An Ultimate Martial Art



0Right now, Su Ye's cultivation had already reached the early stage of the eighth level Demon General, and he had even pushed the power of the fourth level of the Divine Origin Light to an extremely strong level.    


However, even Su Ye himself did not know what the fourth level of the Divine Light of Origin was like when he went all out, because ever since his cultivation broke through again and again, he had never encountered a time where he needed to go all out to unleash the Divine Light of Origin.    


He had always been secretly using the Divine Light of Return to fight back with the three lights of Destruction. Therefore, the binding power of the Divine Light of Return to Soul hadn't been displayed, but only displayed a kind of destructive power.    


Until now, when Su Ye had brazenly unleashed all the devilish divine powers in his body, completely activating the fourth level of Divine Light of Returning to the Origin Stage, forming a light purple halo of energy field. Only then did the terrifying binding power of the Divine Light of Return to be displayed, was it extremely terrifying.    


Everyone present, including the Floating Flower Demon Elder, who was most familiar with Su Ye, didn't know what kind of sacred art the light purple aura that suddenly erupted from Su Ye was. All they knew was that the light purple light purple light was released extremely quickly, to the point that no one could react.    


All of a sudden, they all seemed to have become prisoners bound by a myriad of chains, unable to move in this faint purple aura.    


Even though the Sobbing Blood Ape, a Demon Elder with a cultivation base of mid-fourth grade, used all its strength, it was still unable to break free. It was only three feet from the ground when it was forcefully pulled back by a huge force.    




However, Su Ye did not care about how frightened or furious these people were, unleashing his full power of the fourth level of the Divine Origin Light to bind several Demon Sovereigns at the same time was also a huge burden for him. The Demon General's God Power poured down like wildfire, especially on the Sobbing Blood Ape, the medium fourth-grade Demon Elder. He had to use all his strength to barely suppress it, but this could not be maintained for long.    


The first thing Su Ye did was to concentrate the power of the Divine Origin Light towards Cangwu, Xuanming, and the Profound Nether Sword Sovereign. In just a few breaths of time, the three of them screamed in fear, desperately struggling to free themselves from the light purple aura.    


However, it was not that easy.    


After struggling for a few times, they lost all their strength. The life essence of the three of them was still struggling, being refined into a light purple Water of Chaos by the Divine Light of Returning Energy and entering the fourth level of the Primal Chaos.    


Furthermore, Su Ye had killed Demon Marshall Bai Kui earlier.    


The number of Water of Chaos in the fourth level of the primordial chaos rapidly increased to over forty thousand. By the time Cangwu, Xuanluo and Xuanming had completely perished, the total had reached seventy thousand.    


On average, the four Third-rank Demon Masters each produced nearly eighteen thousand purple colored Water of Chaos s. It had to be said that there were a lot more than the First-rank Demon Masters.    


However, seventy thousand purple Water of Chaos were still not enough for Su Ye to level up to become a Demon General of the ninth rank.    


Su Ye did not care, with his current cultivation of an early stage eighth stage Demon General, compared to the Sobbing Blood Demon Ape, he was slightly inferior. Regardless of whether he could break through or not, at this critical moment, it was still possible to increase his cultivation by a bit. Every increase in cultivation would increase his fighting strength by a bit.    


He unhesitatingly transferred the seventy thousand Water of Chaos and absorbed them on the spot.    


But at this moment, the Sobbing Blood Demon Ape finally managed to grab hold of the opportunity. While Su Ye's devil general's divine power was exhausted, the binding power of the Gui Yuan Divine Light started to weaken, and the ape suddenly struggled out of the Qi field. It leapt thirty meters into the air, raised the dark gold long rod in its hand and ferociously smashed it down towards Su Ye's head.    


"Damned Demon General, how dare you secretly launch a surprise attack, die for this sovereign!"    


At this moment, the Sobbing Blood Demon Ape was truly exasperated. A dignified mid-tier fourth-grade Demon Lord had actually been ambushed by the Demon Generals. He was almost killed by them, and he had never experienced such an experience in his life before.    


At the same time, there was terror.    


A mere Demon General, even if he took advantage of a surprise attack, had actually killed three third-grade Demon Generals in such a short period of time. This method had already exceeded his knowledge and had never been seen before, so he was not sure if this Demon General had any other powerful methods that he did not know of.    


"This damned Demon General must die ?"    


"No matter if this damned Demon General has an ancient inheritance or not, even if I can't obtain it, I still have to kill him first ?"    


The dark golden long rod shot through the sky, and the pole shadows filled the sky. The destructive air currents came crashing down along with the pole shadows. It was as if the world had turned into a world of pole shadows.    


Floating Flower Demon Elder's expression changed drastically as she shouted, "Be careful ?"    


He knew very well that the ultimate killing ability of the Sobbing Blood Demon Ape was all on this dark gold long rod. It was known as the World Exterminating Rod, refined through countless years of comprehension of the Great Way of the Heavens and Earth. It was also said that it had fused some of the mysteries from the ancient ruins, making the power of the World Exterminating Rod even more powerful.    


Now that the Sobbing Blood Demon Ape's supreme cultivation had reached the fourth rank and became a mid-tier Demon Lord, its might was even more incalculable. Although Su Ye was very strong, he was still a Demon General of the eighth rank. It was not realistic for him to continuously cross realms to fight against a mid-ranked Demon Elder.    


However, just as he finished speaking, Su Ye's figure had already moved. Twisting in midair, his body had already turned into a three-colored light, and with a profound trajectory, he dodged the World Exterminating Rod's killing move. With a push of his hand, the space was sliced apart, and the World Exterminating Rod's aura was immediately sealed off.    


Then, the shadows of the fists filled the sky, just like the endless stars rushing in from the nine heavens, smashing apart the endless shadows of the sticks. The Sobbing Blood Demon Ape's attack would definitely miss.    


It seemed that Su Ye was just staggering, and was not in a sorry state at all.    


"Damn it!"    


When it broke free from the aura of the divine light, it had already felt that Su Ye had seemingly reached his limit. His Demon General's divine power was almost exhausted, and this was the perfect opportunity for him to kill Su Ye in one strike.    


Who would have known that Su Ye's ferocity had far surpassed his imagination? Even when the devilish general's divine power was exhausted, Su Ye would still be able to escape from his killing move. What was even more terrifying was that after Su Ye broke free, the aura on his body did not become weaker, but started to recover. It was as if the exhausted Demon General's power was already recovering.    


"This damned Demon General, just how did he do it?"    


The Sobbing Blood Demon Ape's fury was hard to defend against, the World Exterminating Rod in its hand smashed down once again, making it seem even more urgent. He knew that this was probably the only chance he had to kill Su Ye. Once Su Ye fully recovered, it would be impossible for him to kill Su Ye ever again.    


However, how could it be so easy?    


The current Su Ye had only recovered a little of his Demon General's strength. If this was in the past, his current state would not have been able to stop the Sobbing Blood Demon Ape's frenzied killing. However, after going through the Life and Death Trials in the Tower of Trials and going through ten deaths, everything had changed.    


Ten deaths in the Life and Death Trials Tower not only increased Su Ye's comprehension and assimilation of the Three-Light Demon God's inheritance, more importantly, it increased his toughness and reaction to the great and terrifying threat of life and death.    


Moreover, no matter how fierce the Sobbing Blood Demon Ape was, it wouldn't be able to compare with the Giant Demon puppets in the Life and Death Trials Tower.    


Sobbing Blood Ape!" No matter how fierce the strike of the supreme expert was, its barrage of attacks seemed to be unstoppable, forcing Su Ye to retreat step by step. He was like a small boat in the middle of a raging storm, but he was always a little bit lacking.    


Even if he could get injured, it was not enough to kill him.    


On the other hand, with Su Ye's incomparably tenacious mental state, the fire on the blade tip danced, seizing the opportunity to continuously refine the Water of Chaos, the Demon General's divine power continued to recover, and he actually started to deal with it more and more calmly.    


"Damn it, how can this be! Is this guy really just a Demon General? How could a mere Demon General be so tenacious? How could he keep on being killed ? "    


As time passed, the Sobbing Blood Ape was even more terrified. He already had a feeling that he was doubting life.    


He was very clear on the kind of situation he was in after a series of attacks. He was definitely using every ounce of his strength to cast the sacred art. Its lethality was almost greater than his usual state, and there was no other time in his life that could make him feel happier than this big battle.    


In this state, let alone dealing with a Demon General, even a peak third-grade Demon Lord would be smashed to dust by him. Even a veteran fourth-grade Demon Lord would have to back off in the face of such a state.    


However, he actually couldn't kill a Demon General. Instead, he caused the Demon General to constantly recover from the battle. Not to mention cultivation, just the tenacity of this life or death situation was enough to make him feel scared.    


After passing through this hurdle, the Demon General would probably grow even more powerful. When they meet again, the other party might end up killing him instead, and at that time, how could he possibly be as tenacious as the other party?    





Unconsciously, the Sobbing Blood Demon Ape's supreme being had an urge to retreat. Not only was he not planning to continue fighting, he was also not planning on staying in this area. He wanted to take advantage of the fact that this damned Demon General had yet to fully mature and pass the next trial to find a few helpers to suppress this damn Demon General.    


The thought came.    


The Sobbing Blood Demon Ape was also swift and decisive. When it borrowed the World Exterminating Rod to smash Su Ye backwards, it actually turned around swiftly and quickly, and flew out of the stone valley without even turning its head back.    


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