Top Campus Beauty System

C84 Birthday Party

C84 Birthday Party

0"I order the three of you to get rid of the man I mentioned just now. After that, return to Yanjing."    


"But Young Master, are you safe?" When the three of them heard Ximen Wudao's words, they were shocked and said worriedly.    


"Don't worry, I'm already in the Heavenly Dynasty. "Who dares to touch my Ximen family? Unless he wants to die. So do as I say! "You should settle this as soon as possible and come back soon." Ximen Wudao waved his hand and said.    


The three of them looked at each other. They knew that they could not change Young Master's mind.    


"Please rest assured, Young Master. We promise to complete the mission."    


After they finished speaking, they got into the Lincoln. From afar, people could see three figures hurrying to the city center of Hong Kong and disappearing into the darkness.    


As for Ye Ling and Tang Jiayi, they returned to Peninsula Hotel after watching the concert. Just as they walked to the hall, a manager walked towards Ye Ling and asked respectfully,    




"It's me." Ye Ling nodded.    


After the manager confirmed it was Ye Ling, he took a stack of files from the counter and handed them to him.    


"It's like this. Mr. Guo asked me to give these to you."    


Mr. Guo? Could it be Guo Ming? It seemed like he had returned the money. These files contained all kinds of property contracts, company contracts, luxury car keys, and money. This kid was pretty good. He gave them five billion yuan just like that. Ye Ling didn't need to think to know what these things were.    


If it were Four Bugs in Zhonghais, they might have fought him to the death. In comparison, the rich second generation of Hong Kong was a little skilled. Not bad. It seemed like he could step on more in the future. His income was considerable! Ye Ling thought shamelessly.    


After Ye Ling took the file bag, the manager and the receptionist all looked at the things in his hands with envy. Five billion! No one didn't want it.    


"Ahem, it's just money. It might not be good to have more." Ye Ling saw them staring at the files. He coughed and said slowly.    


When they came back to their senses, they smiled awkwardly. Then they agreed.    


"Mr. Ye is right."    


Ye Ling did not blame them. After all, he used to be a person in the lower society. He just reminded them not to put money in an important position. Seeing that they were working hard, Ye Ling casually took out two stacks of money and placed them on the counter. He said lightly,    


"Yes! I'll give you a tip."    


Ye Ling pulled Tang Jiayi and disappeared into the hall. The manager and the receptionist looked at Ye Ling blankly and then looked at the two stacks of money. They swallowed their saliva.    


As expected of Young Master Ye's heroic spirit. Mr. Guo would never be able to learn it. The first time Ye Ling saw them, he gave them twenty thousand tips, and Mr. Guo gave them at most two thousand tips. When the manager and the receptionist compared Young Master Ye and Mr. Guo, there was a difference in their hearts. Instead, they looked down on Guo Ming.    


They returned to the room. Tang Jiayi went to bed after she finished bathing. After all, she had played for the whole day.    


Just as Ye Ling was about to go to bed, a reminder from the system sounded in his mind.    


"Let me remind host that today is Xu Ruoxin's birthday. If you want to chase after Xu Ruoxin, it's best to win her favor at this time."    


Ye Ling only reacted after listening to the system's explanation. Today was Xu Ruoxin's birthday, but he thought about it. Something was not right, so he asked doubtfully.    


"Since it is Xu Ruoxin's birthday, why did her fans not celebrate her birthday tonight?"    


"The birthday announced on the website is fake. Very few people know the date of her birth because the time of her birth is very special. It is when the Yin Qi is the heaviest. Usually, only people who are close to her will know." The system replied.    


Ye Ling was puzzled. Why was Xu Ruoxin afraid that others would know her birthday and what was the connection with the Yin Qi being the heaviest?    


"All you need to know now is that this woman is both a disaster and a blessing. Misfortune and fortune depend on each other. " As for what it means, you don't need to think too much about it. You still can't reach this level. You'll understand in the future. Right now, the most important thing is to earn points. " The system reminded Ye Ling once again.    


Ye Ling knew that some things were too complicated. It was not something he could get in touch with now. It was more important to earn points. With points, who would he be afraid of?    


At the Shangri-La Hotel, a black Cayenne slowly stopped at the entrance of the hotel. When the door was pushed open, a man with an aura walked out. He wore black sunglasses and expensive clothes. He instantly attracted the attention of many people, especially beauties.    


"Handsome, are we going to make love together?" Two beautiful women walked up and looked at the Cayenne. Then, they stared at Ye Ling and said ambiguously.    


Ye Ling looked them up and down and teased them.    


"Can three people have sex?"    


When the two beauties heard what Ye Ling said, they felt that it was possible. They pretended to be reserved and reproached him.    


"I hate you, sir."    


As they spoke, the two beauties each hugged Ye Ling's arm. As for their breasts, they had already covered his arm. One of the beauties's red lips was close to Ye Ling's ear and she blew into his ear.    


"sir, not only can you have sex with three people, you can also have sex in the car!"    


"Ahem, I'm sorry, I have a girlfriend." Ye Ling rubbed his nose and said.    


The two women seemed reluctant to give up. It was not easy to find such a rich man. If they got pregnant and became rich young ladies, they would not let them go easily.    


"sir, is your girlfriend prettier than us?"    


"She's here."    


"She's here," Ye Ling said.    


"Ruoxin, I'm here."    


Xu Ruoxin saw Ye Ling waving his hand and walked over with small steps.    


When Xu Ruoxin got closer, her face became clearer. The two beauties felt inferior. Although they could not see Xu Ruoxin's entire appearance clearly, other than her eyes, her appearance already made them feel inferior. In the end, they unwillingly let go of Ye Ling's arm and hurriedly left.    


"What happened to those two girls?" Xu Ruoxin looked at the two girls leaving and turned to ask Ye Ling in confusion.    


Ye Ling nodded.    


They're ready to make love to me, I don't agree."    


"Go away. You are not serious." Xu Ruoxin rolled her eyes.    


"Tell me, why did you call me so late? "I just finished my concert and I'm so tired. You even called me out. It seems like it hasn't even been two hours since I called you! Calling me so quickly, you're really good. " Xu Ruoxin reproached.    



I will take you to a place. I promise it will be a surprise. " Ye Ling pretended to be mysterious.    


"Where?! I still want to sleep..."    


"What are you sleeping for? Let's go!"    


Before Xu Ruoxin could finish, Ye Ling grabbed her hand and opened the door for her. Then, he drove the Cayenne all the way.    


"Hey! Where are you taking me? If you dare to do anything bad to me, I'll beat you to death. I've practiced Taekwondo before. Humph! " Xu Ruoxin raised her small hands and threatened him without any imposing manner.    


Ye Ling ignored her words without any threat. After a beautiful drift, he parked the car firmly at the door. He turned his head and smiled at her.    


"We are here."    


Xu Ruoxin heard Ye Ling say that they were here, so she followed him out of the car. She looked up and immediately covered her mouth in surprise. She pointed at the door in front of her and looked at Ye Ling excitedly.    




At this moment, she was as happy as a child.    


"I knew you liked this place, so I brought you here. How about it? Do you like it?" Ye Ling looked at her smiling face and suddenly felt that she was as innocent as a child. Of course, sometimes she was still a little devil and liked to scare people.    


"How do you know I like Disneyland?" Xu Ruoxin raised her curious eyes and stared at Ye Ling.    


"I guessed." Ye Ling said perfunctorily. He would tell her that it was the system that helped her.    


Xu Ruoxin thought Ye Ling was guessing randomly, so she nodded.    


"En! "Actually, when I was young, I wanted to go to Disneyland once, but I couldn't go every time. After becoming a celebrity, I didn't dare to go because there were more people there, so it was easy to find out my identity. Thank you for bringing me here this time to fulfill my wish."    


As she spoke, she looked up at Ye Ling with her beautiful eyes and thanked him.    


"Let's go! Let's go in." Ye Ling took her hand and prepared to go in.    


"We will be discovered if we go in. Let's not go in." Xu Ruoxin said carefully. She said so but after coming here, she still wanted to go in and take a look. But she was afraid that she would be discovered. She was very conflicted.    


Ye Ling knew what Xu Ruoxin was thinking. Without saying anything, he pulled her into Disneyland. Xu Ruoxin used one hand to cover her face so that no one could see her. When she came in, she found that the entire park was pitch black. There was no one but a few dim lights.    


Xu Ruoxin did not know what was going on when Ye Ling whispered into her ear.    


"Close your eyes. When I tell you to open them, open them again."    


Xu Ruoxin was a little confused, but she still listened to Ye Ling and closed her eyes gently.    


"I'll count to three, two, one, and then you open your eyes again."    








Xu Ruoxin opened her eyes and saw a 12-layer cake in front of her. The surrounding people were all Disney World workers. Some were pretending to be Mickey Mouse, some were pretending to be Donald Duck and other cartoon characters.    


At this moment, Ye Ling held 999 roses and slowly walked in front of Xu Ruoxin. He smiled and said,    


"I wish you a happy birthday, Ruoxin!"    


Behind them, hundreds of Disneyland employees also shouted in unison.    


"I wish you a happy birthday, Ruoxin! ..." "    


The voice resounded throughout the entire Disneyland and the entire park instantly lit up. The lights became extremely bright. The carousel, bumper cars, and various entertainment facilities began to turn. They seemed to be congratulating Xu Ruoxin for her happy birthday.    


Not far away, Ye Ling spent a total of 10 million to buy an hour of fireworks show.    


10 million! The fireworks were set off for an hour. People could see how big the amount of fireworks was. In a minute, hundreds of smoke fireworks flew out. When the amount of fireworks was high, there were thousands of them. The loud sound and the gorgeous fireworks attracted many people's attention. Not long after, some people in Hong Kong knew about it. Disneyland had a ten-million-dollar fireworks show, and they were all rushing there.    


"Oh my god! Which big tycoon bought a firework show to pick up girls? It looks like it's over ten million dollars! Brother is awesome."    


"I admire this person too much. Who can compare to a person who buys fireworks over 10 million to pick up girls?"    


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