An Ultimate Martial Art



0With this Pure Gold Tree, Su Ye was completely confident that he could raise his cultivation level to the Nine Lives Tattoo Realm. Furthermore, it was the Nine Lives Tattoo Demon God that had a perfect foundation.    


"The fruit of the Dao, I'm here, let me refine them all ?" Su Ye's eyes flashed as he immediately took action.    


Who knew that an accident would happen at this time?    


In the depths of the abyss, the flames suddenly surged, countless terrifying flames suddenly tumbled backwards, quickly forming a gigantic whirlpool, from within it erupted a terrifying suction force, that instantly pulled Su Ye's entire person into the whirlpool.    


Su Ye didn't even have time to react before he was scorched unconscious by the high temperature of the whirlpool.    


When Su Ye woke up again, he discovered that he was actually lying on a piece of emerald green grass. Facing the blue sky above, a few large birds with wings that were ten thousand meters wide opened flew in the sky.    


The cool breeze stirred. What a peaceful and peaceful world.    


However, Su Ye did not know what kind of place this was, and in his memories, he did not remember seeing it at all.    




Suddenly, a sharp bird cry came out. Just as Su Ye sat up, he was surprised to see that the giant bird, which was flying high in the sky, was swooping down towards a group of sheep like creatures that were not far away.    


The giant bird's wings that spanned tens of thousands of metres formed a violent whirlwind. Su Ye's heart shook as he realised that this giant bird was actually an existence not weaker than the Three Lives Tattooed Demon God.    


Su Ye had long since reached the powerful middle stage of the Eight Life Marking, so he naturally did not place this kind of Three Lives Tattoo beast in his eyes.    


However, he realized that he had never seen such a giant bird before. It wasn't in his memory, nor was it in the Eternal Heaven and Earth.    


This giant bird seemed to be a vicious beast that he had never seen before.    


However, the next moment, something even more surprising happened.    


The nearby "sheep", who were eating the grass, seemed to sense the danger and raised their heads. At that moment, the flame crystals all turned red.    


One of the "sheep" howled as its body suddenly swelled up. In the blink of an eye, it became the size of a ten thousand metre mountain. Two gigantic horns sprouted from its head, and like an arrow, it charged straight at the giant bird!    


Just like that, it had penetrated the giant bird's body. The giant bird let out a sorrowful cry as its flesh and blood splattered everywhere. It then burped on the spot.    




Su Ye inhaled a breath of cold air on the spot, his face was filled with disbelief, this seemingly harmless sheep was actually such a monster, it was simply comparable to a Four Lives Tattooed Demon God.    


However, this kind of sheep was also a creature that he had never heard of before.    


At this moment, he understood that he should no longer be in the Eternal Heaven and Earth, nor in the Fiery Floating Realm, much less in the depths of Fire Abyss. He must have been swept into a mysterious world by the blazing vortex of fire within the Fire Abyss.    


There were extremely powerful creatures in this world.    


He just didn't know if there were any intelligent cultivators in this mysterious world.    


Just as Su Ye was in a state of shock, four more giant birds swooped down from the sky. Three of them charged towards the sheep and one aimed to kill him.    


Without any suspense.    


The three giant birds that were charging towards the flock of sheep were quickly killed by the expanding sheep, resulting in a tragic ending that splattered heaven and earth with their blood.    


Su Ye's eyes flashed with a cold light, he looked to the sky: "Hehe, even if you can't kill the sheep, you still want to kill me, do you think I'm easy to bully?"    


Instantly, Su Ye soared into the sky, his body becoming like a sharp sword, transforming into a ray of golden light and immediately piercing through the giant bird's body, going back and forth, and going back and forth until there were more than 10 bloody holes on its body.    


The giant bird cried in grief.    


Su Ye landed on the ground in an instant, only then did the three giant birds seem to react. The sheep and people on the ground were not to be trifled with, as they flapped their wings and ran for their lives.    


Su Ye glanced at it, but did not give chase. The sheep also shrank back and continued to eat the grass, continuing their harmless performances.    


Su Ye's eyes revealed a deep sense of doubt.    


After he made his move just now, he suddenly realized that this world seemed to be exceptionally stable. The strong gravity of the earth far exceeded his expectations. While he was in the air, he actually felt that something was not quite right.    


He was sure that in this world, unless one was born to be a being that flew in the sky, it would be very difficult for a Three Lives Tattooed Demon God to move about in the air. It was almost impossible for them to fly freely like the Eternal Heaven and Earth.    


"This... What kind of place is it? "    


Su Ye decided to search everywhere, to see if he could find any intelligent cultivators to ask. He immediately picked a direction and teleported away.    


The next moment.    


Su Ye had appeared three thousand meters away, and his face was filled with shock.    


With his middle stage Eight Life Tattoo cultivation, his actual combat strength surpassed the peak Nine Life Tattoo Demon God. Even the distance he could teleport to the Eternal Heaven and Earth was tens of billions of kilometers, yet he only teleported three kilometers.    


Although this wasn't his full strength, and was only a probing minor movement technique, it was already very shocking. With the same ability and power, he could travel at least 3 billion kilometers in Eternal Heaven and Earth.    


The gap between them could be described with more than just the word 'huge'.    


"What terrifying spatial resistance ?"    


"I want to give it a try. How far can I cross if I go all out here?"    


Su Ye's eyes flashed, the divine power of the devil god exploded out with a bang. Using a super teleportation ability, his body instantly disappeared into the air, and the next time he appeared, his face was actually a little pale, and even his breathing became ragged.    


He calculated silently, this time he crossed 200,000 meters, which was 200 kilometers.    


And this was his full strength.    


This time, Su Ye was completely shocked, his gaze looked all around the unknown land, his heart trembling uncontrollably.    


This world was simply too outrageous.    


The spatial resistance was terrifyingly strong.    


He no longer dared to randomly teleport. He spent a lot of effort to avoid it, wasting the demonic god's strength in teleporting away. In case he encountered danger, he probably wouldn't even have the strength to deal with it.    



After a brief recovery, he decided to take to the air.    


Indeed, although the speed of one's flight was not as fast as the speed in Eternal Heaven and Earth, it was much less than the speed of teleportation. Furthermore, after gradually getting used to the strong gravitational force of this world, the speed of flight also increased slightly, not any slower than teleportation.    


He flew around the world for two days just like that.    


He discovered that he was in a vast prairie that stretched as far as the eye could see. There were all kinds of creatures running on this prairie that he had never seen before, and none of them were weaker than the Demon God.    


Su Ye even suspected that this was a super demonic world that only had demon gods.    


Unfortunately, he still did not encounter any wisdom cultivators who could communicate with him.    


He had used a special method to communicate with the life forms on the prairie, but he failed as well. Although the life forms on the prairie were incomparably powerful, their intelligence was extremely low, and was unable to satisfy Su Ye's curiosity and curiosity.    


Su Ye could only fly in one direction.    


Seven days passed.    


Su Ye realised that he was hungry, his stomach was growling and his flying speed was affected.    


This was an unbelievable matter.    


It had to be known that with his cultivation level, he had already left the Eternal Heaven and Earth. Forget about seven days, even if he lived for seven hundred and seven thousand years, he would not feel hungry, he would only eat to satisfy his appetite.    


However, he actually felt hungry here. Not only was he hungry, but his hunger had even affected his movements. This meant that if he didn't eat anything here, he might really starve to death.    


"I didn't expect that I would still feel hungry. It seems that I haven't truly transcended the mortal realm yet ?"    


Su Ye laughed self-deprecatingly and landed on the ground in a flash. He found a wild rabbit nearby and immediately used the Sky Suppression Art to kill it.    


To use a level 1 demon god's supernatural power to suppress the wild hare, no one would dare to believe that news of this would spread to the Eternal Heaven and Earth. They would definitely think that Su Ye was thirteen.    


But who would have thought that the wild rabbit that Su Ye randomly picked would actually be an existence that was comparable to a Two Lives Tattooed Demon God?    


Just this wild rabbit alone could sweep away some small kingdoms and cause millions or tens of millions of cultivators to perish.    


After setting up the bonfire, Su Ye roasted the wild rabbits on the prairie.    


It had to be admitted that this was the first time Su Ye had eaten a wild rabbit that was comparable to a 2-fate demon god. The moment the rabbit meat entered his mouth, it immediately turned into a terrifying energy that surged through Su Ye's body. "When the whole hare had entered his stomach, he would not only have a full stomach, but also have a strong body and Qi.    


Su Ye's eyes lit up. This wild rabbit was simply a miracle medicine. If he could fight a group of them back, then his Great Western Region would probably produce a large number of demon gods in a short period of time.    


However, right now, he did not even know what kind of world he was in, nor did he know how to return to the Eternal Heaven and Earth. Even if he wanted to bring a group of wild rabbits back, he would not be able to do so.    


Right now, the most important thing for him was to understand what kind of world this was. Whether he was in danger or not, how could he go back?    


After eating his fill, Su Ye continued on his way.    


Another five days passed.    


Su Ye still did not run into any intelligent cultivators that he could communicate with, and he was worried, but he did not give up, he firmly believed that in this world that was clearly higher than the Eternal Heaven and Earth, there was definitely some intelligent cultivators that were very strong.    


He persisted in flying. When he was hungry, he roasted rabbits to eat, and occasionally changed the taste of the birds to fly. After flying for nearly a month on the prairie, he finally saw intelligent cultivators, or to be more exact, they were a group of humanoid creatures with the same head and arms as him.    


There were four of them in total, and they were currently battling a fiery red rhinoceros.    


From afar, the rhinoceros's strength had actually reached the level of a 5-fate rune. Moreover, it hadn't grown that much, making it look like an ordinary rhinoceros.    


In contrast, when the four of them fought the rhinoceroses together, their strength seemed to be slightly lacking ?    


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