An Ultimate Martial Art

C277 It was a rare occasion for them to live a life of madness!

C277 It was a rare occasion for them to live a life of madness!

0It was only now that Su Ye completely understood the meaning of "one can eat whatever one wants to eat and never speak whatever he wants". His mouth was just a little bit cheap, and he was directly sealed by Su Qingwu in the highest difficulty level in history.    


Su Ye could not help but mock himself, am I considered to be on equal footing with someone like the King Yu?    


Su Ye had completely lost the mood to bicker with Su Qingwu, and was not in the mood to care about the outer sect of inner sect anymore, so he went straight back to the Di Ye Peak.    


Turn it off.    


And so, he started to study the [Thirty-Six Days of Sealing-Gate].    


Moreover, it was irreversible and useless to change. There were only two paths ahead of him; either he would overturn the gates of the 36 Layered Heavens, or else he would be suppressed from now on until he died of old age.    


Since Su Ye had such lofty ambitions, naturally, he would not be willing to tie it up.    


Very soon, Su Ye had no choice but to face reality.    


These 36 Layered Heavens were truly inconceivably strong. With his current cultivation beyond the ninth level of the Transcending Mortality, he was only able to slightly shake the first Heavenly Layer. He still had some time before he could break through the first Heavenly Layer.    


Which is to say that this was exactly the same as what Su Qingwu had told him. If one wanted to break through the first Heavenly Seal Gate, then one must truly have the ultimate strength of a million kilograms.    


Su Ye's heart was extremely cold.    


Too fierce, the 36 Layered Heavens was simply too ruthless. Was there really anyone in this world who could break through it? Su Qingwu's move was simply too evil.    


Now, he really didn't need to worry about anything anymore. He really didn't need to worry about breaking the gates of heaven if he went all out.    


The illusions in front of his eyes became numerous, as if he could see himself turning from a spirited youth into a hunchbacked old man with white hair. He had worked hard his entire life and was about to die, yet he was still stuck at the ninth level of the Transcending Mortality Stage, despaired to death.    


"How can this be? Do I have to admit defeat like this? I haven't even tried to break through and I already feel like I'm no longer capable?"    


Originally, Su Ye was a proud person with a strong wave of anger buried deep in his bones. All sorts of negative emotions surged, but in his despair, he suddenly cheered up, and in his heart, he released a loud cry, his whole body and blood boiling like an awakened beast.    


In just a moment, all negative emotions were swept away. His eyes were as bright as swords, and he looked extremely sharp, as if he could cut down the mountain on the other side of the mountain.    


"King Yu is fine, why can't I? If even Su Qingwu thinks I can do it, then why should I feel that I can't? Damn it, isn't it just the 36th Heavenly Layer? I really want to go all out with you! "    


Su Ye regained his self-confidence, but at the same time, he knew that the Thirty-sixth Heaven Sealer Sect wasn't a sect that could be broken just because of self-confidence. There were a lot of confident people in this world, and a lot of peerless geniuses that had lost to the Thirty-sixth Heaven Sealer Sect.    


In order to break through to the 36 Layered Heavens, one still needed strength. With his strength up, no matter how many layers he used, no matter how many layers he used, he would still be able to sweep through them.    


carefully studied himself. He had many different kinds of trump cards now, Firstly, one of the strongest buddhist techniques, the "Imperishable Gilded Body Technique", was only at the first nine stages. However, if he mastered the first nine stages, he would also be able to obtain huge amounts of experience.    


The second was a grade nine spirit fire. A grade nine spirit fire could temper one's body to an even stronger level, and his grade nine spirit fire also contained the characteristics of the Red Lotus Karmic sinflames, allowing one to transform karma, refine karmic virtue, and cultivate alone or in combination with the "Imperishable Gilded Body Technique".    


The third was that the dao and heavenly dew could be combined with the heaven's way, which was an even more powerful trump card. The Heavenly Dao could refine the body and refine the soul, but it could also be directly used as high-level spiritual energy to cultivate. The Heavenly Dao could refine the body and refine the soul, and it could be used directly as high-level spiritual energy to cultivate.    


If he wanted to accumulate more strength faster, Su Ye would definitely use his third trump card and use it to the extreme.    


After careful calculation, Su Ye became more and more confident. With just these three trump cards alone, he felt that he wouldn't necessarily lose to King Yu who was stuck at the ninth level of the Falling Mortal Realm.    


Su Ye had complete confidence in himself, and his entire being was brimming with energy and vitality. He was full of vigor and vigor, giving others a feeling that he was an unshakeable mountain.    


After combing through it, Su Ye was no longer in a hurry. The Thirty-sixth Heavenly Layer was not something that could be broken at any time, but as long as he used enough strength, he could break through six or seven layers in one go. On the contrary, the matter of the legislative foundation was his greatest current confusion.    


Su Ye was still at a loss as to what kind of foundation to establish.    


He calmed his heart and began to ponder.    


There are thousands of laws in the world, and they are as endless as the river flowing.    


The so-called law was the superficial manifestation of a heaven technique. Therefore, the legislative foundation was to establish a kind of foundation for oneself, to classify what they had learnt into a kind of foundation. This foundation, according to common sense, was to grasp the tail of a particular heaven technique.    


As long as he grabbed ahold of this tail, he would be able to establish his foundation in this vast world, and find his own dao. From then on, he would have to advance forward along this dao, one step at a time, until he finally cultivated into a Heavenly Art.    


However, this matter was simple and clear, but it was extremely difficult to accomplish.    


How vast was the Heavenly Dao? No one knew how many types of spells there were under the Heavenly Dao. Therefore, legislation was basically standing at a crucial fork in the road. This fork had countless bifurcations, and the first step was an incomparably difficult choice.    


Secondly, even if one knew which dao belonged to oneself, one wouldn't be able to step into it just because they wanted to. The tail of the divine technique wasn't so easy to grasp.    


If he wanted to grab hold of the tail of the Heaven Technique, he would have to master all the profound aspects of the technique and understand the various principles of the world.    


Su Ye had actually already achieved this. Forget about everything else, just based on Su Ye comprehending thousands of different types of martial arts and comprehending the way of the dispelling delusion, he had already understood a lot of the laws of the world. Furthermore, there were also the silver fate letters and the knowledge sent by the Proterozoic Heaven Gate.    


Therefore, it was correct to say that Su Ye had not only made clear the various principles of the heaven and earth, but had also mastered them. If he was willing to choose a particular type of Heaven Technique, he could even grab hold of its tail and directly establish his foundation.    


But he didn't want to.    


Because once he chose to grab onto the tail of a certain type of heavenly technique, he would have to give up on any other path. Su Ye didn't know how to make a choice, nor was he willing to make a choice.    


Other people at the ninth level of the Transcending Mortality Stage want his current achievements. To be able to touch on the tails of so many divine arts and beg his grandpa to tell his grandma, why is he so easily choosing one and then giving up on the other?    


This was the difficulty in choosing.    


Su Ye also knew that he had to overcome the difficulty of this choice, otherwise, it would cause him to become undecisive sooner or later, which would affect his firm judgement. One had to know that the road of Immortal cultivation was incomparably long. One had to choose many times, not always giving time to slowly choose.    


Sometimes, cultivators needed to make a choice from thousands of choices in an instant. If they didn't have a decisive and accurate judgement, then it was extremely likely that they would make a mistake in this moment for the rest of their life, and even directly ruin their own lives.    


However, the foundation of legislation was too important. Once chosen, it would mean that his future path of Immortal cultivation would require him to focus all his energy and resources to overcome all the obstacles in this path. He had no choice but to be cautious and to weigh the pros and cons.    


But just being hesitant was not enough, so Su Ye decisively returned his attention back to the world in his mind. Since he didn't know how to choose now, he might as well enrich himself and learn more so that he could save more and broaden his horizons. He would definitely know what to choose.    


With just a thought, Su Ye's soul transformed into a Proterozoic Heaven Gate. The moment the door opened, the space behind the door became so vast that 288,000 beads containing the laws of the world entered his vision. It was as if he was looking at a vast world.    


This kind of shock was irresistible. Every time he saw it, he would be shocked.    


It was also at this moment that an inspiration that shocked even himself suddenly flashed through Su Ye's mind.    


All the arts in the world, all the arts of the heavens, were like rivers. No matter how long the occasion was, it was always filled with streams of them rushing into the sea.    


The sea is the home of the surging river.    



Facing the torrential torrent of spells, the cultivators' minds were in a mess. All they wanted to do was to quickly establish a foundation so that they wouldn't fall under the torrential torrent of spells.    


However, if he, Su Ye, wanted this foundation to be easy to achieve, he was unwilling to only be content to be able to establish himself in the torrential flood of all the laws of the world.    


So he thought, what if he didn't want to pull the tail of any of the divine arts, or choose any of the dao paths, and just turned himself into a vast ocean? Could it be that all the rivers in this world would flow into his vast ocean, just like the void behind the Proterozoic Heaven Gate that contained tens of thousands of paths?    


Thinking about that, Su Ye's blood and sweat couldn't help but boil. He was shocked by his own sudden inspiration, but at the same time, he was also yearning for it.    


Su Ye did not even dare to think any further. Right now, he only had one thought, a thought that was incomparably crazy in the eyes of other cultivators. Since even the clan sealing technique could cause the strongest thirty-six Layered Heavens to appear, then what about turning his foundation into a vast ocean?    


He might as well play something bigger. In this world, if you want to live like a mad man, you have to live like a mad man for tens of thousands of years!    


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