Be A Millionaire Overnight

C321 Break the Stratum

C321 Break the Stratum

0And Wan Qian just entered their class through his own hard work, so he had his own experience on how to cross levels. He could explain a bit to prevent it.    


Unfortunately, Wan Qian had no intention of working with them.    


Wan Qian saw that they seemed to have a request from him, so he sat at the dining table with a swagger. He picked up the knife, cut off the most tender part of the roast lamb, and started chewing. He ate with his mouth full of oil.    


In the eyes of the others, Wan Qian's actions meant that he had officially joined them.    


Thus, they all began to laugh loudly.    


After all, it wasn't possible for ordinary people to reach this level, and people at their level were as rare as phoenix feathers or qilin horns.    


It was better to have another friend than an enemy. Therefore, it would be for the best if Wan Qian could blend in. No one wanted to start a fight again.    


After all, no matter who targeted him, his body's vitality would be greatly damaged.    


The old man saw that Wan Qian didn't do anything else, so he thought that Wan Qian had joined the billionaire organization by default. Thus, he started to organize the others to go to the dining table to discuss the proper matters of today.    


The other bosses walked over to the dining table and tore off a piece of meat from the whole cow's body and stuffed it into their mouths. Then they drank the wine offered by the beautiful ladies beside them. It looked like they were in a good mood.    


"Big brother Xu is still in his room. Don't you want to wait for him?"    


Rickie said, glancing around at the crowd and seeing one missing.    


The old man looked at the room, shook his head and said, "I don't think he'll come out until later. Let's start."    


The others nodded as they listened to the old man.    


"All of you here are people who have been in business for years and know that our current size is not something that ordinary business can achieve. "At the same time, we understand how difficult it is to become what we are now."    


Speaking to this, Hua Runda paused for a moment. He looked around and found that other than Wan Qian, who was still eating, everyone else was in favour of his words.    


Everyone had inherited their businesses or gained a high position, and it took several generations of hard work and unremitting accumulation to reach this height. It could be said that it was built after sacrificing several generations' worth of lives.    


The hardships endured during this period were not to be underestimated.    


Therefore, they did not want more people to join this group and reduce the number of competitors. This was the core secret behind the fact that they were able to stay in this position.    


For all of this, he needed to deploy and control everything in detail in order to prevent more people from overtaking him.    


What kind of family marriage, what kind of a match, what kind of social ideas and ways of running it, these were all designed by the people in the upper echelons.    


The purpose is to control the upper resources and avoid flowing into the lower levels. Thus, he would be able to stabilize his own position.    


"So, we have to design a more detailed plan, so that the resources at the top only stay in the hands of a few of our big companies. is no longer compatible. to form our own social and economic independence. As for the lower classes, let them circulate freely among themselves. "    


The old man directly brought up the topic of their meeting.    


Seeing that no one had any objections, the old man continued to speak, "Next, we would like to invite this new billionaire Wan Qian, Director Wan, to share his experience on the throne. "Let's see how he can progress from a small company step by step into our circle of billionaires."    


After Hua Runda finished, he turned his head to look at Wan Qian. However, he found that Wan Qian did not care about what he said at all. He was eating the roast lamb on his own while drinking wine. He had treated this place like a cafeteria.    


"Cough cough …" "    


Hua Rinda coughed twice with his hand in front of his mouth, wanting to remind Wan Qian to pay attention to what he had said.    


However, Wan Qian didn't care about him at all.    


"I say, why are you, a small company with a hundred billion companies, acting so arrogantly!? I told you to talk, did you hear me? "    


Rickie had long since disliked Wan Qian. If his big brother Hua Rinda wasn't here to defend the scene, he would have come to beat Wan Qian up a long time ago.    


As the CEO of an integrated circuit company, he had a value of three hundred billion, and even the club of listed companies with Mo Capital didn't have such an arrogant golden membership card.    


He, a rookie that had just entered, was actually looking down on everyone. It was truly infuriating.    


Wan Qian wasn't angry. He sucked the oil off his fingers and slowly said, "I disagree with your opinion."    


The three CEOs present were all surprised. Did he have a better idea?    


This was the first thing that came to mind.    


China Rundar directly said, "Oh? Is there any better way for Brother Wan to consolidate our class? You need to know, in the entire Mo Capital, there are only the six of us above a trillion. As for the billions … There were only three of them. This position is something that countless people dream of but cannot reach. "    


Everyone looked at Wan Qian in anticipation, thinking that this young man was stupid enough to think of a more effective way to consolidate his strength, so they all listened attentively.    


"I object to what you are doing. Everyone is equal, how can you all be so selfish as to monopolize superior resources? Those who are able to do so are the ones who are able to, while those who are powerful are the ones who are able to do so. Is it something you can design? "I'm going to open the way up and lead everyone to stand at the top of the world."    


Wan Qian stood up and said in a serious tone.    


And each word pounded on the chests of the three bosses. He had thought that the other party would come up with some good plan, but contrary to his expectations, the other party actually stood up to oppose their idea.    


This was like poking a hornet's nest.    


"You … Idiot! Trust ball! "Idiot!"    


After listening to Wan Qian's words, Rickie was so angry that he didn't know what to say.    


He truly felt how difficult it was to climb to this position. He endured all sorts of moral criticism, the doubts of others, the betrayal of relatives and friends, and even the complete lack of conscience to sit in this position.    


During this period of time, he had long ago abandoned all ethics and morals. He had climbed up to this day at all costs.    


But now, he had actually met such a person. Not only did he not want to stay in this position for a long time, but he also wanted to attract more competitors. This was simply unforgivable.    


Even the usually good-natured Hua Rinda couldn't help but feel his chest rise up and down when he heard Wan Qian's words. There were tens of thousands of flames of anger that wanted to shoot out, but they were all suppressed by his own experience.    


"I don't think Brother Wan knew what he was talking about. Maybe you drank too much. Why don't you come back and attend the meeting when you wake up? "    


Hua Runda said word by word. If it wasn't for the fact that he was a promising young junior, and had his Qiantong Group become something of value in society, he wouldn't be easily offended and would have had his men take care of him long ago.    


He took advantage of the fact that he had just advanced to the ranks of the billionaires and had yet to grow any wings, and he took this opportunity to get rid of him as soon as possible. This way, when his power grew, he wouldn't be easy to deal with.    



"No need. I'm sober. You scum of society, you have so much money in your hands, and yet you do nothing but consider your own interests. God is blind to let you have so much wealth. "Then I, Wan Qian, will take care of you so-called rich people on behalf of the heavens."    


The more Wan Qian said, the more excited he became. He really wanted to get rid of these three bosses on the spot.    


"Say that again!"    


At this time, the other bosses couldn't hold it in anymore. They stood up with the sabers on the table and wished they could kill Wan Qian on the spot to prevent any future troubles.    


At this moment, a commotion broke out in the next room. A middle-aged man came out of the room with a button on his chest. It looked like he had just finished his task.    


However, Wan Qian immediately recognized him.    


It was none other than the boss of Hengyun — Xu Family.    


The property tycoon in charge of the nation's private houses.    


Wan Qian once asked him alone if he wanted to buy his company. At that time, Xu Family said indifferently, "My own business is not something that Wan Da He and everyone in the world can buy."    


However, he didn't say how much the purchase price would be.    


Now it would seem that the valuation would be more than 100 billion. However, as long as the valuation was not above trillion, it was nothing in Wan Qian's eyes.    


"Everyone is here. Oh, a new face. Boss Wan, long time no see. They really did not expect to meet again under such circumstances. You've been in the limelight lately. "    


He walked over to the dining table, poured a cup of red wine, swirled it around, and drank it all.    


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