Revenging Son-in-law

C259 Awkward

C259 Awkward

0The shiny silver box was opened, but surprisingly, after the high-end jewelry box was opened, it wasn't gold or silver jewelry, but a watch.    


"Yi, this is not some gold and silver jewelry, it seems to be just a watch."    


"What's wrong with the watch? If it's a Rolex, then it's worth a lot of money."    


"Yeah, yeah. Sometimes a watch is even more valuable than gold and silver jewelry."    


" The watch given by Chu Family must be unusual. "    


"Wait, wait. Why do I see that this watch isn't some Rolex? It looks like an ordinary watch. Hey, this looks exactly the same as the watch I bought last time. I bought it from Taobao. It's the kind that comes with 20 RMB."    


"Huh??? That's impossible."    


The surrounding guests were dumbfounded, including Tao Yanyan, Chu Gengcui, and Chu Yunhao.    


At first, they thought that it must be a priceless piece of jewelry, but when they opened it, it was just a watch. If it was a Rolex, it would be fine, but later on, they realized that it was actually an ordinary watch. It was even the kind that was very cheap.    


That customer just now was right. This was the low-end watch that had been bought on Taobao for 20 dollars.    


Tao Yanyan's face immediately turned pale.    


She grabbed the watch and looked left and right. After confirming that it was just a low-end watch, Tao Yanyan fiercely threw the watch on the ground. She raised her hand and pointed at Chu Yunhao and said loudly, "What is the Chu Family doing? She gave him a box of lousy green tea, but there was only a low-cut watch inside. What do you mean? Are you looking down on me, Tao Yanyan?"    


"No, Yanyan, listen to my explanation..." Chu Yunhao was so anxious that he was sweating. He also did not know what his Second Uncle was doing. If he was giving gifts, then so be it. Why would he give a box of green tea? There was even a low-end watch hidden inside.    


"What exactly is the meaning of your Chu Family?" Tao Yanyan asked loudly.    


"Wait, I think I know what it means." A young customer suddenly said. He raised his hand and pointed at the box of green tea. And that watch said, "Green tea, watch, this... Isn't this scolding our Yanyan? Saying that our Yanyan is green tea and a b * tch."    


When these words came out, the surrounding people's expressions immediately became strange.    


That's right, what did this gift from the Chu Family mean? It was clearly scolding Tao Yanyan for being a green tea and a b * tch.    


Tao Yanyan also reacted. She was so angry that her face turned green. She pointed at Chu Yunhao and scolded loudly, "Fine. I say, what is the meaning of your Chu Family's mystifying? So it turns out that you are taking a roundabout route to scold me, Tao Yanyan. You are calling me a green tea watch. You are the f * cking Green Tea Watch. Your whole family is Green Tea, Bitch. "    


Chu Yunhao suddenly did not know what to say.    


"Chu Yunhao, you bastard. Your whole family is a b * stard. If you look down on me, Tao Yanyan, you should have said so earlier. Is there a need to scold me in such a roundabout way? Do you really think that no one wants me anymore? Why are you pestering me? Pah, your family looks down on me, but I still look down on your family. "    


" Get lost! Chu Yunhao, get lost! I'm not going to marry you! "    


" Don't, Yanyan. This really isn't my intention. " Chu Yunhao became flustered and didn't know how to explain.    


Seeing this scene, the surrounding guests also understood.    


"I thought Yanyan was really going to marry into a wealthy family. It turns out that the Chu Family did not agree to it at all."    


"Not only did they not agree, the Chu Family didn't even take a fancy to Yanyan. Not only did they not take a fancy to her, they even took a roundabout way to scold our Yanyan."    


"Yeah, the people of the Chu Family are too much. How can they scold people like this? Sigh, looks like this engagement banquet is going to be ruined. Yanyan's dream of becoming a Wealthy Class family is going to be shattered. "    


Tao Yanyan was a very vain and prideful person. How could she accept this? Immediately, she stomped her feet and said to her mother, "Mom, I'm not getting married. Let's go."    


" Don't. Yanyan, don't go. " Chu Yunhao hurriedly chased after her.    


However, Tao Yanyan turned around and slapped him hard on the face.    


"Chu Yunhao, from today onwards, we will cut our relationship in half."    


"No, Yanyan, this is really not my intention. You know my feelings for you..." Chu Yunhao was not willing to give up and continued to chase, because he really liked Tao Yanyan.    


Seeing that the main character of the engagement party had already started to slowly walk towards that direction, one running and the other chasing. The remaining guests were all dumbfounded. They had never seen such a thing before. They had come to attend the engagement party, but half of the main characters had run away. What should they do with these guests? They had only eaten half of the meal. Should they eat or not?    


At this moment, the staff of the Gathering Yuan Hotel chased over and shouted at Tao Yanyan and Chu Yunhao, "Mr. Chu, Miss Tao, you can't leave. You haven't paid the bill yet."    


Tao Yanyan and Chu Yunhao ran after each other. Actually, they did not go far. At this time, Tao Yanyan squatted down and turned to the waiter and said, "What bill? Didn't your boss waive the bill?"    


At this time, a voice sounded, "An exemption? Did anyone say that they would give you an exemption?"    


The person who said this was Qin Yuan.    


He had been hiding in the crowd and watching a good show. He had watched it for a long time. Aiya, this good show was really exciting, it was too exciting.    


But don't be anxious. The more exciting show was still coming.    


Qin Yuan walked out of the crowd and said to Tao Yanyan and Chu Yunhao in front of him, "I'm afraid the two of you can't leave yet."    


"What does it have to do with you?" Tao Yanyan glared at Qin Yuan as if she was looking at an enemy.    


"Wretched person, I admit defeat today. You actually made a joke out of me. But so what? Even if I, Tao Yanyan, can't marry into the Chu Family this time, I will find another rich man in the future. I can still marry into a wealthy family. Even if I can't marry into a wealthy family, any man I find in the future will be better than you. At least he won't be as useless as you."    


"Eh? Is that so? I don't dare to say if you can find another rich man in the future, but right now, you should pay the bill here first. "    


" Pay the f * ck. " Tao Yanyan swore, "The boss here waived the bill for us. Otherwise, why do you think we let all the customers eat and drink just now? Specifically order the most expensive dishes in this restaurant. Do you think I, Tao Yanyan, am a fool? "    


Qin Yuan took out his phone and dialed a number.    


" Hello, Hong Biao? Come down for a moment." After saying that, Qin Yuan hung up the phone.    


"Wretched loser, what do you want to do?" Tao Yanyan said.    


"Just now, Yanyan said that the boss here gave us an exemption. He only gave me an exemption because of our Chu Family. Even if you call this boss over, he won't take a single cent from us." Chu Yunhao said.    


"Eh? Is that so?" Qin Yuan only smiled faintly and did not say much.    


Chu Zijing gently pulled on his clothes and then softly said, "What do you want to do?"    


Qin Yuan winked at her and said in a low voice, "It's nothing, my wife. You just wait and see a good show later."    


Chu Zijing said, "Yanyan is already so pitiful and her dream of marrying into a rich family is shattered. Don't come up with any more bad ideas to mess with her. Let her go."    



"Go? How can it be that easy? Just now, she humiliated you in front of so many people and also humiliated me. Today I must teach her a lesson. Otherwise, she will become even more arrogant and domineering in the future." Qin Yuan said.    


As he spoke, Hong Biao hurriedly ran out of the Destiny Pavilion Hotel.    


"Mr. Qin, you're looking for me?" After Hong Biao arrived in front of Qin Yuan, he said respectfully. This stunned the surrounding guests. Wasn't Qin Yuan a wimp? He was just a son-in-law who had married into the family. Hong Biao was the person in charge of Destiny Pavilion. He was backed by the Wei Family, and he was also the underground scapegoat in Jiangbei. How could he be so respectful in front of Qin Yuan?    


Even Tao Yanyan and Chu Yunhao were dumbfounded. That was Hong Biao. When Tao Yanyan and Chu Yunhao saw Hong Biao, they would have to bow and greet him as Brother Biao.    


But such a big figure actually bowed to Qin Yuan. What was going on?    


Qin Yuan ignored everyone's gazes. He only pointed at Tao Yanyan and Chu Yunhao, then said to Hong Biao, "What's wrong? You gave them an exemption?"    


Hong Biao was stunned. He did not understand what Qin Yuan meant.    


But he still nodded respectfully and said, "Yes, Mr. Qin. Aren't they your relatives? We are holding an engagement party here today. I think it is because of you, Mr. Qin. No matter what, we can't take their money. "    


"Eh? You gave them an exemption because of me?" Qin Yuan said.    


"That's right. Otherwise, Mr. Qin, who do you think I am giving face to? If you weren't here and these two weren't your relatives, how could I have given them an exemption?" Hong Biao said.    


Tao Yanyan and Chu Yunhao, who were standing at the side, were dumbfounded.    


Chu Yunhao said, "That... Brother Biao, what do you mean? Didn't you give us an exemption because of my father? Why is it because of this useless person? "    


" Your dad? Who does your dad think he is? Why should I give him face? Do I know him well?" Hong Biao said.    


Then, Hong Biao's face darkened.    


"Who did you just say was a wimp?"    


Chu Yunhao trembled when he saw Hong Biao's frightening gaze.    


Tao Yanyan raised her hand and pointed at Qin Yuan and said loudly, "A useless person is obviously talking about him. Brother Biao, you clearly gave us an exemption because of the Chu Family. Why is it now on the account of this useless person?"    


Tao Yanyan and Chu Yunhao were very confused. They had thought that Hong Biao gave them an exemption because of Chu Yunhao's father. They were secretly happy in their hearts. After all, the Chu Family had such a great reputation. They actually asked someone to give them an exemption, but now it seemed like that wasn't the case.    


"Shut up." Hong Biao suddenly shouted in a low voice, "You all keep saying who is a loser?"    


"Of course you are talking about me." Qin Yuan said, "Hong Biao, you gave them an exemption because they are my relatives. But you saw it just now. They did not treat me as a relative at all. Otherwise, how could they call me a useless person? "    


Hong Biao's expression changed. He thought that these two were Mr. Qin's relatives. They had a good relationship with Mr. Qin, which was why he gave them an exemption on account of Mr. Qin. But... But now, it seemed like these two men were very disrespectful to Mr. Qin. They kept calling him a wimp.    


"Mr. Qin, these two men..."    


"These two people have never treated me as a relative. They only treated me as wastrel. So, do you think you need to give them an exemption on my account?" Qin Yuan said.    


Hong Biao said, "Mr. Qin, I was reckless. I thought these two had a good relationship with Mr. Qin. I was wrong. I didn't expect them to be so disrespectful to Mr. Qin."    


After saying that, Hong Biao turned his eyes to Tao Yanyan and Chu Yunhao.    


"Who do you think you are?" Hong Biao cursed.    


"Damn it, you guys are so disrespectful to Mr. Qin, calling him a loser. To think that I treated you guys like relatives of Mr. Qin and even gave you guys an exemption! Alright, I think we don't need an exemption. You guys want to leave, right? Alright, pay the bill."    


Chu Yunhao and Tao Yanyan were instantly dumbfounded.    


"What? Pay... pay the bill?"    


"You've eaten so much of my food, shouldn't you pay the bill? What? You still want to go back on your word?" Hong Biao glared at them, causing Chu Yunhao and Tao Yanyan to tremble in fear. After all, they knew that Hong Biao was the underground emperor of Jiangbei. In the past, when he was hiding in the dark, he killed people without blinking his eyes.    


Let alone in the past, even if someone dared to offend Hong Biao now, he would immediately make that person disappear from the world.    


"No, Brother Biao. You said that you would give us an exemption. Why are you doing this now?"    


"It was before. I don't want to give you an exemption now. Can't I?" Hong Biao said straightforwardly.    


Before Chu Yunhao and Tao Yanyan could react, Hong Biao shouted loudly, "What are you still standing there for? Damn it, pay the bill."    


Chu Yunhao and Tao Yanyan trembled again. Their hearts had sunk to the bottom of the valley.    


Damn it, they thought that they would really be exempted today. Therefore, the best and most expensive food and drinks were needed. After eating the engagement banquet of more than twenty tables, it was estimated to be more than 10 million, where would they get so much money to pay?    


"Brother Biao, we... we really don't have money to pay the bill."    


"You don't have money to settle the bill?" Hong Biao suddenly laughed. "Damn it, you don't have money to pay the bill, yet you come to my Gathering Yuan Pavilion to eat. Don't you know where I am? I think you guys are pretending to be stupid, aren't you? Let me tell you, if you don't pay today, none of the guests you invited will be able to leave."    


Hearing this, the surrounding guests were instantly dumbfounded.    


"What's going on!? Why aren't they letting us go? What does it have to do with us if they can't pay the bill? We were only invited by them to attend their engagement banquet. " Some of the guests protested.    


Hong Biao snorted coldly and raised his voice. He said in an unquestionable tone, "Cut the crap. If you don't pay the bill today, none of you will be able to leave."    


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