Zhao Yan and asked her to come to Noble Sky Mansion.    


Very quickly Zhao Yan drove the car downstairs. After Ye Ling went downstairs, he saw Zhao Yan in an elite outfit. She looked like a beautiful CEO. When he saw her, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed and actually called the CEO to pick him up.    


"Ahem, let's go!" Ye Ling nodded at Zhao Yan and got into the car. Zhao Yan followed after him.    


They got onto the road.    


"Young Master Ye, I have already prepared according to your instructions." Zhao Yan sat in the driver's seat and turned to Ye Ling.    


Ye Ling smiled when he heard Zhao Yan's words.    


"That's good. Today we are going to poach people from the top 500 companies in the world to poach elites."    




"Quest released, one of the Prime Rich Training Program. The first step to establishing a company, the host must recruit 100 excellent employees. 20 department heads, 5 department managers, director 1 person, General Manager 1 person, Only the mission can be completed. The funds will be provided by the system. Time limit: 2 hours to complete. Failure: Seal off one of your legs. " The system prompted Ye Ling in his mind.    


Another mission? It was a good one. Ye Ling smiled. When he saw the time limit, he opened his eyes wide and asked Zhao Yan to get out of the car. He drove the car.    



When Zhao Yan got out of the car and sat in the passenger seat, she was still confused. She did not understand why Ye Ling suddenly wanted to drive. She wanted to ask why, but she did not expect that Ye Ling would suddenly want to drive the car. With a beautiful drift, Ye Ling directly threw the car onto the main road, stepped on the gas pedal, and headed straight to financial center.    


Zhao Yan screamed in fear along the way. It was so fast that she could not see what was outside anymore because she could not see what was outside anymore. It was not a speed that a human could drive.    


Soon, the police cars caught up. Unfortunately, a minute later, the police cars could not catch up to them. He shook off the eighteen police cars from head to toe. No one could touch Ye Ling's butt.    


It would have taken them half an hour to drive to financial center, but Ye Ling arrived in five minutes. Once they got out of the car, Zhao Yan continuously vomited. Ye Ling felt very embarrassed. He spent some points to buy mental pills for Zhao Yan. After she finished eating, she recovered a hundred times more energized. But it was expensive enough. One pill cost 100,000 yuan!    


financial center was located on a busy street. The square in front was very big. In the past, there were many cars parked, but now it was empty. Because of this parking lot, Ye Ling asked Zhao Yan to buy it last night.    


At this time, it was the morning rush hour for work. Because the people working in financial center were either white-collar workers or gold-collar workers, there were a lot of people coming and going.    


There was a recruitment platform in the financial center square. On it was written the recruitment meeting of the Lingtian Group (Lingtian means Sky Riding). A few interviewers of the Lingtian Group were interviewing others. However, many people who passed by just took a look and left. After all, they were all elites who could enter the top 500 companies in the world. Naturally, they did not take a fancy to them.    


"What company is this? Why haven't I heard of it before? It must be another small company trying to cheat."    


"Did you see that? Their company is located at the 75th, 76th, and 77th floor of financial center. This is so funny! There is no company that is willing to buy the 3rd floor at once. They are too pretentious."    


"Did you see that? They said that they would buy luxury cars if they joined the company. Bah! They said that they are panicking."    


Many people who came and went felt that this company's welfare was too fake and could not be trusted. They shook their heads and looked before leaving.    


That's right. The Lingtian Group was a company established by Ye Ling. He was going to recruit people in financial center today.    


Ye Ling asked Zhao Yan to do something. He took the loudspeaker and jumped onto the car roof. He shouted at the people who were rushing to work.    


"Everyone, I am the president of Lingtian Group. Today, Lingtian Group is hiring talents from all walks of life. As long as you think you are outstanding, you can go for an interview to join Lingtian. Of course, our Lingtian Group also likes excellent elites joining our company. As long as you come to our company, I will definitely give you a sports car. Welcome to the interview."    


After Ye Ling's words, the busy office workers stopped in their tracks. They all looked at Ye Ling.    


"It can't be! He is only in his twenties and has already become the chairman. What a joke!"    


"A sports car? Is that possible? Where did he come from?"    


"The Lingtian Group is most likely a scammer group. They used high benefits to attract you first, then they took you step by step into the abyss. It's extremely terrifying."    


The people below discussed animatedly. Most of them didn't believe Ye Ling's words. At this moment, someone asked in a threatening tone.    


"Why did your group come here instead of hiring in the recruitment market? Isn't this a fraud group? "    


Ye Ling smiled when he heard this question. He pointed at Ye Ling and said,    


"Good question. You can tell at a glance whether we are a fraud group or not. If we are a fraud group, do we dare to hire you so openly? " We are obviously not. Okay, I will answer you now. Why are you hiring here? "    


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