Super Godly Evolution

C5 Gene Drug

C5 Gene Drug

0Hearing his objections, Han Dong frowned and was rather cross.    


In Weiyang's gathering ground, the commander held a very high position and could practically determine a person's fate.    


After all, those in the position of power were usually the ones who possess the greatest strength.    


Furthermore, according to the rules, all newly Awakened Practitioners would be able to obtain Gene Drugs from their respective gathering ground.    


Similarly, Ning Feng had gotten it when he first awakened a few years ago.    


Although Chu Lin seemed to only possess a basic superhuman gene chain, there was no exception to that one rule; thus, Han Dong did not see a problem with presenting him a Gene Drug nor did he show any form of bias towards him.    


"You object?"    


Han Dong stated.    


"Yes, I do indeed object. Commander, I feel that based on the current situation, giving an F-class Gene Drug to this Chu Lin would not improve the situation whatsoever. After all, there are still seven Blood Devouring Ants in the lair of the E-class Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant. On the other hand, I believe that giving the Gene Drug to me would be most suitable."    


Ning Feng glanced at Chu Lin and snorted, "At the moment, my third gene chain has reached 71% completion. If you give that bottle of F-class Gene Drug to me, I might be able to fully awaken my third gene chain and even proceed to awaken the fourth. Thus, it would be best if you gave it to me instead."    


"If my fighting strength increases by several folds, I will perhaps be able to contribute to our survival in this crisis. It would be better to let him wait for another month to get his first Gene Drug. After all, we can easily exchange the corpse of the Blood Devouring Ants for more Gene Drugs in Central Royal City. It will certainly not be too late to give it to him then."    


His third gene chain was 71% to completion?    


Hong Moli and Tie Niu looked at each other and noticed the astonishment in each other's eyes.    


By activating all ten gene chains, one could unlock the gene lock, which will then condense into the bloodline. Moreover, with each activation of one's gene chain, their combat strength would naturally increase accordingly.    


The activation of the third gene chain indicated how Ning Feng took yet another step closer towards the activation of his bloodline. Not only would his combat prowess increase tremendously, but his understanding of his elemental abilities would also be much more proficient.    


Gene Drugs could indeed strengthen the foundation of an Awakened Practicer's gene chain as it possessed the effect of directly upgrading one's gene chain. Apart from that, it even has the possibility of triggering the gene chain in that of ordinary people with a measly 1% success rate.    


In a gathering ground, Gene Drugs were strategic resources.    




Everyone knew that the newly-awakened gene chain in Chu Lin's body was currently in an unstable state; therefore, he urgently needed the Gene Drug to stabilize it. This was also the exact reason for such a rule.    


Now that Ning Feng wanted to snatch it away from him, what could Chu Lin possibly do?​    


"That is why I object giving the Gene Drug to Chu Lin!"    


Hearing that, Han Dong's expression sunk even more.    


"Rules are rules. You can't change the rules just because you want to breakthrough. For our Weiyang to arrive at such a point, we have to at least be fair to each person. Even he may have the worst possible gene chain as an Awakened Practitioner, he will not be treated any different from anyone in this room."    


Ignoring Nig Feng's unreasonable request, Han Dong took out a light red test tube from his pocket and threw it to Chu Lin.    


Ning Feng's face turned green. Turning back around, he stared menacingly at Chu Lin before taking his leave.    


"Ning Feng is someone who remembers his grudges, so you have to be careful. Elder sister will go first, but remember to come and play with me sometimes~" Hong Moli's breath tickled Chu Lin's ears in a soft yet alluring manner.    


With a single light sniff, Chu Lin could smell the fragance being emitted from her body.    


With that, Hong Moli left him behind, pondering at her unexpected teases.    


"An evil succubus!" Chu Lin cursed silently.    


Soon after, Tie Niu also took his leave. At this moment, only Chu Lin and Han Dong were left in the barracks. It was obvious that Commander Han Dong's refusal to Ning Feng's request has resulted in this sullen atmosphere.    




Chu Lin held the Gene Drug witht he desire to cry.    


Damn! I don't need this Gene Drug at all!    


On the other hand, what Chu Lin needed urgently was a large amount of Beast Cores.    


"Commander, this Gene Drug…" Chu Lin hesitated as he opened his mouth to speak, wondering if he could use Gene Drug to exchange for some Beast Cores. After all, this Gene Drug was worthless to him when compared to the Beast Cores    


However, before he could even finish his sentence, Han Dong waved his hand to dismiss his words.    


"There's no need for you to say anymore. Since I've already given it to you, it's now yours to keep. The rule is absolute, and there won't be any exceptions. As for Ning Feng, you don't have to worry about him. With me here, no one will be able to make things difficult for you."    


Although Han Dong did not say much more, his words nevertheless flickered with a great sense of courage and an undying resolve.    


"Um... Commander, I just wanted to ask whether I could trade this Gene Drug for some Beast Cores. Or could I possibly sell it to someone else instead?"    


Chu Lin smiled coyly.    


"You want to sell it? Well... you certainly have the freedom to do so, but..."    


Han Dong was clearly taken aback as he did not expect Chu Lin to ask such a question.    


Similar to the Gene Drug, Beast Cores does indeed contain a certain amount of Gene Energy. For an ordinary soldier, they would usually absorb the energy from those cores to cultivate and improve themselves as warriors. For Awakened Practitioners, on the other hand, the amount of Gene Energy from a Beast Core is simply too little compared to that of a Gene Drug.    


Han Dong pondered for a moment before continuing, "I suggest you not to do that. Much less the value of the Gene Drug far surpassing that of an F-class Beast Core by as much as a hundred folds, the benefits gained from the Gene Drug cannot be compared with mere numbers."    


"Since you have just awakened your gene chain, however, you ought to pay careful attention when using it. Otherwise, you might damage your gene chain, which may even result in death."    


"That was one of the reasons why I rejected Ning Feng's request. If you really want to sell it, however, I will be more than happy to assist you by asking Ning Feng. Knowing how much he wants to break through, he would certainly not reject that offer of yours."    


Han Dong shot a meaningful glance at Chu Lin before nodding and walking out of the barracks.    


As the commander of the gathering place, Han Dong had said more than enough for today. Whether Chu Lin adhered to his words was ultimately up to him. Since he was determined in selling the Gene Drug for Beast Cores, Han Dong did not see the need to interfere with his personal matters.    


Chu Lin twitched his mouth.    


If he could use his extraction abilities to solve the problem, then nothing else would pose much of an issue to him.    


After all, he knew how to utilize his trump card.    



With that, Chu Lin walked out of the barracks.    




The moment he stepped out, a voice suddenly sounded from the side. Looking in that direction, it was obvious that whoever was waiting for him outside the barracks must have been there for quite some time.    


Chu Lin looked up and found it rather ironic.    


This person was none other than the vice captain of Chu Lin's previous team, Hu Biao.    


Looking like a wrapped up dumpling, it was obvious that Hu Biao had just finished bandaging himself up. Furthermore, he found Hu Biao's docile nature to be quite amusing as he no longer wore the appearance of the bandit just like when they had first met each other.    


"Vice captain, what are you doing here?" Chu Lin asked casually.    


"Sir, please don't call me that. How can I still be your vice-captain? You are now one of the Awakened Practitioners of the gathering grounds... one of the five great lords. If word of this gets out, then I would certainly lose all face."    


Hu Biao's expression changed as he quickly replied.    


The Awakened Practicer stood as the symbol of a gathering ground. Furthermore, they acted as its pillars of support — ultimately allowing for the group's survival.    


Compared to Chu Lin who had just awakened, Hu Biao was a mere vice-captain of the exploration team in Weiyang. While Chu Lin could kill a Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant at his will, Hu Biao would have to risk his life just to take one down with him. The gap between them was far too big for Chu Lin to refer to him as vice-captain.    


Thus, Hu Biao took his steps with utmost care, not daring to make any mistakes that would cost him his reputation.    




Chu Lin was utterly speechless. Judging from Hu Biao's behavior, however, he understood the situation and could only silently agree with his remarks.    


"Right, how is Captain Yu?"    


"Reporting to my lord, the captain is unfortunately not doing too well…" Hu Biao's composed expression turned glum at that instant as he sighed and shook his head. "Since he's only an intermediate warrior, the injuries he suffered are far too severe for his ability to recover. Before I arrived to assist him, he had already taken down eight or nine Blood-Thirsty Furious Ant. In addition to his bleeding artery, he is simply unable to withstand the rest of his injuries even with an intermediate warrior's physique."    


"I... I'm afraid he's not going to make it!"    


Hu Biao's expression was morose.    


Having worked and fought alongside each other for the past years, the two of them had agreed to walk down the path to River Styx together when faced with death. Unexpectedly, Chu Lin made his move and allowed the two of them to escape the grasp of the Grim Reaper. Despite managing to survive that ordeal with great difficulty, Captain Yu Zhen was still standing on the verge of death's door.    


Is he really not going to make it?     


Taken aback by that piece of news, Chu Lin rushed to the Medical Sector immediately with Hu Biao.    


Hu Biao was not exaggerating as Yu Zhen was indeed flashing between life and death.    


In order to buy time for his comrades to escape, he rushed forward without fear and even managed to take down eight or nine Blood-Thirsty Furious Ants.    


But to do so, he resorted to fighting in a double-edged manner.    


Consequently, he broke one of his legs and had even caused severe bleeding in his arteries. Even if he managed to last until Chu Lin arrived, his life would still be hanging by a thread. If it weren't for the great abundance of Spiritual Qi lingering in the air today, Yu Zhen would have probably already been dead.    


But even so, it seemed that he could no longer hold on.    


"Is there really no hope?"    


Chu Lin asked while grabbing one of the paramedic by his shoulders.    


"Reporting to my lord, we really did our best. Even with the blood transfusion, the amount of blood loss was far too great. In addition, certain parts of his body had long since shut down due to the lack of blood, which led to the collapse of his genes. Even if we use every method in the book, he still wouldn't be able to recover from such severe injuries." The deputy chief paramedic explained as he walked over towards Chu Lin.    


Is there really nothing else they can do?    


Although Chu Lin did not know a single thing about treating people, he — from the bottom of his heart — did not want Yu Zhen to die.    


Regardless of what the paramedics told him, Chu Lin was still unwilling to witness the scene of Yu Zhen's death.    


The deputy chief parademic sighed heavily and said.    


"Sir, my deepest condolences. It's impossible for him to survive such severe injuries."    




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