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C100 1888 Levels

C100 1888 Levels

0After Zhao Yan calmed down, Ye Ling lifted her pretty face and looked at her, asking softly,    


"Why are you crying? Who bullied you?"    


Zhao Yan, who was lying on his chest, heard this and her body froze. She saw Ye Ling was too excited just now and could not help jumping into his arms. Now he asked her and Zhao Yan was very embarrassed. Plus Ye Ling was staring at her and her pretty face blushed. She could only whisper.    


"Young Master Ye, let's leave the airport first!"    


Noticing many people looking over, Ye Ling nodded in agreement. After picking up the luggage, he left the airport with Zhao Yan. Only the young man and his girlfriend were left. They watched Ye Ling and the others leave. The young man couldn't help but be jealous of Ye Ling's luck. Ye Ling's girlfriend was so beautiful. His girlfriend was very envious of Zhao Yan's beauty and temperament.    


Under the gaze of many people at the airport, Ye Ling brought Zhao Yan out of the airport and took a taxi to Peninsula Hotel.    


In the car, Ye Ling looked at Zhao Yan with suspicion. He seemed to guess the reason why she was crying. In the end, Zhao Yan could not stand Ye Ling's gaze. She said in a low voice,    


"I was just excited. How did you get out? Jiayi said you were taken to police station."    


She looked at Ye Ling quietly. He seemed to be thinking about something. She was so scared that she quickly changed the topic.    


Ye Ling looked at her and then said,    


"The Guo Family of Hong Kong wanted to cause trouble for me, but I solved it all."    


After hearing who the person who harmed Ye Ling was, Zhao Yan returned to her president form and said doubtfully,    


"Guo Family? Is it one of the four great families of Hong Kong, the Guo Family?"    


Sensing the change in Zhao Yan, Ye Ling thought that she had improved a lot. He nodded at her.    


After learning from Ye Ling that it was the Guo Family, Zhao Yan was furious and said coldly,    


"The Guo Family is seeking death."    


Her cold tone almost froze the air. Even the driver in front felt a chill from behind.    


Seeing Zhao Yan so angry, Ye Ling could not help but rub her head and smiled.    


"Don't be angry. The Guo Family dares to find trouble with me. We will find trouble with the Guo Family when the time comes."    


At this moment, Zhao Yan, who was being rubbed by Ye Ling, was very docile. She was completely different from the previous her. She nodded at Ye Ling in agreement.    


After returning to Peninsula Hotel, Ye Ling asked Zhao Yan to collect all the listed companies in Guo Family. Very quickly, Zhao Yan placed a pile of information in front of Ye Ling. He flipped through the information. There were twenty listed companies in Guo Family. There were even more companies that were not listed. There were also various wine houses, real estate and other fixed assets. The estimated total assets were three to four hundred billion.    


"No wonder the Guo Family is so arrogant." Ye Ling threw the information aside and rubbed his forehead.    


The family was indeed huge. It seemed like it would take a long time to find trouble with the Guo Family.    




"Quest released. Eliminate the Guo Family. Unlimited funds will be activated during this period of time. However, points cannot be exchanged for. Time limit: 3 days. Quest reward: One free draw. Failure: One lost leg." The system gave him a quest.    


"system, you are great." Ye Ling praised the system. The mission had come just in time.    


Ye Ling had always suspected that many of the missions issued by the system were aimed at his enemies. This meant that the system hoped that he could continuously crush his enemies and eliminate them. Of course, at the same time, there would also be danger. If he failed, he might lose his life.    


As long as the system provided funds, it would be easy for them to defeat the Guo Family.    


Soon, Zhao Yan was asked to bring the laptop over. She took the laptop and opened the page on it. Zhao Yan stood at the side and listened to his orders.    


"Which is the smallest listed company in Guo Family?" Ye Ling looked at the computer screen and asked Zhao Yan.    


As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Yan quickly flipped through the information. After she found it, she replied.    


"Huaya Group."    


"OK. Ye Ling smiled and quickly typed on the keyboard.    


Hong Kong Wealth Center, 32nd floor, president office.    


"Who exactly is buying our company? Your technical department doesn't even know. What do I need you for?" Zhu Kun slammed the document on the head of the technical department and scolded.    


"president, we are working hard, but we can't break the fire wall of the other party. The other party directly set 108 firewalls. We can't even break the first 20 firewalls. "Not to mention the rest." The technical department head said with a bitter smile.    


The other party's firewall was not only layered, each layer was even more complicated. No one in the technical department could break it. What was even more difficult was that every time a firewall was broken, a computer would be hacked. At this point, the technical department had reached a point where there was no computer available.    


Zhu Kun said angrily,    


"Then find the hacker. No matter how much it costs, find the person first."    


Zhu Kun was very anxious. The Huaya Group shares had been fluctuating abnormally an hour ago. Someone was secretly buying a large amount of the Huaya Group's shares, and it was still growing rapidly. Perhaps in three hours, the chairman of the Huaya Group would change.    


Now, he could only secretly settle the matter in front of the Guo Family. Otherwise, if the Guo Family found out about it, he wouldn't be able to hold the position of president anymore.    


Very quickly, the head of the technical department posted a bounty on the Internet of the Hacker Alliance. As long as someone broke the firewall, he would be rewarded with a million yuan.    


The moment the bounty was released, the hackers came. A few hundred people attacked for half an hour and only managed to break through 60 firewalls. The other firewalls could not be broken.    


"Who's so abnormal? This isn't a firewall at all."    


"I suspect that the person who set up this firewall is not normal. This firewall is not something that a person can create."    


"I've been in the hacker world for decades. I thought that there wasn't any firewall that could stop me, but I didn't expect that I would fail today."    


The comments were already in a mess and new comments kept appearing. The more the technical department head read, the more shocked he became. What kind of firewall was this!? Even those who had been in the hacking world for decades could not break through this firewall. This firewall was too terrifying.    


At this moment, a message appeared below the comments. It was very eye-catching.    


"Let me try."    


The moment he said this, coupled with his ID, the entire Hacker Alliance website was shocked, and the comments increased rapidly.    


"He's here!"    



"lonely skeleton appeared. The five top hackers in Heavenly Dynasty are here for this firewall. This is too surprising."    


"lonely skeleton has appeared. All firewalls can be solved. This firewall can be solved in thirty seconds."    


"That's for sure. He is one of the top five leaders in Heavenly Dynasty. He is very powerful."    


The technical department head was very surprised to see a top expert in the hacking world. If it was this expert, he would be able to break through the firewall very quickly. However, it was usually very difficult for him to find him. Now that he suddenly appeared, the head had to seize the opportunity.    


"lonely skeleton, if you can break through this firewall, the price can be negotiated." The person in charge quickly typed to lonely skeleton.    


After a while, lonely skeleton replied.    


"I didn't come here for money," he said. Rather, I'm interested in this firewall. I want to try."    


Seeing the reply, the person in charge was very embarrassed. They didn't care about a few million experts like this at all. It was his fault.    


"Don't embarrass yourself. I remember lonely skeleton's lowest price was 10 million."    


"He probably doesn't understand. Otherwise, he should know about this."    


The following comments made the person in charge feel awkward. Fortunately, lonely skeleton didn't fuss about it. Soon, he started to crack the firewall. Everyone guessed that he should be able to finish it in three minutes.    


Indeed, in the beginning, lonely skeleton only took one minute to break through the 80th firewall. In the process of destroying the firewall, lonely skeleton managed to break through two levels in a second. This speed shocked everyone.    


But it was different from what everyone thought. lonely skeleton took half an hour to break through all the firewalls. In the last level, he took ten minutes to break through the 108 levels. When the firewall was destroyed, everyone heaved a sigh of relief. If lonely skeleton could not break through the firewall, No one can break it.    


The person in charge was overjoyed when he saw the last floor was destroyed. He could finally complete the mission given by the president within an hour. After lonely skeleton destroyed the last floor, he also heaved a sigh of relief. He did not expect this firewall to be so powerful.    


Just as lonely skeleton was about to enter the computer to check, the screen of everyone's computer suddenly turned black. Soon, a red skeleton jumped out of everyone's computer screen. The skeleton's mouth moved.    


"Congratulations, you have destroyed the basic firewall. Next, please continue to destroy the intermediate firewall. The firewall has 1,888 floors. Please continue to work hard."    


With that, the skeleton disappeared. Everyone's screens returned to normal. However, everyone was shocked. The owner of the firewall not only entered their computers, but also turned into a skeleton to inform them. He also told them that the firewall that they had just destroyed was only a basic firewall.    


"1,888 floors, how is this possible?"    


"The person who set this firewall is a madman."    


"Actually, we were all wrong. The master behind this firewall is the powerful one. He is too terrifying."    


"Elementary firewall is already so difficult. Advanced firewall is even more difficult."    


After lonely skeleton broke through more than 200 floors, he gave up. In the comments section, he said, "I can't break through." Then he disappeared.    


As soon as lonely skeleton left, everyone suddenly had a trace of respect for the master behind the firewall. They couldn't help but admire him. Even lonely skeleton couldn't break through the firewall.    


The person in charge had a hopeless look on his face. Even lonely skeleton couldn't break the firewall.    


At this moment, Ye Ling didn't know that the firewall that he randomly asked system to set up had shaken the entire hacker world. He was even called a firewall by everyone.    


The person in charge hurriedly ran to president's office to report. By the time he ran in, Zhu Kun was already lying on a chair. Zhu Kun's eyes were staring blankly at the ceiling. The person in charge was shocked. What exactly had made president so helpless? He nervously reported to him.    


"president, the hacker destroyed the firewall, but the hacker also set up an intermediate firewall. In the end, no one destroyed the firewall."    


"No need. The Huaya Group was acquired five minutes ago. Now, the Huaya Group's master is the firewall's master!" Zhu Kun sighed and said with a helpless expression.    


Ten minutes ago, he had spent three billion in a row, making the stock market of the Huaya Group very chaotic. He bought the shares of the Huaya Group at twice the market price.    


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