Be A Millionaire Overnight

C59 Property Expenses

C59 Property Expenses

0"Hello, Director Wan!"    


Seeing Wan Qian's arrival, all the properties on the first floor lined up and shouted.    


Currently, in the entire building, only the first floor, Snowy, was working here. It did not seem desolate at all. Although all the other floors were empty, the property staff still treated it as if it were someone else.    


Do all the water and sanitation. This way, once a new enterprise is established, you can start working normally right away.    


This was the top requirement of a high-end office building.    


"Sure, you guys are busy. I'm going to see my cousin. "    


Wan Qian said as he walked towards Snowy's office. However, he was stopped by a property manager: "It's like this, Director Wan. Yesterday's compensation cost the company's account money. Office buildings run at a fixed cost of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a day. "It's only seven million five hundred thousand a month, take a look …    


"Sure, I've already turned around."    


[Taiyuan Bank] From your account number 4311, dated 22 July 2007, 10: 35, the system transferred 90000000.00 yuan, with a balance of 932153101400.00 yuan.    


Wan Qian walked into Snowy's office. When the property manager saw that the money had been transferred to his account and that it was a year's worth of property management fees, he did not say anything further.    


In his eyes, it was the same no matter who the boss was. As long as the money was in place.    


"Hello, who are you looking for?"    


The front desk of Snowy's office politely asked.    


"Is Snowy here? I'm looking for her. "    


Wan Qian looked around. More than two hundred workstations were filled. A beautiful lady in clear water. Heh … Snowy, you really know how to do it.    


"Oh, you must be here as an agent to write down the accounts. "Please come in, we will have a teacher specially to communicate with you."    


As he said that, the front desk led Wan Qian to the guest room, then brought a cup of tea over and said, "Sir, please wait a moment, I'll arrange for the teacher to meet you right away."    


With that, he turned and left.    


Wan Qian only smiled and did not reveal his true identity. He wanted to see if the rules and regulations were as he said.    


"Hello sir, I have made you wait for a long time." My name is Lee Na, you can call me Nana. Do you want to register a company or do you want to be an agent? "    


A sales staff called Lee Na came to the reception room and sat beside Wan Qian.    


"Registered company. How are we going to charge? "    


Wan Qian asked after taking a sip of water.    


"Well, sir, we only charge a dollar for all our business here. Package registration company, package agent account. So all you have to do is tell me the name and type of company you want to register. We'll do the rest. "    


Lee Na said with a smile.    


She was also a highly paid salesperson that Snowy had poached. Prior to working in other agency bookkeeping companies. (JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB/JOB) Not only are wages low, but they also often fail to attract customers. Because the agency charge too much for the bookkeeping. So much so that competition is not recorded by other agents.    


However, he received a call from Snowy yesterday. One, she gave him double the salary, and two, she was a new company. All of her businesses only charged a dollar. It is to monopolize the market of agent bookkeeping.    


Hearing this, Lee Na decisively came. This was what a boss should look like. Bold!    


Thus, this scene occurred.    


Didn't I say it's free? Why do I need to take another dollar? I'll have to ask Snowy later.    


Wan Qian thought in his heart and calmly said, "Na Na, go and get Snowy." Just say that he, Brother Wan, is waiting for her. "    


Lee Na was puzzled when she heard that, "Xiao Xue … Who is it? There's no one called Xiao Xue in our company. "    


Lee Na thought for a long time but still couldn't find someone called Snowy. He didn't even have someone by the name of Snowy.    


"How is that possible? She's your boss. "    


Wan Qian put down the cup and asked. Could it be that the staff here didn't even know their own boss?    


"Oh!" "You mean our boss, Feng Xuefeng!"    


Lee Na said with a smile. Xiaoxue, what an intimate way of addressing her. They didn't dare to call him that. After all, he was the big boss.    


Yesterday, these colleagues heard about it. All the businesses in the office building that had the highest level of Mo Capital had been emptied, while Xiao Xue was able to stay at the first level of the building. What did this mean? It goes without saying.    


Therefore, they all had an extraordinary amount of respect for Snowy. He felt that the strength behind her was incalculable. It was also unfathomable.    


"Eh …. Feng Xue, it should be her. You call her. "    


Wan Qian hesitated for a moment. After knowing her for such a long time, he really didn't know her full name.    


"Sir, seeing our boss requires an appointment. She was a busy person. We don't usually bother her. "    


"More appointments?"    


Wan Qian didn't expect Snowy to be so arrogant as to need an appointment for every meeting. Actually, it was the employees below who raised her position.    


"Sure, please wait a moment."    


Saying that, Wan Qian took out his cellphone from his pocket and shouted in the Dry Business Group, "Xiao Xue, I'll be in your meeting room, come out and see me." Wan Qian]    


"Ah!?" Brother Wan came? "Why didn't you say so earlier, I'm going over now!" Dryness Agent to record accounts Snowy]    


Thump … Thump … "Thump!"    


The sound of high heels came from outside.    


"It's all good to have it!"    


"Director Feng, your clothes are too beautiful today! "Buy from where? I'll buy one when I have the time."    



"Boss Feng, what cosmetics are you using? I also want to buy one."    


… ….    


When the employees outside saw Snowy come out, they were full of praise. In terms of flattery, women were the best at it.    




The door opened.    


One of them was wearing a light makeup suit with his hair tied up. He wore a pink shirt with lace on the inside and a pair of pants with high-heeled shoes. This made his entire aura seem like it belonged to a professional.    


Is this still Snowy?    


"Brother Wan ~ You came ~"    


A delicate voice came out of Snowy's mouth, causing Wan Qian to feel numb. He didn't expect that after becoming the boss, he would have such a huge change to a person.    


Lee Na looked at Wan Qian who was sitting beside her in surprise. She didn't expect her CEO Feng to call the man in front of her, Brother Wan, with such an ambiguous look. Could it be that the two of them are …    


Thinking about this, Lee Na hurriedly got up. She knew that this was no longer a place for her to stay, "Feng … I thought he was here to do business. "No need to disturb me, I'll head out first."    


Saying that, he quickly lowered his head towards Wan Qian and Snowy, turned around and left the reception room, and then closed the door.    


"Phew …" This brat was truly blessed. He looks like a fresh college graduate, but he's able to hook up with our CEO. I'm so jealous. "    


Lee Na sighed to herself as she walked out of the door. He wished that he was a boy who could get Snowy. That way, he could instantly enter the upper class society. It was a pity that he was only a woman.    


Thinking of this, he could not help but shake his head. Then, he returned to the workstation and continued to call back.    


"Little Snow, you've changed so much."    


Wan Qian sat to the side and gave a seat for Snowy to sit beside him. He had always treated her like his own sister. Thus, no matter what she did, she wouldn't complain. What's more, she did very well.    


"Does Brother Wan like it?"    


Snowy raised her head and looked at Wan Qian with confidence, giving off a feminine vibe. This was something she had not possessed in her previous accounting work.    




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