Super Godly Evolution

C42 Incoming Danger!

C42 Incoming Danger!

0"This is bad!"    


When Elder Yicheng saw Yuan Liang's attack, he cried out instinctively    


Since Chu Lin is using a staff as his weapon, he could only block one of Yuan Liang's incoming claws and had no means of defending against the other one.    


Even if he were to block both claws with his staff, it would shatter into pieces instantly under the great pressure exerted from Yuan Liang's claws.     


This was a very dangerous situation for Chu Lin.    


Unless Chu Lin could somehow block both of Yuan Liang's claws with each of his hand.    


Defending against the incoming attack was obviously an impossible task!    


Aware of the approaching danger, Chu Lin decided that it was finally time to use the ace up his sleeves.    


With a load roar, he lifted one of his hands and blocked Yuan Liang's incoming attack.    


Facing Yuen Liang's wolf claws, Qiu Zhenyu, who had the protection of the White Tiger Sky Saber, was sent flying and ended up vomitting blood.    


Not to mention using his bare arms to resist the claw, it was likely that half of Chu Lin's body would be torn apart.    


At that instant, everyone seemed to be picturing the image of Chu Lin's body being torn apart by Yuan Lian's claw.    


Some of the audience even closed their eyes in frustration.    


Suddenly, a loud thud resounded through the colosseum.    


Instead of the miserable scene that everyone imagined, they only saw one of Chu Lin's arms holding onto Yuan Liang's claw tightly.    


Both sides were actually in a deadlock.    


To think that Yuan Liang's attack actually failed to deal any damage!    


"How is this possible!"    


Yuan Liang looked incredulously at Chu Lin, who remained unfazed and uninjured under the attack of his fierce wolf claws.    


At that instant, his stupefied gaze fell on Chu Lin's arm that collided with his claw.    


Chu Lin seemed to have something that looked like the claw of a beast wrapped around his arm.    


It was precisely this strange item that allowed this supposed weak trash to block Yu Lian's attack.    


"He actually blocked the wolf claw? Just who was this kid? He's actually even stronger than the young master of the Fierce Tiger Family!"    


"What's that in his hand? It seems to be a kind of gene artifact!"    


"I heard that this person is the representative for Wild Lion Family in the Gladiator Tournament this year."    


Seeing how Chu Lin had miraculously blocked Yuan Liang's violent attack...    


Everyone in the audience immediately cheered and fell into an enthusiastic discussion about Chu Lin's true identity.    


The armor that Chu Lin may simply yet amusing.    


However, he was nonetheless someone who is representing the Wild Lion Family.    


As their discussions continued, the more the people from the Roaring Tribe was willing to lean on Chu Lin's side. At this moment, they saw Chu Lin as the only person capable of resisting Yuan Liang's ferocious attacks.    


Everyone was suddenly hopeful for Chu Lin in this battle.    


As the most talented Awakened Practitioner in the Roaring Tribe's younger generation, Qiu Zhenyu had already left the arena after being heavily injured by Yuan Liang's wolf claw.    


The other Awakened Practitioners — with their strength combined — could not dream to take Yuan Liang down even if they attacked him together.    


It seemed that in the entire Roaring Tribe, there was not a single Awakened Practitioner who could stop Yuan Liang's rampage.    


But now that Chu Lin had stepped forth, not only was Chu Lin the hope of Wild Lion Family, but he also stood as the final pillar of hope for the entire Roaring Tribe.    


"Is that all you've got?"    


Chu Lin held Yuan Liang's wolf claws tightly and slowly raised his head. The corner of his mouth lifted into a cunning smile as he spoke.    


The gauntlet was none other than the complete gene artifact that Chu Lin created by fusing his semi-finished Bionic Arm with some raw materials harvested from the corpses of various mutated beasts.    


After equipping the gaunlet, Chu Lin's strength had increased by several folds.    


Furthermore, after the fusion of this gene artifact, Chu Lin gained some new abilities that he did not have before.    


"Brat, since you're courting death, don't blame me for not showing mercy!"    


Yuan Liang glared at Chu Lin and roared viciously.    


Forcing his wolf claw back, the two of them immediately separated from each other.    


While Yuan Liang retreated three steps before managing to stop the momentum...    


... Chu Lin, on the other hand, remained in the same position.     


In terms of strenght, it seemed that the Awakened Practitioner with five gene chains had nothing on Chu Lin.    


Despite possessing the Sand Wolf Gene, which increased his speed and strength drastically, Yuan Liang was still not as powerful as Chu Lin.    


"I wasn't able to kill you last time with my gene abilites, but this time I won't be holding back."    


Suddenly, Yuan Liang's muscles bulged as his entire body trembled with a surge of gene energy.    


"To actually force me into using my gene ability, you should be honored to die by my hands. If I really do let you go now, you will surely pose a great threat to me in the future."    


Yuan Liang spoke with a deep tone as his face twisted in fury.    



"Ah! That is the transformation technique of the ancestral gene!"    


"Rumors has it that after an Awakened Practitioner with an ancestral gene awakens five gene chains or above, they would be able to activate their transformation technique. This is bad!"     


"After the transformation, some of the more powerful aspects of the ancestral gene will be revealed. I'm afraid the situation is not looking good for Chu Lin!"    


The people in the audience, who possessed even a bit of knowledge about the ancestral genes, all exclaimed in shock.    


The ancestral gene has the potential to rank at the top even amongst of the other types of genes.    


The reason why was that after an Awakened Practitioner who possesses an ancestral gene reaches a certain level of strength, they would be able to use their transformation technique.    


After the transformation, not only would the Awakened Practitioner have the strength comparable to their respective ancestral beast, but they would also retain the intelligence of their human mind.    


That is the scariest part of such a terrifying skill!    


Chu Lin, on the other hand, remained unfazed as he equipped his steel gauntlet on one hand while holding the golden-banded staff on the other.    


The process of Yuan Liang's transformation took just over ten seconds.    


During this period of time, Chu Lin took the opportunity to land a few attacks of his own.    


After the transformation, Yuan Liang's appearance could no longer be seen as human.    


His physical body had changed into a hybrid form of a human and a wolf.     


Upon his successful transformation, all the muscles in his body surged with gene energy. With a loud howl, he left behind a gust of wind as he pounced towards Chu Lin.    


"Soul Devouring Wolf Claw!"    


As Yuan Liang slashed his wolf claws down, a black aura began surrounding it.    


This was the gene ability that he used to heavily injure Chu Lin previously.    


The black aura had a corrosive effect that could drain away one's life force. Had it not been for Chu Lin's skill, Tenacity, he would have probably lost his life.    


Now, Chu Lin was once again faced with the familiar attack — but even more powerful than the previous one.    


"A stupid dog will always remain a stupid dog. So what if he turns into a beast?"    


Wielding the golden-banded staff in his hand, Chu Lin struck it directly on Yuan Liang's skull.    


Yuan Liang's strength had increased a lot after he transformed into his hybrid form.    


Similarly, Chu Lin also felt the same strengthening effect after equpping his steel gauntlet.    


The instant the two sides collided, a powerful shockwave exploded in all directions as a series of ripples erupted from the point of impact.    


Although both of them remained unharmed, the black aura from Yuan Liang's wolf claw seemed to have seeped into Chu Lin's body through the golden banded staff.    


Letting out a cold sneer, Chu Lin simply dispersed the black aura into the air with a light wave of his steel gauntlet.    




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