An Ultimate Martial Art

C219 Be direct!

C219 Be direct!

0Su Ye did not say anything, but quietly pondered.    


This attitude of his didn't make the Adept Tian Xing dissatisfied. On the contrary, he was extremely satisfied. If Su Ye had directly gone wild with joy after hearing his explanation, and then agreed to it without a word, he would instead feel that it was unreliable.    


Su Ye would seriously consider it, weighing the pros and cons, proving that Su Ye was truly considering it. Only after careful consideration, would Su Ye finally choose to tie his own interests and those of the Qing-Yun Sect together, that would truly be stabilizing the Alliance.    


That way, Su Ye would truly be considered a Successor Disciple of the Qing-Yun Sect, and the Qing-Yun Sect would naturally take out the true attitude of treating Su Ye as a Successor Disciple of the Qing-Yun Sect. He would not allow anyone to provoke Su Ye like he did before.    


Su Ye thought about it very seriously.    


This was the first time he was seriously weighing the pros and cons.    


In the future, after the great change in the mountains and rivers, if Yuzhou was not destroyed, what he would face was an incomparably complex Immortal Cultivation World.    


In such a complicated situation, unless one truly possessed unrivaled strength that could suppress all the experts in the entire South Province, it would be extremely difficult for a single person to contend with the power of a sect's aristocratic family.    


The slightest carelessness could lead to him becoming a cannon fodder that was schemed against by those large sects. It was impossible to avoid such a scheme. Unless they directly traversed the Endless Sea and fled the future Great Yuzhou or Great South Province, no one would be able to escape the scheme that was everywhere.    


It could be said that it was an invisible net formed by the changes in the heavens. No one could escape from this net.    


Since that was the case, he had to choose a power. As the saying goes, having a big tree to lean on is like having a strong backer. In the face of unpredictable situations and changes in the future, one would have much more to rely on.    


So, the key now was to choose which power would be his backer?    


In fact, this was not the first time Su Ye had thought about this problem. When he found out that the Heavenly Dao had inexplicably changed and that the mountains and rivers were about to undergo a huge change, Su Ye had already silently considered about his future. Humans all had an instinct to seek profit and avoid harm, and Su Ye was no exception.    


At that time, Su Ye's thought was to abandon the Qing-Yun Sect and choose the one. From his point of view, since he wanted to join a force, he had to choose a force that was truly powerful. Currently, Heavenly Abyss Kingdom from Gai Yu State should be the best choice.    


It was just that, considering that Su Qingwu's attitude was not very clear, adding that he did not have any connections in the Heavenly Abyss Kingdom and he had already formed an irreconcilable enmity with many young masters in Shengjing City, throwing himself into the Heavenly Abyss Kingdom was not going so smoothly, so he did not express his thoughts at the moment.    


But now, it seemed that Su Ye had realised that joining the Heavenly Abyss Kingdom was not as ideal as he thought. Aside from the fact that the enmity between him and the Shengjing Clan was getting deeper and deeper, he also discovered that the strength of the Southern Prefecture was much more terrifying than he had imagined.    


Once a huge change occurred, the Heavenly Abyss Kingdom would inevitably become the target of all the forces in the Southern Region. If Nie Fanchen was unable to withstand such an impact, the Heavenly Abyss Kingdom would definitely fall apart. At that time, he would have to bear the burden of choosing to rely on the Heavenly Abyss Kingdom alone, but the cause and effect was too great, so great that he simply could not endure it.    


Since the Heavenly Abyss Kingdom could not choose, then there were only two choices outside of the Heavenly Abyss Kingdom. Either seek refuge with the powers in the Southern Province, or completely ignore everything and stay in the Qing-Yun Sect.    


In Su Ye's opinion, there was no need to even think about the powers in the Southern Province. The Southern Continent was powerful, they only viewed the people of Yuzhou as the targets of conquest and slaughter. They looked down on the people of Yuzhou from the start.    


Besides, even if the powers in the Southern Province were willing to accept it, so what? If a small Qing-Yun Sect had their own set structure, how could the South Province not have it? Currently, to the powers in the Southern Prefecture, he was no different from a small shrimp. If he were to throw himself in, it would be no different from jumping into a river. Other than some superficial ripples, what else could he be? In the worst case scenario, he might even be drowned to death by the mud and mud in the river.    


Wanting to stir up the established power structure was akin to a pipe dream.    


Su Ye was confident, but not confident enough to say it out loud.    


If it was impossible to join the power of the Southern region, then there was only one choice, and that was to stay in the Qing-Yun Sect. Qing-Yun Sect was not strong, once a huge change happens in the future, she would not become the main target of the Southern Province's forces. From this point, it could be seen that there was only one person, the Baili Family, that had fallen to a second-rate power in the Southern Province.    


If they didn't become the first target in the Southern Province, then they would have a certain amount of time to rest. During this time, they could accumulate strength and raise their cultivation.    


The key thing was that the Qing-Yun Sect was also willing to change her attitude towards him. This was quite advantageous to him. Just by looking at this, it was already impossible for him to join other powers.    


Other than this, he actually had a third choice. That was to not invest in any power and just jump out. He would establish his own force and take advantage of the chaos in the future.    


However, this choice only stayed in Su Ye's mind for less than two seconds before it was rejected by him. It was indeed very tempting. If it worked properly, it could create a very good future. If it was lucky, it could become the overlord of a generation in the future.    


However, Su Ye understood that although his dream was perfect, reality was perfect. Based on his current strength, it was not enough to establish a power. He had barely been able to establish a faction, and that was only a small shrimp in the middle of a storm. It was hard to say when the tide would turn over, and he would be completely finished.    


So after thinking about it again and again, he really did stay in the Qing-Yun Sect, and using his identity as the Ninth Successor Disciple to establish a mountain in the Qing-Yun Sect was the most worthwhile.    


Immediately, Su Ye made a decision.    


His attitude immediately changed.    


"Alright, then this disciple will thank the sect for their love."    


This was probably the first time Su Ye had displayed such a good attitude in front of the Heaven Punisher. He was humble and gentle, as if all of the thorns had suddenly shrunk into his skin, becoming devoid of edges.    


As for whether or not he would be shameless to do so, Su Ye did not even consider it. The world was bustling with activity, the world was bustling with activity, cultivators were also people, it was normal for people to seek profit and avoid harm. If the benefits of choosing were shameless, then starting from the Transcending Mortality Stage, there would be only one person who could choose. Counting the Nine Heavens Immortal World's true might that could shake countless of Origin Clans' Lord Creation, he was also a shameless person.    


The Heaven Punisher smiled in satisfaction. "Alright, then I'll immediately arrange for the news of you setting up the 9th true disciple peak to be announced in the name of the sect." As for the essential ingredients to establish a Successor Disciple Peak, you can discuss them with Qing Wu. This time, the sect will not hold any selections for your Successor Disciple Peak, and you will decide everything on your own. "" No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no …    


According to the original rules of the Qing-Yun Sect, the appearance of every true disciple meant that in the future, the authority of the higher ups of the Qing-Yun Sect would undergo a slight change.    


A new Successor Disciple, in order to show that he was a newcomer and would not break the rules, would act with the same modesty as before. Respecting the seniors, in addition to adhering to the fundamental interests of the sect, he would also choose to tacitly accept things like inserting nails into the ground.    


But Spiritual Master Tian Xing knew, although Su Ye had agreed to tie him up with the Qing-Yun Sect from then on, perhaps his methods would be a little gentler than before, but he was definitely not a weakling that could be bullied. He wanted Su Ye to obediently listen to the orders of the sect, and have people place spikes in his true inheriting mountain, that would simply be impossible.    


Rather than making his head and face covered in dirt when the time comes, it would be better to not bring up this matter and leave everything to Su Ye to arrange for him. Instead, it would make it seem that the sect was even more sincere. Apologies, if you don't mind, don't worry about it. As for whether this will cause other people to be unhappy, I'm sorry, the Heavenly Punishment Elder isn't in the mood to consider this for them. If not, feel free to go and confront Su Ye yourself.    


He had to immediately report Su Ye's attitude to Huangfu Changtian. At the same time, the Beitang family was approaching menacingly, so he did need to go make some preparations.    


"Congratulations, Su Ye will be the true ninth true disciple." Su Qingwu never interrupted his, and only now did he give Su Ye a bright smile.    


Su Ye did not laugh, but stared at Su Qingwu in a daze. He tried his best to read a trace of dissatisfaction or anger from Su Qingwu's face, but unfortunately, he was disappointed.    


This was not because of Su Ye's bad mood, but because things had developed to this point, he had no choice but to consider another matter.    


Normally, Su Qingwu brought him here, and even Su Qingwu said that he wanted to cooperate with him, but up until now, Su Qingwu had never brought up the topic of cooperation with him. Now that he had accidentally become the ninth true disciple on equal footing with her, wasn't this a bit out of control for her?    


"I want to know, will becoming the ninth true disciple pose a threat to you? Is there a conflict in your calculations? "    


Su Ye spoke bluntly, his expression extremely serious.    


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