Super Godly Evolution

C324 Ge Liang's Opportunity

C324 Ge Liang's Opportunity

0"The top three families in the capital?"    


Chu Lin fixed his eyes and looked at Lu Guangde, who was like a blooming chrysanthemum, "Your Lu family is the third family in Central Royal City, right? What do you want?"    


Lu Guangde laughed, "We don't want anything, we only want your friendship!"    


" Okay! " Chu Lin agreed.    


When he left the Lu family, a fan-shaped blood red fragment appeared in his hand.    


It was the second family in King City, the Ge Family.    


In the grand hall paved with luxurious jade stones, several major families of the Ge Family stood quietly on both sides of the hall.    


Chu Lin only needed to stand in the middle of the hall. His heavy aura immediately suppressed all the unruly and unruly people of Ge Family. The young man with sharp eyes lowered his proud head, and the calm middle-aged man revealed a panicked expression.    


The Qi and pressure that was comparable to a Tianquan Realm was not something they could withstand!    


The patriarch, ge Zhengping, quietly listened to Chu Lin's request, and his muddy eyes rolled around.    


"Do you want the second bloody fragment in my hand? My Ge Family has nothing else to ask for. I only hope that Mr. Chulin can do one thing for my Ge Family!"    


"Just say it!" Chu Lin said faintly. There was nothing that could make him afraid of someone who had even beaten Xingyun Devil Master to the ground.    


Ge Zhengping tapped on the tea table with his thin fingers. His proud expression was clearly visible on his face, "Our Ge Family and the Lin Family, who is ranked ninth in King City, have been fighting for the right to use the Devil Swamp Pond. We will fight for it once every nine years. For the prosperity of the Ge Family in the next nine years, I would like to ask Mr. Chulin to help us!"    


Chu Lin raised his eyebrows. With Chu Lin's name, why would he need to do it himself?    


Ge Zhengping waved his hand behind him. Immediately, a maid brought a tray over and placed a human skin mask on it, "According to the rules, only the Ge Family has the right to fight for this item. Mr. Chulin, please wear this human skin mask and temporarily act as a member of the Ge Family!"    




Chu Lin gently stroked the human skin mask. It felt smooth and delicate, and the lines on the skin were clearly visible, as if it was real skin. There was actually such a thing...    


The next day, ge Zhengping stayed in seclusion. The other witnesses also went into seclusion and invited people to take the test on their behalf. This matter had to be done without leaving any traces behind. Chu Lin received a note.    


"Mr. Chulin, my name is Geh Angtong. It's not convenient for the patriarch to interfere in this matter. Mister Chu will be handled by me in the Ge Family for the next few days!"    


A charming girl's eyes moved. She sized Chu Lin up and down. The more she savored, the more surprised she was.    


She had received the news from the patriarch that she had to entertain Chu Lin, who had defeated the devil of Xingmo Palace. Initially, she thought that Chu Lin would be an old man of seventy to eighty years of age, but she didn't expect him to be so young! Furthermore, he was handsome, cold, and had a heavy temperament. It could be said that he was the love of over thirty women!    


Geh Angtong quietly swallowed her saliva. Realizing that she had lost her composure, she quickly straightened her face. She glanced away and did not dare to look at Chu Lin's body that was filled with male aura.    


Geh Angtong thought of something and quickly added, "Oh, right. Mr. Chulin. In the future, I should address you as Mister Ge Junhao. You are a genius from the Ge Family branch family who came from other places!"    


Chu Lin didn't care about the woman in front of him. He just said indifferently," When will the competition for the Devil Swamp Pond begin? "    


Geh Angtong answered hastily as the two of them walked.    


"It will start tomorrow. Mr. Chulin can tell me whatever you need. You can enter and exit the Ge through the token..."    


"Geh Angtong!"    


The woman's words were suddenly interrupted by a middle-aged man who was walking towards her. Behind the middle-aged man was a group of people from the Ge Family. From the clothes they wore, one could roughly determine their status in the Ge Family.    


Apart from the two main branches of the Ge Family beside the middle-aged man, the rest were all branch family members!    


The middle-aged man walked in front of Geh Angtong angrily and glared at Chu Lin.    


"Big sister Geh Angtong! Didn't you say that the third place in the Devil Pool was for me? We had a good discussion the day before yesterday. Why did you suddenly change it? "    


After saying that, the middle-aged man looked at Chu Lin hatefully," Ge Junhao? I will remember you! "    


Next to the middle-aged man, an elegant young man with a folding fan stepped forward. With his green robe and white feathers, coupled with his tall and straight figure and handsome face, it could be said that he was handsome and elegant. Only the ruthless look in his eyes destroyed his temperament.    


The young man from the Ge Family walked forward. He folded his folding fan and pointed at the tip of Chu Lin's nose. "Ge Junhao, right? As a member of the branch family, you came to our Ge Family's main family and robbed Geh Liang of his spot? Why is there no rule at all! This is ridiculous!"    


Geh Angtong was alarmed and alarmed. She angrily berated the youth in embroidered clothing, "Geh Zongyao, shut up! Don't speak nonsense! "    


Geh Zongyao was furious. His lackey's quota had been snatched away, and no one was allowed to speak of it. "I told you, what's wrong?"    


The Ge Family branch family members who had gathered around discussed with each other.    


"Brother Geh Liang is really miserable. It wasn't easy for him to come out this year, but the quota was suddenly taken away by him!"    


"Humph! The competition for the Devil Swamp Pond last year was just like this! What the hell was the last slot arranged for? If it wasn't for suppressing the members of our branch family... Will we lose in the fight for the Devil Bog Pool?"    


"It's still Big Brother Geh Zongyao who is considerate and stands up for our branch family!"    


Geh Angtong did not know what to say. Chu Lin was wearing a human skin mask to fight for the Ge Family. It was the patriarch who personally appointed him. Chu Lin's identity could not be exposed. Once it was exposed, why would the Ge Family invite an outsider to participate in the fight for the Devil Swamp Pool?    


Both families were well aware that they needed external help. They secretly arranged for it, but they couldn't allow it to be exposed. Otherwise, the reputation of their families would be lost!    


Chu Lin frowned slightly. He was only helping to fight in the arena. Why were there so many troublesome matters? He carefully examined the cultivation of the person in front of him. It was only the beginning of the restoration of several bloodlines! Then, he laughed lightly.    


There was a faint smile on Chu Lin's face, but under the cover of the human skin mask, it was as if he was laughing at Geh Zongyao with a fake smile, completely angering Geh Zongyao.    


"What the f * ck!" Geh Zongyao's anger soared.    


"Geh Zongyao!" Geh Angtong said coldly. The air seemed to cool down. "This matter was decided by the higher-ups. If there is any problem, go to the higher-ups and react. Don't make things difficult for me, the housekeeper!"    


Geh Zongyao's anger dissipated like a tide. Only then did he remember that Geh Angtong, this woman, was not as easy-going as she appeared to be. Back then, in order to stand out from the crowd of competitors, she had injured a bunch of plastic sisters in the ring!    


Geh Zongyao suddenly had the intention to retreat. He was ready to go back and ask the elders about the situation.    


Geh Liang, however, did not give up. Helping the family fight for the Devil Pool had a subsidy that even numerous bloodline experts like him coveted! Once the fight for the Devil Pool succeeded, he would be able to personally soak in the Devil Pool! How could he, Geh Liang, give up when such a great opportunity was in his hands?    


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