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C334 Flying Ashtray

C334 Flying Ashtray

0Along with President Tela's order, thirty kilometers away, deep in the mountains, two modern troops were ready to go, with more than three hundred of the newest tanks that appeared, including all kinds of new weapons. Looking at the dense mass of soldiers in the valley, everyone would be shocked, the number of soldiers was estimated to be one hundred thousand, such a huge number of soldiers could completely crush Ye Ling's Armed Forces just by relying on their numbers.    


Of course, all of this was within Ye Ling's expectations. When they were fighting the capital of South Africa, Ye Ling used the system to get a thorough understanding of the South African government, including the army. Ye Ling used the system to get a thorough understanding of the South African capital, and he used the system to get a clear understanding of the South African army, including the army.    


At the same time, Ye Ling's Armed Forces was also engaged in battle with the three crippled divisions. The sound of gunfire was unceasing as it was carried out outside the capital of South Africa.    


The South African government's senior executives saw that the situation was one-sided and could not help but become anxious. They were afraid that the remnants would not be able to hold out until the support team arrived. President Tela wanted to delay for a while, so he dialed Ye Ling's number and said in a cold voice:    


"Ye Ling, right? "Don't think that you've won, this is just the beginning. You can still make it if you surrender now. A country's strength is not as simple as you think."    


If other people heard President Tela's words, they would definitely panic because they could feel President Tela's confidence from his words. Unfortunately, he met with Ye Ling, and Ye Ling also knew the source of President Tela's confidence.    


"Isn't your self-confidence derived from Mount Kagi, thirty kilometers away?"    


On the rooftop, the President was stunned by the conversation with the South African executives. They all looked at the president's phone, as if they were sure that Ye Ling knew something.    


"The two armies." Ye Ling said again.    




Many of the higher ups spat out the Red Wine s that were halfway through their drinking. They could not be shocked, how did Ye Ling know? The change in color on President Tela's confident face was even more amazing than the chameleon.    


"So what if you know? Can you even stop two armies equipped with modern equipment?" President Tela no longer hid anything and said in disdain.    


Without a doubt, Ye Ling's Armed Forces against two modern legions, would be dead, and even Ye Ling understood that, in the end, the Armed Forces was still just a militia. If it wasn't for Ye Ling exchanging for high-tech equipment, they probably wouldn't be more than ordinary divisions, of course, Ao Ersuo's command was one of them.    


"It can't be stopped." Ye Ling replied while smoking.    


"Hahaha, I knew it, but I really admire your guts. If you surrender now, I can …" After hearing Ye Ling say that he couldn't stop it, President Tela laughed and mocked.    


Before he finished, Ye Ling interrupted him.    


"We can't stop them, but I can make both armies disappear." Ye Ling looked at the battlefield in the distance and said calmly.    


The moment he said that, the higher ups in South Africa almost laughed out loud. President Tela could not help but laugh. Who in the world gave him such wild fantasies to make the two armies disappear?    


However, the scene that happened next left President Tela and the South African government officials stunned on the spot.    


Boom! * The sound of a large number of fire cannonballs rising from the seaside port attracted the attention of many people, including the fighters who were fighting passionately on the battlefield. As the huge fire cannons flew from a thousand meters high in the sky to the north, everyone watched as they grew larger before finally rushing off into the distance and disappearing from everyone's line of sight.    


"Was that a shell or a missile? Too big! You'll probably have to use a truck to carry it. " When the residents of South Africa saw the massive artillery shells flying over their heads, one of them couldn't help but exclaim in shock.    


"Fortunately, I didn't land here." One of the South African government leaders broke out in a cold sweat, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead and murmured to himself. He was obviously frightened by this huge artillery shell.    


But the shells were not finished. Ten seconds later, they streaked across the capital of South Africa.    


Boom, boom, boom, boom …    


At the same time, everyone could feel a strong vibration coming from afar. If they looked through their binoculars, they would see a small mushroom cloud rising into the air at a height of dozens of meters.    


At this moment, President Tela and the other executives of South Africa didn't know where the bomb had been triggered. It was only when the call came through that President Tela realized what had happened. After he received the call, he collapsed on the sofa, leaving the other executives confused.    


President Tela wiped his hands on his face and stood up again. He said to the other higher-ups:    


"Let's find the other party to resolve this!"    


What? Everyone stared at President Tela's face. They were puzzled, confused, and angry at the same time. They didn't understand why the President would do this, and why he would actually try to settle the dispute with the local forces after such a long time.    


"Whether we can reconcile or not is not certain. If we can't, we have to prepare for the worst and surrender." President Tela said with a helpless expression as he let out a deep breath.    


Moreover, the higher-ups did not look like he was joking. If they reached that step, they might really surrender.    


Elder General, who was at the side, was the one who knew about this. However, when he heard the news, he couldn't calm down for a moment. He only recovered his wits after the other higher-ups questioned President Tela, stood up and advised with a sigh.    


"Listen to President Tela!" Otherwise, our country will be annihilated. As for the reason, I will explain it to you later. Right now, the most important thing is to negotiate with them as soon as possible so that they won't use weapons on a large scale again. "    


When he said this, it was very obvious that Elder General was trembling. He was angry, but he was also helpless. He couldn't lower himself. After all, they had provoked a demon and couldn't defeat it. That was the most embarrassing thing.    


However, since Elder General and the President had already said so, there was no point for them to oppose. Of course, within the upper echelons, there were also those who were dissatisfied with the President and Elder General's actions, thinking that they were throwing South Africa's face, but even if they were opposed, what was the use? The majority had always been obedient, not to mention it was the suggestion of the President and Elder General.    


However, these higher-ups were still able to capture some information. Soon, with the consent of the South African government, President Tela dialed Ye Ling's number.    


"Shall we talk?"    


President Tela started with this sentence.    


"Great!" Choose a place. " Ye Ling was not surprised to hear the South African president say so, because he had expected this to happen.    


After hanging up, Ye Ling ordered the Armed Forces to stop attacking, and then he led the twelve of them to the capital of South Africa. Originally, Ao Ersuo had been worried that the South African government would cheat, so he had suggested that Ye Ling bring more people in, but Ye Ling had refused.    


When Ye Ling and co. drove into the South African capital, the crowds on the street all lined up in front of the presidential palace. Everyone looked curiously at Ye Ling and the reporters were shooting along the road where the cars were driving.    


Although the spectators in front of the televisions could not understand why the South Africa Government suddenly negotiated with the Armed Forces, they could roughly understand that the place where Ye Ling led the armed forces should have dealt a fatal blow to the South Government. Otherwise, which nation would propose to reconcile with the local Armed Forces ahead of time, and the reason might very well be that shell that flew across the sky earlier.    


It had to be said that their analysis was very accurate. It was because of that bomb that the South African government had no choice but to surrender.    


"That's amazing. I remember that the South African government never negotiated with the local armed forces. Most of them were shot to death, and now there's actually someone who forced the South African government to the point of negotiating." The netizens gave Ye Ling a big thumbs up, and the netizens from the imperial court even directly brought out the big red flag as they shouted the slogan of the imperial court's might.    


Although Ye Ling didn't open up a new territory for the Great Heaven Dynasty, he had led a group of people to make a name for themselves internationally. Ye Ling was powerful enough to prevent people from going abroad and being bullied, especially in Africa.    


Ye Ling's car stopped in front of the presidential palace. Twelve bodyguards got off the car ahead of time to help Ye Ling open the car door. Then, they slowly walked behind Ye Ling into the presidential palace.    


From the main gate of the presidential palace, there were already many soldiers armed with weapons. Just the main gate alone had 30-40 guards, and each step they took was equivalent to ten steps. When Ye Ling saw this, he could not help but sigh at the cowardice of the government.    


Arriving at a huge conference room, Ye Ling finally saw South Africa's president, Te Wu, and many senior executives sitting at the conference table waiting for him. There were probably more than 20 people there, Ye Ling even saw someone he knew, Ku Luo.    


There were two rows of soldiers standing next to the pillar. There were twenty of them, so it was obvious that they were worried about Ye Ling. Ah! are you waiting for me? "    


Then, Gold Dragon Team opened up the seats for Ye Ling. After that, the twelve of them stood behind Ye Ling.    


"Can I have you guys leave?" President Tela frowned and said when he saw 12 people enter.    



Ye Ling put his feet on the conference table without any hesitation and smiled, "Don't you guys have 20 soldiers with heads as well? What? "Is it only the state officials who should not light the lamps?"    


Whether or not he had Gold Dragon Team had no effect on Ye Ling, but he needed a strong aura to intimidate them. If he listened to them and withdrew them, he would definitely look down on him in his heart, and even weaken his momentum a little. Negotiating was a psychological battle, and as the president, Ta Li was definitely one of the best.    


Ye Ling's words stumped Ta Li. He didn't expect Ye Ling to ask back. Ta Li chuckled and said, "These soldiers are all ceremonial soldiers. Don't worry about them. Talk about the terms of our reconciliation!"    


Hearing that they had to get to the point, the South African executives got serious. Under President Tela's instructions, Ku Luo proposed a settlement condition to Ye Ling and said:    


"As long as Mr. Ye Ling compensates us for the loss of three divisions and one regiment, we are willing to reconcile with Mr. Ye Ling and not pursue Mr. Ye Ling's international punishment …"    


Bang! The ashtray flew from one end to the other and accurately smashed onto Ku Luo's head. Blood immediately spurted out. Ku Luo cried out in pain as he quickly covered his bleeding forehead and retreated to the back to bandage it.    


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