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C115 Mei Hezi

C115 Mei Hezi

0The man in the lead suit was frightened by Ye Ling's pressure and took a step back. He felt humiliated and instinctively pulled the trigger to kill Ye Ling.    


However, this was almost impossible because Ye Ling was more accurate and faster than him. At that moment, Ye Ling's leg moved at a speed that could not be seen. He did not even pull the trigger when Ye Ling's foot was already on his chest.    


In the next second, he was kicked to the street entrance forty meters away. The other two gunmen immediately reacted. They had just pointed their guns at Ye Ling when they heard two banging sounds. Both of their chests were kicked heavily. They flew to the street entrance with the man in the lead suit. After that, they fainted.    


After Ye Ling finished off the three gunmen, he carried the girl to the nearest hotel without any hesitation. As for the girl in his arms, she was already convinced by Ye Ling's actions. She stared at him with her sparkling eyes. She had seen Ye Ling beating up Boss Hei's men in the bath earlier, which was why she wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Ye Ling. She didn't expect that he would actually save her life.    


She did not want to sacrifice herself. She just wanted to make him do something for her. But now, she did not know why her heart was beating so fast. She seemed to have a good impression of Ye Ling. Then, she laid her head on Ye Ling's chest. Her pretty face turned red.    


"sir, why don't you go to the house I rented first? "There's no need to waste money to get a house. The house I rented is closer to here."    


Hearing her words, Ye Ling's eyes lit up. It was good to have a room, and it was also very close. That was even better. Seeing Ye Ling agree, the girl's originally red face became even redder. Soon, they arrived at a small hotel under her guidance.    


As soon as they entered the door, Ye Ling kissed her. He couldn't wait to take off her clothes. Her response was even crazier. Her long snow-white legs grabbed Ye Ling's waist. Her small hands hugged his neck tightly. Her small mouth kept kissing his face, nose, and lips.    


That night, Ye Ling didn't know how many times he had done it. By the time he woke up, it was already dawn.    


In his daze, he heard the sound of clothes being put on. He could not help but rub his eyes. He opened his eyes and saw her wearing a sailor suit and a pair of stockings on her snow-white feet. How could there be a female student here? When he saw the girl's face, Ye Ling immediately woke up. He looked at her in front of him in a daze.    


"You lied to me. You are not even an adult." Ye Ling shook his head and widened his eyes in disbelief.    


"uncle, what era is it now? Is it that important to be an adult? I like you." She put on the school's sailor suit and walked to Ye Ling's side with a smile.    


uncle? Am I that old? Ye Ling looked at her from head to toe. The more he looked at her, the more embarrassed he felt. It seemed like he really had a bug in his brain last night. Now, she looked like a student. Why did he feel like she did not look like him then?    


He did not expect to have a relationship with a student sister on the first night he came to Japan. If he told others, no one would believe him. Ye Ling was so embarrassed that he did not dare to look at her.    


Her big eyes suddenly saw Ye Ling's face turn red. She could not help but become excited. She kissed Ye Ling's face and said with a smile,    


"uncle, you actually blushed. So cute!"    


Being called cute by a student sister, Ye Ling's old face.    


"uncle, it's time. I have to go to class."    


At this moment, she screamed and quickly stood up from the bed. She put on her shoes and backpack and said to Ye Ling in a hurry, "uncle, it's time. I have to go to class.    


After she finished speaking, she rushed out of the door. When the door was closed, Ye Ling realized that she had already left.    


He also got up and put on his clothes. Just as he pushed open the blanket, he saw a red plum blossom print on the bed sheet. Immediately, Ye Ling's head swelled up again. He did not expect that he would be so young. He suddenly felt a sense of guilt.    


When he picked up the phone, he saw the picture on the screen and almost made him fall down. He did not know when she took a photo of the two of them together. When he was sleeping, people who did not understand really thought that they were a couple. They clicked on the contact and saw the first name that appeared. It had a note: Baby Miwako.    


So her name was Miwako? Ye Ling only knew when he saw the note on the screen. After he finished packing, he went downstairs.    


When he returned to the bathhouse and was about to drive the Porsche back to the hotel, he suddenly remembered that it was Miwako's first time. It should be very difficult for her to leave during class. Thinking about it, he took out his phone and called her. After a few rings, someone picked up.    


"Hello! uncle, you're looking for me!" Miwako's voice sounded excited on the phone.    


Hearing her excitement, Ye Ling almost forgot what he wanted to say. He coughed a few times and then asked,    


"Miwako, where are you? Have you gotten into the car and gone back to school?"    


"Not yet. We are still on the way to the subway." Miwako replied.    


His guess was right. He quickly asked her for the address.    


"Tell me where you are. I will pick you up and send you to school."    


"Hehe! uncle, you're so nice!" Miwako giggled on the phone and told Ye Ling the address.    


After a while, Ye Ling drove to the location Miwako mentioned. Soon, he saw Miwako in a sailor suit. She ran over to him briskly.    


Under Ye Ling's signal, she sat firmly in the passenger seat. Under her guidance, Ye Ling drove towards the school she was at.    


"uncle, your driving skills are great." Miwako couldn't help but exclaim when she saw Ye Ling's amazing driving skills.    


She was shocked and almost gave him a heart attack. He parked the car in front of the school gate and turned his head to her helplessly.    


"We're here. Get out of the car."    


His Porsche appeared at the high school gate and attracted many students. After all, tycoons were not only available in China, but also in other countries. Japanese culture itself was studying in Heavenly Dynasty, so the appearance of rich people often attracted some people, including female students.    


Miwako saw many people outside watching the Porsche and turned to Ye Ling.    


"uncle, you actually drove the car to our school gate. This is too conspicuous! It will make them think that you are keeping me."    


"Do as you wish. Admit it." How could Ye Ling be taken advantage of by her? When it came to his thick skin, he had never been afraid of anyone.    


When these words came out, Miwako's face turned red. She was actually a very conservative person in her bones. However, she didn't expect Ye Ling to say something like this in order to provoke Ye Ling.    


"Brawler!" Miwako snorted and got out of the car to run to the school.    


Looking at her disappearing figure, Ye Ling sighed in his heart. Miwako, goodbye. I want to go to Heavenly Dynasty. This might be the last time we meet.    


After thinking for a while, he drove the Porsche towards the airport. Miwako ran to the school gate and was about to enter when she suddenly felt like she was going to lose something. She turned around and looked back. The Porsche disappeared from her sight.    


He soon arrived at the airport. Ye Ling was going through the boarding procedures to return to Heavenly Dynasty. It was the same there. With the help of money, Osaka International Airport opened the back door for Ye Ling. He was quickly arranged to board the plane.    


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