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C77 Two Hours to Earn 34 Billion

C77 Two Hours to Earn 34 Billion

0If he told his father, perhaps he would become the young master of Guo Family. Just as he was feeling good about himself, Ye Ling moved again. Ye Ling quickly chose another currency, Japanese and euro. Everyone thought that Ye Ling was making his final struggle, but in the next second, they saw Ye Ling's finger move.    


In the previous string of zeros, another zero was added.    


Heavens ~    


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. A few of them couldn't withstand the pressure and had a heart attack. What was wrong with this world? Why did a billionaire appear so easily?    


That's right. The additional zero on Ye Ling's computer was added on the basis of 10 billion. Since then, a shocking number appeared on Ye Ling's computer.    


This 100 billion had shocked many wealthy people. As for Guo Ming, he almost lost his mind and became dispirited. This was the so-called financial suppression, which made him unable to stand up.    


"100 billion? I'm afraid there aren't many people in Hong Kong who can afford it. This kid is too terrifying."    


Mr. Guo was crushed on the spot? My goodness, he's too powerful!"    


"He's definitely not an ordinary person. It hasn't been long since the game started, and he even threw in 100 billion. He's really crazy."    


It was no one else's turn to talk. 100 billion! It wasn't 100. Even if all of their assets were added up, they would still be worth 100 billion! Therefore, at the same time, many people were shocked. At the same time, they were filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred. There were many different expressions on their faces.    


"I'm sorry. A hundred billion yuan is too little. If Mr. Guo increases it later, I'll add another zero." After Ye Ling finished investing, he saw a lot of people staring at him and said with slight embarrassment.    


F * ck!    


This was the first sentence that popped up in everyone's mind. It was simply going too far, adding zero every time. Do you still want them to live? You don't need to show off your wealth like this, do you?    


Guo Ming had long collapsed on the chair. Now, he could only hope that the other branch that Ye Ling bought would lose money. Unfortunately, after the last two hours, Not only did Ye Ling not suffer any losses, he had also made a huge profit. He had earned 3.4 billion in just two hours. The astonishing rate of amassing wealth almost made a group of rich men kneel down and acknowledge him as their master, while Guo Ming looked at his 100 million profit. Looking at Ye Ling's 3.4 billion, he almost cried. All the assets he had accumulated over the years were gone, and his heart was bleeding.    


"Mr. Ye, how does it feel to earn 3.4 billion yuan in two hours?" A rich man found out that Ye Ling was so awesome, so he quickly went up to get closer to him. He looked at Ye Ling and asked with a smile.    


Hearing his words, Ye Ling covered his forehead with one hand and sighed.    


"Sigh, I feel terrible earning three billion and four billion in two hours!"    


The first to be shocked was the rich man who came up to curry favor with Ye Ling. He was hit hard in an instant. His eyes were wide open. He could not believe that this was said by a human. People who earned three billion and four billion would still feel uncomfortable.    


Ye Ling was probably the only person in the world who didn't like money.    


"Torture me! I'm willing to endure this pain. I hope it will be more intense."    


"Me too. Young Master Ye, please share some of the pain with me."    


Everyone saw that Ye Ling didn't care about money. At the same time, they were so jealous that they wanted to die. They all came to ask Ye Ling for some benefits.    


The rich man who came to curry favor with Ye Ling was even more exaggerated. He hurriedly grabbed Ye Ling's thigh and begged.    


"Wuwu! No matter what, Young Master Ye, please let me suffer with you!"    


Ye Ling was embarrassed. This rich man was a successful man, but he was crying like a child.    


As for Guo Ming, he had collapsed on the chair a long time ago, and now he was shocked by Ye Ling. He almost went to the hospital. It was too cruel.    


"Guo Young Master, you should give me the money. Your family and money don't belong to you now, but to me. You can't go back on your word." Ye Ling walked slowly to Guo Ming's side and said with a smile.    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, Guo Ming immediately jumped up from his chair and glared at Ye Ling.    


"We Guo Family will never do something like reneging on our debt. Don't slander us. We will give you the things tomorrow."    


Ye Ling was not interested in seeing Guo Ming's expression. He said to Guo Ming plainly,    


"Okay! Remember to send it to Peninsula Hotel tomorrow."    


"You..." Guo Ming looked at Ye Ling angrily and threatened.    


"I will not let you live a relaxed life. Just you wait."    


With that, he hit Ye Ling with his shoulder. He snorted and walked outside.    


"By the way, your car belongs to me now. Hand over the keys." Ye Ling shouted at his back.    


Guo Ming turned around in embarrassment and took out the keys from his pocket and threw them to Ye Ling.    


"Take them."    


He was about to turn around and leave when he was stopped by Ye Ling.    


"Hey! "Take out all the money in your wallet and leave. The money in it belongs to me now. It's not that I don't want to give you the fare. It's just that I'm a very petty person. It's very easy for me to hold a grudge. " Ye Ling spread his hands.    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, the other rich people were secretly glad that they did not offend Ye Ling. It turned out that Ye Ling liked to hold grudges, so they had to be more careful when interacting with Ye Ling. If Ye Ling held grudges, they would be finished.    


"Ye Ling, don't go too far!" Guo Ming was angry. He pointed at Ye Ling and scolded.    


Ye Ling slowly walked in front of him and sneered.    


"What did I do wrong? Was it wrong to take back my money?"    


Guo Ming looked at Ye Ling angrily, but now he had no choice but to surrender. It was true that he had lost. The money had indeed belonged to Ye Ling the moment Guo Ming lost.    


"Take it!" Guo Ming took out the money from his wallet and wanted to throw it at Ye Ling. Unexpectedly, Ye Ling had already guessed what he was thinking. He quickly grabbed his wrist.    


"It hurts! It hurts!" Guo Ming's wrist was squeezed tightly by Ye Ling, and he screamed in pain.    


"Thanks." Ye Ling smiled and took out a handful of money from Guo Ming's hand with his other hand. He let go of Guo Ming's hand and said calmly, "Thank you.    


"You can go now."    


Guo Ming covered his wrist and glared fiercely at Ye Ling. He warned Ye Ling,    


"Remember what happened today."    


After saying that, he left in a hurry.    



A group of rich people saw what Ye Ling did from behind and secretly admired him. Ye Ling was quick, ruthless, and accurate in his actions. He showed no mercy to his enemies. This also gave them a warning to not provoke Ye Ling.    


Ye Ling returned to the presidential suite and found that Tang Jiayi and the others were not back yet. He was ready to take a bath. After taking off his clothes, he walked towards the bathroom. He pushed open the bathroom door and saw a large bathtub. Very quickly, he made foam and laid in the bathtub, enjoying his free time.    


A few minutes after Ye Ling laid in the bathtub, there was a clunk from the bathroom window. Ye Ling became alert. Following the sound, he saw that it was an inverted hook. There was a rope behind it.    


Damn it! Who would sneak up on him again? When Ye Ling saw the hook, he immediately thought that it must be some bastard who sent someone. Just as he was about to get up and break the hook, a figure suddenly appeared from the window. Before Ye Ling could do anything, the person pounced on him. The two of them fell into the bathtub one after another, splashing countless bubbles.    


A woman? Ye Ling's hand grabbed something soft. He could not help but pinch it a few times. He instantly determined that it was a woman.    


"Pervert." The woman got up in shock and stabbed the knife at Ye Ling. However, Ye Ling was prepared for this. He quickly grabbed her wrist and snatched the knife.    


The woman looked at Ye Ling angrily when she saw the knife was stolen. Both of them looked at each other and said in surprise at the same time.    


"Why is it you?"    


"Why are you here?"    


" Red Wipe is really you!" said Wang Yao. Last time I accidentally let you run away. This time I will not let you run away no matter what." Ye Ling saw that the woman was Red Wipe, who had tried to assassinate him the last time. The corner of his mouth revealed an evil smile.    


What are you doing? " Red Wipe panicked. If she was not injured, she could have fought Ye Ling. But now, she was like a piece of meat on a chopping board.    


Ye Ling looked like he was up to no good. He was ready to scare her, but he said with a cheap smile,    


"What do you think I am going to do?"    


As he spoke, his hand started to move toward her body.    


At this moment, the door was knocked loudly. After knocking a few times, she heard a shout from outside:    


"Is Mr. Ye here? We need to come in and search."    


Ye Ling was confused when he heard the sound. Were they looking for someone? He looked up and thought about whether to open the door. He saw Red Wipe's pretty face full of nervousness. Only then did Ye Ling realize that they were looking for her.    


At this time, the person outside seemed to have taken the key from the front desk and opened the door.    


Red Wipe's pretty face was extremely nervous. She stood up and prepared to go out the window. Unexpectedly, Ye Ling held her small hand with one hand and signaled her to hide under the big bathtub with his eyes. There was enough foam to cover up her petite figure. Red Wipe could only choose to believe Ye Ling when she heard footsteps approaching step by step. She clenched her teeth and held her breath. She crawled into the bubble and disappeared.    


Ye Ling also put away the hook and laid down on the bathtub. At this time, the bathroom door opened and three people rushed in. They pointed their guns at Ye Ling and shouted.    


"Police, raise your hands."    


He was already very unhappy that a group of people had barged into his room, but now he was asked to raise his hands. Ye Ling looked up and coldly snorted.    


"F * ck you!"    


"You still dare to be arrogant?" A fellow that looked like a Mouse pointed his spear at Ye Ling and said disdainfully.    


When the service butler saw Ye Ling being pointed at by the police with a gun, he hurriedly squeezed in and blocked the police who looked like a Mouse. He quickly explained.    


"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding. Sir, this is Mr. Ye. He lives here."    


A fat policeman with big ears pushed the steward to the side. He looked at Ye Ling and sneered.    


"It's not a misunderstanding. We saw the murderer run into this room. He must be hiding now."    


Ye Ling laughed when he heard the policemen's words. He said coldly with disdain, "It's not a misunderstanding. We clearly saw the murderer run into this room. Now that he's gone, he must be the one hiding.    


"You better take out the evidence and speak again. Otherwise, I will sue you until you don't even have the money to buy a pair of underwear."    


The fat police pointed a gun at Ye Ling and ordered the police who looked like Mouses to handcuff Ye Ling.    


"Come back to the police station with me first! The police who looked like Mouses handcuffed him."    


As he spoke, the police who looked like Mouses had already moved. With a sly smile, they took out their handcuff and wanted to handcuff Ye Ling.    


Seeing the police officer who looked like a Mouse walk over, afraid that he would discover Red Wipe, Ye Ling took the initiative to stand up from the bathtub and threatened.    


"Wait, I'll do it myself. But if you want to handcuff me, you better think carefully before doing it. Otherwise, the consequences are not something you can bear."    


"Damn it! There's so much nonsense. Isn't it just an upstart who can afford a presidential suite? What's there to be proud of?" The police officer who looked like a Mouse knocked Ye Ling's chest with a pair of handcuffs and said in disdain.    


Okay, as long as you don't regret what you did tonight, then let's go! I'll follow you back to the police station." Ye Ling smiled. If anyone who knew him saw this smile, they would know that someone was going to suffer.    


After saying that, Ye Ling prepared to walk out. At this time, the fat policeman seemed to have noticed something and slowly moved towards the bathtub. Ye Ling saw it and thought to himself, "Not good.    


Just as the fat policeman was about to touch the bathtub, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. With a hook of his fist, he violently punched the fat policeman out of the bathroom door.    


With a bang, the bathroom door was broken.    


"Don't move. Raise your hands, or I'll shoot?" Officer Mouse quickly took out his pistol and pointed it at Ye Ling. He said nervously.    


Ye Ling smiled. He slowly raised his hand and put it on the back of his head.    


"Why did you hit Officer Zhang?" Officer Mouse held the gun with both hands, pointed the muzzle at Ye Ling and asked coldly.    


Hearing his words, Ye Ling said casually,    


"I don't like him."    


"Bastard! You want to die." The Officer Mouse cursed at Ye Ling.    


Ye Ling said helplessly.    


"Then hurry up and catch me back to the police station."    


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