An Ultimate Martial Art

C392 A hundred miles had been split in two, destiny had appeared!

C392 A hundred miles had been split in two, destiny had appeared!

0Dead Valley. Silence.    


The remaining forty-two cultivators looked nervous and apprehensive.    


Yin Qun stood in a corner, the energy in his body surging outwards. In an instant, wind and clouds surged, and streams of spiritual light danced in the air like snakes, quickly flying into the bodies of the forty-two cultivators.    


The art of fate!    


Following the instructions that Su Ye had imparted to him, Yin Qun unleashed his full strength. Instantly, he felt a very peculiar sensation, as if he had touched the fate of forty-two cultivators in an instant.    


At the same time, when the spiritual light entered their bodies, the forty-two cultivators felt their minds tremble as well. They felt as if their entire body and soul were being grasped by an invisible hand, as if an immortal god from the ninth heaven had used a mysterious method to grasp their everything.    


Some people could not help but exclaim.    


Someone's breathing quickened.    


Someone was sweating profusely.    


Some people feel suffocated to the point of fainting    


An illusory pillar of light suddenly shot up into the sky from the bodies of the forty-two cultivators. The illusory, beautiful light that filled the sky instantly caused all the cultivators in the surrounding five kilometers of the Death Valley to look around in surprise.    


"What's that?"    


"What kind of light is that? Why do I feel palpitations all of a sudden?"    


One cultivator after another looked at the rays of light that shot into the sky from different directions. They were all shocked and stood in a daze until the strange appearance of the Life Stealing Wind, which directly took away some people's lives. It was only then that they realized that this was the most dangerous place in the Southern Abyss, a place where one's lifespan could drop at any moment.    


Only then did he run away in panic, scattering like a flock of birds.    


Those with more courage turned their eyes and ran towards the direction where the pillar of light shot into the sky. A lucky chance. This must be some sort of great lucky chance. Since he risked his life to enter the Southern Abyss, wasn't that a lucky chance? How could he miss it?    


While the Immortal cultivators from all four directions were still in shock, the situation suddenly changed. After the forty-two illusory pillars of light shot into the sky, they seemed to pierce through the void as a crack actually appeared in the sky.    


The sky was splitting apart!    


A crack silently appeared, and from the first ten meters or so, it rapidly expanded until it became a hundred-kilometer long crack. The crack expanded, as though a pair of invisible hands had ripped the sky open.    


A wave could be vaguely seen through the crack.    


It was as if there was a river of nine heavens that flowed through the nine heavens after the crack. The strange thing was that this wave was different from any other river that could be seen in the mortal world.    


All the waves of the river that people saw were surging, the sound was like thunder. However, these waves were incredibly illusionary, like water but not water, like Qi but not Qi, like a vast void. The waves did not make the slightest sound, but a terrifying pressure poured out from the crack of hundreds of miles away. Anyone who witnessed this scene in the mortal world would feel a throbbing that came from the soul.    


A throbbing of fear.    


There was another throbbing that felt like it was returning to its home.    


It was as if the human life in this world was originally associated with this wave, and was destined for one outcome. That wave was the ultimate home for the human life in this world.    


"Waves of Fate"    


"Those are the waves of the river of destiny."    


In the Death Valley, other than Yin Qun who was focused on using the Life Extinguishing Art, Lu Wushuang, Mo Lan, the snow skinned and Bai Xuan all had their eyes opened wide, their bodies trembling, their faces filled with disbelief. They all cast their gazes at Su Ye, feeling extremely shocked in their hearts. Just where did this Su Ye monster come from, to be able to impart a bit of Life Transforming Technique to Yin Qun, could he really borrow the mutated powers of fate of the 42 cultivators to break through the barrier and reveal a corner of the river of fate?    


"What are you looking at? A corner of the river of destiny has appeared. That is your chance, you still haven't grasped the opportunity!    


Su Ye shouted coldly, a bright light bursting from his eyes.    


Everyone was surprised for a moment and immediately realized what he meant. The fabled River of Destiny was a part of the Heavenly Dao. If the Heavenly Dao was a person, then the River of Destiny was their lifeline. If the River of Destiny was a continent, then the River of Destiny was a spirit vein within the earth.    


Cultivators who meditated on martial arts, techniques, and divine abilities were actually meditating over the Heavenly Dao. Countless martial arts, techniques, and divine abilities were all born from the Heavenly Dao, and the Heavenly Dao was the true origin of all. In this world, what kind of training could be more clear than directly peeping at the Heavenly Dao itself?    


Everyone in the Snow Island Jade Palace felt a great opportunity being placed in front of them, and their consciousness immediately burst out, weak like Lu Wushuang's eight hundred times instantly and strong like Mo Lan's hundred thousand times instantly. Almost all of the times he used all of his intelligence to try and understand the mysteries of fate through this crack.    


A similar situation appeared at every corner of Southern Abyss Valley, and even at every corner of Yuzhou, which was outside of Southern Abyss Valley.    


A hundred miles had been torn asunder, and destiny had appeared and vanished. This was a rare chance that only occurred once in a thousand years. Those who had fast reactions all put down everything they were doing and began to study the sky. Even some secret grounds that hadn't been opened for tens of thousands of years were opened up. Supreme experts that hadn't appeared for tens of thousands of years were revealed, and they recited the chant millions of times, greedily looking at the sky as if they wanted to suck in the dew of the Heavenly Dao to comprehend the River of Destiny.    


Shengjing, deep inside the palace.    


Nie Fanchen, who was in closed door cultivation, spat out a mouthful of impure air. A flush flashed across his face and his slightly pale complexion gradually returned to normal.    


He had no choice but to make calculations for it, and did not think that if he did not make any calculations, he would instead suffer a backlash and directly injure his own origin. He spent a great deal of effort, spent a great deal of resources, and paid a huge price to recover from his injuries, and to compensate for his damaged origin. However, a dark cloud could not help but leave in his heart.    


The Heavenly Dao was indeed the most terrifying and supreme existence in the world. The lightning that was filled with destruction was caused by the Heavenly Dao, and it was not something that he could deduce.    


However, he was an emperor, the only ruler in the entire Yuzhou region. He was extremely proud and aloof, and even though he feared Nie Fanchen, he could not say it out loud. The fear in his eyes was fleeting, and even his trusted subordinate Luo An, who had been hiding beside him and listening to his orders, did not notice the moment of fear that Nie Fanchen had shown.    


"Your Majesty!"    




Luo An had just opened his mouth when he saw Nie Fanchen's face change, his body flashing out of the palace, coming to the courtyard outside. He raised his head, looking at the sky, his face full of shock.    


Not knowing what had happened, Luo An also rushed out. When he looked over, he saw that there was a fifty kilometer crack in the sky, and he saw the waves of fate within it.    


Luo An's facial expression changed drastically as he yelled out, "Destiny is endless!"    


Almost as soon as Luo An's voice fell, an enormous amount of consciousness emerged from the palace, covering the entirety of Shengjing City.    


"This is bad!" Everyone listened to him, closed their eyes, and gathered their thoughts. The Dao of the Heavens could not be understood, destiny could not be understood!    


Not only was there no hint of happiness on Nie Fanchen's face, he even discovered some extremely terrifying secret as he bellowed loudly. His voice was like thunder, giving off the impression of an emperor.    


However, it was already too late.    


At this moment, in every family, clan, and secret location in Shengjing City, countless cultivators suddenly trembled and spat out a mouthful of blood. Regardless of how profound their cultivation was, all of them became listless.    


Even Luo An, who was behind Nie Fanchen, was the same. He spat out a mouthful of blood for over ten meters, and his entire body fell to the ground with a heavy injury, as if he had been smashed by a solid punch. His face was pale, and his spirit was in a weakened state.    



At this time, Nie Fanchen's angry voice resounded in his mind: The Heavenly Dao cannot be understood, fate cannot be understood …    


"Your Majesty!" Luo An forced out a weak voice before he completely lost all his strength and fainted. He did not see that Nie Fanchen, who had just recovered from his peak, had also become pale, and a trace of blood leaked out from the corner of his mouth.    


Nie Fanchen was injured again, but not as much as Luo An. Even so, Nie Fanchen's face was gloomy to the extreme. He had the face of a ruler of a generation, his face was black as ink.    


For hundreds of miles, destiny had appeared.    


This was something that had never happened in history. Even the hundreds of millions of secret scriptures in the Heavenly Abyss Kingdom had never recorded such a strange event.    


Because of this, almost every cultivator saw it as a fortuitous opportunity, even Nie Fanchen was no exception. In this world, there was absolutely no one who could resist the temptation of directly facing the river of destiny and comprehending the Heavenly Dao. As far as Nie Fanchen was concerned, if he could use this chance to comprehend the Heaven's Mandate, even if it was just a little bit of fur, it would have an unimaginable boost to his domination.    


He even had the confidence to sweep through Yuzhou and those aristocratic families that were born from the two great empires.    


The Heavenly Abyss Kingdom had truly become the The First Dynasty of Yuzhou. The entire Yuzhou only obeyed the will of Emperor Tianyuan and stepped into the ancient hegemony that had not existed in the King Yu all those years ago.    


However, when Nie Fanchen could not help but mutter the words to himself, he suddenly realized that even if the river of destiny was only a small part of the river, it was not something he could comprehend.    


Luckily, he was already a little frightened of the Heavenly Dao. He had been on guard against it and quickly withdrew his consciousness when he saw the opportunity. He suppressed his greed and was unable to deal with the backlash of fate.    


However, he was still injured. It would take him at least a year to recover. However, his warning was too late. He could clearly feel that the numerous experts in this palace had suffered the backlash of different degrees of fate. Even Shengjing City and all of Yuzhou's forces were affected as well.    


What did this mean?    


This meant that the strength of the Immortal Cultivation World of the entire Yuzhou City had been greatly weakened because of the discovery of the fates of the hundred li in the Heavenly Fissure Mountain, especially the Heavenly Abyss Kingdom, who had suffered heavy injuries.    


At such a critical juncture, when the upheavals in the mountains and rivers were nearing, such an unexpected turn of events was a fatal blow to the Heavenly Abyss Kingdom.    


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