Be A Millionaire Overnight

C99 Fragment

C99 Fragment

0"Alright, alright!" I'm out of luck! Know these two bad friends of yours! "    


As he said that, Qiang took out his cell phone to pay for the code. As he paid, he shouted: "Gouzi! Remember what you owe me! "When you get your salary, I will definitely ruthlessly slaughter you!"    


"That's half a month's salary!"    


Qiang was in so much pain that he wanted to pay for it. Three thousand a month. It hurt to think about the two thousand yuan that he had already advanced before getting his salary.    


At this time, the two online booking vehicles had arrived at the roadside stall. Seeing this, Ya quickly helped Wan Qian get on the car, saying hello to Qiang and the others before leaving the scene.    


On the other hand, Qiang dragged the 200 lb Gouzi to the back of the car and muttered, "I didn't train and squat today. Now I have to make up for it."    


After saying that, he sat in the front row and said to the driver, "Hongjing lives here!"    


When Wan Qian got home, it was already 12 at night. He didn't even have time to take off his clothes before he fell asleep on the bed. He even had a very long dream. He dreamt that he had become the center of attention, becoming the center of attention for all …    


The next morning, Wan Qian's WeChat was bombed.    


First Wu Mengxuan's "Morning, the new day begins ~ (sun)"    


Then Yuanyuan's: "You took my employee away?"    


Next was Yan Chun's report, "Director Wan, the properties have recruited a total of ten thousand people, and the total monthly salary is one hundred million. "The platform engineer hired 20 people, and the total monthly salary was 20 million."    


Finally, there were more than a dozen missed calls from the rising sun.    


"Director Wan, you're up?" Hurry up and come eat. The chef has already made breakfast. "    


Seeing that Wan Qian had woken up, Ya ran over and said.    


Yesterday, he really gave her a hard time. For the first time, she felt that a man could be so heavy. She helped him into the house, took off his shoes, and helped him into bed. He smelled of alcohol and fell asleep with a "huff".    


Looking at Wan Qian, who was sleeping soundly in the bed, as well as his background, Ya had the urge to sacrifice herself. However, thinking about how drunk he was right now, he couldn't help but feel a bit sad. Thus, he had missed out on a great opportunity.    




Wan Qian replied as he rubbed his head. When he lifted the quilt, he found that he was definitely not wearing any clothes. He quickly covered himself with the blanket.    


"Ya!" What was going on!? What did you do to me!? "    


Wan Qian asked, a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that he would drink a broken piece last night. There had been no impression of Suen Lei since he had smashed the car and asked him to take someone back with him.    


When I woke up, I was in my bed at home and I wasn't wearing any clothes. Ya wore a nightgown in front of him. Who knows what they did last night?    


"Director Wan, I didn't do anything. You took off your clothes when you were asleep at night. "    


Ya hurriedly denied it. However, he regretted it afterwards. He had already drunk the broken shard, so even if he admitted it, he didn't know what had happened. Maybe it would be better for me.    


His reaction was really too slow. Ya sighed in her heart.    


"Oh …"    


Wan Qian was relieved when he heard Ya's words. He was not such a casual person. If he really had a messy nature due to alcohol, then he would really let down his goddess.    


"Uhm, go buy two sets of clothes for me." "I'll give you the money when we get back."    


Wan Qian leaned on the head of the bed and said.    


"No need. I've already bought it for you. Try it on and see how big it is. I'll treat you today. "    


Ya said as she patted the limited edition bag on the side.    


Wan Qian bought her such an expensive bag, so the two sets of clothes were not a problem.    


"Alright. "Then you go out first. I'll go eat after I get changed."    


Ya stuck her tongue out at Wan Qian, turned around and left the bedroom, closing the door at the same time, "Tsk, a man is afraid that I'll eat you. Seriously, even if I'm allowed to eat it, I still won't. "Humph!"    


With that, he laughed, and a slight blush appeared on his face. It was clear that she was not speaking her mind at all.    


When Wan Qian saw Ya close the door, he quickly stepped on the ground barefooted, put on the clothes that were hanging up, and quickly put on his pants and shoes.    


Don't say it, it's rather fitting. And the fabric is especially comfortable. It looked like high-end clothes. Look in the mirror, hey! He's really handsome!    


It seemed that it really was "a man depends on his clothes, a horse on his saddle".    


Ya walked out into the living room. Her eyes lit up when she saw him. Unexpectedly, Wan Qian was more spirited after changing his clothes. In addition to his background, he was just like a young master from a big family.    


"Too cool, Director Wan!" Why don't you go and be a model! "    


Ya flattered. In terms of appearance, Wan Qian should be fine. But not in terms of size. It was only 1.75 meters in height, which clearly did not meet the requirements of a fashion model.    


Wan Qian rolled his eyes and didn't say anything. He sat opposite her and started to taste the breakfast that the chef had made.    


Milk Pineapple Pancake, Shrimp Wonton, Chicken Silk Precious, Milk Salad …    


However, the restaurants outside had a much richer and more nutritious breakfast. It was good to have a personal chef. You can eat the same kind of food every day.    


"If I can't get anything to sell …"    


"Hey, Yuanyuan, what's wrong?"    


Wan Qian said as he chewed on the milk pineapple dumpling.    


"Brother Qian, where did you kidnap Ya from our front desk? Why hasn't anyone come to work yet? I heard she followed you out yesterday afternoon. "    


It turned out that Yuanyuan had called to ask for someone.    


"Oh, Ya. She's right next to me."    


"What!? Beside you? What was going on? Let her answer the phone! "    



Yuanyuan exclaimed on the other end of the phone. Wan Qian probably hasn't woken up yet. Beside him, could it be that last night, the two of them … Yuanyuan felt a wave of disgust as she thought of this. He didn't expect that the receptionist would hook up with Wan Qian behind his back.    


Wan Qian handed the phone to Ya while he picked up a sandwich and started eating.    


"Hey …" "Director Yuan …" Ya whispered.    


"Ya!" Hurry up and work for me at the company! I will let bygones be bygones! Otherwise! Just wait for your name to be removed! "    


With that, Yuanyuan hung up the phone.    


Yuanyuan was infuriated upon hearing Zhang Xuan's words. As for the reason, Ya wasn't a fool. He could tell that it was probably because of Wan Qian. Sigh, it seems like I really don't have any fate with this rich family's young master.    


"Ten thousand... Director Wan. Eat slowly, I have to get back to work. "    


After saying that, Ya quickly changed into her clothes, shoes, and a bag, preparing to go to work. She acted very flustered, making Wan Qian understand that she was afraid that he would be late for work.    


"Alright, hurry up and go. "Pay attention to your safety."    


Wan Qian said as he took a sip of his milk.    




Ya burst into tears as she walked out the door. He wiped away his tears as he walked out onto the road. There was an online car waiting for him there.    


He didn't expect that he would waste such an opportunity that was already close to a large sum of money. Seated in the car, Ya only wanted to slap herself twice. It was all because he was too thin-skinned.    


"Morning, my goddess! What are you busy with today? "With a smile on his face."    


Wan Qian stuffed the last grape into his mouth and replied to WeChat in satisfaction.    


Then, he dialed Xiao Xue's number: "Xiao Xue, find an office for Qiantong Traffic company, I'll go find them right now. to get them to hurry up and make the platform. "    


"Okay, Brother Qian. "I'll go and arrange it."    


Xiao Xue had already become the butler of Qiantong Building, and arranged all the businesses to be opened by her.    


After hanging up, Wan Qian went out, called a car and drove towards Qiantong Building. He also dialed Rising Sun's number. "Hello, Rising Sun, what's the matter?"    


"Brother Qian, you finally answered the phone!" "Yesterday, the construction waste has been cleaned up and the design has been produced. The workers are just waiting to be prepared for the construction!"    


When Wan Qian heard this, he patted his head. All the workers that needed to be found had been gathered, but he had forgotten about this piece of heavy work. There was no helping it, Wan Qian did not come from a professional construction company. Arrangements for these projects are still too young.    


"Look at my brain. How much does the chief engineer give you for your budget? "    


"A total of 30 billion!"    


"Alright, I'll transfer 50 billion to you. Hurry up and move forward!"    


[Taiyuan Bank] Your ending number is 4311, card 07/25/8: 15 System Transfer transferred 5000000.00 yuan, available balance 4711988972025.00 yuan.    


After hanging up, Wan Qian directly transferred the money over. The online booking car driver at the front was dumbfounded by what he heard. What kind of customer was this? Why is it so easy to transfer ten billion?    


"Big Bro, may I ask what are you doing?"    


The driver took the initiative to talk to him.    




Wan Qian guessed that the driver must have heard his phone call, so he asked. After all, such a large project wasn't something that could be casually heard.    


"Oh, no wonder." The driver paused before continuing, "Hey, it's okay to be rich overseers like you. "If you meet a contractor like the one we bought and run away with the advance, where will you find them?"    


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