An Ultimate Martial Art



0On the complete map, the seven obstacles that had originally been arranged like the Big Dipper were actually flashing violently. Then, in less than three seconds, they rapidly faded away. In the end, they completely disappeared from the complete map.    


The seven trials had all disappeared.    


What was going on?    


Su Ye couldn't understand at all.    


Could it be that an expert had already passed the seventh level and seized away the true great opportunity?    


Thinking of this, Su Ye couldn't care about anything else, and immediately ran off after recalling the location of the fifth trial's cave.    


Not long after, Su Ye stopped.    


His face was filled with shock.    


The place where the fifth cave should have been was replaced by a flat wasteland full of strong gales and fire. It was as if disaster had struck, and there were already many Demon Lords rushing in, fighting against the strong gales and fire as they ran.    


Su Ye did not stay idle either, similarly rushing forward.    


The astral wind fire looked terrifying, but in reality, it was not even a threat to Su Ye's life. Su Ye had merely suffered a superficial wound before he charged to the other side of the wasteland. However, that place was not peaceful either. It was also a place where the sky and the earth lost their luster and the moon were devoid of light. Spatial rifts could be seen everywhere, and strong winds and lightning fire spread out everywhere as if it was the end of the world.    


Su Ye's heart felt heavy, he finally understood that this dimension of space and time was about to collapse. Although he did not know the reason, he knew he had to leave. He had to escape before time and space collapsed, otherwise he would become like the flowers and trees in the sky, a shrine to time and space.    


But to flee? How?    


He had only come here by chance and had no idea how to leave this place.    


Su Ye was worried.    


Through some of the secrets of the Demon God's inheritance, he already knew that when the world completely collapsed, the final wave of destructive power would be the world's most terrifying destructive power. It was truly destructive and destructive.    


The larger the dimension, the more terrifying the destructive power would be, and the more powerful the destructive power would be.    


This space existed in all kinds of secret places, which were like demonic gods setting things up, as well as related to the ancient era. Clearly, its quality was not low, and the final power of annihilation was something even the top-tier Nine Lives Demon God found hard to resist, not to mention him.    


He suppressed his fear and took out the complete map. This was the only thing he could rely on right now.    


When he saw it, he was shocked again.    


He was surprised to find that there was a portal imprint on the map. There were a total of 108 portal imprints on the map.    


Su Ye's heart trembled, he understood, the location of the Gate mark, was most likely where the gate to space and time was.    


Without any hesitation, he chose the nearest door and dashed out. Although it was said to be the nearest gate, it was in fact not close at all. It was at least hundreds of thousands of miles away from him. Although with the collapse of this space and time, some of the mysterious laws were also collapsing, and the frightening forbidden laws of space were also disappearing.    


However, violent squalls of lightning fire were everywhere, and he was still unable to easily soar into the sky. He could only rely on his two legs to frantically run on the ground.    


Several hundred thousand miles away, coupled with the fact that he could deal with all sorts of violent winds, thunderfire, and vicious beasts that leapt out from nowhere, his running speed was simply too slow.    


Su Ye could not retort, but in order to live, he had to run for his life.    


A few hours later, Su Ye saw the Six Night Demon Elder and the Floating Flower Demon Elder in another direction. The two of them were already in a sorry state, with injuries all over.    


Su Ye cursed under his breath, he still charged towards the two of them, hundreds of miles away, they were already knocked down by the beasts and just as they were about to die under the claws of the beasts, Su Ye appeared and killed the beasts with a punch.    


"Brother Su ? ?"    


"My lord ?"    


Floating Flower Six Nights thought that they were definitely going to die, they never thought that Su Ye would descend from heaven and save them at the most crucial moment, they immediately stood up to express their gratitude.    


Su Ye stopped them, then shouted coldly: "Enough of your rubbish, this space is about to collapse, the power of annihilation can even kill a demon god, if you don't want to die, quickly flee with me."    


The two of them were shocked.    


In truth, the two of them had no idea what was going on.    


After Su Ye left them, they chose a place to cultivate in seclusion. They had no idea what was going on as they were annihilated everywhere. The only thing they could do was flee. The terrifying violent winds and lightning in the midst of their escape caused them to suffer heavy injuries. The most frightening thing was that there were still vicious beasts chasing them. They were completely stupefied; they couldn't understand how everything had suddenly changed.    


It was only at this moment that he realized what had happened. He only then did he realize how terrifying this annihilation was. If they were able to kill even the demon gods, then there was no way they would be able to survive if they stayed behind.    


The two of them quickly chased after Su Ye's figure.    


Along the way, Su Ye constantly dealt with the astral wind and lightning, also constantly killing the beasts that suddenly appeared. The two of them, Flower Piercing and Six Nights, also took the chance to quickly heal their wounds.    


A few more hours passed.    


An ancient door had already appeared in front of the trio, standing hundreds of meters tall. The ancient door was submerged in the Gale Thunder Torch, and one could vaguely see the door was also swaying due to the impact of the astral fire, as if the ancient door also found it difficult to withstand the increasingly terrifying destructive power.    


Su Ye's body trembled as he shouted, "Quick, the exit is right in front of us. You guys follow closely behind us and escape quickly.    


Su Ye was really anxious now.    


Although the complete map showed that there were a total of 108 portals in this world, the situation right now showed that these portals would soon be destroyed by the power of annihilation. This was the closest door to them. If they didn't make it in time and go in another direction, they would have a lower chance of escaping.    


In this world, no one wanted to die, and Su Ye was no exception. He had obtained too many benefits in this dimension of space and time. He did not even have the time to enjoy the results of these benefits before he made this dimension his funeral. It was an absolute injustice.    


There was still 30,000 more!    


Su Ye used all his strength to summon the Demon General's power, and the Water of Chaos continued to nourish his body. Not only did it compensate the damage to his body caused by the astral wind and lightning fire, it also compensated for the large amount of Demon General's strength that he had lost. The Floating Flower Demon Elder and the Six Night Demon Sovereign who were behind him had fallen behind by a large margin, but they still chased after him, trying their best to catch up.    


To be honest, the two of them had consumed a lot of energy. But fortunately, Su Ye had left a portion of the Water of Chaos s with them when they were separated from Su Ye previously, so they were not willing to use it up.    


No matter how good the resources were, they had to use them. Their lives were on the brink of being saved and they were reluctant to use them, so they weren't that stupid.    


Thirty thousand kilometers ?    


Twenty thousand kilometers ?    


Eight thousand kilometers ?    



As they got closer and closer to the door, the door began to shake more and more violently from the impact of the astral fire and lightning, as if it would collapse at any moment.    


The three of them were extremely nervous, and they ran even faster.    


Fifteen minutes later, Su Ye was finally the first to arrive in front of the door. Using the three rays of light and the destructive sacred art to turn into a vortex, he forcefully scattered the astral lightning and fire out of the surroundings.    


However, because this door had existed for too long and was eroded by time, the impact of the astral wind, lightning and fire was about to collapse. He estimated that even without the astral fire, he wouldn't be able to last three days.    


"Hurry up, or it'll be too late..." He turned his head and looked at Floating Flower Six Nights, one in front and one behind, they were still 2000 miles away from the door, Su Ye could not help but to shout.    


Although the door could still hold on for three days, that was because Su Ye had used a sacred art to temporarily disperse the surrounding astral lightning fire. However, the lightning and gales did not leave him far, they continued to surge out from the destroyed space cracks around him. It was like an apocalyptic tide, as though it was no less than the continuous bombardment of the old fifth stage Demon Elder. Furthermore, the impact was getting stronger and stronger, Su Ye was only resisting it on his own, and was unable to endure for too long.    


Once he was exhausted, he could only protect himself and escape. If he were to escape, the astral wind and lightning would once again surround the door, ensuring that the door would be destroyed in the blink of an eye. For the past six nights, Floating Flower's duo could only feel cold.    


Although the two of them did not know what kind of pressure Su Ye was enduring, hearing Su Ye's furious roar, they knew that the situation was not good. The two of them were burning with anxiety as they bit their teeth and ran frantically, trying their best to close the distance between them and Su Ye.    


A quarter of an hour later.    


The two of them finally made it to the front of Su Ye against the strong wind and lightning flames that were everywhere.    


Su Ye was already extremely exhausted. He did not want to say anything else and directly turned around to leave the room.    


Bang!" Suddenly, a loud bang could be heard from the depths of space and time. The trio looked in shock as a dazzling beam of light shot out from somewhere in the depths of space and time, leaving a huge hole in the sky.    


It was as if a giant magic wand had smashed through the sky. The scene was so shocking that it was hard to describe. Terrifying ripples came crashing down from the huge hole, extinguishing quite a few of the astral fire and wind in an instant.    


At this moment, a huge figure jumped out, bringing with it an incomparably large aura, as he madly laughed and rushed towards the gigantic hole: "Hahaha, you sinners, I didn't think that you all were actually still alive, and even released me from the confinement. Just you all wait, when I recover, I will definitely thank you all properly ?"    




In this space, countless people watched in shock as the figure emitting an enormous aura charged into the hole in the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye.    


"Sinner!?" It's them! " Su Ye's face changed.    


Demon Marshall Piao Hua seemed to have thought of something as his face turned pale. Fear filled his eyes ?    


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