Top Campus Beauty System

C3 He's rich.

C3 He's rich.

0As soon as Ye Ling rushed into Zhou Dafu Jewelry Shop, Miss sales quickly went forward to receive him and smiled politely.    


"May I ask if you need any jewelry? Are you buying jewelry for your lover or your family?"    


It was indeed a big brand company. The employees were very good. They took a glance at Ye Ling's dirty work clothes and then looked away. They introduced the jewelry to Ye Ling and gave him proper respect. It made people feel comfortable.    


Because of Ye Ling's work clothes, Miss sales categorized him as a low-end customer based on her many years of experience. It meant jewelry that was suitable for ordinary people. The price would not be too high. It was affordable.    


"Sir, if you want to give it to your lover, this full star platinum necklace is very suitable. It only costs 1300. If you want to give it..."    


He had already spent five minutes running from the hotel opposite. Ye Ling did not have time to listen to her introduction and did not have time to think. He directly interrupted Miss sales's words and said urgently, "It is too cheap. What is the most expensive jewelry in your store? I want it."    


He spoke too quickly and his voice could not help but increase. Immediately, many people came over to take a look.    


"This person is so exaggerated."    


"He can't be a rich second generation, can he? But his clothes don't look like it!"    


"The most expensive jewelry in this shop is said to cost thirty to forty thousand. Is he sure he can afford it? I'm afraid he doesn't know the price! "    


Miss sales could not help but feel annoyed when she heard Ye Ling's words. She was kind enough to not embarrass him, but he's really gone too far. Now, he had attracted the attention of everyone in the shop. If he did not buy it, she would see how he got off the stage. He still wanted to buy the most expensive jewelry. Why didn't he change his clothes and come back?    


"Sir, the most expensive one is our Azure Heart necklace. The price is forty thousand." Miss sales whispered to Ye Ling, letting him understand the price and back off.    


"Forty thousand?" Ye Ling frowned when he heard the price. He looked very distressed.    


Miss sales saw Ye Ling's expression and thought to herself that he really did not know the price. Now that he knew he could not afford it, he was backing out. Fortunately, she did not believe him and went to get the Azure Heart. Otherwise, she would be laughed at by her colleagues.    


Just as she was about to give up on Ye Ling as a customer.    


"I want it. Wrap it up for me. Hurry."    


Suddenly, Ye Ling took out the card from his pocket and slapped it on the counter. He said anxiously.    


The sound of the bank card hitting the glass on the counter woke Miss sales up. Although Ye Ling said so, she still did not believe it in her heart. Not everyone could afford 40,000 yuan of jewelry. She probed with a suspicious expression.    


"Sir, are you sure you want to buy it?"    


"If you don't believe me, just leave it here and get the money first." Ye Ling said urgently.    


The cards were all here, and he said he would pay first before taking the goods. Miss sales felt Ye Ling did not look like he was looking for trouble. She turned around and entered the shop in doubt.    


"Just you wait. I'll go get the necklace."    


"By the way, I'll buy five necklaces."    


At this moment, Ye Ling suddenly said urgently to Miss sales.    


The sound coming from behind almost tripped Miss sales. She fiercely stamped her high heels. He did not need to be so high-profile even if he had money. He will lose face later!    


After a while, Miss sales took out an exquisite box and immediately attracted many people's attention. After all, up to 40,000 yuan of jewelry was already very expensive and very luxurious.    


"Sir, this is the Azure Heart necklace. We only have one in our shop. It's from South Africa..."    


"Stop, stop, stop. You said there's only one?"    


Miss sales was about to introduce it when she was interrupted by Ye Ling. She stared at Miss sales anxiously.    


"Of course there is only one. It is handmade. This is the only one in the world."    


In front of the counter, Ye Ling's panic was seen by Miss sales. She secretly sighed that she had seen this kind of person many times. He would find an excuse later to say that why there was only one? Then, he would say that he didn't want it anymore. His goal was to not lose face in front of others. Actually, he really didn't have money.    


However, what Ye Ling said next shocked the people in the jewelry store.    


"Five is more than enough. One is only forty thousand yuan. It's too cheap. Do you have any other precious jewelry? Gather two hundred thousand yuan for me. And... Don't give me a discount, no matter how much it is, don't bargain with me, or I'll be anxious with you. " Ye Ling looked at the time. There were only ten minutes left. He was so anxious that he was sweating.    


"Buy five necklaces? Crazy, just wait. He will definitely be taken care of."    


"If forty thousand yuan is still considered cheap, then wouldn't the five thousand yuan ring I bought be cheap? He must be boasting too much!"    


"Two hundred thousand? He really thinks he's a tycoon! Spending money like dirt."    


It could only be said that the dirty work clothes had reduced Ye Ling's score by quite a bit. For someone like him to be able to take out two hundred thousand to buy jewelry, everyone present would probably be dissatisfied. Therefore, they thought that Ye Ling was here to show off, and they all looked down on him.    


As for Miss sales, she had no choice but to agree to the customer's request. She could only wait until he could not pay.    


Because it was a jewelry store, Ye Ling said that there he didn't want a discount, so in less than five minutes, 200,000 yuan worth of jewelry was gathered.    


In front of the counter, there were all kinds of small jewelry boxes.    


Ding! Remind host to complete the mission five minutes in advance. There will be additional rewards. Please do your best, host!"    


At this moment, the system's notification sounded. He thought that time was up, and he was almost scared to the point of breaking out in cold sweat.    


When he heard there was an additional reward, Ye Ling's eyes lit up and said excitedly to Miss sales.    


"Is it done?! Then hurry up and swipe my card. I'm in a hurry."    


In everyone's opinion, Ye Ling should not be able to hold on at this time. He should be in a panic. They did not expect him to be so excited.    


He was still pretending to be rich. Many people stopped to watch the show.    


Miss sales looked at him with pity in her eyes. He was really exaggerating!    


She handed the POS machine over. Ye Ling took the POS machine without a word. He inserted the card quickly and entered the password.    


"Congratulations, host, for completing the mission, you are rewarded with 2 points. You are rewarded with a free draw."    


Ye Ling heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of the card being successfully swiped.    


However, the others in the jewelry store were different. They were all shocked. They looked at Ye Ling in a daze, unable to say anything.    



He really succeeded.    


Miss sales stared at Ye Ling in a daze. He really spent two hundred thousand. At this moment, she could not help but regret that she did not build a good relationship with Ye Ling.    


When Ye Ling left with the jewelry, the entire jewelry store was in an uproar.    


"I didn't expect him to be so rich. I guessed wrong. He is truly powerful. We seem to have been slapped in the face."    


"Could it be that the young rich people have been keeping a low profile recently and like to wander around in their work clothes?"    


"Using the words on the Internet: Brother! You're too rich!"    


After exiting the jewelry store, Ye Ling quickly found an alley with fewer people and said to the system,    


"System, now you can exchange 2 points for 200,000 points!"    


"Yes, we have deposited 200,000 into the host bank card."    


The phone message notified him that the money was already in his account.    


He was so excited that he could not express it with words. Ye Ling clenched his fists tightly. He silently thought to himself, I have risen.    


"What's the matter with the lottery?"    


"host has a chance to draw. The empty area is free of rewards. I wish host good luck."    


The next second, Ye Ling realized that there was a big wheel in the middle of the space. Half of the empty space was occupied by the wheel. This stupid system only had half of the chance to get the reward.    


When he saw the reward of the wheel, his heart skipped a beat. This was great!    


The most awesome were the basic Nine Yang Divine Art, the Six Ways of the Navy, and Vector Control, these three major killing moves.    


The second one was the one with the lowest level. There were ten million yuan in cash, three times the increase in strength, and a box of condoms.    


Condoms were all used for the draw.    


He took a deep breath and slowly said:    


"Begin the draw!"    


Ye Ling closed his eyes and closed his hands.    


"I want to draw the Nine Solar Divine Art! If I can't draw out the divine art, then I can have the Six Ways of the Navy! If I can't draw out the Six Ways, then I can also control the vector. Buddha bless me.    


"Congratulations to host for obtaining three times the strength amplification!"    


In an instant, a powerful force surged into Ye Ling's body. His originally loose muscles had become even more vigorous. Now, he had an endless amount of strength all over his body. He tried to wave his arm with strength. He felt that even if he hit a cow, it would still howl.    


"If I can't get the killing weapon, the increase in strength is also not bad."    


Ye Ling sighed in his heart. Fortunately, he did not draw an empty area. If he did, he would not have suffered a great loss.    


The phone in his pocket suddenly rang. It gave Ye Ling a bad feeling and hurriedly picked it up.    




"Brother Yezi, come and save us. The debt hunters came to find us. They said they wanted to sell me and my mother to the night market."    


Tang Jiayi was crying on the other end of the phone. She desperately wanted to ask Brother Yezi for help, because he was the only person she could trust other than her mother.    


When he heard Tang Jiayi crying and calling for Brother Yezi to save her, in an instant, Ye Ling felt like his heart was about to break. After that, he became even more furious. His tightly clenched fists were stained with blood.    


Pretty and cute was just Tang Jiayi's outer appearance. In her heart, she had always been a very strong girl. Now that she was crying, she was still crying so heartbreakingly. Those who dared to bully her were simply unforgivable.    


Just when he wanted to ask Tang Jiayi about the situation, the phone was cut off.    




Ye Ling immediately ran out of the street, took a taxi and went straight to Tang Jiayi's house.    


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