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C17 Organics Pancakes

C17 Organics Pancakes



Lee Qianqian covered her mouth, her eyes filled with disbelief. She seemed to be saying, "Ye Ling. You're such a person.    


Ye Ling hit her forehead hard and smiled. "Are you serious?"    


"No... No." Lee Qianqian was so shy that she did not dare to look at Ye Ling.    


"Go back and broadcast! I'm leaving."    


Ye Ling left after saying that. When Lee Qianqian looked up, he was already gone. She looked at the darkness. She was so angry that she stepped on her high heels and dodged a few times. After she finished venting, she muttered to herself.    


"Actually, it's not like I can't be your wife."    


After saying that, her face turned as red as an apple. Then, she shyly covered her pretty face with her hands. She ran back to the office happily. At least, she knew that Ye Ling did not have a girlfriend.    


The next day, just after breakfast, Ye Ling received a call from Aunt Xue. He picked up the phone and smiled.    


"Aunt Xue, why did you call me? Have you been well recently?"    


"I am very well. I came to care about your matters. You broke up with Xiaowen, so I found you a girl. Come and see her! This girl is quite good." Zhang Qinxue said happily.    


Don't, aunty. I am not in a hurry to find a partner. I am not free. " When he heard about the blind date, he was almost scared to death. He hurriedly said.    


"Your wings have hardened. You don't even listen to my words, right?" Zhang Qinxue pretended to be angry.    


Ye Ling was shocked when he heard Aunt Xue was angry. He quickly agreed.    


"Aunt, don't be angry. I promise you."    


"Okay, remember to come. And dress up more handsome." Zhang Qinxue reminded again before hanging up.    


After a while, the address message was sent to Ye Ling's phone.    


Ye Ling was very depressed. If it was someone else who wanted him to go for a blind date, he would have rejected it long ago. But Aunt Xue, he could not refuse. Because he was an orphan, he was raised by the orphanage director. As the director of the orphanage, Aunt Xue had always brought him up. It could be said that Aunt Xue was someone like his father and mother. He had no choice but to agree to her.    


After breakfast, he remembered that he had to solve Tang Jiayi's problem today. He thought about it and suddenly thought of a good idea. He did not need to go to school and could settle it safely. After finding a big flower shop and telling them some things, Ye Ling slowly rushed to the blind date location.    


Tomorrow Restaursnt, Room 210.    


"Mom, I don't want a blind date." An average-looking girl said to the fat woman coquettishly.    


Zhang Jing comforted the girl.    


"Xiaoyu, let's just look at him. You are going to marry a rich man in the future. If he is a poor boy, we will leave."    


"Mom, you said that you are going to marry me to a rich man. Hehe." Zhu Xiaoyu did not hide her desire at all and wanted to marry a young and rich man.    


When Ye Ling arrived at the venue, he saw a woman in her forties waiting for him at the door. That person was Zhang Qinxue. Although she was over 40 years old, he could vaguely see her appearance when she was young. She was also a beauty, but she worried about the orphanage and quickly aged.    


"I told you to wear formal clothes. You actually came over in sportswear. You want to anger me to death!" Zhang Qinxue saw Ye Ling wearing it, and she was so angry that she pinched it. He was angry.    


"Aunt Xue, it hurts. Let go of me," Ye Ling said. Ye Ling kept yelling.    


Zhang Qinxue only let go when she heard Ye Ling's scream. She humphed and said, "It hurts.    


"Humph, if you dare to do this again, it won't just be pinching your ears."    


"Alright, come in with me! Don't let them wait too long."    


Zhang Qinxue brought Ye Ling into the room.    


Zhang Jing and her daughter looked at Ye Ling, but they found that he was wearing street clothes. He looked okay. At first glance, he did not have any money. Zhu Xiaoyu looked at her mother with a look of grievance, as if to say, "Mom, why did you introduce me to a loser?    


She sat on the chair angrily and ignored Ye Ling and the others. Zhang Qinxue was embarrassed.    


Ye Ling saw this scene and did not care about them. He pulled Aunt Xue over and sat down.    


"Zhang Jing, this is Ye Ling. He is a top student of Zhonghai University." Zhang Qinxue introduced Ye Ling to them. Zhu Xiaoyu had never seen Ye Ling with her face. She felt that Ye Ling was too dirt. Zhang Jing heard his academic qualifications and nodded. She seemed to say that he was okay.    


"Ye! I am a friend of your Aunt Xue. My name is Zhang Jing. You can call me Aunt Zhang!" Zhang Jing said as she pointed at Zhu Xiaoyu.    


"This is my daughter. Zhu Xiaoyu, you two can interact more in the future."    


Ye Ling nodded. In any case, he was doing it for Aunt Xue. He did not care about anything else. He left as soon as he finished talking.    


"Ye! What do you do?" Zhang Jing finally asked the main point after chatting for a while.    


Zhu Xiaoyu also began to pay attention to what she was saying.    


"I don't have a job." Ye Ling told her the truth.    


"No job?"    


Zhang Jing screamed and glared at Zhang Qinxue. She seemed to be blaming her for introducing such a person to her daughter. When Zhu Xiaoyu heard that Ye Ling was a socially unemployed person, she looked down on him even more.    


Ye Ling saw Zhang Qinxue giving him a look and helplessly told the truth.    


"He started a business a while ago."    


Start a business? When they heard these two words, the mother and daughter's eyes lit up. They began to be interested in Ye Ling.    


"Is the company a monopoly or a partnership?" The fat woman Zhang Jing smiled and said politely. Zhu Xiaoyu listened carefully.    


"Of course it's monopoly. What's the point of working together?" Ye Ling said loudly. He was also telling the truth. He did not have any intention of lying to them.    


The mother and daughter felt that they had caught a husband. Zhang Jing looked at her daughter and felt shy. It seemed like things were going to work out soon.    


"Making a lot of money like this, Ye, you are really young and promising." Zhang Jing tried to curry favor with Ye Ling.    


"How much do you usually earn in a month?"    



"Probably." Ye Ling did not want to talk to them, but Aunt Xue glared at him. He helplessly stretched out five fingers, which was also the truth.    




Zhang Jing and her daughter looked at each other and smiled. Then, they gestured five fingers under the table and quietly said five hundred thousand yuan. Zhu Xiaoyu seemed to be a little excited. She no longer looked at Ye Ling with disdain. Instead, her eyes were full of shyness.    


"Ye, what is your company doing? Can you arrange for Xiaoyu to go in? "After all, you two will have to live together in the future! "You two can take care of each other and develop your feelings. She will just be the CEO's assistant or something." Zhang Jing looked at Ye Ling and said as if he was family.    


Hearing Zhang Jing's words, Ye Ling forced a smile and said the truth.    


"Oh! Our company is making products of inorganic, organic, and protein and then selling them? The CEO's assistant is good! Just follow me and help."    


That's great! Ye, nowadays it is hard to find a man as good as you in society. " Xiaoyu will be happy to marry you. " Zhang Jing was very happy when she heard Ye Ling agree.    


Zhu Xiaoyu also stood up. Her face was slightly red and she said shyly, "Brother Yezi, thank you."    


"Oh! No need to thank me, I can't wait for you to come.    


Zhu Xiaoyu could not help but ask curiously.    


"By the way, Brother Yezi, what is the product of turning inorganic matter, organic matter, and protein into products?"    


"Pancakes!" Ye Ling said.    


Pancakes? Zhang Jing and Zhu Xiaoyu widened their eyes in disbelief. Could he earn 500,000 yuan from making pancakes?    


"Brother Yezi, can you sell 500,000 yuan a month from making pancakes?" Zhu Xiaoyu asked curiously.    


"Who told you 500,000 RMB? It's 500 RMB." Ye Ling said seriously.    


Hearing Ye Ling's words, they felt cheated. They said anxiously,    


"What about the CEO's assistant?"    


"Help me with the flour."    


Ye Ling said. Zhang Jing and Ye Ling almost died of anger when they heard Ye Ling's words. Zhang Jing was like a crazy woman, pointing at Ye Ling and scolding him.    


"You... You actually lied to us."    


When Ye Ling heard her words, his face was full of innocence. He spread his hands and said, "I didn't lie to you guys! I did start a business selling pancakes. "    


"You..." Zhang Jing was so angry that she could not say anything. She turned to Zhang Qinxue and scolded,    


"Zhang Qinxue, is this the promising young man you introduced to us? He is just a poor loser who sells pancakes?"    


Zhang Qinxue initially felt embarrassed about Zhang Jing and her daughter, but when she heard Zhang Jing's words, she got angry. Ye Ling did not have much money, but his character was very good. He was someone she had always seen grow up, just like her own child. She would never allow him to be called that. She counterattacked Zhang Jing.    


"What's wrong with selling pancakes? It's not like he's making black-hearted money. It's all his hard work. What's so bad about it? "    


Zhang Jing did not take Zhang Qinxue's words seriously at all. Instead, she felt that she was a bitter person. She coldly snorted at Zhang Qinxue and Ye Ling and said disdainfully,    


"Paupers without money, I am too lazy to talk to you. Paupers are paupers. We Xiaoyu will never marry poor people like you."    


Then she turned to Zhu Xiaoyu and said,    


"Xiaoyu called your father and asked him to drive a Mercedes-Benz to pick us up."    


The word "Mercedes-Benz" was very loud. She deliberately let Ye Ling and Zhang Qinxue hear it.    


Zhang Qinxue was originally not in a good condition. Being angered by Zhang Jing and the others, she almost fainted. They had completely angered Ye Ling. You guys like to act tough, right?    


"System, buy me this hotel for an hour. Prepare another ten luxury cars for me. Three hours."    


"Buy this hotel for one hour. Consumption points: 2. 10 Hao cars for three hours. Consumption points: 3." The System prompted in his mind.    


Zhang Jing and the rest looked at Ye Ling and the rest in disgust. Then she pressed a button and asked the waiter to pay. After a while, the door of the room opened and a waiter walked in. She politely said to Zhang Jing and the rest.    


"You guys have spent a total of 18,000 yuan."    


Hearing the price, Zhang Jing and Zhu Xiaoyu were stunned. They just wanted a private room and two cups of tea, but the cost was so high.    


"So expensive?"    


"Madam, it's not expensive anymore. Our restaurant usually starts at 10,000 RMB. " It's the best two cups of tea, so it's more expensive. " The waiter patiently explained.    


"I don't care. Your restaurant is cheating money. I want to sue you." Zhang Jing could not afford to pay and started to flip out. Her voice was too loud and she finally called the manager over.    


When the manager entered the door, he was stunned when he saw the scene inside. He did not pay attention to Zhang Jing and the others. Instead, he hurried to Ye Ling's side and bowed respectfully.    


"Boss, why are you here? We are not ready to welcome you. I am very sorry."    


Boss? Zhang Jing and Zhu Xiaoyu were scared silly. The boss of Tomorrow Restaursnt was Ye Ling.    


They both knew that Tomorrow Restaursnt was a five-star sect and was worth more than 100 million yuan. That was why they chose this place to show off their wealth. They never thought that the boss of the restaurant was actually Ye Ling.    


Their shock was no less than a nuclear bomb exploding in their minds.    


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